
  设计原理   计数时钟由模为60的秒计数器模块、模为60的分计数模块、模为24的小时计数器模块、指示灯与报警器的模块、分/小时设定模块及输出显示模块等组成。通过&多功能复用按键F1-F12&信号接线组&F1_12(T)&的F9~F12的任意引线插孔可设置小时和分钟的值,并具有整点报时的功能。&br/&&br/&   输入信号:SETMIN为分钟设置信号;SETHOUR为小时设置信号;RESET为全局复位信号;CLK为全局时钟信号;CKDSP为数码管动态扫描信号。&br/&&br/&   拨码开关SW1~SW7内部已连接并已锁定,无需外接连线。&br/&&br/&   参考源程序   libraryIEEE;   useIEEE.std_logic_1164.   useieee.std_logic_unsigned.   useieee.std_logic_arith.   entityxsecondis   port(   clk:inSTD_LOGIC;   clkset:inSTD_LOGIC;   setmin:inSTD_LOGIC;   reset:inSTD_LOGIC;   secout:outSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6downto0);   enmin:outSTD_LOGIC   );      architecturexsecond_archofxsecondis   signalsec:std_logic_vector(6downto0);   signalemin:std_   signalsec1:std_   begin   --&&   process(reset,sec,emin,setmin,clkset)   begin   ifreset='0'then   enmin&='0';   secout&=&0000000&;   sec1&='1';   else   sec1&='0';   secout&=   ifclkset='1'andclkset'eventthen   ifsetmin='0'then   enmin&='1';   else   enmin&=               process(clk,sec1)   aliaslcount:std_logic_vector(3downto0)issec(3downto0);   aliashcount:std_logic_vector(2downto0)issec(6downto4);   begin   ifsec1='1'then   sec&=&0000000&;   else   if(clk='1'andclk'event)then   iflcount=9then   lcount&=&0000&;   ifhcount/=5then   hcount&=hcount+1;   emin&='0';   else   hcount&=&000&;   emin&='1';      else   lcount&=lcount+1;   emin&='0';               endxsecond_   libraryIEEE;   useIEEE.std_logic_1164.   useieee.std_logic_unsigned.   useieee.std_logic_arith.   entityxminuteis   port(   clkmin:inSTD_LOGIC;   reset:inSTD_LOGIC;   sethour:inSTD_LOGIC;   clk:inSTD_LOGIC;   minout:outSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6downto0);   enhour:outSTD_LOGIC   );      architecturexminute_archofxminuteis   signalmin:std_logic_vector(6downto0);   signalehour:std_   signalmin1:std_   begin   --&&   process(reset,clk,sethour,min,ehour)   begin   ifreset='0'then   enhour&='0';   minout&=&0000000&;   min1&='0';   else   min1&='1';   minout&=   ifclk='1'andclk'eventthen   ifsethour='0'then   enhour&='1';   else   enhour&=               process(clkmin,min1)   aliaslcountm:std_logic_vector(3downto0)ismin(3downto0);   aliashcountm:std_logic_vector(2downto0)ismin(6downto4);   begin   ifmin1='0'then   min&=&0000000&;   else   if(clkmin='1'andclkmin'event)then   iflcountm=9then   lcountm&=&0000&;   ifhcountm/=5then   hcountm&=hcountm+1;   ehour&='0';   else   hcountm&=&000&;   ehour&='1';      else   lcountm&=lcountm+1;   ehour&='0';               endxminute_   libraryIEEE;   useIEEE.std_logic_1164.   useieee.std_logic_unsigned.   useieee.std_logic_arith.   