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NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program - The Washington Post
NSA slides explain the PRISM data-collection program
The top-secret PRISM program allows the U.S. intelligence community to gain access from nine Internet companies to a wide range of digital information, including e-mails and stored data, on foreign targets operating outside the United States. The program is court-approved but does not require individual warrants. Instead, it operates under a broader authorization from federal judges who oversee the use of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Some documents describing the program were first released by The Washington Post on June 6. The newly released documents below give additional details about how the program operates, including the levels of review and supervisory control at the NSA and FBI. The documents also show how the program interacts with the Internet companies. These slides, annotated by The Post, represent a selection from the overall document, and certain portions are redacted. .
Related NSA graphics
New slide published July 10
Upstream program
This slide shows PRISM as only one part of the NSA’s system for electronic eavesdropping. The "Upstream" program collects from the fiber-optic cable networks that carry much of the world’s Internet and phone data. The underlying map depicts the undersea cables that connect North America to the rest of the world.
Slides published June 29
Acquiring data from a new target
This slide describes what happens when an NSA analyst "tasks" the PRISM system for information about a new surveillance target. The request to add a new target is passed automatically to a supervisor who reviews the "selectors," or search terms. The supervisor must endorse the analyst's "reasonable belief," defined as 51 percent confidence, that the specified target is a foreign national who is overseas at the time of collection.
The FBI uses government equipment on private company property to retrieve matching information from a participating company, such as Microsoft or Yahoo and pass it without further review to the NSA.
For stored communications, but not for live surveillance, the FBI consults its own databases to make sure the selectors do not match known Americans.
This is where data enters NSA systems, described more fully on the next slide.
The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court does not review any individual collection request.
Analyzing information collected from private companies
After communications information is acquired, the data are processed and analyzed by specialized systems that handle voice, text, video and "digital network information" that includes the locations and unique device signatures of targets.
From the FBI's interception unit on the premises of private companies, the information is passed to one or more "customers" at the NSA, CIA or FBI.
PRINTAURA automates the traffic flow. SCISSORS and Protocol Exploitation sort data types for analysis in NUCLEON (voice), PINWALE (video), MAINWAY (call records) and MARINA (Internet records).
The systems identified as FALLOUT and CONVEYANCE appear to be a final layer of filtering to reduce the intake of information about Americans.
Each target is assigned a case notation
The PRISM case notation format reflects the availability, confirmed by The Post's reporting, of real-time surveillance as well as stored content.
Depending on the provider, the NSA may receive live notifications when a target logs on or sends an e-mail, or may monitor a voice, text or voice chat as it happens (noted on the first slide as "Surveillance").
Searching the PRISM database
On April 5, according to this slide, there were 117,675 active surveillance targets in PRISM's counterterrorism database. The slide does not show how many other Internet users, and among them how many Americans, have their communications collected "incidentally" during surveillance of those targets.
Original slides published June 6
Introducing the program
A slide briefing analysts at the National Security Agency about the program touts its effectiveness and features the logos of the companies involved.
The program is called PRISM, after the prisms used to split light, which is used to carry information on fiber-optic cables.
This note indicates that the program is the number one source of raw intelligence used for NSA analytic reports.
The seal ofSpecial Source Operations, the NSA term for alliances with trusted U.S. companies.
Monitoring a target's communication
This diagram shows how the bulk of the world’s electronic communications move through companies based in the United States.
Providers and data
The PRISM program collects a wide range of data from the nine companies, although the details vary by provider.
Participating providers
This slide shows when each company joined the program, with Microsoft being the first, on Sept. 11, 2007, and Apple the most recent, in October 2012.
