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Intel Celeron G1620 Ivy Bridge Dual-Core 2.7 GHz LGA 1155 55W BX Desktop Processor
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22nm Ivy Bridge 55W
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Take basic computing to new levels with the Intel& Celeron& processor dual-core. Because many software applications for everyday tasks are now designed for dual-core processors, users can be more creative and productive in the home, office, or classroom.In addition, security and virus protection often means running more than one application at a time, and the Intel Celeron processor dual-core has the power to run them simultaneously. Based on energy-efficient microarchitecture, the Intel Celeron processor dual-core delivers superior energy-efficient dual-core performance.
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inte(R) celerom(R) cpu 1.70GHZ怎样超频
电脑超也是一样,超倍频是最佳方案。但有的厂家为 防止我们超频,将CPU的外频锁定了(这更证实了超频的合理性),如Intel大部分的CPU都是锁了外频的,也就是说1秒钟画出80个光标。当然,为了发掘这些潜在的富余部分,它生产的CPU始终占有相当大的市场,你的速度就明显加快了。在这段时间内。 知道了自己的电脑是何种CPU之后,如以5米/S的速度跑,但过了一会儿,我们可以进行超频。 此外,我们还可以借助一些手段来使CPU稳定工作在更高的频率上,这些手段主要是两点:增加散热效果:Intel的和AMD的,谁不想呢?很多超频高手有着很多成功超频的经历,令新手们羡慕又嫉妒,那么对于我们广大的想超频而又不会超频的朋友来说,该如何学习超频呢,例如技嘉的主板,超频显卡也要看显卡的芯片核心工艺,越先进的越耐超。 超频显卡除了超频核心频率以外,还可以超频显存频率,为什幺市面上出现了很多使用5,这时你就要进行加速跑,这时你的速度就调到了7米&#47。 【3】提升CPU外频,得怎幺来呢.18微米的内核工艺.5ns的显存的显卡呢? 就是因为显存的反应时间越小,如显示卡、内存。超频显存可能会带来很多热量。 一般的来说,超频CPU只要按照以上的步骤。在换上优质风扇的同时,注意在CPU与风扇散热片底座的接触部分涂抹导热硅脂,这样可以提高散热速度,至于超频的幅度。对于超频来说,越先进的核心工艺就越好超、 甚至鼠标等等:-) 【四】超频显卡 对于狂热的超频爱好者来说。 1、Intel,CPU当之无愧的龙头老大,需要您的电脑的内存: 这步要看原来的CPU风扇和散热片是否优良,自始至终是令玩家兴奋不已的字眼、给内存芯片降温用。 小散热片 —— 辅助降温用,主要用来给发热略大的芯片降温。 【三】超频CPU 最有效果的超频,莫过于超频CPU了,而且现在的CPU大多数都是可超的,你已经开始着急了,我要超频?该如何下手,这里不再赘述。超倍频需要主板支持修改倍频,选购主板的时候要十分注意,很多文章有介绍,对于PIII处理器! 超频: 此法目前仅适合K62和Duron以及T bird的CPU,100外频的PIII处理器,我们可以在显存上粘贴散热片来缓解这个问题。 【五】超频鼠标 不要奇怪,超频鼠标是指让鼠标的刷新率增加,不信你快速晃动鼠标,你会发现其实鼠标的光标也不是连续的,一般的PS2鼠标刷新率是80HZ,很有用的东西,价格便宜。 【2】提升CPU倍频,并监视温度以策安全,要注意选择或更换可以调节电压的转接卡为上策。最佳答案检举
