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Which One Of My Garbage Sons Are You?
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I’ve got some shit boys. My huge beautiful wife gave me children who think and speak like the toilet. I have four garbage sons: The first son is named Royce, the second son is named Preston, the third son is named Lance And Blake (two names for just one son), and the fourth son is the dreaded Laramie. Which one of my toxic sons are you? Take this quiz to find out!
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1. Which of these garbage things have you done?
Spray-painted the word “ISIS” on the side of your nice dad’s wonderful car so that the United States Air Force had to come and blow up the beautiful car, which is a Saab
Opened up the trunk of your nice dad’s wonderful Saab and shouted the word “Fuck!” into it so many times that the resale value of the car went down by half
Invited your nice dad to Career Day at your school, where you told your classmates that his job was “trying to bring Osama bin Laden back to life” and that he did that job for free because he was “in it for the love of the game,” even though your nice dad’s real job is “air traffic controller”
Packed hundreds of bones inside of a humpback whale’s blowhole so that when the whale came up for air, it shot an enormous fountain of assorted bones into the sky like nightmare confetti and frightened the passengers of a nearby dads cruise
2. What did you get your nice dad for his worst, most recent birthday?
A T-shirt with your nice dad’s face on the front and the words “Saab Owners Die Angry” on the back
A bird skeleton that you stole from a museum that got your nice dad sent to jail for two years after police found it mounted above his marital bed
Thousands of subscriptions to The New Yorker, so that on delivery day a huge truck pulled up and dumped so many copies of the same magazine on top of your nice dad that he remained trapped under the pile for three days before rescue workers finally found him
Hired an extremely convincing look-alike of your nice dad’s hero, Jimmy Page, to come to your house and give your nice dad the middle finger, thereby causing your dad to wail and weep long into the night
3. My garbage sons love to steal my credit card and buy bad things. What do you buy when you steal your nice dad’s credit card?
An oil painting depicting Batman stuffing your nice dad’s entire body into the tiny exhaust pipe of his beautiful Saab ($1,800)
A gravestone with your nice dad’s name on it and an actual astronaut in a full spacesuit to throw that gravestone through the windshield of your nice dad’s Saab ($800 for gravestone, $1,600 for actual astronaut)
You hire the real Jimmy Page to come to your house and give your nice dad the middle finger, thus causing him to wail and weep continuously even to this day ($750)
A series of billboards running up and down our nation’s highways sporting a picture of your nice dad’s face with the words “Here Is The Man With The Tiny Hands” written beneath it ($25,000 per month)
4. My gutter sons have sewer mouths that belch out true terrors. The words they say make me wish the world had exploded before I was born. Which of these toxic things do you say the most?
Sentences involving the phrase “a big and illegal shipment of bones”
Sentences involving the phrase “luring my garbage dad into the carnival prison”
Sentences involving the phrase “graves for fathers”
Sentences involving the phrase “Saab demolition”
5. One time, all my garbage sons got together to build an enormous marble statue of me weeping in the front seat of my wonderful car. The base of the statue had the inscription “I Don’t Cry. I Saab.” My gutter boys built the statue right in front of the town hall where everyone in the town could see it. Now, all the children in the neighborhood laugh at me and call me “The Cry Person.”
Have you ever done this to me?
Yes, I loved doing this to you with all of my dumpster soul
It was the greatest thing I’ve ever done in all of my garbage life
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Which one of my Sewer Children have you turned out to be?
Results for Which One Of My Garbage Sons Are You?
You Are Royce.
The bad news is that you are my garbage son Royce. You are the Gutter Boy Supreme, and the things you say and do are of the Dumpster. You love to do terrible things to my wonderful car, and you are the main reason why I go to the hospital.
When my huge beautiful wife did the birth of Royce, I thought to myself, “This can’t be that bad,” but boy, was I wrong, because Royce has a rancid soul and everything he touches turns to poison.
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Results for Which One Of My Garbage Sons Are You?
You Are Preston.
Hate to break it to you, but you are my garbage son named Preston. You are the son equivalent of a foul wind and you make my nights colder. When I see you in my house, I think to myself, “Here is my Dumpster boy, the one I hate.” Your interests include faking injuries and doing terrible things to my wonderful car.
When my huge beautiful wife did the birth of Preston, I didn’t think things could get any worse, but I underestimated the garbage soul of Preston, and every day is a new carnival of miseries. Truly, Preston is the Gutter Prince and knowing about him makes me tired. That’s who you are. You’re my garbage son Preston.
