一句英文翻译,并说明nohold it againstt it 意思

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主编 许建平
副主编 李建华 王宏
编者 许建平李建华 王宏
穆凤良 张荣曦 王鹏举 张瑾
第一单元 绪论 翻译的定义、标准与翻译技巧
第二单元 翻译手法 直译与意译
第三单元 翻译技巧1 分清主从 把握文理
第四单元 翻译技巧2 遣词用字 恰如其分
第五单元 翻译技巧3 词类转换 自然流畅
第六单元 翻译技巧4 适当增添 清楚明了
第七单元 翻译技巧5 词语省略 言简意赅
第八单元 翻译技巧6 结构调整 顺理成章
第九单元 翻译技巧7 正反交替 相得益彰
第十单元 翻译技巧8 语态转换 约定俗成
第十一单元 翻译技巧9 名词性从句 灵活处理
第十二单元 翻译技巧10 定语从句 合分替换
第十三单元 翻译技巧11 状语从句 上下连贯
第十四单元 翻译技巧12 长句翻译 嵌切拆插
第十五单元 科技英语的翻译
第十六单元 实用文体翻译:出国留学信函
第一单元 绪论 翻译的定义、标准与翻译技巧
I. 翻译实例训练
英译汉 China's Uneasy Billionaire
这篇文章摘选自日英国《经济学人》(The Economist),要求学生能结合翻译的定义、标准与翻译技巧,借助词典,准确地翻译出原文的思想内容、风格文采。
此外文章中出现了不少的有关人名、地名、品牌、机构等专有名词,有些直接采用汉语拼音,如:Shantou, Beijing, Suning, Yongle, Dazhong等;有的按韦氏拼音(Wade-Giles),如:Li Ka-shing, Wong Kwong Yu, Hong Kong, Gome;有些是原作者根据中文意译成英语的词语,如:north Beijing, Eagle Plaza;还有一些则是英语中不太常见的姓氏、品牌,如:Rupert Hoogewerf,Mercedes等。一般词典、工具书不可能将这些内容一一收入,需要学生开动脑筋,分别酌情处理。尤其是在英美、港台所通用的人名、地名的韦氏拼法,对大多数同学来说都相当陌生,但根据上下文Asia's richest man,China's richest men,at the top of the list,社会知识面比较广的同学完全可以将其回译成准确的汉语。不少学生为了图省事,直接将汉语拼音抄写在答卷上,这种做法不宜提倡;还有个别同学张冠李戴,将其译作“李家兴”、“王虹雨”、“工美”等,暴露出知识面的狭窄。
一般来说,翻译专有名词需要遵循的基本原则是“约定俗成,名从主人”。以这篇文章的翻译为例,Hoogewerf(胡润),Mercedes(梅赛德斯-奔驰)是“约定俗成”的典型译例;Eagle Plaza(鹏润大厦)则是“名从主人”的最好说明,如果我们不知底细,照字面将其译作“雄鹰广场”,那就贻笑大方了。
II. 翻译知识:翻译的标准与翻译技巧
翻译是把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来;把代表语言文字的符号或数码用语言文字表达出来。[《现代汉语词典》, ]
翻译是按社会认知需要、有具有不同规则的符号系统之间所作的信息传递过程。[方梦之] 翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化的交际活动,翻译的过程也就是信息的传递过程。[韩忠华] 把一种语言表达的意思用另一种语言表达出来,这就叫翻译。[张经浩]
2. 翻译的标准
对严复“信、达、雅” 的翻译标准不少学者都有不同的看法,对“信、达、雅” 的评价已然成为中国译学研究的核心问题。对“信、达、雅”三难论的批评近几十年来不绝于耳。
用现代白话来解释严复的“信、达”,也就是“忠实、通顺”之意。因此我们可将翻译的标准简要地概括为“忠实、通顺”。国内译界对所谓翻译标准流行最广的是张培基 先生主编的《英汉翻译教程》(1983 年由上外教出版),第一章第一节即是《翻译的标准》。