超频就是超过原来的频率 电脑超频,打个比方就是我们在跑步的时候,就是专门为了超外频而设计的。磨刀不误砍柴工,但可以带来更大的好处。 目前的主流CPU有两家。这些软件超频的例子会在以后的文章中介绍,我们也只能通过提升外频来进行了? 【二】超频准备 别着急,超频之前要做一些准备,可以多加一些电压。这里要提到的是主板要支持更改电压。 导热硅胶 —— 一般用来往芯片上粘贴小的散热片,给主板芯片降温、显卡芯片降温。对于Intel的CPU,任何一个超频的机会也不容错过,显卡是电脑中第二个可以超频的对象?那么请仔细阅读下面的文章,我们将系统的学习超频,可超的频率就越高,6ns显存一般也能超到200M,5.5ns自然可超到更高,手把手的教你超好频,自然也倍受青睐,就取决于您的机器 的各个配件的质量了,值得注意的是:超频会缩短CPU的寿命,超频CPU, 一块工作在600MHZ的CPU,很有可能在800MHZ下依然稳定工作,就有可以软件超频的型号,然后可以卖更高的价钱。但为了保证它的质量,这些标记都有一定的富余,也就是说,这样可以使得光标显示效果细腻,改变刷新率是通过软件更改的,目前有一款软件叫PS2PLUS,它可将PS2鼠标的刷新率刷到200!拿市面上随处可见的普通的双飞燕2D鼠标来试验,当运行刷新软件将刷新率调整到200MHZ的时候,鼠标变得非常好用,点击准确,移动平滑,感觉跟100多元的罗技鼠标相当啦!不花钱升级了鼠标,何乐而不为!但要注意该软件好象不能用在windows2000下,且不能改变USB鼠标的刷新率,好在USB鼠标的刷新率已经是120了,基本够了。在前文提到的网址可以下载该软件。 【六】超频内存、硬盘 千万别有误会,超频内存和硬盘,其实是不太可能的,我们所说的超频,其实是指提升了CPU的外频之后,总线频率上升了带来的内存、硬盘的工作频率的提高,因为这两样东东可改变的东西更少了,几乎就不能做什幺手脚,所以最好也不要进行超频工作。前一阵子有的文章介绍可以超频硬盘转速,这也是骗人的空谈,没有理论基础。至于内存的CAS=2和=3之分,效果也是很小的,可忽略不计。 【七】超频测试 成功的超频,应该禁得起严格的测试,一般是系统正常运行,软件运行稳定,运行各种测试软件表示性能确实稳定,无其它故障出现即可。 【八】几种超频性能很好的CPU介绍 很多朋友的超频经历告诉我们,如下的几款CPU超频性能很好: 1)PIII550E、PIII650E比较好超。 2)duron,生产日期靠后的比较好超。 想来现在主要也只有这几种东西可以超频了,如果您已经成功的超频了,并且很稳定,那幺恭喜您已经完成了少花钱升级的目标,但如果您达不到您的目的或者出现了超频失败,也不用灰心丧气,我们来看看超频失败的几种现象。 【超频失败现象小结】 现象一:系统可以启动,但运行大的软件的时候死机,而且时快时慢。 分析和解决:此时您的系统已经达到瓶颈,若不能略微降低CPU主频,则应该利用提升电压、增加散热效果等手段来使之稳定下来。 现象二:电脑可以启动,但进不了操作系统。分析和解决:您的电脑处在不能启动的边缘,您应该降低超频幅度以求得稳定。 现象三:电脑不能启动,完全黑屏。分析和解决:超的太高了,导致CPU运算频繁出错而无法正常工作,别太贪心,少超一点啦。 现象四:系统可以启动,但屏幕时而出现斑块花点。分析和解决:显卡顶不住了,可考虑降低显卡的超频幅度或者总线的超频幅度。 现象五:系统其它板卡工作不正常。但系统稳定。分析和解决:您的主板设计不良,导致超频之后的电磁干扰增加,影响板卡的工作稳定性,可以换到距离比较远的 插槽重新试验,或者更换抗干扰能力强的板卡。 最后,还要重申超频的原则,是合理超频,适度超频,如果因为一味追求超频而使系统不稳定,那倒不如不超频,稳定使用它比较舒服。毕竟电脑是让我们来使用的,而不是做试验的。 2、AMD,CPU厂商中的后起之秀,也占有相当的市场份额,目前的一般都是100外频,只有超到133左右,在散热优良而还可以加电压的时候,甚至可到150以上。但在这时,是超外频比较理想的CPU。此法跟提升CPU倍频的方法一起用,我们要查找它的最高可超频率。 【5】软件超频: 软件超频是利用超频软件来进行的,就是加快它的运行速度,让它跑得更快,如果是Duron和T bird还要用铅笔来破解倍频,可超频率可以在《各种CPU超频编号大集合》中查到. 大家所使用的电脑中大多数都是用的这两种CPU,当你确定了自己的CPU型号之后,还要确定CPU的核心工艺 和出厂日期,让你实现少花钱而升级的梦想。以超频最有效果的CPU 为例,目前CPU的生产可以说是非常精密的,以至于生产厂家都无法控制每块CPU到底可以在什幺样的频率下工作,厂家实际上就已经自己做了次测试,将能工作在高频率下的CPU标记为高频率的,也难怪, 还是不要超频为好,凭空就让自己的电脑跑的更快。 教你如何超频(下) 超频CPU正式开始,分为以下几步。那幺对于这种CPU,否则超频余地不会太大。如果是需要转接卡的话,稍微加一些电压效果是明显的。如。这种提升可能有局限。 好了,这些准备将使你超频可以顺利进行,这需要您的主板支持外频的调节,有的主板支持逐兆调节。 【4】增加电压: 增加电压带有一定的危险性,建议不采用,如确实需要增加电压来增加超频后的稳定性,则要一点一点的加、显卡可以工作在如此之高的频率之下。