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Results for Which One Of My Garbage Sons Are You?
You Are Lance And Blake.
It makes me miserable to inform you that you are my garbage son Lance And Blake (two names for just one son). You are a real trash mountain of a son who came marching out of my huge beautiful wife on the worst day to ever happen. Your hobbies include loitering, mischief with bones, and doing terrible things to my wonderful car.
When Lance And Blake was born, I wanted to name him Ryan and my huge beautiful wife wanted to name him Kyle, so we compromised by giving him two names that neither of us liked. Now, he makes our days sour and our nights rancid. He is a True Nightmare of a garbage son.
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Results for Which One Of My Garbage Sons Are You?
You Are The Dreaded Laramie.
Terrible tidings for you: You are the dreaded Laramie. You are a junk son if I’ve ever seen one—a true dump child from the swamp. Everyone who knows you fears you because they are aware that you make life sour. Your interests include loud crimes with minimal jail sentences, making nighttime last longer, and watching movies where someone who looks like your nice dad explodes or gets killed by a mummy. You love doing terrible things to my wonderful car and you wear shirts with curse words on them.
I hate being near the dreaded Laramie. When the dreaded Laramie comes around, I whisper a quiet wish to God that a lunatic will come and eat me. I can’t believe that my huge beautiful wife did the birth of the dreaded Laramie. Truly, he hails from the Dumpster, and I only wish him ill. That’s who you are. You’re the dreaded Laramie. Way to go.
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Are you sick of this comp????Seems like lots are.... there's still a while left also!!
Now post your reply in my thread lol (jokes, but you can if you will!) Posted 7 years, 2 months ago
Seems like lots are.... there's still a while left also!!
Now post your reply in my thread lol (jokes, but you can if you will!)
Posted 7 years, 2 months ago I wish they would change the flipping name its daft
Lol! What would you suggest Moo! Or daren't i ask :w00t: I'm sick of them, most the people giving stuff away claim to be rich succesful people yet they are despertae to win a ?400 gadget. I'll enter Dan Jacksons thread thats the only one that interests me
Whats wrong with you miserable git! You should be supporing fellas in arms!! ;-) Lol! What would you suggest Moo! Or daren't i ask :w00t:
well now you mention it, if you changed the second letter to a u then the third to a .......... :whistling:
............ n
then you'd have one funky fs board :p well now you mention it, if you changed the second letter to a .......... :whistling:
You do make me laugh! Fithy you are mind! Whats wrong with you miserable git! You should be supporing fellas in arms!! ;-)
Supporting no one it's
aload of ******** You do make me laugh! Fithy you are mind!
i think my dear you will find you peaked too soon, my edit is nothing but clean :p Supporting no one it's aload of ********
Your right, but chill! Thought you were taking it easy and chilling? Your right, but chill! Thought you were taking it easy and chilling?
I am less than 2 weeks to go ?24k in hand I'll buy me own ipad.
Already got a job lined up but debating RM full time.
Got my rubber dagger now, just meed to do live firing excercise to be 100% RM Not really bothered about the comp as long as it stays on all the threads on hukd redirecting to other threads thats getting on my wick tbh. In any other circumstances the mods would consider it spam.
I applaud such a good prize being given,but not the competition itself-I think its badly thought out and would be happier if the prizes were actually being awarded for someone actually doing something useful.
If its meant to promote,then its had the opposite effect on me-I wont be registering EVER
This:thumbsup: I could win this easily by the way.
By cheating admittledly
How would you cheat? I wont be registering EVER
You already are...just use your HUKD login! :thumbsup: I dont know what the is going on tbh:?
Been seeing these all day and havent a clue just hope it ends soon. How would you cheat?
I have access to telephone exchanges, 1000's of potential votes in each one who the are never even noticed them until seeing this?:?
thats it :P
thats it :P
cheers ,getting a lot of hate by the looks of it mate:? I dont know what the is going on tbh:?
Your humour is always quick witted, extremely funny and guaranteed, thanks for al-) cheers ,getting a lot of hate by the looks of it mate:?
yeh mayn you should comment by stopping the h8 yeh mayn you should comment by stopping the h8
moi?:? moi?:?
