
php如何开启gzinflate 函数_百度知道
php如何开启gzinflate 函数
1.找到php.ini,(一般在c:\windows\php.ini),修改 extension=php_curl.dll 去掉前面的分号。2.检查php安装目录/ext目录下面是否有php_curl.dll文件。3.将php安装目录下面的2个dll,libeay32.dll/ssleay32.dll 复制到 windows/system32下。4.重启php的服务。就是重启iis。5.如果把以上步骤都做完了,还是不行,那么点击服务器: 我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量-系统变量-Path-编辑在变量值里面增加:;D:\APMServ5.2.6\PHP;D:\APMServ5.2.6\PHP\ext这里的 D:\APMServ5.2.6\PHP 应该换成你的PHP安装目录。B) 支持mb_string.dll组件修改php.ini文件(一般在c:\windows\php.ini):修改 extension=mb_string.dll 去掉前面的分号重启php的服务C) 支持zlib.dll组件修改php.ini文件(一般在c:\windows\php.ini):修改 extension=zlib.dll 去掉前面的分号,保存文件并重启php服务某些情况下,zlib.dll已经启用,但gzinflate函数被禁用,那么应该:编辑php.ini文件,修改 disable_functions= 这一行,把等号后面的内容都留空,保存文件并重启php服务D) 启用延时函数set_time_limit,usleep编辑php.ini文件,修改 disable_functions= 这一行,把等号后面的内容都留空,保存文件并重启php服务
dll组件修改php.ini文件(一般在c.ini文件;php.dll/APMServ5.2.6\PHP 应该换成你的PHP安装目录。B) 支持mb_D.dll 去掉前面的分号:\windows\php.ini);ssleay32.dll 复制到 windows/system32下。4.重启php的服务。3.将php安装目录下面的2个dll,libeay32.2.ini),修改 extension=php_curl.dll 去掉前面的分号。2.检查php安装目录/ext目录下面是否有php_curl.dll组件修改php.ini文件(一般在c;PHP&#92,还是不行,那么点击服务器: 我的电脑-属性-高级-环境变量-系统变量-Path-编辑在变量值里面增加:;ext这里的 D:&#92,usleep编辑windows&#92,修改 disable_functions= 这一行,修改 disable_functions= 这一行.如果把以上步骤都做完了:修改 extension=zlib.2,保存文件并重启php服务D) 启用延时函数set_time_D:\APMServ5.ini文件.dll文件.6&#92,zlib.dll已经启用,但gzinflate函数被禁用,那么应该,把等号后面的内容都留空;PHP:\windows\php.ini):\APMServ5:编辑php,把等号后面的内容都留空:修改 extension=mb_string.dll 去掉前面的分号重启php的服务C) 支持zlib。就是重启iis.6&#92。51.找到php.ini,(一般在c:&#92,保存文件并重启php服务某些情况下
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。PHP 函数和方法列表
- 反双曲余弦
- 以 C 语言风格使用反斜线转义字符串中的字符
- 使用反斜线引用字符串
- Dynamic class and object aggregation of methods and properties
- Gets aggregation information for a given object
- Dynamic class and object aggregation of methods
- Selective dynamic class methods aggregation to an object
- Selective class methods aggregation to an object using a regular
- Dynamic aggregation of
class properties to an object
- Selective dynamic class properties aggregation to an object
- Selective class properties aggregation to an object using a regular
- 别名 aggregate_info
- Commit a pending transaction
- Check the channel connection
- Set the Quality Of Service settings for the given channel
- Rollback a transaction
- Set the number of messages to prefetch from the broker
- Set the window size to prefetch from the broker
- Start a transaction
- Create an instance of an AMQPChannel object
- Establish a connection with the AMQP broker.
- Closes the connection with the AMQP broker.
- Get the configured host
- Get the configured login
- Get the configured password
- Get the configured port
- Get the configured timeout
- Get the configured vhost
- Determine if the AMQPConnection object is connected to the broker.
- Closes any open connection and creates a new connection with the AMQP broker.
- Set the amqp host.
- Set the login.
- Set the password.
- Set the port.
- Set the timeout.
- Set the amqp virtual host
- Create an instance of AMQPConnection
- Get the message appid
- Get the message body
- Get the message contentencoding
- Get the message contenttype
- Get the message correlation id
- Get the message delivery tag
- Get the message exchange
- Get the message expiration
- Get a specific message header
- Get the message headers
- Get the message id
- Get the message priority
- Get the message replyto
- Get the message routing key
- Get the message timestamp
- Get the message type
- Get the message user id
- Whether this is a redelivery of the message
- Bind to another exchange
- Declare a new exchange on the broker.
- Delete the exchange from the broker.
- Get the argument associated with the given key
- Get all arguments set on the given exchange
- Get the flag bitmask
- Get the configured name
- Get the configured type
- Publish a message to an exchange.
- Set the value for the given key
- Set all arguments on the exchange
- Set the flags on an exchange
- Set the name of the exchange
- Set the type of the exchange
- Create an instance of AMQPExchange
- Acknowledge the receipt of a message
- Bind the given queue to a routing key on an exchange.
- Cancel a queue binding.
- Consume messages from a queue
- Declare a new queue
- Delete a queue and its contents.
- Retrieve the next message from the queue.
- Get the argument associated with the given key
- Get all arguments set on the given queue
- Get the flag bitmask
- Get the configured name
- Mark a message as explicitly not acknowledged.
- Purge the contents of a queue
- Set the value for the given key
- Set all arguments on the queue
- Set the queue flags
- Set the queue name
- Unbind the queue from a routing key.
- Create an instance of an AMQPQueue object
- 在本次请求结束后终止 apache 子进程
- Get an Apache subprocess_env variable
- Get a list of loaded Apache modules
- Fetch Apache version
- 对指定的 URI 执行部分请求并返回所有有关信息
- 取得或设置 apache 请求记录
- Fetch all HTTP request headers
- Reset the Apache write timer
- Fetch all HTTP response headers
- Set an Apache subprocess_env variable
- 获取当前项
- 获取总数
- 获取缓存命中数
- 获取所有缓存的尺寸大小
- Get iterator key获取迭代器的键
- 移到下一项
- 倒退迭代器
- 检查当前位置是否有效
- 构造一个 APCIterator 迭代器对象
- 缓存一个变量到数据存储
- Get a binary dump of the given files and user variables
- Output a binary dump of cached files and user variables to a file
- Load a binary dump into the APC file/user cache
- Load a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache
- Retrieves cached information from APC's data store
- Updates an old value with a new value
- 清除APC缓存
- Stores a file in the bytecode cache, bypassing all filters.