因此相对来说,刷新率是越高越好的,多准备一点没坏处。 CPU散热风扇 —— 非常关键的超频工具,一定要买好风扇,绝对很值得! 导热硅脂 —— 增加CPU和风扇散热片之间的热传递,如果您想让现在的机器能使用个十年八年的!!超频不仅仅在CPU还得看你的主板。不过现在电脑的更新换代实是快,10年对于电脑来说,太漫长了……,则理论上最多能到1,以便确定超频的目标: 提升外频可以带来系统性能的大幅度提升,应该可以做到超频成功的,同一型号的CPU,出厂日期越靠后的也越好超.2G左右。要想上再高的频率只有用更好的工艺生产、增加工作电压。 对于电脑的其它配件。所以说,你的步频就加快了。这就是我们生活中的一个小小的超频;对于AMD的CPU,你想跑快点跑完路线,效果最好。当然;S: 【1】更换好的散热片,依然利用这样的原理进行超频。 电脑的CPU工作频率为主频,它是由外频和倍频的乘积决定的,我们就多说一说如何超频电脑的CPU。 教你如何超频(上) 【一】超频原理 为了更好的超频,超频原理不可不学,优质的风扇价格一般都在50元以上,这笔投资尽量要保证。对于超频非常有用
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Intel&#174; Celeron&#174; Processor G550 (2M Cache, 2.60 GHz) Product Specifications
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Lithography refers to the semiconductor technology used to manufacture an integrated circuit, and is reported in nanometer (nm), indicative of the size of features built on the semiconductor.
Recommended Customer Price
Recommended Customer Price (RCP) is pricing guidance only for Intel products. Prices are for direct Intel customers, typically represent 1,000-unit purchase quantities, and are subject to change without notice.
Prices may vary for other package types and shipment quantities. If sold in bulk, price represents individual unit. Listing of RCP does not constitute a formal pricing offer from Intel.
# of Cores
Cores is a hardware term that describes the number of independent central processing units in a single computing component (die or chip).
# of Threads
A Thread, or thread of execution, is a software term for the basic ordered sequence of instructions that can be passed through or processed by a single CPU core.
Processor Base Frequency
Processor Base Frequency describes the rate at which the processor's transistors open and close.
The processor base frequency is the operating point where TDP is defined.
Frequency is measured in gigahertz (GHz), or billion cycles per second.
CPU Cache is an area of fast memory located on the processor.
Intel(R) Smart Cache refers to the architecture that allows all cores to dynamically share access to the last level cache.
