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22:05 编辑
中国是政府管制下的资本& & 美国是资本管制下的政府&&
好像看过& && && && && && &&&
被采访的话感觉说出的话会有顾及& &不是十分真心
本帖最后由 栋栋 于
03:50 编辑
& &一个中国人去作街头采访,老外说的肯定都是巴结的话啦,人家肯定不好意思对着你的面说中国人的坏话啦!
& & 这制作节目的人,就是一个脑残,想要得到公正的采访,最起码你也得叫一个老外去呀?!除非,你只想多听些老外的好话,以满足你那小小的虚荣心!
Riffman 发表于
你听着觉得特别扭,但是一想。。确实是这样,有一个国家是例外吗?别说咱们,咱们也是披着社会主义皮的资 ...
中国是政府管制下的资本& & 美国是资本管制下的政府&&
站长推荐 /3
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Comsenz Inc.分享:一篇在上海生活多年的外国人对中国生活现状的感慨!值得一读
马克·基多(Mark Kitto),北威尔士人,活跃于上海的作家和知名出版人,《That's Shanghai
You’ll never be Chinese&
by Mark Kitto/August 8, 2012&
作者 Mark Kitto(马克·基多)日&
Why I’m leaving the country I loved.&
Mark K Photo: Eric Leleu&
Mark Kitto 和他的家人;照片来自:Eric Leleu&
Death and taxes. You know how the saying goes. I’d like to add a
third certainty: you’ll never become Chinese, no matter how hard
you try, or want to, or think you ought to. I wanted to be Chinese,
once. I don’t mean I wanted to wear a silk jacket and cotton
slippers, or a Mao suit and cap and dye my hair black and proclaim
that blowing your nose in a handkerchief is disgusting. I wanted
China to be the place where I made a career and lived my life. For
the past 16 years it has been precisely that. But now I will be
I won’t be rushing back either. I have fallen out of love, woken
from my China Dream. “But China is an economic miracle: record
number of people lifted out of poverty in record time… year on year
ten per cent growth… exports… imports… infrastructure…
investment…saved the world during the 2008 financial crisis…” The
superlatives roll on. We all know them, roughly.&
Don’t you think, with all the growth and infrastructure, the
material wealth, let alone saving the world like some kind of
financial whizz James Bond, that China would be a happier and
healthier country? At least better than the country emerging from
decades of stultifying state control that I met and fell in love
with in 1986 when I first came here as a student? I don’t think it
When I arrived in Beijing for the second year of my Chinese degree
course, from London University’s School of Oriental and African
Studies (SOAS), China was communist. Compared to the west, it was
backward. There were few cars on the streets, thousands of
bicycles, scant streetlights, and countless donkey carts that moved
at the ideal speed for students to clamber on board for a ride back
to our dormitories. My “responsible teacher” (a cross between a
housemistress and a parole officer) was a fearsome former Red Guard
nicknamed Dragon Hou. The basic necessities of daily life: food,
drink, clothes and a bicycle, cost peanuts. We lived like kings—or
we would have if there had been anything regal to spend our money
on. But there wasn’t. One shop, the downtown Friendship Store, sold
coffee in tins.&
We had the time of our lives, as students do, but it isn’t the
pranks and adventures I remember most fondly, not from my current
viewpoint, the top of a mountain called Moganshan, 100 miles west
of Shanghai, where I have lived for the past seven
If I had to choose one word to describe China in the mid-1980s it
would be optimistic. A free market of sorts was in its early
stages. With it came the first inflation China had experienced in
35 years. People were actually excited by that. It was a sign of
progress, and a promise of more to come. Underscoring the optimism
was a sense of social obligation for which communism was at least
in part responsible, generating either the fantasy that one really
could be a selfless socialist, or unity in the face of the reality
that there was no such thing.&
In 1949 Mao had declared from the top of Tiananmen gate in Beijing:
“The Chinese people have stood up.” In the mid-1980s, at long last,
they were learning to walk and talk.&
One night in January 1987 I watched them, chanting and singing as
they marched along snow-covered streets from the university quarter
towards Tiananmen Square. It was the first of many student
demonstrations that would lead to the infamous “incident” in June
When I returned to China in 1996, to begin the life and career I
had long dreamed about, I found the familiar air of optimism, but
there was a subtle difference: a distinct whiff of commerce in
place of community. The excitement was more like
anticipation I felt once I had signed a deal (I began my China
career as a metals trader), sure that I was going to bank a profit,
rather than the thrill that something truly big was about to