entityxhouris   port(   clkhour:inSTD_LOGIC;   reset:inSTD_LOGIC;   hourout:outSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5downto0)   );      architecturexhour_archofxhouris   signalhour:std_logic_vector(5downto0);   begin   --&&   process(reset,clkhour,hour)   aliaslcount:std_logic_vector(3downto0)ishour(3downto0);   aliashcount:std_logic_vector(1downto0)ishour(5downto4);   begin   ifreset='0'then   hourout&=&000000&;   hour&=&000000&;   else   if(clkhour='1'andclkhour'event)then   iflcount=9then   lcount&=&0000&;   hcount&=hcount+1;   else   ifhour=&100011&then   hour&=&000000&;   else   lcount&=lcount+1;            hourout&=         endxhour_   libraryIEEE;   useIEEE.std_logic_1164.   useieee.std_logic_unsigned.   useieee.std_logic_arith.   entityxalertis   port(   clk:inSTD_LOGIC;   d_in:inSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6downto0);   speak:outSTD_LOGIC;   d_out:outSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2downto0)   );      architecturexalert_archofxalertis   typestateis(s1,s2,s3,s4);   signalnext_state,current_state:   begin   --&&   process(clk,current_state,d_in)   begin   ifd_in/=&0000000&then   speak&='0';   next_state&=s1;   current_state&=s1;   d_out&=&000&;   else   ifclk='1'andclk'eventthen   speak&='1';   current_state&=next_      casecurrent_stateis   whens1=&   d_out&=&000&;   next_state&=s2;   whens2=&   d_out&=&001&;   next_state&=s3;   whens3=&   d_out&=&010&;   next_state&=s4;   whens4=&   d_out&=&100&;   next_state&=s1;   whenothers=&   d_out&=&000&;               endxalert_   libraryIEEE;   useIEEE.std_logic_1164.   useieee.std_logic_unsigned.   useieee.std_logic_arith.   entityxsettimeis   port(   hour:inSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5downto0);   min:inSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6downto0);   sec:inSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6downto0);   reset:inSTD_LOGIC;   clk:inSTD_LOGIC;   sel:outSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2downto0);   d_out:outSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3downto0)   );      architecturexsettime_archofxsettimeis   signalsel1:std_logic_vector(2downto0);   begin   --&&   process(clk,reset,sel1,hour,min,sec)   begin   ifreset='0'then   sel&=&000&;   d_out&=&0000&;   sel1&=&000&;   else   if(clk='1'andclk'event)then   ifsel1&5then   sel1&=sel1+1;   else   sel1&=&000&;         sel&=sel1;   casesel1is   when&000&=&   d_out(3)&='0';   d_out(2)&='0';   d_out(1)&=hour(5);   d_out(0)&=hour(4);   when&001&=&   d_out&=hour(3downto0);   when&010&=&   d_out(3)&='0';   d_out(2)&=min(6);   d_out(1)&=min(5);   d_out(0)&=min(4);   when&011&=&   d_out&=min(3downto0);   when&100&=&   d_out(3)&='0';   d_out(2)&=sec(6);   d_out(1)&=sec(5);   d_out(0)&=sec(4);   when&101&=&   d_out&=sec(3downto0);   whenothers=&               endxsettime_   libraryIEEE;   useIEEE.std_logic_1164.   entityxdeledis   port(   d_in:inSTD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3downto0);   a:outSTD_LOGIC;   b:outSTD_LOGIC;   c:outSTD_LOGIC;   d:outSTD_LOGIC;   e:outSTD_LOGIC;   f:outSTD_LOGIC;   g:outSTD_LOGIC   );      才五分啊,太少了吧。C语言的浮点数运算,fab(f1-f2) & 1e-7,指数最大可以写多少? - 知乎有问题,上知乎。知乎作为中文互联网最大的知识分享平台,以「知识连接一切」为愿景,致力于构建一个人人都可以便捷接入的知识分享网络,让人们便捷地与世界分享知识、经验和见解,发现更大的世界。0被浏览295分享邀请回答赞同 7 条评论分享收藏感谢收起写回答C语言中,怎么定义单片机的寄存器