- Decrease a stored number
- Defines a set of constants for retrieval and mass-definition
- 从用户缓存中删除某个变量
- Deletes files from the opcode cache
- 检查APC中是否存在某个或者某些key
- 从缓存中取出存储的变量
- 递增一个储存的数字
- Loads a set of constants from the cache
- Retrieves APC's Shared Memory Allocation information
- Cache a variable in the data store
- Stops the interpreter and waits on a CR from the socket
- Returns the current call stack as an array
- Throw a warning and a callstack
- Restarts the interpreter
- Throw an error, a callstack and then exit
- Outputs the current function table
- Return all persistent resources as an array
- Return all current regular resources as an array
- Echo to the debugging socket
- Get an array of the current variables names in the local scope
- Starts the session debugging
- Changes or sets the current debugging level
- Starts the session debugging
- Starts the remote session debugging
- Appends an iterator
- Gets the current value
- Gets the ArrayIterator
- Gets the inner iterator
- Gets an index of iterators
- Gets the current key
- Moves to the next element
- Rewinds the Iterator
- Checks validity of the current element
- Constructs an AppendIterator
- 新建一个数组
- 检查一个偏移位置是否存在
- 获取一个偏移位置的值
- 设置一个偏移位置的值
- 复位一个偏移位置的值
- Append an element
- Sort array by values
- Count elements
- Return current array entry
- Get array copy
- Get flags
- Return current array key
- Sort array by keys
- Sort an array naturally, case insensitive
- Sort an array naturally
- Move to next entry
- Check if offset exists
- Get value for an offset
- Set value for an offset
- Unset value for an offset
- Rewind array back to the start
- Seek to position
- Serialize
- Set behaviour flags
- User defined sort
- User defined sort
- Unserialize
- Check whether array contains more entries
- Construct an ArrayIterator
- Appends the value
- Sort the entries by value
- Get the number of public properties in the ArrayObject
- Exchange the array for another one.
- Creates a copy of the ArrayObject.
- Gets the behavior flags.
- Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance
- Gets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.
- Sort the entries by key
- Sort an array using a case insensitive &natural order& algorithm
- Sort entries using a &natural order& algorithm
- Returns whether the requested index exists
- Returns the value at the specified index
- Sets the value at the specified index to newval
- Unsets the value at the specified index
- Serialize an ArrayObject
- Sets the behavior flags.
- Sets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.
- Sort the entries with a user-defined comparison function and maintain key association
- Sort the entries by keys using a user-defined comparison function
- Unserialize an ArrayObject
- Construct a new array object
- 返回字符串键名全为小写或大写的数组
- 将一个数组分割成多个
- Return the values from a single column in the input array
- 创建一个数组,用一个数组的值作为其键名,另一个数组的值作为其值
- 统计数组中所有的值出现的次数
- 计算数组的差集
- 带索引检查计算数组的差集
- 使用键名比较计算数组的差集
- 用用户提供的回调函数做索引检查来计算数组的差集
- 用回调函数对键名比较计算数组的差集
- 用给定的值填充数组
- 使用指定的键和值填充数组
- 用回调函数过滤数组中的单元
- 交换数组中的键和值
- 计算数组的交集
- 带索引检查计算数组的交集
- 使用键名比较计算数组的交集
- 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较索引
- 用回调函数比较键名来计算数组的交集
- 返回数组中所有的键名
- 检查给定的键名或索引是否存在于数组中
- 将回调函数作用到给定数组的单元上
- 合并一个或多个数组
- 递归地合并一个或多个数组
- 对多个数组或多维数组进行排序
- 用值将数组填补到指定长度
- 将数组最后一个单元弹出(出栈)
- 计算数组中所有值的乘积
- 将一个或多个单元压入数组的末尾(入栈)
- 从数组中随机取出一个或多个单元
- 用回调函数迭代地将数组简化为单一的值
- 使用传递的数组替换第一个数组的元素
- 使用传递的数组递归替换第一个数组的元素
- 返回一个单元顺序相反的数组
- 在数组中搜索给定的值,如果成功则返回相应的键名
- 将数组开头的单元移出数组
- 从数组中取出一段
- 把数组中的一部分去掉并用其它值取代
- 计算数组中所有值的和
- 用回调函数比较数据来计算数组的差集
- 带索引检查计算数组的差集,用回调函数比较数据
- 带索引检查计算数组的差集,用回调函数比较数据和索引
- 计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据
- 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据
- 带索引检查计算数组的交集,用回调函数比较数据和索引
- 移除数组中重复的值
- 在数组开头插入一个或多个单元
- 返回数组中所有的值
- 对数组中的每个成员应用用户函数
- 对数组中的每个成员递归地应用用户函数
- 对数组进行逆向排序并保持索引关系
- 反双曲正弦
- 对数组进行排序并保持索引关系
- 检查一个断言是否为 FALSE
- 设置/获取断言的各种标志
- 两个参数的反正切
- 反双曲正切
- 对使用 MIME base64 编码的数据进行解码
- 使用 MIME base64 对数据进行编码
- 返回路径中的文件名部分
- 在任意进制之间转换数字
- Adds a bbcode element
- Adds a smiley to the parser
- Create a BBCode Resource
- Close BBCode_container resource
- Parse a string following a given rule set
- Attach another parser in order to use another rule set for argument parsing
- Set or alter parser options
- Add two arbitrary precision numbers
- Compare two arbitrary precision numbers
- Divide two arbitrary precision numbers
- Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number
- Multiply two arbitrary precision number
- 从一个 bz 压缩过的文件中读取并创建类
- 从一个 bcompiler exe 文件中读取并创建类
- 读取一个类的字节码并回调一个用户的函数
- 从一个文件句柄中读取并创建类
- 写入定义过的类的字节码
- 写入定义过的常量的字节码
- 写入开始位置以及 exe 类型文件的结尾信号
- 写入 PHP 源码文件的字节码
- 写入单个字符 \x00 用于标识编译数据的结尾
- 以字节码写入定义过的函数
- 以字节码写入一个文件中定义过的所以函数
- 写入 bcompiler 头
- 写入一个包含的文件的字节码
- Raise an arbitrary precision number to another
- Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus
- Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions
- Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number
- Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another
- 将二进制数据转换成十六进制表示
- 二进制转换为十进制
- Sets the path for a domain
- Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned
- This function encrypt a PHP script with BLENC. It
takes a content string containing the script source and
create a file with encrypted data. If key is not given
BLENC create itself a valid encryption key.
- Get the boolean value of a variable
- 反序列化一个 BSON 对象为 PHP 数组
- 序列化一个 PHP 变量为 BSON 字符串
- 关闭一个 bzip2 文件
- 把一个字符串压缩成 bzip2 编码数据
- 解压经 bzip2 编码过的数据
- 返回一个 bzip2 错误码
- 返回包含 bzip2 错误号和错误字符串的一个 array
- 返回一个 bzip2 的错误字符串
- 强制写入所有写缓冲区的数据
- 打开一个经 bzip2 压缩过的文件
- bzip2 文件二进制安全地读取
- 二进制安全地写入 bzip2 文件
- The number of elements in the iterator
- Return the current element
- The getCache purpose
- Get flags used
- Returns the inner iterator
- Check whether the inner iterator has a valid next element
- Return the key for the current element
- Move the iterator forward
- The offsetExists purpose
- The offsetGet purpose
- The offsetSet purpose
- The offsetUnset purpose
- Rewind the iterator
- The setFlags purpose
- Check whether the current element is valid
- Construct a new CachingIterator object for the iterator.
