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  生活节奏越来越快,网络更新飞速,新词也如雨后春笋——名人、品牌的粉丝被冠以各种常见事物的名称,“XX帝/哥/姐/妹”也层出不穷。潮词?也许等大家看到这篇文章的时候它们已经过了最“辉煌”的时刻了。不过,既然是潮词,换种语言也要记住它们哦,毕竟它们可是时代的标志——别忘了“潮玩特区”提到的“团购”(group buying),类似的还有“秒杀”(seckill)哦。      sock puppet——论坛“马甲”   喜欢“泡”网络论坛的人有时为了隐藏身份会注册多个账号,并通过不同的账号假装成另外一个人参与自己作品的讨论,而且每个帐号的语言特点和发言风格可能都大不相同。大家把这些不同的虚拟身份叫做“马甲”,其对应的英文是“sock puppet”。   A sock puppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception[欺骗] within an online community. It is a fake identity through which a member of an Internet community discusses or comments on oneself or one's work, pretending to be a different person, like a puppeteer[操纵木偶的人] manipulating[操纵] a hand puppet.      ringxiety——手机幻听   你是否有过这样的经历——在吵杂或人多的环境里听到电话响,明明不是自己的电话,却还是忍不住拿出手机来看一眼。过了一会儿,似乎感觉到放手机的地方在振动,赶紧掏出手机——其实手机并没有动静?这种情况就是我们常说的“手机幻听”(ringxiety)。“ringxiety”由“ringtone”(手机铃声)和“anxiety”(焦虑)两个词组合而成,指手机没有振动或响铃,但人们以为听到手机响或者感到其振动的错觉。   Ringxiety is described as the sensation and the false belief that one can hear his or her mobile phone ringing or feel it vibrating[振动], when in fact the telephone is not doing so.   其他可以用来指代“手机幻听”的说法还有“phantom[虚幻的] ring effect”和“fauxcellarm”——后者由“faux”(法语,意思为“假的”),“cell”(手机)和“alarm”(铃声)组成。导致这一现象的部分原因可能是人类对赫兹的声音频率比较敏感,而手机铃声大都位于这一频率范围内。      downshifting——为生活减速   工作压力大、生活节奏快,我们常常不自觉地用花钱来舒缓压力,以致于成了“月光族”而不自知。何不放下奢华的想法,选择让心灵更充实的简单生活呢?国外将这种生活理念称作“downshifting”,其主要价值观体现为:放慢生活的脚步,花时间做一些有意义的事情,不乱花钱。   Downshifting is a social behavior or trend in which individuals live simpler lives to escape from the rat race[激烈竞争] of obsessive[着迷的] materialism[物质主义] and to reduce the stress, overtime, and psychological expense that may accompany it. It emphasizes[强调] finding an improved balance between leisure and work and focusing life goals on personal fulfillment and relationship building instead of the all-consuming pursuit of economic success.      scene kid——非主流少年   对于时尚,不同的人有不同的追求。有些人看到时尚杂志或橱窗里推荐什么就买什么,结果落得满大街“撞衫”。有些人却因只在潮流大军中挑选适合自己风格的物件而被指“千年不变”。还有一些人,只要是主流的东西,他们肯定不喜欢。各类小众摇滚秀场是他们必去的地方,不论男女都喜欢穿细瘦的铅笔牛仔裤,化浓妆——他们就是scene kids。   Scene kid refers to a person who adopts an unconventional[不因循守旧的] style of dress, such as colored hair worn high on the head, dramatic eyeliner and straight jeans, and who prefers hip-hop, screamo注, punk rock, and other offbeat genres of music.      carbon footprint——碳足迹   环保一直是备受关注的话题。联合国气候变化峰会的召开更使温室气体排放、碳足迹以及节能减排等话题成为各大媒体热议的焦点。有关机构还设计出一个碳足迹计算器,让每个人都了解到自己的行为对环境造成的影响。碳足迹指的是在一定时间段内一个人的所有活动所引起的二氧化碳排放总量。通常情况下,碳足迹以一年为一个时间段进行计算。   A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent[相等的] tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). In other words: When you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on its fuel consumption[消耗] and the driving distance. When you buy food and goods, the production of the food and goods also emitted[散发] some quantities of CO2. Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2.
  staycation——家中度假   经济危机,物价飞涨,收入没办法跟上,原本节日出游的宏图也许要暂且搁置。退而求其次,有些人选择了市内旅游,有人干脆在家待着。在经济危机期间,staycation(家中度假)在失业率和油价不断攀升的情况下迅速走红,用以指人们待在家里休息或者在附近区域景点游览度假。有些在家度假的人还喜欢遵循一定的原则,比如定好假期起止日期、提前做计划、避免安排常规活动等,以期创造一个传统假期的氛围。   A staycation (or stay-cation, or stacation) is a neologism[新词] for a period of time in which an individual or family stays at home and relaxes at home or takes day trips from their home to area attractions. Staycations achieved high popularity in the financial crisis of
in which unemployment levels and gas prices were high.      Strawberry Generation——草莓族   坊间对80后的议论还没有褪去,针对90后的种种说法随即袭来。“他们的素质都很不错,可就是承受不了打击,太容易受伤害了,”人们常常这样形容这一群年轻人,还用一个很生动的比喻来指代他们——Strawberry Generation。   They look chic[时尚的] and sophisticated. They are soft and get hurt easily. They seem unbearably spoilt and can't take much pressure. They are the so-called “Strawberry Generation.”   “草莓族”这个说法是台湾作家翁静玉在其《办公室物语》一书中创造出来的,本义指的是六十年代后出生的办公室职员,他们像草莓一样在多方保护的环境中长大,生活中轻微的碰撞就能让他们受到伤害。这个说法现在在中国大陆也很流行,常常指刚刚参加工作一两年的独生子女一代。他们大都受过良好的教育,但多以自我为中心,过分注重外表和物质享受。      flash mob——快闪族   自从迈克尔·杰克逊离开我们之后,似乎每隔一段时间便会听说某时某地会有“快闪”活动。参加这种活动的人就是快闪族(flash mob)——指聚集在一个事先商定好的地点,在短时间内完成一些异常的举动,然后快速解散并消失的一大群人。“快闪”活动基本上只需要简单的通知,有时为了确保每次活动的新奇性,直到活动开始之前,参加者才会被告知活动内容。   Flash mob refers to a large group of people who gather in a usually predetermined[预先决定的] location, perform an unusual action for a brief time, and then quickly disperse[疏散]. The term “flash mob” is generally applied only to gatherings organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails[病毒式邮件], not applied to events organized by public relations firms.


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