“翻译标准是翻译实践的准绳和质量译文好坏的尺度,我们主张把翻译标准概括为 “忠实,通顺” 四个字。 --- 所谓忠实,首先指忠实于原作的内容,译者必须把原作的内容完整而准确地表达出来,不得有任何篡改、歪曲、遗漏、阉割或任意增减的现象。内容通常指作品中所叙述的事实,说明的事理,描写的景物以及作者在叙述,说明和描写过程中所反映的思想、观点、立场和所流露的感情等。 --- 所谓通顺,即指译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范,译文必须是明白晓畅的现代语言,没有逐词死译,硬译的现象,没有语言晦涩,诘屈聱牙的现象,没有文理不通,结构混乱,逻辑不清的现象”
高校英语专业翻译的教学标准大同小异。《高等学校英语专业高年级英语教学大纲》规定,英译汉、汉译英的评估项目分“忠实”、“通顺” 两项。“忠实”具体阐述为 “原文的信息全部传达,语气和文体风格与原文相一致”, “通顺” 具体阐述为 “断句相当,句式正确,选词妥帖,段落之间,句子之间呼应自然(英译汉)”,“句式处理恰当,选词妥帖,英语比较地道(汉译英)”,按百分计,“忠实”为 60%,“通顺”为40% 。
3. 翻译标准实例分析
4. 翻译技巧种种
一. 简要回答以下问题
二. 试以“信、达、雅”翻译标准,对照下面一段英语原文分析两种汉语译文。
三. 试以“忠实”和“通顺”为尺度,对照原文指出以下各译例的错误,并分析造成错误的原因。
第二单元 直译与意译
I. 翻译实例训练
英译汉Proverbs in Latin American Talk
这篇短文总共不足425字,内容涉及直译意译问题以及遣词用字、词语增减、词类转换、结构调整、谈吐语气等翻译技巧方法。此外翻译这篇文章还需要注意不同国家之间的语言文化问题。文章中出现了élégante n[法语]风雅的人senora n. [西班牙语]夫人; 太太,in-law姻亲:婚姻关系形成的亲属,如:mother-in-law婆母, 岳母,father-in-law岳父;公公,brother-in-law内兄,内弟,大伯子,小叔子,sister-in-law夫或 妻的姐妹;小姑子;小姨子??。
汉译英 谚语
II. 翻译手法 直译与意译
1. 直译、意译的概念
在功能等值的原则下,语码的语义意义能产生等值的语境效果时,应―直说还它直说,比喻还它比喻,在消除语言上的差异的同时,保留了言语上的差异。‖(冯世刚,《翻译通讯》, 1982,( 2 )保存原文的比喻、形象和民族特色,―不妄解原文的字句‖。即用符合译语规范和习惯和对等语再现原文的全部意义。有时,归宿语言中没有的,而表达功能所必需的,即使生搬硬套出发语的词语和句型也视为正法。例如:
(1)He walked at the head of the funeral procession, and every now and then wiped away his crocodile tears with a big handkerchief.
You can‘t comprehend it. If I explain it, that is ―to play the harp to a bull‖.
虽然英语中―throw pearls before swine‖也有“对牛弹琴”之义,但它具有较强的宗教色彩,达不到原语的修辞功能。
(1)Her mother‘s pride in the girl‘s appearance led her to step back.
The money in foreign currency, he added, should be used mainly for education and research in agriculture sciences and technology.
2. 直译与意译的相对性
有时即便对某成语典故的文化含义有所了解,但在翻译中不能根据语境灵活处理,也有可能达不到―传真‖的效果。比如―a dog in the manger‖常被直译为―狗占马槽‖,但用在下面的两例中似乎就不合适了。
例一:Let me have the skates. You don‘t know how to skate. Don‘t be a dog in the manger. 译文:把冰鞋给我,你不会滑冰,不要狗占马槽。(此句中划线部分应该译成―不要占着茅坑不拉屎‖为妥。)
例二:There you are the dog in the manger! You won‘t let him discuss you affairs, and you are annoyed when he talks about his own.