- Return the string representation of the current element
- Retrieves the availables font types
- Retrieves all available surfaces
- Retrieves the current status as string
- Retrives cairo's library version
- Retrieves cairo version as string
- Appends a path to current path
- Adds a circular arc
- Adds a negative arc
- Establishes a new clip region
- Computes the area inside the current clip
- Establishes a new clip region from the current clip
- Retrieves the current clip as a list of rectangles
- Closes the current path
- Emits the current page
- Creates a copy of the current path
- Gets a flattened copy of the current path
- Adds a curve
- Transform a coordinate
- Transform a distance
- Fills the current path
- Computes the filled area
- Fills and preserve the current path
- Get the font extents
- Retrives the current antialias mode
- The getCurrentPoint purpose
- The getDash purpose
- The getDashCount purpose
- The getFillRule purpose
- The getFontFace purpose
- The getFontMatrix purpose
- The getFontOptions purpose
- The getGroupTarget purpose
- The getLineCap purpose
- The getLineJoin purpose
- The getLineWidth purpose
- The getMatrix purpose
- The getMiterLimit purpose
- The getOperator purpose
- The getScaledFont purpose
- The getSource purpose
- The getTarget purpose
- The getTolerance purpose
- The glyphPath purpose
- The hasCurrentPoint purpose
- The identityMatrix purpose
- The inFill purpose
- The inStroke purpose
- The lineTo purpose
- The mask purpose
- The maskSurface purpose
- The moveTo purpose
- The newPath purpose
- The newSubPath purpose
- The paint purpose
- The paintWithAlpha purpose
- The pathExtents purpose
- The popGroup purpose
- The popGroupToSource purpose
- The pushGroup purpose
- The pushGroupWithContent purpose
- The rectangle purpose
- The relCurveTo purpose
- The relLineTo purpose
- The relMoveTo purpose
- The resetClip purpose
- The restore purpose
- The rotate purpose
- The save purpose
- The scale purpose
- The selectFontFace purpose
- The setAntialias purpose
- The setDash purpose
- The setFillRule purpose
- The setFontFace purpose
- The setFontMatrix purpose
- The setFontOptions purpose
- The setFontSize purpose
- The setLineCap purpose
- The setLineJoin purpose
- The setLineWidth purpose
- The setMatrix purpose
- The setMiterLimit purpose
- The setOperator purpose
- The setScaledFont purpose
- The setSource purpose
- The setSourceRGB purpose
- The setSourceRGBA purpose
- The setSourceSurface purpose
- The setTolerance purpose
- The showPage purpose
- The showText purpose
- The status purpose
- The stroke purpose
- The strokeExtents purpose
- The strokePreserve purpose
- The textExtents purpose
- The textPath purpose
- The transform purpose
- The translate purpose
- The userToDevice purpose
- The userToDeviceDistance purpose
- Creates a new CairoContext
- Retrieves the font face type
- Check for CairoFontFace errors
- Creates a new CairoFontFace object
- The equal purpose
- The getAntialias purpose
- The getHintMetrics purpose
- The getHintStyle purpose
- The getSubpixelOrder purpose
- The hash purpose
- The merge purpose
- The setAntialias purpose
- The setHintMetrics purpose
- The setHintStyle purpose
- The setSubpixelOrder purpose
- The status purpose
- The __construct purpose
- Provides an appropiate stride to use
- The addColorStopRgb purpose
- The addColorStopRgba purpose
- The getColorStopCount purpose
- The getColorStopRgba purpose
- The getExtend purpose
- The setExtend purpose
- The createForData purpose
- Creates a new CairoImageSurface form a png image file
- Gets the image data as string
- Get the image format
- Retrieves the height of the CairoImageSurface
- The getStride purpose
- Retrieves the width of the CairoImageSurface
- Creates a new CairoImageSurface
- The getPoints purpose
- The __construct purpose
- Creates a new identity matrix
- Creates a new rotated matrix
- Creates a new scaling matrix
- Creates a new translation matrix
- The invert purpose
- The multiply purpose
- The rotate purpose
- Applies scaling to a matrix
- The transformDistance purpose
- The transformPoint purpose
- The translate purpose
- Creates a new CairoMatrix object
- The getMatrix purpose
- The getType purpose
- The setMatrix purpose
- The status purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The setSize purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The dscBeginPageSetup purpose
- The dscBeginSetup purpose
- The dscComment purpose
- The getEps purpose
- The getLevels purpose
- The levelToString purpose
- The restrictToLevel purpose
- The setEps purpose
- The setSize purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The getCircles purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The extents purpose
- The getCtm purpose
- The getFontFace purpose
- The getFontMatrix purpose
- The getFontOptions purpose
- The getScaleMatrix purpose
- The getType purpose
- The glyphExtents purpose
- The status purpose
- The textExtents purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The getRgba purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The copyPage purpose
- The createSimilar purpose
- The finish purpose
- The flush purpose
- The getContent purpose
- The getDeviceOffset purpose
- The getFontOptions purpose
- The getType purpose
- The markDirty purpose
- The markDirtyRectangle purpose
- The setDeviceOffset purpose
- The setFallbackResolution purpose
- The showPage purpose
- The status purpose
- The writeToPng purpose
- The __construct purpose
- The getExtend purpose
- The getFilter purpose
- The getSurface purpose
- The setExtend purpose
- The setFilter purpose
- The __construct purpose
- Used to retrieve a list of supported SVG versions
- The restrictToVersion purpose
- The versionToString purpose
- The __construct purpose
- Returns a new CairoContext object on the requested surface.
