
美球迷热议有多少球员配得上全票MVP?乔鲨詹早该获此荣誉!nba球迷最多的球员 - 要时尚资讯网
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How many players should have a UNANIMOUS MVP? ()
As we all know Curry won the unanimous M…
美国JRS之声美球迷热议有多少球员配得上全票MVP?乔鲨詹早该获此荣誉!How many players should have a UNANIMOUS MVP? ()有多少球员本应该全票当选MVP?As we all know Curry won the unanimous MVP last season and he totally deserved it.My question is, how many players should have won MVP unanimously? I'm not a big history buff when it comes to he NBA. I basically want to know the years a player had an insanely dominant season but there was that one voter who just screwed it up?众所周知,库里上赛季全票当选MVP,而他也完全配得上全票当选。我的问题是,有多少球员本应该全票当选MVP?我不是一个NBA历史通,基本上我想知道的是有那些年份球员打出了统治级的赛季表现,但因为一个投票人就毁掉全票当选MVP的机会?[–]Bucksdeodorant_1 55 指標 2小時前 12-13 Lebron JamesHe was one vote away but some guy voted for Melo instead because he wanted to be contrarian12-13赛季的詹姆斯。他只差了一票,而某个家伙想要标新立异投给了甜瓜。[–][NYK] David LeeStormWilliams 2 指標 2小時前 I think Melo would've deserved some first place votes if it was any other year but Lebron should've gotten it unanimous.如果是换做其他年份我觉得甜瓜也配得上得到一些第一选票,但詹姆斯那年本该全票当选的。[–]Braveshayabusa- 20 指標 2小時前 No offense or anything but Carmelo has never been a first-place MVP vote-worthy player even in his absolute best years in Denver. There have always been multiple players better.无意冒犯,但安东尼从来都不是一个有MVP第一选票价值的球员,即使是他在掘金时候最佳的一年。每年总是有几个球员要比他更强的。[–][GSW] Monta EllisJcanicosa 2 指標 1小時前 It was the narrative that Melo had a lot less help than Lebron, but still got the Knicks to the 2nd seed. Same narrative that almost got Harden the MVP in 2015当年的说法是安东尼得到的帮助比詹姆斯少,但仍然带领尼克斯坐上了东部第二种子的席位,2015年差不多也是这种情形,而哈登也差点当选了mvp。[–]seans696 6 指標 1小時前 Harden was arguably as good as curry that year. Melo has never been nowhere near as good as lebron哈登那年可以说和库里平分秋色,甜瓜从没接近过勒布朗这么强的地步过。[–][GSW] Monta EllisJcanicosa 5 指標 1小時前* Agreed. But I'm just saying the "less help" narrative is what got Melo the one first place MVP vote同意,但我只是说“得到更少的帮助”的说辞是甜瓜得到MVP第一选票的原因。[–]KnicksFoi_ 2 指標 2小時前 i mean the guy's reasoning was that you take melo away from the knicks and they dont even make the playoffs. + melo was coming off an insane stretch where he scored 40 in three straight games and was the scoring champ. some valid reasoning i guess. but lebron deserved mvp.我觉得那家伙投给甜瓜的原因是你把甜瓜从尼克斯那里拿出来,尼克斯甚至进不了季后赛,加上甜瓜打出了连续三场得分40+的变态势头,而且是得分王,我觉得这些理由很合理,但勒布朗配得上MVP。[–]KingsTheRedditoristo 4 指標 2小時前 Shaq also suffered the "one guy voted for someone else" issue. I think that voter may have been stephen A but i could be wrong奥尼尔也干了,深受“一人投给其他人”之苦。我觉得投票的那人可能是美国瑜伽,但可能不是他。[–]HornetsYizWasHere 5 指標 2小時前 It was Fred Hickman那人叫弗雷德-希克曼(00年这位亚特兰大的记者没有投给沙克,沙克错失了全票MVP)。