位地址在汇编语言中,只能直接寻址,不支持间接寻址。那么,在 C 语言中,也就不能用指针来操作。所以不能定义单片机的寄存器。访问寄存器可以通过直接地址引用来完成。例如52单片机的寄存器有4组,分别为00H-07H,08H-0FH,10H-17H,18H-1FH,各组均8字节,要结合程序状态字寄存器PSW(D0H)中的RS0,RS1的组合来确定是哪一组。可以定义一个访问Rn的函数typedefuchar dacRn(uchar n)
uchar data *p;
n += (PSW & 0x18);
7:CY 6:AC 5:F0 4:RS1 3:RS0 2:OV 1:F1 0:P//本来要右移三位变为0-3,但由于是8个一组要乘以8(左移3位),所以直接加上寄存器编号就可以了
return *(uchar data *)n;}
#define reg_name
//前面定义寄存器名称..........#define name((pointer_type *) reg_name )//后面变成指针方便使用根据需要看是否需要加volatile~~~还要看你用什么样的编译器~~~
你要干嘛 ?go 0080mov XXXX
您好,就直接用if (P_^_==0) ……这里的_表示数字,51有四个端口,各有八个,你随便用。要用MAX232经过电平的转换,将TTL电平转化成232电平,才能与上位机(电脑)通信啊;然后用单片机的串行通信功能写个程序直接发就行了。SBUF=51里与串口发送的实际只一句,它就把temp传到SBUF然后再一位一位的串行发送了呀,至于它是怎么发的,我们没必要知道啊;那是串行通信的协议;比如吧,sbit shu=P2^0;if (shu==0 )
如果 P1是可以位寻址的话,定义另一个位变量来保存P1口的值,通过比较此变量与P1口的值来判断电平有没有变化。if(pbak!=P1){
请输入私信内容:按键精灵 基本命令中的 键盘ASCII码 a-z 1-0 F1-F12详细的进C语言高手解答_百度知道
按键精灵 基本命令中的 键盘ASCII码 a-z 1-0 F1-F12详细的进C语言高手解答
我最近在看按键精灵教程 键盘ASCII码 代码详细解释比如
键盘的 1代码是97
1-0 a-z F1-F12 空格 回车 键盘所有键的代码和鼠标 左右键 麻烦高手介绍下分不多诚意在绝不 关闭或者不给
另外按键格式是不是 格式: KeyPress [91] [12]
按0这个键12次 是这么写么...
A 键到 Z 键与其 ASCII 码的相应值 'A ' 到 'Z ' 是一致的 常数 值 描述 vbKeyA 65 A 键 vbKeyB 66 B 键 vbKeyC 67 C 键 vbKeyD 68 D 键 vbKeyE 69 E 键 vbKeyF 70 F 键 vbKeyG 71 G 键 vbKeyH 72 H 键 vbKeyI 73 I 键 vbKeyJ 74 J 键 vbKeyK 75 K 键 vbKeyL 76 L 键 vbKeyM 77 M 键 vbKeyN 78 N 键 vbKeyO 79 O 键 vbKeyP 80 P 键 vbKeyQ 81 Q 键 vbKeyR 82 R 键 vbKeyS 83 S 键 vbKeyT 84 T 键 vbKeyU 85 U 键 vbKeyV 86 V 键 vbKeyW 87 W 键 vbKeyX 88 X 键 vbKeyY 89 Y 键 vbKeyZ 90 Z 键 0 键到 9 键与其 ASCII 码的相应值 '0 ' 到 '9 ' 是一致的 常数 值 描述 vbKey0 48 0 键 vbKey1 49 1 键 vbKey2 50 2 键 vbKey3 51 3 键 vbKey4 52 4 键 vbKey5 53 5 键 vbKey6 54 6 键 vbKey7 55 7 键 vbKey8 56 8 键 vbKey9 57 9 键 数字小键盘上的键 常数 值 描述 vbKeyNumpad0 96 0 键 vbKeyNumpad1 97 1 键 vbKeyNumpad2 98 2 键 vbKeyNumpad3 99 3 键 vbKeyNumpad4 100 4 键 vbKeyNumpad5 101 5 键 vbKeyNumpad6 102 6 键 vbKeyNumpad7 103 7 键 vbKeyNumpad8 104 8 键 vbKeyNumpad9 105 9 键 vbKeyMultiply 106 乘号 (*) 键 vbKeyAdd 107 加号 (+) 键 vbKeySeparator 108 ENTER 键(在数字小键盘上) vbKeySubtract 109 减号 (-) 键 vbKeyDecimal 110 小数点 (.) 键 vbKeyDivide 111 除号 (/) 键 功能键 常数 值 描述 vbKeyF1 112 F1 键 vbKeyF2 113 F2 键 vbKeyF3 114 F3 键 vbKeyF4 115 F4 键 vbKeyF5 116 F5 键 vbKeyF6 117 F6 键 vbKeyF7 118 F7 键 vbKeyF8 119 F8 键 vbKeyF9 120 F9 键 vbKeyF10 121 F10 键 vbKeyF11 122 F11 键 vbKeyF12 123 F12 键 vbKeyF13 124 F13 键 vbKeyF14 125 F14 键 vbKeyF15 126 F15 键 vbKeyF16 127 F16 键
比如:想要按a键一次。按键精灵7 :KeyPress 65,1
按键精灵8:KeyPress “a”,1
  设计原理   计数时钟由模为60的秒计数器模块、模为60的分计数模块、模为24的小时计数器模块、指示灯与报警器的模块、分/小时设定模块及输出显示模块等组成。通过&多功能复用按键F1-F12&信号接线组&F1_12(T)&的F9~F12的任意引线插孔可设置小时和分钟的值,并具有整点报时的功能。&br/&&br/&   输入信号:SETMIN为分钟设置信号;SETHOUR为小时设置信号;RESET为全局复位信号;CLK为全局时钟信号;CKDSP为数码管动态扫描信号。&br/&&br/&   拨码开关SW1~SW7内部已连接并已锁定,无需外接连线。&br/&&br/&   参考源程序   library IEEE;   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.   use ieee.std_logic_arith.   