A deal had been struck. Deng had promised the Chinese people
material wealth they hadn’t known for centuries on the condition
that they never again asked for political change. The Party said:
“Trust us and everything will be all right.”&
Twenty years later, everything is not all right.&
I must stress that this indictment has nothing to do with the
trajectory of my own China career, which went from metal trading to
building a multi-million dollar magazine publishing business that
was seized by the government in 2004, followed by retreat to this
mountain hideaway of Moganshan where my Chinese wife and I have
built a small business centred on a coffee shop and three
guesthouses, which in turn has given me enough anecdotes and gossip
to fill half a page of Prospect every month for several years. That
our current business could suffer the same fate as my magazines if
the local government decides not to renew our short-term leases
(for which we have to beg every three years) does, however,
contribute to my decision not to remain in
During the course of my magazine business, my state-owned
competitor (enemy is more accurate) told me in private that they
studied every issue I produced so they could learn from me. They
appreciated my contribution to Chinese media. They proceeded to do
everything in their power to destroy me. In Moganshan our local
government masters send messages of private thanks for my
contribution to the resurrection of the village as a tourist
destination, but also clearly state that I am an exception to their
unwritten rule that foreigners (who originally built the village in
the early 1900s) are not welcome back to live in it, and are only
allowed to stay for weekends.&
But this article is not personal. I want to give you my opinion of
the state of China, based on my time living here, in the three
biggest cities and one tiny rural community, and explain why I am
leaving it.&
day mainland Chinese society is focused on one object: money and
the acquisition thereof. The politically correct term in China is
“economic benefit.” The country and its people, on average, are far
wealthier than they were 25 years ago. Traditional family culture,
thanks to 60 years of self-serving socialism followed by another 30
of the “one child policy,” has become a “me” culture. Except where
there is economic benefit to be had, communities do not act
together, and when they do it is only to ensure equal financial
compensation for the pollution, or the government-sponsored illegal
land grab, or the poisoned children. Social status, so important in
Chinese culture and more so thanks to those 60 years of communism,
is defined by the display of wealth. Cars, apartments, personal
jewellery, clothing, pets: all must be new and shiny, and carry a
famous foreign brand name.&
In the small rural village where we live I am not asked about my
health or that of my family, I am asked how much money our small
business is making, how much our car cost, our
The trouble with money of course, and showing off how much you
have, is that you upset the people who have very little. Hence the
Party’s campaign to promote a “harmonious society,” its vast
spending on urban and rural beautification projects, and reliance
on the sale of “land rights” more than personal
Once you’ve purchased the necessary baubles, you’ll want to invest
the rest somewhere safe, preferably with a decent return—all the
more important because one day you will have to pay your own
medical bills and pension, besides overseas school and college
fees. But there is nowhere to put it except into property or under
the mattress. The stock markets are rigged, the banks operate in a
way that is non-commercial, and the yuan is still strictly
non-convertible. While the privileged, powerful and well-connected
transfer their wealth overseas via legally questionable channels,
the remainder can only buy yet more apartments or thicker
mattresses. The result is the biggest property bubble in history,
which when it pops will sound like a thousand firework
In brief, Chinese property
owning a home has
become unaffordable for the and vast
residential developments continue to be built across the country
whose units are primarily sold as investments, not homes. If you
own a property you are more than likely to own at least three. Many
of our friends do. If you don’t own a property, you are
When the bubble pops, or in the remote chance that it deflates
gradually, the wealth the Party gave the people will deflate too.