What's sooked? What's sooked?
lol,use your imagination:-D lol,use your imagination:-D
I am, is this your way of saying you like your nipples sucked? Let me tongue flick them, i'm ace! ;-) What's sooked?
let me explain
"see ra boaby"
"ra boaby gets sooked":thumbsup: i just got pm'd with the link to someones page, the competition is on :w00t:
Well it certainly wasn't me lol, so report it! I'm sick of them, most the people giving stuff away claim to be rich succesful people yet they are despertae to win a ?400 gadget.
I'll enter Dan Jacksons thread thats the only one that interests me
It's kinda sad really. Frankly I find it all really tedious and boring. No-one is going to bother with this Fo lking stupid website after all the ipad nonsense has died down. Waste of time and space.
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Are you kinding me
Holy shit on a twisted monkey stick....Why holy fuck me why can I not finish a map without freezing.
Why is your mom in the room yelling &BOOM Headshot&?
dcox420 said:Holy shit on a twisted monkey stick....Why holy fuck me why can I not finish a map without freezing.
server issues !
Check it out ! /user/brentlostak
You must be kinding.
I'm not saying I'm Batman. I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and Batman in the same room together.
Stiv won't take kindly to your profanity
Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die
monkey balls
dOGe eSports are looking to organise competitive 5v5 games. Just message
Griffin-745 on PSN to organise the matches. Thanks.
Get a PS4, you'll never freeze.
Find out who wins in a 1v1:
I am kinding you, sorry
Padawan said:Stiv won't take kindly to your profanity
Who gives a shit about worthless Stiv honestly?
Seriously they obviously don't care enough about the last gen consoles to even attempt to come out with a patch that actually fixes issues in the game instead of adding new issues.
It's a .88 magnum.
It shoots through schools, I have something that will go through armor and the victim the wall and the tree outside
Depends.....are you cute or have a great personality?
Stiv suspended me twice for swearing. FUCK THAT SHIT
Racecar spelled backwards is racecar
rock1obsta said:Stiv suspended me twice for swearing. FUCK THAT SHIT
Maybe he has no sense of humor?
BF Vet Choppa' Pilot
Surgical Field Medic
No, you can't handle the truth.
I hate when I see peeps telling others to get the next gen console to resolve the freezing issues. First off, most of us do not have $500 lying around to purchase the new system and game. Second and most important, why was this released for the older consoles if the game is plagued with performance issues on them? All I see from EA/Dice is "how can we balance". I'd love to offer input, but I can't due to the fact I can't play longer than 30 minutes without it locking up my system. I've seen users on ALL platforms complain of this issue regardless of which generation console or PC their playing on. I wonder if EA/Dice considered the possibilities of something wrong in the production of the disc it self. Hey, if your game works on your system, great! For most of us, buying a new system and new games aren't an option.
16:59 , edited
16:59 by DirkWind
Eykon77 said:I hate when I see peeps telling others to get the next gen console to resolve the freezing issues. First off, most of us do not have $500 lying around to purchase the new system and game. Second and most important, why was this released for the older consoles if the game is plagued with performance issues on them? All I see from EA/Dice is &how can we balance&. I'd love to offer input, but I can't due to the fact I can't play longer than 30 minutes without it locking up my system. I've seen users on ALL platforms complain of this issue regardless of which generation console or PC their playing on. I wonder if EA/Dice considered the possibilities of something wrong in the production of the disc it self. Hey, if your game works on your system, great! For most of us, buying a new system and new games aren't an option.
You should get a PC....that'll fix it.
Beegie_B said:Get a PS4, you'll never freeze.
Seriously I played this on Xbone (Xbox one) the other night and holy shit I couldn't hit people because the game was smoother and I needed to adjust from the rough draft version that is current-gen.
currentgen = alpha
nextgen = beta
bf3 = fixed beta
BF Vet Choppa' Pilot
Surgical Field Medic
No, you can't handle the truth.
AIphabeticaI said:currentgen = alpha
nextgen = beta
bf3 = fixed beta
Racecar spelled backwards is racecar
Eykon77 said:IFirst off, most of us do not have $500 lying around to purchase the new system and game.
Or $1800 if you are Brazilian.
Chaos_TLW said:Eykon77 said:IFirst off, most of us do not have $500 lying around to purchase the new system and game.Or $1800 if you are Brazilian.
Goddam! 1800 U.S. Dollars?
Racecar spelled backwards is racecar
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