英汉两民族的宗教信仰不同,自然也会体现在语言方面。英语中出现的文化主要是基督教文化《圣经》在整个西方文明的形成和发展中起了不可估量的作用。与之相应的是在我国影响极为深远的佛教文化。两种文化在思维习惯上、语言表达形式上,词汇意象和含义上,都有着自己的特色,故翻译时特别要引起注意。例如Hawkes把《红楼梦》中的“阿弥陀佛”竟然译成―God bless my soul‖,把上帝拿来代替佛教的无量寿佛,这很可能让西方人以为中国人也信奉上帝。这样的译文大大地削减了中国文化内涵。又如“天诛地灭”这一成语运用
3. 直译、意译的译例分析
在美国中篇小说《街头女朗玛吉》中,有一句母亲说女儿的话:An ?after all her bringin‘ –up what I tol ?her an‘ talked wid her. She goes the d‘ bad, like a duck teh water. 这里Like a duck to water是个很贴切的比喻,很容易被中国人接受。于是孙致礼先生把全句译为:
―我生她养她,叮咛来嘱咐去,她还是去做那伤风败俗的事儿,跟鸭子下水一样有瘾头。‖ 这样的形象直译,即保持了异域文化色彩,又给人耳目一新的感觉。
有些英语成语引喻了《圣经》中的人物。如果采取直译加注的话,就能把原文的喻义如实地展示出来。例如:as old as Methuselah, as rich as a Jew, as wise as Solomon。玛士撒拉(Methuselah)是《圣经》中以诺之子,据说享年969年;古代犹太人多因高利贷盘剥蓄财,犹太人(Jew)就成了富人的代名词;所罗门王(Solomon)是《圣经》中记载的古代以色列王,以智慧著称。
直译有时能保持原文的生动形象,补充或丰富汉语词汇,使译文新鲜有力,该译法在政治用语上尤为多见,如:Lame duck——跛鸭(即将卸任而未重新当选的官员);Dark horse——黑马(原来不为人知,意外取胜的候选人或选手);a stick-and-carrot policy——大棒加胡萝卜政策,等等。这种直译法首先应该考虑在汉语能够接受的前提下进行。
Rome: What has thou found?
Mercuti: No hare, sir.
4. 直译、意译的翻译要点
He is lying on his back.
A. 试用直译或意译的手段翻译下列各句。
1. anything in trousers任何男人(意译)注意此处的西方妇女衣着打扮上的风俗习惯,以及原文的情感语气。除了参考译文之外,也可在anything上做文章,译作“那些不是东西的男人”。
2. died second time气得从棺材里跳出来(意译)
3. as strong as a horse体壮如牛(意译)
4. 此句中的gobbled up her dinner like a little pig,也可用直译加意译,译作“狼吞虎咽地大口吃饭,犹如一只贪吃的小猪”。
5. 此处的crocodile tears可直译为“鳄鱼的眼泪”,亦可译意为“假惺惺的泪水”。
6. not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill物失方知可贵,病时倍思健康(意译)。此句基本上用的是直译法,应当注意省略代词,连词。将old story翻译成汉语的“老话”,既保持了原文的风貌,又言简意赅。
7.此句大致也是用的直译法。但其中的The days stretch out in an endless vista是用意译翻译成汉语四字结构“来日方长,前途无量”。
8. 此句总体上大致为直译。
9. 此长句为狄更斯《双城记》的开场白,除了最后一句going direct the other way(正笔直地走另一条路)是用意译译作“正笔直走下地狱”之外,全都采用了直译。此处采用意译主要是便于读者理解。因为对于西方读者来说,大家都知道the other way是与Heaven相反的路,而中国读者缺乏这样一种文化背景知识。如果直译作“走另一条路”,可能会造成“条条道路通罗马”的误解。
10. 此处可采用直译意译相结合的翻译方法。其翻译原则是,能够直译就尽量直译,不能直译再考虑意译。行文措辞适当变通,兼顾韵律、节奏。尤其有几处需注意英汉表达上的差异,如:lend an ear, light up a face, tickle a funny bone, dry an eye, surprise a child等。
B. 试将下面这段文字翻译成英语。
第三单元 翻译技巧1 分清主从 把握文理
I. 翻译实例训练
这篇文章摘选自日美国《纽约时报》(The New York Times),总共432字,要求学生在翻译时学会分清主从、把握文理,将重庆这一中国内地崛起的直辖市在外国记者心目中的形象如实地翻译出来。下面是Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005关于重庆的介绍,可作为了解重庆的背景资料供大家参考。
Chongqing, also Chungking, autonomous municipality, southwestern China, surrounded on all sides by Sichuan Province. Chongqing is situated on a rocky peninsula at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing rivers. It is a major inland port of China and the leading commercial, transportation, and industrial center of the country‘s southwestern region. The city is located near iron-ore and coal deposits in a fertile agricultural region. Manufactures include iron and steel, machinery, motor vehicles, cotton and silk textiles, chemicals, and processed foods. Major railroads and highways link Chongqing to all parts of the country. The city is the site of Chongqing University and several colleges. Several resorts and mineral spas are located in the surrounding region.