The promise will have been broken. And there’ll still be the
medical bills, pensions and school fees. The people will want their
money back, or a say in their future, which amounts to a political
voice. If they are denied, they will cease to be
Meanwhile, what of the ethnic minorities and the factory workers,
the people on whom it is more convenient for the government to
dispense overwhelming force rather than largesse? If an outburst of
ethnic or labour discontent coincides with the collapse of the
property market, and you throw in a scandal like the melamine
tainted milk of 2008, or a fatal train crash that shows up massive,
high level corruption, as in Wenzhou in 2011, and suddenly the
harmonious society is likely to become a chorus of
How will the Party deal with that? How will it
这个政党将如何面对这一切? 它要如何领导?&
Unfortunately it has forgotten. The government is so scared of the
people it prefers not to lead them.&
In rural China, village level decisions that require higher
authorisation are passed up the chain of command, sometimes all the
way to Beijing, and returned with the note attached: “You decide.”
The Party only steps to the fore where its power or personal wealth
is under direct threat. The country is ruled from behind closed
doors, a building without an address or a telephone number. The
people in that building do not allow the leaders they appoint to
actually lead. Witness Grandpa Wen, the nickname for the current,
soon to be outgoing, prime minister. He is either a puppet and a
clever bluff, or a man who genuinely wants to do the right thing.
His proposals for reform (aired in a 2010 interview on CNN,
censored within China) are good, but he will never be able to enact
them, and he knows it.&
To rise to the top you must be grey, with no strong views or ideas.
Leadership contenders might think, and here I hypothesise, that
once they are in position they can show their “true colours.” Too
late they realise that will never be possible. As a publisher I
used to deal with officials who listened to the people in one of
the wings of that building.&
They always spoke as if there was a monster in the next room, one
that cannot be named. It was “them” or “our leaders.” Once or twice
they called it the “China Publishing Group.” No such thing exists.
I searched hard for it. It is a chimera.&
他们说话时总好像隔壁的房间里藏着一个妖怪,一个没被提及过的东西。它是“他们”或者“我们的领导”。 有一两次他们叫它“中国出版集团”。
这些都不存在。 我曾坚难地寻找它们。 它只一个妄想罢了。&
In that building are the people who, according to pundits, will be
in charge of what they call the Chinese Century. “China is the next
superpower,” we’re told. “Accept it. Deal with it.” How do you deal
with a faceless leader, who when called upon to adjudicate in an
international dispute sends the message: “You
It is often argued that China led the world once before, so we have
nothing to fear. As the Chinese like to say, they only want to
“regain their rightful position.” While there is no dispute that
China was once the major world superpower, there are two
fundamental problems with the idea that it should therefore regain
that “rightful position.”&
A key reason China achieved primacy was its size. As it is today,
China was, and always will be, big. (China loves “big.” “Big” is
good. If a Chinese person ever asks you what you think of China,
just say “It’s big,” and they will be delighted.) If you are the
biggest, and physical size matters as it did in the days before
microchips, you tend to dominate.&
Once in charge the Chinese sat back and accepted tribute from their
suzerain and vassal states, such as Tibet. If trouble was brewing
beyond its borders that might threaten the security or interests of
China itself, the troublemakers were set against each other or paid
The second reason the rightful position idea is misguided is that
the world in which China was the superpower did not include the
Americas, an enlightened Europe or a modern Africa. The world does
not want to live in a Chinese century, just as much of it doesn’t
like living in an American one. China, politically, culturally and
as a society, is inward looking. It does not welcome
intruders—unless they happen to be militarily superior and invade
from the north, as did two imperial dynasties, the Yuan ()
and the Qing (), who became more Chinese than the Chinese
themselves. Moreover, the fates of the Mongols, who became the
Yuan, and Manchu, who became the Qing, provide the ultimate
deterrent: “Invade us and be consumed from the inside,” rather like
the movie Alien. All non-Chinese are, to the Chinese, aliens, in a
mildly derogatory sense. The polite word is “Outsider.” The Chinese
are on “The Inside.” Like anyone who does not like what is going on
outside—the weather, a loud argument, a natural disaster—the
Chinese can shut the door on it. Maybe they’ll stick up a note:
“Knock when you’ve decided how to deal with it.”&
Leadership requires empathy, an ability to put yourself in your
subordinate’s shoes. It also requires decisiveness and a
willingness to accept responsibility. Believing themselves to be
unique, the Chinese find it almost impossible to empathise.