entity xsecond is   port (   clk: in STD_LOGIC;   clkset: in STD_LOGIC;   setmin: in STD_LOGIC;   reset: in STD_LOGIC;   secout: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);   enmin: out STD_LOGIC   );      architecture xsecond_arch of xsecond is   signal sec : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);   signal emin : std_   signal sec1 : std_   begin   -- &&   process(reset,sec,emin,setmin,clkset)   begin   if reset='0' then   enmin&='0';   secout&=&0000000&;   sec1&='1';   else   sec1&='0';   secout&=   if clkset='1' and clkset'event then   if setmin='0' then   enmin&='1';   else   enmin&=               process(clk,sec1)   alias lcount : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) is sec(3 downto 0);   alias hcount : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) is sec(6 downto 4);   begin   if sec1='1' then   sec&=&0000000&;   else   if (clk='1' and clk'event) then   if lcount=9 then   lcount&=&0000&;   if hcount/=5 then   hcount&=hcount+1;   emin&='0';   else   hcount&=&000&;   emin&='1';      else   lcount&=lcount+1;   emin&='0';               end xsecond_   library IEEE;   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.   use ieee.std_logic_arith.   entity xminute is   port (   clkmin: in STD_LOGIC;   reset: in STD_LOGIC;   sethour: in STD_LOGIC;   clk: in STD_LOGIC;   minout: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);   enhour: out STD_LOGIC   );      architecture xminute_arch of xminute is   signal min : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);   signal ehour : std_   signal min1 : std_   begin   -- &&   process(reset,clk,sethour,min,ehour)   begin   if reset='0' then   enhour&='0';   minout&=&0000000&;   min1&='0';   else   min1&='1';   minout&=   if clk='1' and clk'event then   if sethour='0' then   enhour&='1';   else   enhour&=               process(clkmin,min1)   alias lcountm : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) is min(3 downto 0);   alias hcountm : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) is min(6 downto 4);   begin   if min1='0' then   min&=&0000000&;   else   if (clkmin='1' and clkmin'event) then   if lcountm=9 then   lcountm&=&0000&;   if hcountm/=5 then   hcountm&=hcountm+1;   ehour&='0';   else   hcountm&=&000&;   ehour&='1';      else   lcountm&=lcountm+1;   ehour&='0';               end xminute_   library IEEE;   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.   use ieee.std_logic_arith.   entity xhour is   port (   clkhour: in STD_LOGIC;   reset: in STD_LOGIC;   hourout: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (5 downto 0)   );      architecture xhour_arch of xhour is   signal hour : std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);   begin   -- &&   process(reset,clkhour,hour)   alias lcount : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) is hour(3 downto 0);   alias hcount : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) is hour(5 downto 4);   begin   if reset='0' then   hourout&=&000000&;   hour&=&000000&;   else   if (clkhour='1' and clkhour'event) then   if lcount=9 then   lcount&=&0000&;   hcount&=hcount+1;   else   if hour=&100011& then   hour&=&000000&;   else   lcount&=lcount+1;            hourout&=         end xhour_   library IEEE;   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.   