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my brother went to pool to swim yesterday.
ask:2,asku:0,askr:32,askz:5,askd:21,RedisW:0askR:1,askD:63 mz:nohit,askU:0,askT:0askA:65
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Beijing Tuo Shi Hong Ye Science&Technology Development Co.,Ltd 版权所有
客服电话: 400-850-8888 违法信息举报邮箱:你有几个弟弟
You have several brother
一天, 玛莉问吉姆: “你有几个弟弟。
One day, Mary asks Jim, "How many brothers do you".
- 来自原声例句
you swim not so well as your brother.you do worse in swimming than your brother.
You can't swim as well as your brother.
Your brother is better than you in swiming.
Your brother do better in swimming than you
擅长是什么意思 擅长在线翻译 擅长什么意思 擅长的意思 擅长的翻译 擅长的解释 擅长的发音 擅长的同义词 擅长的反义词 擅长的例句
擅长 基本解释擅长[shàn cháng]词典:擅长;健;精通;熟谙。词典:精通于…。词典:擅长…。词典:擅长,专长,精通。词典:擅长。擅长 汉英大词典擅长[shàn cháng] be skilled in:  例:他擅长摄影。    He is a good photographer.    我擅长水墨丹青。    I'm skilful in ink and wash.擅长 网络解释1. be good at:第3篇:我最喜欢的动物是企鹅(penguin),它不会飞翔,但是很擅长(be good at)游泳和潜水,它走路的模样很可爱. 除了这些之外,还有就是我喜欢的卡通影片:「企鹅家族」,影片中的可爱企鹅,用「企鹅语言」来沟通. 所以我最喜欢企鹅了!2. 2. excel:安装方法很简单的,你只要 一个通用串行总线(UNB)连接线连接电脑和手机,使用手机附带的软件就可以安装各种软件,我给自己的手机安装了微软文丨字(WORD)处理软件,演示软件 能量点(POWERPOINT)和擅长(EXCEL)这几个软件都挺好用的,3. 3. Be skilled at:另一调查显示男人比女人更可能说一些更为严重的谎言. 政客和商人尤其擅长(be skilled at)的这类谎言;说谎者希望可以从中获利(make a profit)的谎言. ...4. 4. be skilled in:be short of 缺乏,不足;达不到 | be skilled in 擅长 | be subject to 易受...的;惯患...的擅长 双语例句1. 概要:冥灵是一个暴走和灵感都来得汹涌频繁的姑娘,有一次她忽然处于抓狂状态,四处揪住人就问:你们说我最擅长的是什么?&&&&Dark spirit is cruel go to get billowy and frequent girl with inspiration, once she is in suddenly pay mad state, everywhere hold tight lives the person asks: Does scabbard of neon of さ of trade of easy ruthenium of drop of prize n/HONNing be unworthy of the honor cut?2. 或评价:本人擅长公司与证券、金融投资领域的法律服务项目;资本市场、产权制度与产权改革、产权界定与交易、产业整合、国有资产管理体制改革等领域的法律服务项目;企业股份制改造、证券发行上市(A股、B股、H股、配股、增发新股、可转债、公司债、基金)、金融等资本运作项目;政府机关依法行政、外商投资、企业并购重组、破产清算等领域的专项法律业务;大型项目的整体方案策划与重大流程设计、对外投融资项目谈判等法律服务。&&&&Self Descriotion: Specialize on the legal services in corporate and securities, and f legal services in capital market, property rights regime and reform, definition and trading of property rights, industry convergence and reform of state management system, legal services on capital operations projects, like joint-stock system reform, issuing and listing of securities (including A shares, B shares, H shares, rationed shares, newly issued shares, convertible loan shares, debenture and fund), specialized legal services in law-based administration of government departments, foreign investments, corporate acquisitions and reorganizations and insolvency liquidation, legal services in overall planning of large projects and design of significant procedure, and negotiations on projects of overseas financing and investments, etc.3. Greg Maddux不擅长看住垒上跑者是众所皆知的。&&&&Greg Maddux is famous for his inability to hold runners on base.4. 他擅长于通过计谋和外交手腕赢得他用武力无法得到的东西。&&&&He knew how to win by craft and diplomacy what he could not gain by force.5. 你真的擅长于支付你的债务。&&&&You are really good at paying down your student debt.6. 911查询·英语单词大全6. 单证部 单证员制作门店商品请货单,转仓单,对每天进库商品的定单进行预约收货,并在货物到达时进行收货单的打制工作,统计每天的库存进出情况,用于每月做库存报表仓储部拼箱监装按装箱单要求确认货麦头,进仓物数量,型号,编号等信息,监督铲车的装箱,安排货物堆放位置合理安全,拼箱装箱完成后填写监装表格兴趣爱好:兴趣方面比较擅长计算机的应用,对计算机的软硬件有一定的掌握&&&&Documents of documents Please list, making stores goods warehouse to turn into library, every order confirmation of the goods, and the arrival of the goods at the goods at work, the pick-up DaZhi statistics, the daily and monthly inventory stock statements for doing Storage department JianZhuang cosfre According to the requirement that the goods Michael head certifying that the number and type, the number of such information, supervision and forklift truck packing, arrange cargo security, reasonable position after completion of packing cosfre JianZhuang fill in form Hobbies: interest are good at computer applications, computer hardware and software have mastered7. 