Controlled by people with conflicting interests, China’s government
struggles to be decisive in domestic issues, let alone foreign
ones. Witness the postponement of the leadership handover thanks to
the Bo Xilai scandal. And the system is designed to make avoidance
of responsibility a prerequisite before any major decision is
taken. (I know that sounds crazy. It is meant to. It is
A leader must also offer something more than supremacy. The current
“world leader” offers the world the chance to be American and
democratic, usually if they want to be, sometimes by force. The
British empire offered freedom from slavery and a legal system,
amongst other things. The Romans took grain from Egypt and
redistributed it across Europe.&
A China that leads the world will not offer the chance to be
Chinese, because it is impossible to become Chinese. Nor is the
Chinese Communist Party entirely averse to condoning slavery. It
has encouraged its own people to work like slaves to produce goods
for western companies, to earn the foreign currency that has fed
its economic boom. (How ironic that the Party manifesto promised to
kick the slave-driving foreigners out of China.) And the Party
wouldn’t know a legal system if you swung the scales of justice
under its metaphorical nose.&
(I was once a plaintiff in the Beijing High Court. I was told, off
the record, that I had won my case. While my lawyer was on his way
to collect the decision the judge received a telephone call. The
decision was reversed.) As for resources extracted from Africa,
they go to China.&
There is one final reason why the world does not want to be led by
China in the 21st century. The Communist Party of China has, from
its very inception, encouraged strong anti-foreign sentiment.
Fevered nationalism is one of its cornerstones. The Party’s
propaganda arm created the term “one hundred years of humiliation”
to define the period from the Opium Wars to the Liberation, when
foreign powers did indeed abuse and coerce a weak imperial Qing
government. The second world war is called the War of Resistance
Against Japan. To speak ill of China in public, to award a Nobel
prize to a Chinese intellectual, or for a public figure to have tea
with the Dalai Lama, is to “interfere in China’s internal affairs”
and “hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.” The Chinese are told
on a regular basis to feel aggrieved at what foreigners have done
to them, and the Party vows to exact vengeance on their
The alternative scenario to a world dominated by an aggrieved China
is hardly less bleak and illustrates how China already dominates
the world and its economy. That is the increasing likelihood that
there will be upheaval in China within the next few years, sparked
by that property crash. When it happens it will be sudden, like all
such events. Sun Yat Sen’s 1911 revolution began when someone set
off a bomb by accident. Some commentators say it will lead to
revolution, or a collapse of the state. There are good grounds.
