
The perfect student.....ASKS QUESTIONS.好学生会积极提问
Most&teachers want&students to ask questions when they do not understand a concept that is being taught. Good students aren&t afraid to ask questions because they know that if they do not get a particular concept, it could hurt them later. Asking questions is often beneficial to the class as a whole because chances are if you have that question, there are other students who have that same question.大多数老师都希望学生在不理解教授的概念时能够提问。好学生敢于提问,因为他们知道,如果自己不理解某个概念会不利于今后的学习。提问有时对班级同学也有好处,很有可能你不理解的问题正好也是其他同学不明白的。
The perfect student is a.....HARD WORKER.好学生会努力学习
The perfect student isn&t necessarily the smartest student. There are plenty of students who are blessed with natural intelligence, but lack the self discipline to hone that intelligence. Teachers love students who choose to work hard no matter what their level of intelligence is. Being a hard worker in school simply means completing assignments on time, putting your maximum effort into every assignment, asking for&extra help&when you need it, putting in the time to study for tests and quizzes, as well as recognizing weaknesses and looking for ways to improve upon those weaknesses.好学生并非总是最聪明的学生。有很多学生生来智商高,但是缺乏训练智商的自律精神。老师喜爱努力学习的学生,无论他们的智商水平处在什么等级。在学校里努力学习意味着按时完成作业、全力应对任务、寻求帮助、准备考试,同时还要认识自己的弱点,并试着克服弱点。
The perfect student is.....INVOLVED.好学生会参与活动
Being involved in extra-curricular activities can help a student gain&confidence&which can improve academic success. Most good students get involved in some activity whether it is athletics,&Student Council, etc. These activities provide so many learning opportunities that a traditional classroom simply can&t. These activities also provide opportunities to take on&leadership roles&and they often teach people to work together as a team to accomplish a common goal.全情投入于各种课外活动有助于获得自信,从而取得学业上的成功,大多数好学生会参加体育活动、学生会等等。这些活动提供了很多在传统课堂上学习不到的知识。这些活动还提供了成为领导者的机会,同时,教学生与他人合作达到共同的目标。
The perfect student is a.....LEADER.好学生是领导者
Teachers love good students who are natural leaders within their classroom. Whole classes have their own unique personalities and often times those classes with good leaders are good classes. Leadership skills are often innate. It is also a skill that develops over time amongst your peers. Being trustworthy is a key component of being a leader. If your classmates don&t trust you, then you will never be leader. If you are a leader amongst your peers, you have the ultimate responsibility to lead by example and the ultimate power to motivate others to be successful.老师喜欢班级中天生的领导者。每个班级都有自己的特点,通常情况下,有优秀领导者的班级表现得更好。领导才能通常是天生的,但也可以在同龄人中锻炼发展出来。值得信任是成为领导者的关键因素。如果班上的同学不信任你,你永远也不能领导他们。如果你是同龄人中的领导者,你有责任以身作则,也有权利激励他人成功。
The perfect student is.....MOTIVATED.好学生会积极向上
Motivation comes from many places. The best students are the ones that are motivated to be successful.&Motivation means different things to different people. Good teachers&will figure out how to motivate most students in someway, but those students who are self-motivated are far easier to teach than those who aren&t.动力来源于各处。好学生通常会受到激励,变得成功。动力因人而异。好老师会想方法激励学生,但是那些懂得自我激励的学生比他人来说更易教。
The perfect student is a.....PROBLEM SOLVER.好学生会解决问题
No skill is lacking more in this generation of students than that of the ability to be a problem solver. At the simple click of a mouse, students today can access more information than ever before, thus rendering problem solving skills virtually obsolete. Those students who do possess true problem solving abilities are rare gems that teachers love.这一代的学生最缺乏的技能就是解决问题的能力。现在的学生只要轻点鼠标,就可以获得大量的信息。因此,他们自己解决问题的能力已经大大下降。能够真正自行解决问题的学生可谓凤毛麟角,而这些学生则深得老师喜爱。
The perfect student.....SEIZES OPPORTUNITIES.好学生会抓住机遇
It is true that every student must attend school for some period of time, but that doesn&t mean that every student seizes that opportunity and maximizes their learning potential. Many parents don&t see value in education, thus their children don&t see value in education. The best students take advantage of the opportunities their afforded and value the education that they have an opportunity to receive.确实,每个学生都必须接受义务教育,但是并不是每一个学生都可以抓住机会,把教育的潜能发挥到最大化。许多家长也重视教育,因此他们的儿女也如此。好学生会抓住他们得到的教育机会,并珍视这个机会。
The perfect student is a.....SOLID CITIZEN.好学生是一位好公民
Teachers will tell you that classes full of students who follow the rules and procedures have a better chance at maximizing their learning potential. Students who are well behaved in class are easy for teachers to deal with even if they struggle academically. Nobody wants to work with a student who constantly causes problems, but teachers will try to move mountains for students who are polite, respectful, and follow the rules.老师们说,如果一个班级的学生都遵守校规,这个班级最有可能最大化出教育潜力。在班级里表现良好的学生即使遇到了学业瓶颈,老师在解决他们的问题时也更轻松。没有人想要同不断制造麻烦的学生相处,老师们更愿意为懂礼貌、敬师长、遵校规的学生解决问题。
The perfect student has a.....SUPPORT SYSTEM.好学生受他人支持
Unfortunately this quality is one that individual students often have very little control of. You cannot control who your&parents or guardians&are. It is something that you can overcome, but it does make it a lot easier if you have a healthy support system in place. They push you to success, offer advice. They are there for you in times of adversity and they cheer for you in times that you are successful. Having a great support system doesn&t make or break you as a student, but it definitely gives you an advantage.不幸的是,这一点是学生本人无法掌控的。你无法决定父母或者监护人是谁。虽然你可以克服这一点,但是如果受到他人支持,学习的过程就更简单一点了。他们会帮助你成功,给你提出建议。你难过的时候,他们会在你身边;你成功的时候,他们会为你鼓掌。学习的成败不是由有力的支持决定的,但有力的支持绝对会给你带来优势。
The perfect student is.....TRUSTWORTHY.好学生受人信赖
Being trustworthy is a quality that will endear you not only to your teachers, but also to your classmates. No one wants to surround themselves with people that they ultimately cannot trust. Teachers love students and classes that they trust, because they can give them liberties that often provide learning opportunities they would not be afforded otherwise. 受人信赖不仅仅让老师喜爱你,也让同学喜欢你,没有人愿意处在自己不信任的人身边。老师喜欢可以信任的学生和班级,因为这种情况下老师可以给学生们自由,而这样的自由所提供的学习机会是不受信赖的学生所体验不到的。
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