A city has existed on the site for more than 4000 years. In the 4th century BC it was absorbed by the Qin (Ch‘in) dynasty into what would become the first unified Chinese state. In 1890 Chongqing was opened to foreign trade. After the outbreak of hostilities between China and Japan in 1937, Chongqing was made the capital of the Chinese Nationalist government, and it remained so until 1946. Although it suffered heavy damage from Japanese bombings, the city grew greatly in population and increased its industrial base during the war years. Since the 1950s the Chinese government has developed heavy industry in Chongqing. The city was part of Sichuan Province until 1996, when it became an autonomous municipality and gained considerable rural area. Population (1999 estimate) 6,140,000.
汉译英 温哥华
这一单元的汉译英翻译实例训练与英译汉配套的关于香温哥华的资料。下面为大家提供一个Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005关于Vancouver的介绍,可作为了解Vancouver的背景资料供大家参考。
Set between a green curtain of rain forest peaks and a colorful waterfront boasting beaches, shops, and a busy harbor, Vancouver, British Columbia, is one of Canada‘s most fascinating cities. It is a diverse community of energy and possibility, where the legacy of immigration has created a
medley of cultural identities, and common ground includes the city‘s strong economy and stunning setting. In this article from Collier‘s Year Book, Vancouver journalist Moira Farrow takes us on an insider‘s tour, from the beauty of the city‘s renowned parks to the challenges of incorporating Vancouver‘s latest wave of immigrants.
Occupying a picturesque site near the Coast Mountains, Vancouver is a cosmopolitan center with numerous large buildings. Among those considered to have special architectural merit are Robson Square and the Provincial Court House, designed by local architect Arthur E Cathedral P and the Vancouver Public Library, designed by 20th-century architect Moshe Safdie. Older buildings of note include the art deco Marine Building () and the ―Chateau Style‖ Hotel Vancouver (). Other points of interest include Granville Island, a former industrial-warehouse district in False Creek, converted into a mix of buildings for commercial, cultural, and artistic uses and anchore the Van Dusen Botanical G Chinatown, the traditional center of one of the largest Chinese communities in North A and Gastown, a restoration of an old section of the city dating from the late 19th century.
II. 翻译技巧:分清主从 把握文理
1. 英汉句式结构的差异
英语原文1:The saga of the White Star Liner Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage in 1912, carrying more than 1,500 passengers to their death, has been celebrated in print and on film, in poetry and song.
主语:the saga传奇
谓语:has been celebrated被纪念
介词宾语:in print and on film, in poetry and song在刊物、电影以及诗歌、歌曲中
定语修饰:of the White Star Liner Titanic白星公司班轮泰坦尼克号
定语从句:which struck an iceberg and sank它撞上冰山并且沉没
时间状语:on its maiden voyage in 1912 在它的1912年处女航中
伴随状语:carrying more than 1,500 passengers to their death将船上一千五百多名乘客送上死亡境地
英语原文2:No nation can survive without peaceful environment. We maintain no situation is permanent which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of people of any country.
阿拉伯国家对??的罪行,进行了揭露和谴责the Arab countries have exposed and condemned the criminal acts.
With regard to the fact that the Israeli authorities, in open violation of the relevant resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, have trampled on the Geneva Convention and taken all kinds of illegal measures in an attempt to alter the legal status, physical character and demographic composition of the occupied territories, the Arab countries have convincingly exposed and condemned these criminal acts.
2. 分清主从的几个关键环节
考研实例1 While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians, modern practice most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the significant events of the past.(1999)
让步状语从句:While there are …,
主谓结构:modern practice …conforms to one
定语从句:that sees history as… and explain ...
掠过前面由while 引起的让步状语从句,我们首先抓住关键的主谓结构:
modern practice …conforms to one 现代实践与一种……相符
接着,进一步理清主句中的其它成分: 主句中的one是代词,代替definition; that从句中动词短语sees … as:把……看作;不定式短语to recreate and explain the significant events of the past修饰the attempt(重现和解释过去的重大事件的企图);
再看由while引出的让步状语从句。这是一个带比较结构的并列句,While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians 尽管历史的定义几乎多得和历史学家一样多。
考研实例2:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place.(2001)
此句中的主、谓、宾结构为:Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world;皮尔森汇集了世界各地数百位研究人员的成果;
目的状语为:to produce a unique millennium technology calendar(用以)编制一个独特的新技术千年历;
两个定语从句分别为:calendar that gives the latest dates 列出了最迟日期的千年历,和the latest dates when we can expect hundreds of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place我们可以期待的数百项重大突破和发现的最迟日期(知道它们何时将会发生)。
考研实例3:The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than 100 years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied.(2002)
此句为由连词and连接而成的并列句,其并列主谓结构为:The role of natural selection…was formulated …, and the selective role of …is only beginning to …自然选择的作用被阐明,而选择作用则刚刚开始……。其余成分分别为定语和状语。其中in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual 为the selective role的状语。经过结构分析、调整,我们可得出以下译文。
例 As the clock crept toward 11: 15 p. m. last Thursday, the 500 scientists and engineers packed into the control room and an adjacent auditorium at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory kept their eyes riveted on a bank of computer monitors.