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- 别名 CairoMatrix::initTranslate
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Description
- Obtain a hmac key (needs 2 arguments)
- Obtain a hmac key (needs 8 arguments)
- Calls the callback with the current value, the current key and the inner iterator as arguments
- Create a filtered iterator from another iterator
- Call the callback given by the first parameter
- Call a callback with an array of parameters
- 对特定对象调用用户方法(已废弃)
- 调用一个用户方法,同时传递参数数组(已废弃)
- 返回某个历法中某年中某月的天数
- 转换Julian Day计数到一个支持的历法。
- 返回选定历法的信息
- 从一个支持的历法转变为Julian Day计数。
- 进一法取整
- Gets the value associated with a key
- Creates a chdb instance
- Creates a chdb file
- 改变目录
- 验证一个格里高里日期
- Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address
- 改变文件所属的组
- 改变文件模式
- rtrim 的别名
- 改变文件的所有者
- 返回指定的字符
- 改变根目录
- 将字符串分割成小块
- Import new class method definitions from a file
- Dynamically adds a new method to a given class
- Copies a method from class to another
- Dynamically changes the code of the given method
- Dynamically removes the given method
- Dynamically changes the name of the given method
- 为一个类创建别名
- 检查类是否已定义
- 返回指定的类实现的所有接口。
- 返回指定类的父类。
- Return the traits used by the given class
- 清除文件状态缓存
- Returns the current process title
- Sets the process title
- 关闭目录句柄
- Close connection to system logger
- Duplicates a closure with a specific bound object and class scope
- Duplicates the closure with a new bound object and class scope
- Constructor that disallows instantiation
- Sort array maintaining index association
- Compare two Unicode strings
- Create a collator
- Get collation attribute value
- Get collator's last error code
- Get text for collator's last error code
- Get the locale name of the collator
- Get sorting key for a string
- Get current collation strength
- Set collation attribute
- Set collation strength
- Sort array using specified collator
- Sort array using specified collator and sort keys
- Create a collator
- 建立一个数组,包括变量名和它们的值
- 增加组件引用计数。[被废弃]
- Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
- Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object
- 获取 COM 组件的属性值 [被废弃]
- Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object
- 调用 COM 组件的方法。
- 获取一个 IEnumVariant
- 创建新的 COM 组件的引用
- 装载一个 Typelib
- Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds
- Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface
- com_get 的别名
- com_set 的别名
- com_set 的别名
- 减少组件引用计数。[被废弃]
- 给 COM 组件的属性赋值
- Broadcast a Condition
- Create a Condition
- Destroy a Condition
- Signal a Condition
- Wait for Condition
- 检查客户端是否已经断开
- 返回连接的状态位
- 检查脚本是否已超时
- 返回一个常量的值
- Constants for PDO_4D
- Context parameter listing
- 将字符由一种 Cyrillic 字符转换成另一种
- 解码一个 uuencode 编码的字符串
- 使用 uuencode 编码一个字符串
- 拷贝文件
- 双曲余弦
- 计算数组中的单元数目或对象中的属性个数
- Count elements of an object
- 修改计数器的当前值。
- 返回计数器的部分元信息。
- 取回一个名称已存在的计数器。
- 获取计数器的当前值。
- 重置计数器的当前值。
- 设置由 Counter::getNamed 返回的计数器类。
- 创建一个包含单一数值的计数器实例。
- 修改简单计数器的当前值。
- 更新计数器资源的当前值。
- 创建一个包含单个数值的计数器。
- 获取简单计数器的当前值。
- 返回计数器资源的部分元信息。
- 按名称查询一个已存在的计数器,并作为资源返回。
- 获取计数器资源的当前值。
- 重置简单计数器的当前值。
- 重置计数器资源的当前值。
- 返回字符串所用字符的信息
- Performs an obscure check with the given password
- Closes an open CrackLib dictionary
- Returns the message from the last obscure check
- Opens a new CrackLib dictionary
- 计算一个字符串的 crc32 多项式
- Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function
- 单向字符串散列
- Check for alphanumeric character(s)
- Check for alphabetic character(s)
- Check for control character(s)
- Check for numeric character(s)
- Check for any printable character(s) except space
- Check for lowercase character(s)
- Check for printable character(s)
- Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an
alphanumeric character
- Check for whitespace character(s)
- Check for uppercase character(s)
- Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit
- Return the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
- Bind variables to a prepared statement as parameters
- Return the current CUBRID connection charset
- Close CUBRID connection
- Close the request handle
- Close the request handle
- Get the column names in result
- Get column types in result
- Get contents of collection type column using OID
- Get the number of elements in collection type column using OID
- Commit a transaction
- Open a connection to a CUBRID Server
- Establish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
- Get OID of the current cursor location
- Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result
- Get db name from results of cubrid_list_dbs
- Close a database connection
- Delete an instance using OID
- Return the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operation
- Get the error message
- Get error code for the most recent function call
- Get the facility code of error
- Get last error message for the most recent function call
- Execute a prepared SQL statement
- Fetch the next row from a result set
- Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row
- Get column information from a result and return as an object
- Return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row
- Fetche the next row and returns it as an object
- Return a numerical array with the values of the current row
- Return a string with the flags of the given field offset
- Get the maximum length of the specified field
- Return the name of the specified field index
- Move the result set cursor to the specified field offset
- Return the name of the table of the specified field
- Return the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset
- Free the memory occupied by the result data
- Get a column using OID
- Get auto-commit mode of the connection
- Return the current CUBRID connection charset
- Get the class name using OID
- Return the client library version
- Returns the CUBRID database parameters
- Get the query timeout value of the request
- Return the CUBRID server version
- Return the ID generated for the last updated AUTO_INCREMENT column
- Check whether the instance pointed by OID exists
- Return an array with the list of all existing CUBRID databases
- Read data from a GLO instance and save it in a file
- Bind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parameters.
- Close LOB object.
- Export the lob object to a file.
- Import BLOB/CLOB data from a file.
- Create a lob object.
- Read from BLOB/CLOB data.
- Move the cursor of a lob object.
- Move the cursor of a lob object.
- Get a lob object's size.
- Get a lob object's size.
- Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
- Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
- Write to a lob object.
- Close BLOB/CLOB data
- Export BLOB/CLOB data to file
- Get BLOB/CLOB data
- Read BLOB/CLOB data and send straight to browser
- Get BLOB/CLOB data size
- Set a read lock on the given OID
- Set a write lock on the given OID
- Move the cursor in the result
- Create a glo instance
- Get result of next query when executing multiple SQL statements
- Return the number of columns in the result set
- Return the number of columns in the result set
- Get the number of rows in the result set
- Open a persistent connection to a CUBRID server
- Open a persistent connection to CUBRID server
- Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection
- Prepare a SQL statement for execution
- Update a column using OID
- Send a CUBRID query
- Escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement
- Return the value of a specific field in a specific row
- Roll back a transaction
- Save requested file in a GLO instance
- Get the requested schema information
- Read data from glo and send it to std output
- Delete an element from sequence type column using OID
- Insert an element to a sequence type column using OID
- Update the element value of sequence type column using OID
- Insert a single element to set type column using OID
- Set autocommit mode of the connection
- Sets the CUBRID database parameters
- Delete an element from set type column using OID
- Set the timeout time of query execution
- Perform a query without fetching the results into memory
- Get the CUBRID PHP module's version
- CURL context option listing
- 关闭一个cURL会话
- 复制一个cURL句柄和它的所有选项
- 返回最后一次的错误号
- 返回一个保护当前会话最近一次错误的字符串
- URL encodes the given string
- 执行一个cURL会话
- Create a CURLFile object
- 获取一个cURL连接资源句柄的信息
- 初始化一个cURL会话
- 向curl批处理会话中添加单独的curl句柄
- 关闭一组cURL句柄
- 运行当前 cURL 句柄的子连接
- 如果设置了CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,则返回获取的输出的文本流
- 获取当前解析的cURL的相关传输信息
- 返回一个新cURL批处理句柄
- 移除curl批处理句柄资源中的某个句柄资源
- 等待所有cURL批处理中的活动连接
- Set an option for the cURL multi handle
- Return string describing error code
- Pause and unpause a connection
- Reset all options of a libcurl session handle
- 设置一个cURL传输选项
- 为cURL传输会话批量设置选项
- Close a cURL share handle
- Initialize a cURL share handle
- Set an option for a cURL share handle.