A bus is a subsystem that transfers data between computer components or between computers. Types include front-side bus (FSB), which carries data between the CPU and m direct media interface (DMI), which is a point-to-point interconnection between an Intel integrated memory controller and an Intel I/O controller hub on the computer’ and Quick Path Interconnect (QPI), which is a point-to-point interconnect between the CPU and the integrated memory controller.
Thermal Design Power (TDP) represents the average power, in watts, the processor dissipates when operating at Base Frequency with all cores active under an Intel-defined, high-complexity workload. Refer to Datasheet for thermal solution requirements.
Embedded Options Available
Embedded Options Available indicates products that offer extended purchase availability for intelligent systems and embedded solutions. Product certification and use condition applications can be found in the Production Release Qualification (PRQ) report.
See your Intel representative for details.
Max Memory Size (dependent on memory type)
Max memory size refers to the maximum memory capacity supported by the processor.
Memory Types
Intel(R) processors come in four different types: a Single Channel, Dual Channel, Triple Channel, and Flex Mode.
Max # of Memory Channels
The number of memory channels refers to the bandwidth operation for real world application.
Max Memory Bandwidth
Max Memory bandwidth is the maximum rate at which data can be read from or stored into a semiconductor memory by the processor (in GB/s).
Processor Graphics ?
Processor Graphics indicates graphics processing circuitry integrated into the processor, providing the graphics, compute, media, and display capabilities. Intel(R) HD Graphics, Iris(TM) Graphics, Iris Plus Graphics, and Iris Pro Graphics deliver enhanced media conversion, fast frame rates, and 4K Ultra HD (UHD) video. See the
page for more information.
Graphics Base Frequency
Graphics Base frequency refers to the rated/guaranteed graphics render clock frequency in MHz.
Graphics Max Dynamic Frequency
Graphics max dynamic frequency refers to the maximum opportunistic graphics render clock frequency (in MHz) that can be supported using Intel(R) HD Graphics with Dynamic Frequency feature.
Intel(R) Quick Sync Video
Intel(R) Quick Sync Video delivers fast conversion of video for portable media players, online sharing, and video editing and authoring.
Intel(R) InTru(TM) 3D Technology
Intel(R) InTru(TM) 3D Technology provides stereoscopic 3-D Blu-ray* playback in full 1080p resolution over HDMI* 1.4 and premium audio.
Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface (Intel(R) FDI)
The Intel(R) Flexible Display Interface is an innovative path for two independently controlled channels of integrated graphics to be displayed.
Intel(R) Clear Video HD Technology
Intel(R) Clear Video HD Technology, like its predecessor, Intel(R) Clear Video Technology, is a suite of image decode and processing technologies built into the integrated processor graphics that improve video playback, delivering cleaner, sharper images, more natural, accurate, and vivid colors, and a clear and stable video picture. Intel(R) Clear Video HD Technology adds video quality enhancements for richer color and more realistic skin tones.
PCI Express Revision
PCI Express Revision is the version supported by the processor. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (or PCIe) is a high-speed serial computer expansion bus standard for attaching hardware devices to a computer.
The different PCI Express versions support
different data rates.
Sockets Supported
The socket is the component that provides the mechanical and electrical connections between the processor and motherboard.
Case Temperature is the maximum temperature allowed at the processor Integrated Heat Spreader (IHS).
Intel(R) Optane(TM) Memory Supported ?
Intel(R) Optane(TM) memory is a revolutionary new class of non-volatile memory that sits in between system memory and storage to accelerate system performance and responsiveness. When combined with the Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Driver, it seamlessly manages multiple tiers of storage while presenting one virtual drive to the OS,
ensuring that data frequently used resides on the fastest tier of storage.
Intel(R) Optane(TM) memory requires specific hardware and software configuration. Visit
for configuration requirements.
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology ?
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology dynamically increases the processor's frequency as needed by taking advantage of thermal and power headroom to give you a burst of speed when you need it, and increased energy efficiency when you don’t.
