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英文翻译 in short 短语和例子关于这件事一句话也别说。 don't mention a word about it&&&&first word&&&&to put it in a nutshell&&&&the peace talks between lran and lraq wentinto square one&&&&nur ein wort&&&&the last word&&&&blurt out a word&&&&i thought that he would come&&&&gome over&&&&summarize in a sentence&&&&in a word&&&&in a nutshell&&&&in one word&&&& in a/one word&&&&in a word&&&&not utter a word&&&&in a word&&&&peace ls just a word&&&&every little thing you said&&&&did you get the picture&&&&linda isn't as tall as jenny&&&&you didn't say a word to me&&&&be unable to put two words together&&&&one word will suffice&&&&don't mention a word about it&&&&jack in&&&&delphi to cpp
例句与用法Her mouth worked and no sound came out .她嘴哆嗦着,说不出一句话。I do not believe a word of his story .他说的这件事我一句话都不相信。To make a sentence was an overwhelming effort .讲一句话也吃力得要命。In short, they died before they got there .一句话,他们半路上就死了。She still stands by every word she said .她仍然信守自己说的每一句话。He broke off in the middle of a sentence .他一句话只说了一半就停住了。The verb is what counts in a sentence .一句话里最重要的是动词。He made up his mind not to say a word .他打定主意一句话也不说。I can mount his enthusiasm at a word .我只要说一句话就可以激发他的热情。I'm going to mind every word you say .我会听从您说的每一句话。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
汉语解释 &1. &指用一句话概括。 && ? 巴金 《探索集?探索之三》: “一句话, 我写每篇文章是有所为而写作的。 我从未有过无病呻吟的时候。” & &2. &谓只要说一句话就能办到。 && ? 赵大年 《公主的女儿》三: “‘有, 有!院长调司机, 一句话的事儿!’ 叶明珠 又使劲打了 张兴 两拳。” && ? 段荃法 《杨老固事略》: “ 杨老固 恼了: ‘滚一边去。 想挨斗不难, 只用我给领导一句话!’” & &3. &今常以“一句话”为慨然应允之辞。 如: “这件事要请你大力协助。”(答)“一句话!”
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