- Return string describing the given error code
- Decodes the given URL encoded string
- 获取cURL版本信息
- 返回数组中的当前单元
- Authenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server
- Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection
- Close connection to a Cyrus IMAP server
- Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server
- Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server
- Unbind ...
- 数据(RFC 2397)
- 格式化一个本地时间/日期
- Sets up a DateInterval from the relative parts of the string
- Formats the interval
- Creates a new DateInterval object
- Creates a new DatePeriod object
- Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a
DateTime object
- Returns new DateTime object formatted according to the specified format
- Returns the difference between two DateTime objects
- Returns date formatted according to given format
- Returns the warnings and errors
- Returns the timezone offset
- Gets the Unix timestamp
- Return time zone relative to given DateTime
- Alters the timestamp
- Sets the date
- Sets the ISO date
- Sets the time
- Sets the date and time based on an Unix timestamp
- Sets the time zone for the DateTime object
- Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from
a DateTime object
- Returns new DateTime object
- The __set_state handler
- The __wakeup handler
- Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds
- Returns new DateTimeImmutable object formatted according to the specified format
- Returns the warnings and errors
- Alters the timestamp
- Sets the date
- Sets the ISO date
- Sets the time
- Sets the date and time based on an Unix timestamp
- Sets the time zone
- Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds
- Returns new DateTimeImmutable object
- The __set_state handler
- Returns location information for a timezone
- Returns the name of the timezone
- Returns the timezone offset from GMT
- Returns all transitions for the timezone
- Returns associative array containing dst, offset and the timezone name
- Returns a numerically indexed array containing all defined timezone identifiers
- Creates new DateTimeZone object
- 别名 DateTime::add
- 别名 DateTime::__construct
- 别名 DateTime::createFromFormat
- 别名 DateTimeImmutable::__construct
- 别名 DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat
- 别名 DateTime::setDate
- 取得一个脚本中所有日期时间函数所使用的默认时区
- 设定用于一个脚本中所有日期时间函数的默认时区
- 别名 DateTime::diff
- 别名 DateTime::format
- 别名 DateTime::getLastErrors
- 别名 DateInterval::createFromDateString
- 别名 DateInterval::format
- 别名 DateTime::setISODate
- 别名 DateTime::modify
- 别名 DateTime::getOffset
- Returns associative array with detailed info about given date
- Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format
- 别名 DateTime::sub
- 返回给定的日期与地点的日出时间
- 返回给定的日期与地点的日落时间
- Returns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
- 别名 DateTime::getTimestamp
- 别名 DateTime::setTimestamp
- 别名 DateTime::getTimezone
- 别名 DateTime::setTimezone
- 别名 DateTime::setTime
- Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
- Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
- Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
- Closes a database connection
- Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
- Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
- Commits a transaction
- Returns a connection to a database
- Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
- Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
- Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
- Used to escape certain characters
- Executes an SQL statement directly
- Executes a prepared SQL statement
- Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
- Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
- Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
- Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
- Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
- Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
- Returns the name of the column in the result set
- Returns the position of the named column in a result set
- Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
- Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
- Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
- Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
- Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
- Frees resources associated with a result set
- Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
- Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
- Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully
executed on this connection
- Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
- Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
- Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
- Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
- Closes a persistent database connection
- Returns a persistent connection to a database
- Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
- Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
- Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
- Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
- Returns a single column from a row in the result set
- Rolls back a transaction
- Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
- Set options for connection or statement resources
- Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
- Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
- Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
- Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
- Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
- Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
- Adds a record to a database
- Closes a database
- Creates a database
- Deletes a record from a database
- Gets the header info of a database
- Gets a record from a database as an indexed array
- Gets a record from a database as an associative array
- Gets the number of fields of a database
- Gets the number of records in a database
- Opens a database
- Packs a database
- Replaces a record in a database
- Close a DBA database
- Delete DBA entry specified by key
- Check whether key exists
- Fetch data specified by key
- Fetch first key
- List all the handlers available
- Insert entry
- Splits a key in string representation into array representation
- List all open database files
- Fetch next key
- Open database
- Optimize database
- Open database persistently
- Replace or insert entry
- Synchronize database
- Add a tuple to a relation
- Perform AQL query
- Get/Set database virtual current directory
- Close a relation
- Get current tuple from relation
- Get error string for given errorcode or last error
- Get error code for last operation
- Set a constraint on a relation
- Get first tuple from relation
- Flush all changes made on a relation
- Free all locks held by this client
- Release write lock on tuple
- Free all tuple locks on given relation
- Get a write lock on a tuple
- Get an id number unique to a relation
- Get information about a relation
- Get last tuple from relation
- Request write lock on relation
- Get next tuple from relation
- Open relation file
- Get previous tuple from relation
- Change relation permissions
- Creates a new DB++ relation
- Creates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices
- Creates an empty copy of a relation with default indices
- Resolve host information for relation
- Restore position
- Specify new primary key for a relation
- Open relation file local
- Perform local (raw) AQL query
- Rename a relation
- Create a new secondary index for a relation
- Remove relation from filesystem
- Remove all tuples from relation
- Save position
- Set index
- Set index by number
- Perform SQL query
- Execute TCL code on server side
- Remove tuple and return new current tuple
- Prepare undo
- Give up write lock on relation
- Remove a constraint from relation
- Update specified tuple in relation
- Request exclusive lock on relation
- Free exclusive lock on relation
- Close an open connection/database
- Compare two rows for sorting purposes
- Open a connection/database
- Report the error message of the latest function call in the module
- Escape a string so it can safely be used in an sql-statement
- Fetches rows from a query-result that had the
- Send a query and fetch all results (if any)
- Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function
- Overrides the domain for a single lookup
- Plural version of dcgettext
- Removes the aggregated methods and properties from an object
- 产生一条回溯跟踪(backtrace)
- 打印一条回溯。
- Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
- 十进制转换为二进制
- 十进制转换为十六进制
- 十进制转换为八进制
- 定义一个常量
- 检查某个名称的常量是否存在
- Initializes all syslog related variables
- 将角度转换为弧度
- 参见 unlink 或 unset
- Override the current domain
- 等同于 exit
- Closes the file descriptor given by fd
- Performs a c library fcntl on fd
- Opens a file (creating it if necessary) at a lower level than the
C library input/ouput stream functions allow.
