
Is it possible to create a batch file for turning WIFI on and off?
& Is it possible to create a batch file for turning WIFI on and off?
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Is it possible to create a batch file for turning WIFI on and off?
I know there is scripting su what I'm wondering is if I could create a batch file that I keep a link to on the desktop for turning on/off wireless?
Or, create a link to the admin page with parameters that automatically do the same thing.
Re: Is it possible to create a batch file for turning WIFI on and off?
I can see no easy way for you to achieve this, the best method I can think of is to enable SSH on the router and write a script which automates logging in and putting the wifi interface down. If you used private keys to authenticate you would be able to do this quite neatly.
Re: Is it possible to create a batch file for turning WIFI on and off?
Thank i'll poke around.
Re: Is it possible to create a batch file for turning WIFI on and off?
I've done something similar in this thread, but for wake on lan. Doesn't really matter what it is you want to do, as long as you can do it through ssh. This involves installing cygwin.
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Privacy Policy.WiFi Auto-Off – 自动开关 Wi-Fi[Android]
WiFi Auto-Off 可以分别设置不同的场景下如何打开/关闭 Wi-Fi
每天早 8 点
每隔 2 小时
没有任何 Wi-Fi 连接
每天晚 10 点
p.s. 上面的时间都可以自定义
其实 3G 也是费电大户,每次 2G/3G 切换就…一样慢的要死,有解决方案么?
: 不错,现在还有更新,不容易: 这就是为什么不喜欢ios这种封闭的系统。: 话说能不能把 “即刻-&ifttt”,比如如果即可哪个频道更新,就触发某个ifttt?: 不过类似于potplayer之类的播放器也能直接打开磁力链接和bt吧: instant.io 是什么原理?为什么种子丢进去,一会就可以播放了?: 放到Instant.io里过一会提示
connection error to wss://
是种子台偏门了吗 ……: 《聊斋》青蛙神?
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