Everything the Party does to fix things in the short term only
makes matters worse in the long term by setting off property prices
again. Take the recent cut in interest rates, which was done to
boost domestic consumption, which won’t boost itself until the
Party sorts out the healthcare system, which it hasn’t the money
for because it has been invested in American debt, which it can’t
sell without hurting the dollar, which would raise the value of the
yuan and harm exports, which will shut factories and put people out
of work and threaten social stability.&
I hope the upheaval, when it comes, is peaceful, that the Party
does not try to distract people by launching an attack on Taiwan or
the Philippines. Whatever form it takes, it will bring to an end
China’s record-breaking run of economic growth that has supposedly
driven the world’s economy and today is seen as our only hope of
salvation from recession.&
Fear of violent revolution or domestic upheaval, with a significant
proportion of that violence sure to be directed at foreigners, is
not the main reason I am leaving China, though I shan’t deny it is
one of them.&
Apart from what I hope is a justifiable human desire to be part of
a community and no longer be treated as an outsider, to run my own
business in a regulated environment and not live in fear of it
being taken away from me, and not to concern myself unduly that the
air my family breathes and the food we eat is doing us physical
harm, there is one overriding reason I must leave China. I want to
give my children a decent education.&
The domestic Chinese lower education system does not educate. It is
a test centre. The curriculum is designed to teach children how to
pass them. In rural China, where we have lived for seven years, it
is also an elevation system. Success in exams offers a passport to
a better life in the big city. Schools do not produce well-rounded,
sociable, self-reliant young people with inquiring minds. They
produce winners and losers. Winners go on to college or university
to take “business studies.” Losers go back to the farm or the local
factory their parents were hoping they could
There is little if any sport or extracurricular activity. Sporty
children are extracted and sent to special schools to learn how to
win Olympic gold medals. Musically gifted children are rammed into
the conservatories and have all enthusiasm and joy in their talent
drilled out of them. (My wife was one of the
And then there is the propaganda. Our daughter’s very first day at
school was spent watching a movie called, roughly, “How the Chinese
people, under the firm and correct leadership of the Party and with
the help of the heroic People’s Liberation Army, successfully
defeated the Beichuan Earthquake.” Moral guidance is provided by
mythical heroes from communist China’s recent past, such as Lei
Feng, the selfless soldier who achieved more in his short lifetime
than humanly possible, and managed to write it all down in a diary
that was miraculously “discovered” on his death.&
The pressure makes children sick. I speak from personal experience.
To score under 95 per cent is considered failure. Bad performance
is punished. Homework, which consists mostly of practice test
papers, takes up at least one day of every weekend. Many children
go to school to do it in the classroom. I have seen them trooping
in at 6am on Sundays.&
In the holidays they attend special schools for extra tuition, and
must do their own school’s homework for at least a couple of hours
every day to complete it before term starts again. Many of my local
friends abhor the system as much as I do, but they have no choice.
I do. I am lucky.&
An option is to move back to a major Chinese city and send our
children to an expensive international school—none of which offer
boarding—but I would be worried about pollution, and have to get a
proper job, most likely something to do with foreign business to
China, which my conscience would find hard.&
当然我可以选择搬回到中国的大城市里,把孩子送去昂贵的国际学校 — 这些学校都不提供寄宿
I pity the youth of China that cannot attend the international
schools in the cities (which have to set limits on how many Chinese
children they accept) and whose parents cannot afford to send them
to school overseas, or do not have access to the special schools
for the Party privileged. China does not nurture and educate its
youth in a way that will allow them to become the leaders,
inventors and innovators of tomorrow, but that is the intention.
The Party does not want free thinkers who can solve its problems.
It still believes it can solve them itself, if it ever admits it
has a problem in the first place. The only one it openly
acknowledges, ironically, is its corruption. To deny that would be
The Party does include millions of enlightened officials who
understand that something must be done to avert a crisis. I have
met some of them. If China is to avoid upheaval then it is up to
them to change the Party from within, but they face a long uphill
struggle, and time is short.&
I have also encountered hundreds of well-rounded, wise Chinese
people with a modern world view, people who could, and would
willingly, help their motherland face the issues that are growing
into state-shaking problems. It is unlikely they will be given the
chance. I fear for some of them who might ask for it, just as my
classmates and I feared for our Chinese friends while we took our
final exams at SOAS in 1989.&
I read about Ai Weiwei, Chen Guangchen and Liu Xiaobo on Weibo, the
closely monitored Chinese equivalent of Twitter and Facebook, where
a post only has to be up for a few minutes to go viral. My wife had
never heard of them until she started using the site. The censors
will never completely master it. (The day my wife began reading
Weibo was also the day she told me she had overcome her concerns
about leaving China for the UK.) There are tens, maybe hundreds, of
thousands of mainland Chinese who “follow” such people too, and
there must be countless more like them in person, trying in their
small way to make China a better place. One day they will prevail.
That’ll be a good time to become Chinese. It might even be


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