- Reads bytes from a file descriptor
- Seeks to pos on fd from whence
- Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd
- Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
- Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes
- Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length
- Return an instance of the Directory class
- Close directory handle
- Read entry from directory handle
- Rewind directory handle
- Return the current DirectoryIterator item.
- Get last access time of the current DirectoryIterator item
- Get base name of current DirectoryIterator item.
- Get inode change time of the current DirectoryIterator item
- Gets the file extension
- Return file name of current DirectoryIterator item.
- Get group for the current DirectoryIterator item
- Get inode for the current DirectoryIterator item
- Get last modification time of current DirectoryIterator item
- Get owner of current DirectoryIterator item
- Get path of current Iterator item without filename
- Return path and file name of current DirectoryIterator item
- Get the permissions of current DirectoryIterator item
- Get size of current DirectoryIterator item
- Determine the type of the current DirectoryIterator item
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a directory
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is '.' or '..'
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is executable
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a regular file
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a symbolic link
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item can be read
- Determine if current DirectoryIterator item can be written to
- Return the key for the current DirectoryIterator item
- Move forward to next DirectoryIterator item
- Rewind the DirectoryIterator back to the start
- Seek to a DirectoryIterator item
- Check whether current DirectoryIterator position is a valid file
- Constructs a new directory iterator from a path
- Get file name as a string
- 返回路径中的目录部分
- disk_free_space 的别名
- 返回目录中的可用空间
- 返回一个目录的磁盘总大小
- 运行时载入一个 PHP 扩展
- Plural version of dgettext
- 别名 checkdnsrr
- 别名 getmxrr
- Fetch DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname
- Checks if attribute is a defined ID
- Creates a new DOMAttr object
- Constructs a new DOMCdataSection object
- Append the string to the end of the character data of the node
- Remove a range of characters from the node
- Insert a string at the specified 16-bit unit offset
- Replace a substring within the DOMCharacterData node
- Extracts a range of data from the node
- Creates a new DOMComment object
- Create new attribute
- Create new attribute node with an associated namespace
- Create new cdata node
- Create new comment node
- Create new document fragment
- Create new element node
- Create new element node with an associated namespace
- Create new entity reference node
- Creates new PI node
- Create new text node
- Searches for an element with a certain id
- Searches for all elements with given local tag name
- Searches for all elements with given tag name in specified namespace
- Import node into current document
- Load XML from a file
- Load HTML from a string
- Load HTML from a file
- Load XML from a string
- Normalizes the document
- Register extended class used to create base node type
- Performs relaxNG validation on the document
- Performs relaxNG validation on the document
- Dumps the internal XML tree back into a file
- Dumps the internal document into a string using HTML formatting
- Dumps the internal document into a file using HTML formatting
- Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string
- Validates a document based on a schema
- Validates a document based on a schema
- Validates the document based on its DTD
- Substitutes XIncludes in a DOMDocument Object
- Creates a new DOMDocument object
- Append raw XML data
- Returns value of attribute
- Returns attribute node
- Returns attribute node
- Returns value of attribute
- Gets elements by tagname
- Get elements by namespaceURI and localName
- Checks to see if attribute exists
- Checks to see if attribute exists
- Removes attribute
- Removes attribute
- Removes attribute
- Adds new attribute
- Adds new attribute node to element
- Adds new attribute node to element
- Adds new attribute
- Declares the attribute specified by name to be of type ID
- Declares the attribute specified by node to be of type ID
- Declares the attribute specified by local name and namespace URI to be of type ID
- Creates a new DOMElement object
- Creates a new DOMEntityReference object
- Creates a DOMDocument object of the specified type with its document element
- Creates an empty DOMDocumentType object
- Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature
- Creates a new DOMImplementation object
- Retrieves a node specified by name
- Retrieves a node specified by local name and namespace URI
- Retrieves a node specified by index
- Adds new child at the end of the children
- Canonicalize nodes to a string
- Canonicalize nodes to a file
- Clones a node
- Get line number for a node
- Get an XPath for a node
- Checks if node has attributes
- Checks if node has children
- Adds a new child before a reference node
- Checks if the specified namespaceURI is the default namespace or not
- Indicates if two nodes are the same node
- Checks if feature is supported for specified version
- Gets the namespace URI of the node based on the prefix
- Gets the namespace prefix of the node based on the namespace URI
- Normalizes the node
- Removes child from list of children
- Replaces a child
- Retrieves a node specified by index
- Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object
- Indicates whether this text node contains whitespace
- Breaks this node into two nodes at the specified offset
- Creates a new DOMText object
- Evaluates the given XPath expression and returns a typed result if possible
- Evaluates the given XPath expression
- Registers the namespace with the DOMXPath object
- Register PHP functions as XPath functions
- Creates a new DOMXPath object
- Gets a DOMElement object from a
SimpleXMLElement object
- 加载一个 DOTNET 模块
- floatval 的别名
- 返回数组中当前的键/值对并将数组指针向前移动一步
- 得到指定年份的复活节午夜时的Unix时间戳。
- 得到指定年份的3月21日到复活节之间的天数
- 输出一个或多个字符串
- Artificially increase load. Could be useful in tests,
- Cancels a request
- Change file/direcrory permissions.
- Change file/direcrory permissions.
- Close file
- Execute custom request like any other eio_* call.
- Duplicate a file descriptor
- Polls libeio until all requests proceeded
- Allows the caller to directly manipulate the allocated disk
space for a file
- Change file permissions.
- Change file ownership
- Synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.
- Get file status
- Get file system statistics
- Synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
- Truncate a file
- Change file last access and modification times
- Get stream representing a variable used in internal communications with libeio.
- Returns string describing the last error associated with a request resource
- Createsa request group.
- Adds a request to the request group.
- Cancels a request group
- Set group limit
- (Re-)initialize Eio
- Create a hardlink for file
- Get file status
- Create directory
- Create a special or ordinary file.
- Does nothing, except go through the whole request cycle.
- Returns number of finished, but unhandled requests
- Returns number of not-yet handled requests
- Returns number of requests to be processed
- Returns number of threads currently in use
- Opens a file
- Can be to be called whenever there are pending requests that need finishing.
- Read from a file descriptor at given offset.
- Perform file readahead into page cache
- Reads through a whole directory
- Read value of a symbolic link.
- Get the canonicalized absolute pathname.
- Change the name or location of a file.
- Remove a directory
- Repositions the offset of the open file associated with the fd argument to the argument offset according to the directive whence
- Transfer data between file descriptors
- Set maximum number of idle threads.
- Set maximum parallel threads
- Set maximum number of requests processed in a poll.