use ieee.std_logic_arith.   entity xalert is   port (   clk: in STD_LOGIC;   d_in: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);   speak: out STD_LOGIC;   d_out: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0)   );      architecture xalert_arch of xalert is   type state is (s1,s2,s3,s4);   signal next_state,current_state :   begin   -- &&   process(clk,current_state,d_in)   begin   if d_in/=&0000000& then   speak&='0';   next_state&=s1;   current_state&=s1;   d_out&=&000&;   else   if clk='1' and clk'event then   speak&='1';   current_state&=next_      case current_state is   when s1 =&   d_out&=&000&;   next_state&=s2;   when s2 =&   d_out&=&001&;   next_state&=s3;   when s3 =&   d_out&=&010&;   next_state&=s4;   when s4 =&   d_out&=&100&;   next_state&=s1;   when others =&   d_out&=&000&;               end xalert_   library IEEE;   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.   use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.   use ieee.std_logic_arith.   entity xsettime is   port (   hour: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (5 downto 0);   min: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);   sec: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (6 downto 0);   reset: in STD_LOGIC;   clk: in STD_LOGIC;   sel: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (2 downto 0);   d_out: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)   );      architecture xsettime_arch of xsettime is   signal sel1 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);   begin   -- &&   process(clk,reset,sel1,hour,min,sec)   begin   if reset='0' then   sel&=&000&;   d_out&=&0000&;   sel1&=&000&;   else   if (clk='1' and clk'event) then   if sel1&5 then   sel1&=sel1+1;   else   sel1&=&000&;         sel&=sel1;   case sel1 is   when &000& =&   d_out(3)&='0';   d_out(2)&='0';   d_out(1)&=hour(5);   d_out(0)&=hour(4);   when &001& =&   d_out&=hour(3 downto 0);   when &010& =&   d_out(3)&='0';   d_out(2)&=min(6);   d_out(1)&=min(5);   d_out(0)&=min(4);   when &011& =&   d_out&=min(3 downto 0);   when &100& =&   d_out(3)&='0';   d_out(2)&=sec(6);   d_out(1)&=sec(5);   d_out(0)&=sec(4);   when &101& =&   d_out&=sec(3 downto 0);   when others =&               end xsettime_   library IEEE;   use IEEE.std_logic_1164.   entity xdeled is   port (   d_in: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);   a: out STD_LOGIC;   b: out STD_LOGIC;   c: out STD_LOGIC;   d: out STD_LOGIC;   e: out STD_LOGIC;   f: out STD_LOGIC;   g: out STD_LOGIC   );      才五分啊,太少了吧。


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