原文主、谓、宾结构为the 500 scientists and engineers …kept their eyes riveted on….(500名科学家和工程师……把目光聚集到……)
考研实例4: It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources and to social science historians who equate their activity with specific techniques.(1999)
关键信息:It applies equally to traditional historians … and to social science historians它(上述情况)同样适用于历史传统派和历史社科派。
抓住了这一关键信息,然后再分别说明traditional historians和social science historians的观点:前者把历史只是看作……;后者则将自己的研究活动……。将各项内容加到一起,便形成了以下完整的译文。
考研实例5: There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate on the various branches of historical inquiry.(1999)
关键信息:There is no agreement whether methodology refers to … or to…方法论是否指的
the concepts peculiar to historical work in general一般历史研究中的特有概念
the research techniques appropriate on the various branches of historical inquiry历史研究中的众多具体领域适合研究方法
例: The stern, which settled on the bottom almost 1,800 ft. from the bow, had swiveled 180°on its way down.
其主谓结构为:The stern … had swiveled 180°
例: The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity(匮乏)of the information media.
其主谓结构为:The isolation … is compounded by…(隔绝状态被……合成)
考研实例6: Historians, especially those so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of &tunnel method&, frequently fall victim to the &technicist fallacy.&(1999)
这是一个插入状语从句的复合句,句子的主要结构为:Historians…frequently fall victim to the &technicist fallacy.& 史学家们……常常成了―技师谬误‖的牺牲品。
插入成分so… that 结构: so blinded by their research interests that they have been accused of 如此盲目于他们的研究兴趣以至于被指责为……
考研实例7:Interest in historical methods has arisen less through external to the validity of history as an intellectual discipline and more from internal quarrels among historians themselves.(1999)
此句的主谓结构很清楚:Interest in…has arisen 对……的兴趣产生了
less through … and more from... 原因状语,可有好几种翻译方法:较少是通过……而更多是通过……;与其说是因为……不如说是因为……;主要是由于……,其次是由于……;等等。我们可根据汉语表达习惯的需要,将两层意思分别表达清楚。
III. 思考与练习
一. 简要回答以下问题
二. 翻译练习
A. 将下面的短文译成汉语,注意分清主从。
这篇文章的作者为英国哲学家罗素(Bertrand Russell),原题目是What I Have Lived For.下面是关于作者的简介。
Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell (), British philosopher, mathematician, and Nobel laureate, whose emphasis on logical analysis influenced the course of 20th-century philosophy.
Bertrand Russell In the early 20th century British mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell, along with British mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, attempted to demonstrate that mathematics and numbers can be understood as groups of concepts, or classes. Russell and Whitehead tried to show that mathematics is closely related to logic and, in turn, that ordinary sentences can be logically analyzed using mathematical symbols for words and phrases. This idea resulted in a new symbolic language, used by Russell in a field he termed philosophical logic, in which philosophical propositions were reformulated and examined according to his symbolic logic.Corbis/THE BETTMANN ARCHIVE
Born in Trelleck, Wales, on May 18, 1872, Russell was educated at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. After graduation in 1894, he traveled in France, Germany, and the United States and was then made a fellow of Trinity College. From an early age he developed a strong sense of
at the same time, he involved himself in the study of logical and mathematical
questions, which he had made his special fields and on which he was called to lecture at many institutions throughout the world. He achieved prominence with his first major work, The Principles of Mathematics (1902), in which he attempted to remove mathematics from the realm of abstract philosophical notions and to give it a precise scientific framework.