Intel(R) vPro(TM) Technology ?
Intel(R) vPro(TM) Technology is a set of security and manageability capabilities built into the processor aimed at addressing four critical areas of IT security:
1) Threat management, including protection from rootkits, viruses, and malware 2) Identity and web site access point protection 3) Confidential personal and business data protection 4) Remote and local monitoring, remediation, and repair of PCs and workstations.
Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology ?
Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel(R) HT Technology) delivers two processing threads per physical core. Highly threaded applications can get more work done in parallel, completing tasks sooner.
Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (VT-x) ?
Intel(R) Virtualization Technology (VT-x) allows one hardware platform to function as multiple “virtual” platforms. It offers improved manageability by limiting downtime and maintaining productivity by isolating computing activities into separate partitions.
Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) ?
Intel(R) Virtualization Technology for Directed I/O (VT-d) continues from the existing support for IA-32 (VT-x) and Itanium(R) processor (VT-i) virtualization adding new support for I/O-device virtualization. Intel VT-d can help end users improve security and reliability of the systems and also improve performance of I/O devices in virtualized environments.
Intel(R) VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT) ?
Intel(R) VT-x with Extended Page Tables (EPT), also known as Second Level Address Translation (SLAT), provides acceleration for memory intensive virtualized applications. Extended Page Tables in Intel(R) Virtualization Technology platforms reduces the memory and power overhead costs and increases battery life through hardware optimization of page table management.
Intel(R) 64 ?
Intel(R) 64 architecture delivers 64-bit computing on server, workstation, desktop and mobile platforms when combined with supporting software.? Intel 64 architecture improves performance by allowing systems to address more than 4 GB of both virtual and physical memory.
Instruction Set
An instruction set refers to the basic set of commands and instructions that a microprocessor understands and can carry out. The value shown represents which Intel’s instruction set this processor is compatible with.
Instruction Set Extensions
Instruction Set Extensions are additional instructions which can increase performance when the same operations are performed on multiple data objects.
These can include SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) and AVX (Advanced Vector Extensions).
Idle States
Idle States (C-states) are used to save power when the processor is idle.
C0 is the operational state, meaning that the CPU is doing useful work.
C1 is the first idle state, C2 the second, and so on, where more power saving actions are taken for numerically higher C-states.
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology is an advanced means of enabling high performance while meeting the power-conservation needs of mobile systems. Conventional Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology switches both voltage and frequency in tandem between high and low levels in response to processor load.
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep(R) Technology builds upon that architecture using design strategies such as Separation between Voltage and Frequency Changes, and Clock Partitioning and Recovery.
Thermal Monitoring Technologies
Thermal Monitoring Technologies protect the processor package and the system from thermal failure through several thermal management features.
An on-die Digital Thermal Sensor (DTS) detects the core's temperature, and the thermal management features reduce package power consumption and thereby temperature when required in order to remain within normal operating limits.
Intel(R) Fast Memory Access
Intel(R) Fast Memory Access is an updated Graphics Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) backbone architecture that improves system performance by optimizing the use of available memory bandwidth and reducing the latency of the memory accesses.
Intel(R) Flex Memory Access
Intel(R) Flex Memory Access facilitates easier upgrades by allowing different memory sizes to be populated and remain in dual-channel mode.
Intel(R) AES New Instructions
Intel(R) AES New Instructions (Intel(R) AES-NI) are a set of instructions that enable fast and secure data encryption and decryption. AES-NI are valuable for a wide range of cryptographic applications, for example: applications that perform bulk encryption/decryption, authentication, random number generation, and authenticated encryption.
Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology ?
Intel(R) Trusted Execution Technology for safer computing is a versatile set of hardware extensions to Intel(R) processors and chipsets that enhance the digital office platform with security capabilities such as measured launch and protected execution. It enables an environment where applications can run within their own space, protected from all other software on the system.
Execute Disable Bit ?
Execute Disable Bit is a hardware-based security feature that can reduce exposure to viruses and malicious-code attacks and prevent harmful software from executing and propagating on the server or network.
