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Point Values21点The Low cards: two, three, four, five and six are assigned a value of plus one. These low cards are valuable to the dealer who must take a hit if the total of their hand is under 17. They are less likely to bust if the deck had more low cards in it.The High cards:Ten, Jack, Queen, King and Ace are assigned value of minus one. These high cards favor the player When the deck contains a large number of tens and aces it increases the players chances of drawing a pat hand (17 or higher) or getting a natural blackjack. A deck containing high cards also increases the probability of the dealer busting if they must take a hit.The Neutral cards: seven, eight and nine have no value and are not counted. If you count 52 card deck using these values the total will be zero. There are an equal number of high and low cards and this is why the Hi Lo system is known as a balanced system.The first step in learning card counting is to get familiar with the point values of each card. Get a deck of cards and turn them over one at a time while reciting their value. Here is an easy tip to speed things up: Instead of saying “plus one” for low cards, just say, “One” and instead of saying, “Minus one.” for high cards, say, “M-one.” You don’t have to say anything for the neutral cards.For example you deal:King (M-one)9 (say nothing)6 (one)The Running CountOnce you have practiced the point values it is time to start keeping the Running Count for the whole deck. This time you will add and subtract the cards as you go along. For example:1st card = King. The count is: M-one.2nd card= Ace. The count is: M-two.3rd card = 9. The count is still: M-two.4th card = Jack. The count is: M-three.5th card =5. The count is: M-two.6th card = 4. The count is M-one.7th card = 3. The is: Even (You don’t have to see anything.)8th card = 6. The count is One.&9th card = 7. The count is still: OneWhen you first start out you should not worry about speed. It will be pretty slow but you should be more concerned with your accuracy. After counting down few hundred decks of cards your speed will increase. A good counter can count a deck in about 20 seconds. As you get faster, turn on some loud music or the television to create some distractions. The downfall of many card counters has been getting distracted in a noisy casino because the practiced in a quiet setting.The True CountWhen you use the Hi Lo system you have to convert the running count into the True count to get a more accurate estimation whether or not you have an advantage. You do this by dividing the running count by the remainder cards yet to be dealt. These days you won’t find many single deck games if any and all, so you will be playing multiple deck games. These can range from two deck to eight decks so you will have to adjust a running count by the number of decks left to be played in order to determine the makeup of the deck.For example: if you are playing a single deck game and nine low cards came out the deck would definitely be a positive however in a six deck game it would be less because there are still five and
decks left to be dealt.Many players use the half deck estimations for the remaining cards. When you are starting out you can use full decks for your calculations. The way you determine how many decks have been dealt is to look at the discard tray on the table. You will have to practice by getting several decks of cards and piling them on top of each other one deck at a time until you are confident that you can determine the cards in the discard tray. Once you know how many decks have been played you subtract this from the number of deck you started with and you know the number of decks remaining. This is the figure will use to convert the running count to the true count. Here is an example for a six deck game.You have determined that the running count is 12. You look at that discard tray and see that three decks have been played which means that there are still three deck remaining. You divide the running count of 12 by 3 and you get a true count of four.BettingThe way you get your advantage with car counting is by betting more when the count is positive and betting the minimum when it is negative. You determine the size of your bets by the true count. Each bet is a unit and it is determined by the size of your base bet. If you were playing at a $5 table one unit would be $5. If you are playing at a $25 table one unit would be $25. The amount of units you bet from minimum to maximum is known as the spread.When you play a double deck game you can get the advantage by spreading your bets from on unit to six. In a six or eight deck game you will have to spread from one to 12 units. The chart below shows you bet based on the true count.Spread Based on CountTrue Count2 Decks6 Decks0 or less1 unit1 unit+12 units2 units+23 units4 units+34 units8 units+45 units10 units+5 or more“高低法(High-Low)”的算牌法。在游戏过程中,我们把每一张出现的2,3,4,5,6都算+1点,7,8,9算0点,10,J,Q,K,A算-1点,将各点相加,结果越大,就表示前面出现过的小牌越多,对玩家越有利。反过来,如果结果是个负数,就表示前面出过的大牌比小牌多,对庄家有利。比如前面出现的牌是:4,9,10,5,J,A,8,10,Q,2,6,K,J,7那么点数就是4张小牌减7张大牌,是-3。当然,在游戏过程中,你不可能叫庄家把牌局暂停,让你从容加减。你必须在每张牌出来时,就在心里默算点数。比如在上面的例子里,从第一张牌出现开始,你就应该在心里默算出:1,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-2,-3,-2,-1,-2,-3,-3在实际运用中,还可以采取两张牌一计的技巧,因为庄家发牌时一般速度较快,这样可以方便地把很多同时出现的大牌和小牌抵消不计,提高了算牌速度,减少了可能的计算错误。比如在上面的例子里,如果两张牌一计,那就是:1,1,-1,-2,-2,-2,-3如果是一副牌,-3已经是很糟糕的点数了,这时应该下最小注,或者停止不玩。不过一般来说,现在的赌场都使用六到八副牌,那么在六副牌312张牌内,发出14张牌,还剩298张牌,平均每副牌的点数是(-3)×52/298=-0.5,还算可以忍受。.显然,在每一盒牌(“盒(shoe)”是指一盒牌从开始发牌到洗牌的过程,这一盒牌里可能有六副、四副、八副或其他副数的牌)的开始,由于大部分牌还未发出,因此平均点数总是在0左右。要到牌盒里剩下的牌不多时,平均点数才可能比较显著地偏离0。所以算牌手在算牌时都会寻找合适的赌桌,一方面要找人少的桌子,因为人越少,你在单位时间内玩的次数越多,实际收益才会更逼近期望值;另一方面要找切牌少的发牌员,因为该切多少牌,DU场只有个大概的规定,具体执行还是要靠发牌员的觉悟,所以同一家赌场里,不同的发牌员切出的牌来常会差很多。
[1] 21点算牌:高低算牌术(High-Low)


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