B. 试将下面这段文字翻译成英语,注意英汉句式结构的差异。
英译此句时,应注意把―地处长江下游,气候温和,土地肥沃,再加上湖泊密布、水道纵横‖作原因状语,把―苏州‖挪到主句中作主语,以符合英语的表达习惯。两个过去分词短语 Situated in… and blessed with…在句首作原因状语正是体现这种构想。blessed with 有―受惠于‖之意,可以和situated in 一起构成平行结构。
Situated in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and blessed with a mild climate, fertile soil and numerous lakes and waterways across the region, Suzhou has enjoyed the reputation of ―an area of fish and rice‖ ever since the Tang Dynasty
第四单元 翻译技巧2 遣词用字 恰如其分
I. 翻译实例训练
英译汉 The Most Important Speech of the Century
这篇文章摘选自20世纪80年代《时代》(The Time),总共283字,作为一个美国记者,作者对邓小平讲话持肯定态度,做出了积极的评价, 对中国和中国人民寄予了希望。这表现在to be regarded as the most important speech of the century(被认为是本世纪最重要的讲话);maybe the 21st century will belong to them(21世纪可能属于他们的);They have people, brains and they can be impressively disciplined.(他们有人力,有人才,他们的纪律性很强。)
同时,由于受西方政治观点的影响,作者的措词表达也难免参杂一些个人偏见,譬如:thousands of years of Chinese xenophobia(中国几千年的仇外历史);thousands of years of official hostility to the world outside the Great Wall(几千年来官方对长城以外世界的敌视);keep barbarians on horseback out in the wilds(将骑马的野蛮人挡在关外的荒野);等等。
Maximum Leader (cf. Marxism)
邓小平当时的职务是中顾委主任,实际上是党的第二代领导核心,改革开放的总设计师。国外没有相应的职称,所以作者冠以 Maximum Leader(最高领袖)的称呼。
China is joining the rest of the world (save Albania)
句中的 the rest of the world指的是(除自身以外的)世界上的其他一些国家。改革开放之前,中国的社会主义建设提倡的是―独立自主,自力更生‖方针,基本上是关着门搞自己的社会主义建设。阿尔巴尼亚是欧洲巴尔干半岛西南部的一个国家,与世隔绝,同世界各国交往很少。这种闭关自守的状况一直持续到上世纪九十年代。
文中提到a fellow with a cowboy hat came not from Ronald Reagan but from an 80-year-old Chinese man,其背景情况是,邓小平参观美国农场,头上戴着农场主人所赠送的礼节性牛仔帽。
【参考资料】Ronald Reagan
Reagan, Ronald Wilson (), 40th president of the United States (), who implemented policies that reversed trends toward greater government involvement in economic and social regulation. He also brought in a new style of presidential leadership, downgrading the role of the president as an administrator and increasing the importance of communication via national news media. He was the oldest person ever to serve as president.
Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan was elected president of the United States in 1980 and again in
1984. In his campaigns for office, Reagan stressed themes of self-reliance, traditional values, family, and patriotism. He was also a strong opponent of Communism. He launched a global crusade against governments that he believed were influenced by the USSR. Reagan is heard here speaking on Communism in a speech he delivered in 1983.Hulton Deutsch/Courtesy Gordon Skene Sound Collection. All rights reserved.
Reagan first became famous as an actor in Hollywood motion pictures and a television host. His emergence as a political figure was based on his personal charm and his identification with conservative groups who believed that the nation had strayed from its traditional values. Many saw Reagan as a personal and ideological symbol of these values. Having never held public office, Reagan became governor of California, the most populous state, in 1967, and almost immediately thereafter was a serious candidate for the presidency.