[–][BOS] Isaiah Thomastruthseeki 11 指標 2小時前* Garnett in 04 is one that hasn't been mentioned yet. He was only three votes away from being unanimousEdit: the other votes went to Jermaine O'Neal and Peja Stojakovic. Stojakovic had a really good season but how anyone could pick him over KG for mvp is beyond me04年的加内特目前还没有人提起他,他当时离全票当选也只差3票。PS:其他的第一选票投给了小奥尼尔和佩贾,佩贾当时是打出了很好的赛季表现,但MVP票选怎么还有人会把他排在加内特之前呢,这真的让我难以理解。[–]johncenatbh 15 指標 2小時前 LeBron, Shaq, Wilt, MJ.詹姆斯,奥尼尔,张伯伦,乔丹。[–]76ersMartavis 1 指標 14 分鐘前 Wilt didn't even win MVP in the year he averaged 50ppg and set all those records if you're wondering. I don't think he had a standout year apart from that where he was undeniably the best.如果你好奇心萌发的话,那就告诉你张伯伦场均50分创下那一堆记录的那个赛季他甚至都没拿到MVP,我觉得除了那一年外,张伯伦并没有过无可置疑的联盟第一人的表现过。[–]PelicansConsumedAM 7 指標 2小時前 Shaq in '00, LeBron in '13 are the ones that stand out. The players voted for outside of them made no sense00年的奥尼尔,13年的詹姆斯都是很牛叉的,投给不是这两人的其他人,完全没道理啊。[–][GSW] Gilbert Arenasvelocirappa 3 指標 2小時前 I'm pretty sure Lebron in 2013 and Shaq in 2000 only missed one vote by contrarians apiece, so those two are the obvious answers.我很确定2013年的詹姆斯和2000的奥尼尔是仅有的因为标新立异的投票者丢了一票的,所以这俩人显然就是你要的答案。[–]Braveshayabusa- 8 指標 2小時前 2013 LeBron2010 LeBron2004 KG2000 Shaq1993 Jordan (yes, I'm aware he didn't win this one. doesn't matter)1992 Jordan1991 Jordan1990 Jordan (he didn't win this one either, also doesn't matter.)1989 Jordan (yep, still doesn't matter)1988 Jordan2013年的詹姆斯2010年的詹姆斯2004的加内特2000年的奥尼尔1993年的乔丹(是的,我知道他没拿到那年的MVP,但是这不重要)1992年的乔丹1991年的乔丹1990年的乔丹(他也没拿到这个MVP,这也不重要)1989年的乔丹(是的,没拿到依旧不重要)1988年的乔丹[–]Lakers_Meece_ 3 指標 2小時前 2013 Lebron, 2000 Shaq, Probably MJ every season from 87-93, but I'll just say 91 and 92.2013年的詹姆斯,2000年的奥尼尔,可能从87-93年每个赛季的乔丹,但我只会说91和92年。[–][NYK] David LeeStormWilliams 7 指標 2小時前 Shaq in 2000 I think and Lebron in 2013.我觉得是2000年的奥尼尔和2013年的詹姆斯。[–]Pacers22every-day 2 指標 1小時前
Lebron 12-13, Shaq 2000, Jordan for like 4 seasons, Curry. Could even go KG in 0412-13赛季的詹姆斯,2000年的奥尼尔,乔丹大概有4个赛季是如此的,库里,甚至可以选04年的加内特。[–]ProdigyOf58 2 指標 2小時前 LeBron in 2010 and 2013. Also Shaq 2000.2010 Durant and Dwight stole votes from him when it should have been all LeBron.2010年和2013年的詹姆斯,同时2000年的奥尼尔也是如此。2010年第一选票本该都属于詹姆斯的,而那年的杜兰特和霍华德从中分去了一些选票。我们的公众号:ChinaReddit,还处于成长之中~,微博:虎扑美国JRS之声~希望得到您更多的改善建议和支持!哈登荣膺球员票选上赛季MVP NBA球员投票版赛
&&&来源:& &
据美媒体def pen radio报道,历来常规赛各大奖项总由媒体记者投票选择,今年球员工会决定推出球员投票版本。知情人透露,在球员对常规赛MVP的投票中,哈登成功当选,他压过了斯蒂芬-库里、勒布朗-詹姆斯、维斯布鲁克等大牌球星。
&&& 除了MVP,球员们也对其他各大奖项进行了投票,其中还有一些奖项是NBA官方投票所没有的,比如最佳关键先生、最难防守球员等,哈登也将角逐这几个奖项。
&&& 在这次颁奖典礼上,还有已退役的艾伦-艾弗森以及未正式宣布退役的雷-阿伦会得到表彰,其中艾弗森将因为他职业生涯在球场上实现的成就得到表彰,雷-阿伦则是因为他在场外所进行的那些慈善事业。
据《休斯顿纪事报》记者Reid Laymance撰文透露,火箭队球星詹姆斯-哈登已经荣获了第一届由球员选出的MVP。这项评选活动由BET电视台和NBA球员工会联合举办,而且今年是第一届。上赛季的常规赛MVP评选中,勇士队控卫斯蒂芬-库里获得了最高荣耀,而哈登则排在第二。2014-15赛季常规赛期间,哈登场均上场36.8分钟,可以得到27.4分7个助攻5.7个篮板。不过网友纷纷表示笑称,哈登号称NBA“夜店小王子”,而库里则是女儿不离左右,圈里人缘孰强孰弱一目了然......


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