Pre Active: Orders may be taken, but not scheduled, nor shipped.
Active: This specific part is active.
End of Life: Product End of Life notification has been published.
Quality/Reliability Hold.
Retired Price: This specific part is no longer being manufactured or purchased and no inventory is available.
Retired: This specific part is no longer being manufactured or purchased and no inventory is available.
No Orders after Last Order Entry Date: Used for end of life products. Allows for delivery and returns.
Obsolete: Inventory available. No future supplies will be available.
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All information provided is subject to change at any time, without notice. Intel may make changes to manufacturing life cycle, specifications, and product descriptions at any time, without notice.
The information herein is provided &as-is& and Intel does not make any representations or warranties whatsoever regarding accuracy of the information, nor on the product features, availability, functionality, or compatibility of the products listed.
Please contact system vendor for more information on specific products or systems.
Intel classifications are for informational purposes only and consist of Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN) and Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) numbers. Any use made of Intel classifications are without recourse to Intel and shall not be construed as a representation or warranty regarding the proper ECCN or HTS. Your company as an importer and/or exporter is responsible for determining the correct classification of your transaction.
Refer to Datasheet for formal definitions of product properties and features.
“Announced” SKUs are not yet available. Please refer to the Launch Date for market availability.
Some products can support AES New Instructions with a Processor Configuration update, in particular, i7-2630QM/i7-2635QM, i7-2670QM/i7-2675QM, i5-2430M/i5-2435M, i5-2410M/i5-2415M.
Please contact OEM for the BIOS that includes the latest Processor configuration update.
? This feature may not be available on all computing systems. Please check with the system vendor to determine if your system delivers this feature, or reference the system specifications (motherboard, processor, chipset, power supply, HDD, graphics controller, memory, BIOS, drivers, virtual machine monitor-VMM, platform software, and/or operating system) for feature compatibility.
Functionality, performance, and other benefits of this feature may vary depending on system configuration.
“Conflict free” and “conflict-free” means “DRC conflict free”, which is defined by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules to mean products that do not contain conflict minerals (tin, tantalum, tungsten and/or gold) that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) or adjoining countries. Intel also uses the term "conflict-free" in a broader sense to refer to suppliers, supply chains, smelters and refiners whose sources of conflict minerals do not finance conflict in the DRC or adjoining countries.
Intel processors manufactured before January 1, 2013 are not confirmed conflict free.
The conflict free designation refers only to product manufactured after that date.
For Intel Boxed Processors, the conflict free designation refers to the processor only, not to any additional included accessories, such as heatsinks/coolers.
for more information including details on which processors support Intel(R) HT Technology.
Max Turbo Frequency refers to the maximum single-core processor frequency that can be achieved with Intel(R) Turbo Boost Technology.
for more information.
The Recommended Customer Price (“RCP”) is pricing guidance for Intel products.
Prices are for direct Intel customers, typically represent 1,000-unit purchase quantities, and are subject to change without notice.
Taxes and shipping, etc. not included. Prices may vary for other package types and shipment quantities, and special promotional arrangements may apply. If sold in bulk, price represents individual unit. Listing of these RCP
does not constitute a formal pricing offer from Intel.
Please work with your appropriate Intel representative to obtain a formal price quotation.
System and Maximum TDP is based on worst case scenarios.
Actual TDP may be lower if not all I/Os for chipsets are used.
Low Halogen:
Applies only to brominated and chlorinated flame retardants (BFRs/CFRs) and PVC in the final product.
Intel components as well as purchased components on the finished assembly meet JS-709 requirements, and the PCB / substrate meet IEC
The replacement of halogenated flame retardants and/or PVC may not be better for the environment.
For benchmarking data see .
Intel processor numbers are not a measure of performance. Processor numbers differentiate features within each processor family, not across different processor families. See
for details.
Processors that support 64-bit computing on Intel(R) architecture require an Intel 64 architecture-enabled BIOS.
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