我擅长英语,但是我的历史可以学得更好。&&&&I`m good at English, but I can do better in history.8. 这首歌的和弦与旋律结构是相当标准的哈里逊风格-擅长操弄复杂的乐曲进行方式及曲扭旋律。&&&&The chordal and melodic structure is very representative of Harrison with his use of complicated progressions and twisted melodies.9. 一涉及到自己的真实的情况就不太会了,学生擅长照书念文。&&&&One related to your real situation is less likely, and students to read good books according to the text.10. 然而,这不只是它的作者认为,萘乙酸擅长(尽管这是一个关键的力量)。&&&&However, it`s not just with its writers that NAA excels (although this is a key strength).11. 利物浦历史上最贵的后卫,在下半场0:0的情况下出现在了左后卫的位置上,尽管没有出现在自己擅长的位置上,他还是很高兴这次比赛。&&&&&&The most expensive defender in Liverpool's history filled in at left-back during the second-half of the goalless draw, and, despite not playing in his favoured position, was pleased to be in action at last.12. 12. 现在,我很高兴地说我能讲一口漂亮的英语,而且,和外国人交流也变得越来越擅长了。&&&&&&Now I`m overjoy to say I can speak good English and do very well in communicating with my foreign friends.13. 擅长什么意思13. 大多数人都不擅长说谎,所以在面试中欺瞒面试官是一件很困难的事情。&&&&&&Since most of us are poor liars, it's difficult to con anyone in an interview.14. 无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年纪有多大,当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起,因为你等不及要在今天去做你所热爱的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事!&&&&&&Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you are good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today!15. 15. 成功就是:无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年纪有多大,当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起,因为你等不及要在今天去做你所热爱的、你所相信的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事&&&&&&Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed. because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today!16. 成功就是:无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年级有多大,当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起,因为你等不及要在今天去做你所爱的、你所相信的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事。&&&&&&Success is waking up in morning, whoever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed becausethere's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at--something that's bigger thenyou are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today.17. 海伦:但我很擅长管帐啊。&&&&&&Helen: But I'm good at it.18. 解说:谷峰出生在音乐世家,父亲生前曾是中国煤炭文工团团长、著名的板胡演奏家,母亲擅长声乐,哥哥是拉小提琴的,生活在这样的家庭里让谷峰从小就受到强烈的音乐熏陶。&&&&&&Gu Feng was born into a family of musicians. His father was the head of the Coal Mining Cultural Troupe and a famous Ban Hu player. His mother was skilled in singing, and his brother played the violin. Growing up in such an environment gave Gu Feng very strong musical influence.19. 可他把自己埋在卡车上他很擅长这样做。。。&&&&&&But he did bury himself in the truck, and he does that well...20. 中文摘要「交织」是一种生活方式的交错重叠和融合,桃园县复兴乡的华陵村与三光村是在北横最偏远的泰雅族群部落,我在这个种族、文化、自然环境完全陌生的地方工作三年,不仅体验原住民部落生活的各种样貌,更发掘原住民的生活文化与后现代社会之间的关系与交流,观察其间所产生的冲突、协调,融合与独特性,再运用复合媒材的创作方式,即应用泰雅族最擅长的编织艺术以及其他民族的编织艺术,来表现泰雅族生活文化与后现代生活文化,互相激荡所生成「互灿」的光芒,并且纪录后现代社会中泰雅原民的生存结构与生活。&&&&&&I experienced sides of life of this aboriginal tribe.擅长是什么意思,擅长在线翻译,擅长什么意思,擅长的意思,擅长的翻译,擅长的解释,擅长的发音,擅长的同义词,擅长的反义词,擅长的例句,擅长的相关词组,擅长意思是什么,擅长怎么翻译,单词擅长是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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