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Prism combines powerful biostatistics, curve-fitting, and scientific-graphing tools in a comprehensive program. Prism meets virtually all of the data-handling needs of laboratory researchers, especially biologists. Prism makes it easy to create highly-customizable graphs that can be exported as high-resolution image files for publications, PowerPoint presentations, Web sites, Word documents, and more.While the statistical features of Prism and InStat overlap, Prism has much more statistical depth. Prism, but not InStat, can fit curves with nonlinear regression, can create and compare survival curves, can calculate two-way ANOVA, can compare linear regression lines, and more.Version 7 of GraphPad Prism introduces many improvements in graphs, nonlinear regression, statistical analyses and much more.GraphPad Prism是一款資料分析和製圖軟體,帶有基本的生物數理統計,曲線擬合,及圖表顯示功能,適用於生物數理統計實驗的資料處理。GraphPad Prism是一套結合圖的科學軟體可以用來產生高品質的科學圖表,在科學圖表的繪製方面可以視為Sigmaplot的替代軟體,但是卻又包含了簡單的試算表,可以直接輸入原始資料,軟體自動計算標準差和p value,此外,也包含了生物數理統計,曲線擬合,及圖表顯示功能,適用於生物數理統計實驗的資料處理。
GraphPad Prism is a powerful combination of basic biostatistics, curve fitting and scientific graphing in one comprehensive program. More than 100,000 scientists in over 100 countries rely on Prism to analyze, graph and present their scientific data.
What makes Prism the program of choice for many of the world's leading universities, medical centers, research institutes and pharmaceutical companies? Prism certainly has all the capabilities you would expect from a top notch scientific graphics program, but what makes Prism truly unique is not what it does, but how it does it. Designed for the practical scientist, Prism does not expect you to be a statistician. It guides you through each analysis - giving you as much help as you need - and tracks and organizes your work like no other program available. You can concentrate on your data, not fight with your software.
This Prism Guide is only one of three guides. Check out the other two. Both do more than explain how to use Prism. They also explain the concepts of data analysis.&#8226;&#8226;Read this&, which will take about five minutes to follow.Then follow&that walk you step by step through data analyses and graphing.最新試用版下載 :政府單位需索取報價單?
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& 商店街市集國際資訊股份有限公司版權所有,轉載必究。From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
GraphPad Prism is a commercial scientific 2D graphing and
published by GraphPad Software, Inc., a privately held California corporation. Prism is available for both Windows and Macintosh computers.
competitors are
and interfaces to .
Provides statistical guidance for novices.
Analysis checklists review if an appropriate analysis was performed.
with many options (remove outliers, compare models, compare curves, interpolate standard curves, etc.).
Live links. When data are edited or replaced, Prism automatically updates the results and graphs.
Analysis choices can be reviewed, and changed, at any time.
Automatic . Raw data (replicates) can be entered, and then plotted as mean with SD, SEM or confidence interval.
Inc. also publishes the commercial software
and , and the free web-based .
are 262 as of May 2015, while
are over 1100.
A Review of Eight Statistics Software Packages for General Use (Morgan 1998, pp.&#160;70–82)
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Use color to help&your business get&noticed. From business cards to folders, our digital and offset capabilities offer a wide variety of product&options.Prism allows you easily perform those basic statistical tests commonly used by laboratory and clinical researchers. It offers tests, nonparametric comparisons, one-, two- and three-way ANOVA, analysis of contingency tables, and survival analysis. Analysis choices are presented in clear language that avoids unnecessary statistical jargon. Unlike other programs, Prism provides understandable statistical help when you need it. Press "Learn" from any data analysis dialog and Prism's online documentation will explain the principles of the analysis to help you make appropriate choices.
Prism 是在由開發類別 Miscellaneous Shareware 軟體。它是由我們用戶端應用程式期間的最後一個月的使用者更新 63 次進行檢查。最新版本是 Prism 的 1.86
上釋放。 它最初被添加到我們的資料庫
上。 最流行的版本是 1.86,100% 的所有安裝使用。Prism 需要任何 Windows 作業系統,它將被安裝在電腦上運行。 使用者 Prism 4 個 5 星的評分,給了它。
63 使用者的已經安裝上個月的 Prism。


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