- Set maximum poll time
- Set minimum parallel thread number
- Get file status
- Get file system statistics
- Create a symbolic link
- Commit buffer cache to disk
- Calls Linux' syncfs syscall, if available
- Sync a file segment with disk
- Truncate a file
- Delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
- Change file last access and modification times.
- Write to file
- 检查一个变量是否为空
- The current() method
- The key() method
- The next() method
- The rewind() method
- The valid() method
- Enumerates the Enchant providers
- Whether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
- Free the broker resource and its dictionnaries
- Free a dictionary resource
- Returns the last error of the broker
- create a new broker object capable of requesting
- Returns a list of available dictionaries
- create a new dictionary using a tag
- creates a dictionary using a PWL file
- Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
- add a word to personal word list
- add 'word' to this spell-checking session
- Check whether a word is correctly spelled or not
- Describes an individual dictionary
- Returns the last error of the current spelling-session
- whether or not 'word' exists in this spelling-session
- Check the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
- Add a correction for a word
- Will return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
- 将数组的内部指针指向最后一个单元
- 正则表达式匹配
- 不区分大小写的正则表达式匹配
- 不区分大小写的正则表达式替换
- 正则表达式替换
- Gets the exception severity
- Constructs the exception
- 获取最后发生的错误
- 发送错误信息到某个地方
- 设置应该报告何种 PHP 错误
- Escape a string to be used as a shell argument
- Escape shell metacharacters
- Returns an integer describing the backend used by libev.
- Returns recursion depth
- Returns the set of backends that are embeddable in other event loops.
- Feed a signal event info Ev
- Feed signal event into the default loop
- Return the number of times the default event loop has polled for new
- Returns the time when the last iteration of the default event
loop has started.
- Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time
returned by Ev::now in the progress.
- Returns a bit mask of recommended backends for current
- Resume previously suspended default event loop
- Begin checking for events and calling callbacks for the default
- Block the process for the given number of seconds.
- Stops the default event loop
- Returns the set of backends supported by current libev
- Suspend the default event loop
- Returns the current time in fractional seconds since the epoch.
- Performs internal consistency checks(for debugging)
- 把字符串作为PHP代码执行
- Create instance of a stopped EvCheck watcher
- Constructs the EvCheck watcher object
- Create instance of a stopped EvCheck watcher
- Configures the watcher
- Constructs the EvChild watcher object
- Create stopped EvEmbed watcher object
- Configures the watcher
- Make a single, non-blocking sweep over the embedded loop.
- Constructs the EvEmbed object
- Makes event pending
- Makes signal event pending
- Makes timer event pending
- Makes event non-pending
- Makes signal event non-pending
- Makes timer event non-pending
- Make event non-pending and free resources allocated for this
- Returns array with of the names of the methods supported in this version of Libevent
- Detects whether event is pending or scheduled
- Re-configures event
- Set event priority
- Re-configures timer event
- Constructs signal event object
- Constructs timer event object
- Constructs Event object
- Dispatch pending events
- Stop dispatching events
- Returns bitmask of features supported
- Returns event method in use
- Returns the current event base time
- Checks if the event loop was told to exit
- Checks if the event loop was told to exit
- Dispatch pending events
- Sets number of priorities per event base
- Re-initialize event base(after a fork).
- Tells event_base to stop dispatching events
- Constructs EventBase object
- Append data to the end of an event buffer
- Move all data from a buffer provided to the current instance of EventBuffer
- Moves the specified number of bytes from a source buffer to the
end of the current buffer
- Copies out specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer
- Removes specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer
without copying it anywhere
- Reserves space in buffer
- Prevent calls that modify an event buffer from succeeding
- Acquires a lock on buffer
- Prepend data to the front of the buffer
- Moves all data from source buffer to the front of current buffer
- Linearizes data within buffer
and returns it's contents as a string
- Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read
- Extracts a line from the front of the buffer
- Scans the buffer for an occurrence of a string
- Scans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line
- Substracts a portion of the buffer data
- Re-enable calls that modify an event buffer
- Releases lock acquired by EventBuffer::lock
- Write contents of the buffer to a file or socket
- Constructs EventBuffer object
- Connect buffer event's file descriptor to given address or
UNIX socket
- Connects to a hostname with optionally asyncronous DNS resolving
- Creates two buffer events connected to each other
- Disable events read, write, or both on a buffer event.
- Enable events read, write, or both on a buffer event.
- Free a buffer event
- Returns string describing the last failed DNS lookup attempt
- Returns bitmask of events currently enabled on the buffer event
- Returns underlying input buffer associated with current buffer
- Returns underlying output buffer associated with current buffer
- Read buffer's data
- Drains the entire contents of the input buffer and places them into buf
- Assigns read, write and event(status) callbacks
- Assign a priority to a bufferevent
- Set the read and write timeout for a buffer event
- Adjusts read and/or write watermarks
- Returns most recent OpenSSL error reported on the buffer event
- Create a new SSL buffer event to send its data over another buffer event
- Tells a bufferevent to begin SSL renegotiation.
- Creates a new SSL buffer event to send its data over an SSL on a socket
- Adds data to a buffer event's output buffer
- Adds contents of the entire buffer to a buffer event's output
- Constructs EventBufferEvent object
- Tells libevent to avoid specific event method
- Enters a required event method feature that the application demands
- Prevents priority inversion
- Constructs EventConfig object
- Adds a nameserver to the DNS base
- Adds a domain to the list of search domains
- Removes all current search suffixes
- Gets the number of configured nameservers
- Loads a hosts file (in the same format as /etc/hosts) from hosts file
- Scans the resolv.conf-formatted file
- Set the value of a configuration option
- Set the 'ndots' parameter for searches
- Constructs EventDnsBase object
- Makes an HTTP server accept connections on the specified socket stream or resource
- Adds a server alias to the HTTP server object
- Binds an HTTP server on the specified address and port
- Removes server alias
- Sets the what HTTP methods are supported in requests accepted by this server, and passed to user callbacks
- Sets a callback for specified URI
- Sets default callback to handle requests that are not caught by specific callbacks
- Sets maximum request body size
- Sets maximum HTTP header size
- Sets the timeout for an HTTP request
- Constructs EventHttp object(the HTTP server)
- Returns event base associated with the connection
- Gets the remote address and port associated with the connection
- Makes an HTTP request over the specified connection
- Sets the IP address from which HTTP connections are made
- Sets the local port from which connections are made
- Sets maximum body size for the connection
- Sets maximum header size
- Sets the retry limit for the connection
- Sets the timeout for the connection
- Constructs EventHttpConnection object
- Adds an HTTP header to the headers of the request
- Cancels a pending HTTP request
- Removes all output headers from the header list of the request
- Finds the value belonging a header
- Frees the object and removes associated events
- Returns the request command(method)
- Returns the request host
- Returns the input buffer
- Returns associative array of the input headers
- Returns the output buffer of the request
- Returns associative array of the input headers
- Returns the the response code
- Returns the request URI
- Removes an HTTP header from the headers of the request
- Send an HTML error message to the client
- Send an HTML reply to the client
- Send another data chunk as part of an ongoing chunked reply
- Complete a chunked reply, freeing the request as appropriate
- Initiate a chunked reply
- Constructs EventHttpRequest object
- Disables an event connect listener object
- Enables an event connect listener object
- Returns event base associated with the event listener
- Retreives the current address to which the
listener's socket is bound.
- The setCallback purpose
- Set event listener's error callback
- Creates new connection listener associated with an event base
- Constructs an OpenSSL context for use with Event classes
- Returns the most recent socket error number
- Returns the most recent socket error
- Retreives the current address to which the
socket is bound.
- Sets socket options
- Generates entropy by means of OpenSSL's RAND_poll()
- The abstract constructor
- Destroy event base
- Handle events
- Abort event loop
- Exit loop after a time
- Create and initialize new event base
- Set the number of event priority levels
- Associate event base with an event
- Associate buffered event with an event base
- Disable a buffered event
- Enable a buffered event
- Change a buffered event file descriptor
- Destroy buffered event
- Create new buffered event
- Assign a priority to a buffered event
- Read data from a buffered event
- Set or reset callbacks for a buffered event
- Set read and write timeouts for a buffered event
- Set the watermarks for read and write events
- Write data to a buffered event
- Create new event
- Creates a stopped instance of EvFork watcher class
- Constructs the EvFork watcher object
- Creates instance of a stopped EvIdle watcher object
- Constructs the EvIdle watcher object
- Create stopped EvIo watcher object
- Configures the watcher
- Constructs EvIo watcher object
- Returns an integer describing the backend used by libev.
- Creates EvCheck object associated with the current event loop
- Creates EvChild object associated with the current event loop
- Returns or creates the default event loop.
- Creates an instance of EvEmbed watcher associated
with the current EvLoop object.
- Creates EvFork watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- Creates EvIdle watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- Invoke all pending watchers while resetting their pending state
- Create EvIo watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- Must be called after a fork
- Returns the current &event loop time&
- Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time
returned by EvLoop::now in the progress.
- Creates EvPeriodic watcher object associated with the current
event loop instance
- Creates EvPrepare watcher object associated with the current
event loop instance
- Resume previously suspended default event loop
- Begin checking for events and calling callbacks for the loop
- Creates EvSignal watcher object associated with the current
event loop instance
- Creates EvStat watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- Stops the event loop
- Suspend the loop
- Creates EvTimer watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- Performs internal consistency checks(for debugging)
- Constructs the event loop object
- Simply stops and restarts the periodic watcher again.
- Returns the absolute time that this
watcher is supposed to trigger next
- Create a stopped EvPeriodic watcher
- Configures the watcher
- Constructs EvPeriodic watcher object
- Creates a stopped instance of EvPrepare watcher
- Constructs EvPrepare watcher object
- Create stopped EvSignal watcher object
- Configures the watcher
- Constructs EvPeriodic watcher object
- Returns the values most recently detected by Ev
- Create a stopped EvStat watcher object
- Returns the previous set of values returned by EvStat::attr
- Configures the watcher
- Initiates the stat call
- Constructs EvStat watcher object
- Restarts the timer watcher
- Creates EvTimer stopped watcher object
- Configures the watcher
- Constructs an EvTimer watcher object
- Clear watcher pending status
- Feeds the given revents set into the event loop
- Returns the loop responsible for the watcher
- Invokes the watcher callback with the given received events bit
- Configures whether to keep the loop from returning
- Sets new callback for the watcher
- Starts the watcher
- Stops the watcher
- Abstract constructor of a watcher object
- Examples PDO_4D
- 获取异常代码
- 获取发生异常的程序文件名称
- 获取发生异常的代码在文件中的行号
- 获取异常消息内容
- 返回异常链中的前一个异常
- 获取异常追踪信息
- 获取字符串类型的异常追踪信息
- 异常克隆
- 异常构造函数
- 将异常对象转换为字符串
- Execute an external program
- 判断一个图像的类型
文件中读取 EXIF 头信息
- Get the header name for an index
- 取得嵌入在 TIFF 或 JPEG 图像中的缩略图
- 输出一个消息并且退出当前脚本
- 计算 e 的指数
- 处理交互式的流
- Waits until the output from a process matches one
of the patterns, a specified time period has passed, or an EOF is seen
- Execute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to
the process
- 使用一个字符串分割另一个字符串
- 返回 exp(number) - 1,甚至当 number 的值接近零也能计算出准确结果
- 检查一个扩展是否已经加载
- 从数组中将变量导入到当前的符号表
- 计算 EZMLM 所需的散列值
- Terminate monitoring
- Close FAM connection
- Monitor a collection of files in a directory for changes
- Monitor a directory for changes
- Monitor a regular file for changes
- Get next pending FAM event
- Open connection to FAM daemon
- Check for pending FAM events
- Resume suspended monitoring
- Temporarily suspend monitoring
- Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation
- Enable or disable autocommit
- Get the size of a BLOB
- Change logged in user of the active connection
- Get the size of a CLOB
- Close FrontBase connection
- Commits a transaction to the database
- Open a connection to a FrontBase Server
- Create a BLOB
- Create a CLOB
- Create a FrontBase database
- Get or set the database name used with a connection
- Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database
- Move internal result pointer
- Send a FrontBase query
- Get the status for a given database
- Drop (delete) a FrontBase database
- Returns the error number from previous operation
- Returns the error message from previous operation
- Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- Fetch a result row as an associative array
- Get column information from a result and return as an object
- Get the length of each output in a result
- Fetch a result row as an object
- Get a result row as an enumerated array
- Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result
- Returns the length of the specified field
- Get the name of the specified field in a result
- Set result pointer to a specified field offset
- Get name of the table the specified field is in
- Get the type of the specified field in a result
- Free result memory
- Get or set the host name used with a connection
- Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation
- List databases available on a FrontBase server
- List FrontBase result fields
- List tables in a FrontBase database
- Move the internal result pointer to the next result
- Get number of fields in result
- Get number of rows in result
- Get or set the user password used with a connection
- Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server
- Send a FrontBase query
- Read a BLOB from the database
- Read a CLOB from the database
- Get result data
- Rollback a transaction to the database
- Get the number of rows affected by the last statement
- Select a FrontBase database
- Change input/output character set
- Set the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set
- Change the password for a given user
- Set the transaction locking and isolation
- Start a database on local or remote server
- Stop a database on local or remote server
- 别名 fbsql_table_name
- Get table name of field
- Get or set the username for the connection
- Enable or disable FrontBase warnings
- 关闭一个已打开的文件指针
- Adds javascript code to the FDF document
- Adds a template into the FDF document
- Close an FDF document
- Create a new FDF document
- Call a user defined function for each document value
- Return error code fo


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