汉译英 建设和谐世界
II. 翻译技巧 遣词用字 恰如其分
文中的New Year‘s Day是“新年”、“春节”还是“元旦”?大写的Maximum Leader是什么意思?the rest of the world能直译成“世界的其余”吗?save Albania是一个什么概念?spearheaded作何理解?They have people, brains…其中的brains指的是什么?通过核实温中的时代背景,分析各语句的上下文关系,我们便可确定New Year‘s Day是指上世纪80年代初的“元旦”。Maximum Leader 指的是邓小平的地位,虽然他当时的职务是中顾委主任,实际上是党的第二代领导核心,改革开放的总设计师。国外没有相应的职称,所以作者冠以 Maximum Leader(最高领袖)的称呼;the rest of the world指的是(除自身以外的)世界上的其他一些国家,因为在改革开放之前,中国的社会主义建设提倡的是“独立自主,自力更生”方针,基本上是关着门搞自己的社会主义建设。而save Albania指的是“除阿尔巴尼亚外”——阿尔巴尼亚是欧洲巴尔干半岛西南部的一个国家,长期与世隔绝,同世界各国交往很少,这种闭关自守的状况一直持续到上世纪九十年代。文中的spearhead原本指“先头部队”,此处转为动词,意为“做先锋,打头阵”,故译作“带头进行(经济改革)”。英语brain一词原义为“大脑、智力”,此处转义为“人才”,所以我们译作“他们有人力,有人才‖。
1. 词字对等
Norman Bethune = 诺曼·白求恩Saudi Arab =沙特阿拉伯
the United Nations = 联合国
计算机 = computer
白血病 = leukemia
翻译这一类词语一般采用词字对应的译法,不会造成什么歧义。不过,有时候为了达到某种特殊效果,不一定非按常规翻译不可。如电影Waterloo Bridge没有直译为《滑铁卢桥》,而是意译为《魂断蓝桥》。
2. 多种同义
3. 一词多义
4. 交织对应
这3 种情况最为普遍,均可以称之为“部分对应”。即一种语言中的词同另一种语言中的词只有部分意义对应。如 book不能总是译为“书”:
a book of matches 一盒火柴
a book-keeper 簿记员
to cook the books作假账
marriage lines
a letter of challenge
5. 无对等词语
这类情况在翻译中较为少见,语言学家称之为语义空白 (semantic gap),即在一种语言中有的词语,在另一种语言中没有。
1)某些特定的文化概念。如英语中的 privacy(隐私,隐居,独处…),dress等。请看一个常见的英语词dress的各种含义。
dress vt.给...穿衣; 供衣着给; 打扮;装饰, 修饰, 布置, 整理;敷裹, 包扎(伤口);加工(皮带等); 梳理(头发); 梳刷(马等), 烹调(饮食); 做(菜); 修剪(树木等); 使(织物、石料等)表面光洁,整顿(队伍)
dress a baby 给婴儿穿衣
dress a chicken把鸡放血、去毛、去头和内脏,开膛待烹
2)源语语义复杂。如巴西人表达的 arrua??o,其英文解释是:clearing the ground under coffee trees of rubbish and piling it in the middle of the row in order to aid in the recovery of beans dropped during harvesting.(将咖啡树下的地面垃圾清扫干净,将其堆放在土堆的中间,以便在收获期间有助于回收从树上掉下来的咖啡豆);
双关(pun):Put down you arms. Are you engaged? Are you a bachelor?
回文(palindrome):M Draw, Able was I ere I saw Elba等。
节奏韵律(rhythm and rhyme): An apple a day keeps doctor away.
考研实例1:Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.(2003)
这是一个带定语从句的复合句,句中的intellectual enquiry和dispassioned manner翻译起来都比较棘手,intellectual由intellect (智力)+ual构成形容词“智力的”,与enquiry合在一起,其字面意思为“智力的探索”,可意译为“知识探索”;dispassioned是一个超纲词,我们可以根据构词法将其一分为二:dis-(除掉,去掉) + passion(激情, 热情)=除掉激情的,冷静的。经过这一分析,问题就比较容易解决了。我们可以打破原文定语从句的结构,用“分译法”逐一翻译。
考研实例2: Until such time as mankind has the sense to lower its population to the point where the planet can provide a comfortable support for all, people will have to accept more &unnatural food&.(1991)
Until such time as mankind has the sense…, people have to…
在until所引导的状语从句中,关系代词as所引导的限制性定语从句,修饰such time。 在这个定语从句中to lower…to the point意为:减少到……程度;关系副词where所引导的定语从句,修饰名词point;句末的unnatural food需要通过构词法来确定词义。所谓unnatural, 是与natural相对应的“不自然的,非天然的”之意,此处可根据上下文译作“人造食品”。
考研实例3: The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.(1991)
此句中的shut off有“关掉,切断,停止?的流动或通道,中断(供水、供气)、与?隔绝”等意,与主语supply of oil连在一起,可译作“切断”或“中断”。后半句中的run一词
在不同的上下文中有不同的含义。光是作动词就有“跑, 奔, 逃跑, 竞选, 跑步, 蔓延, 进行, 行驶,(机器)转动,运转,流淌,融化”等含义。根据上下文,此句中的run 与the oil wells 和dry搭配,就形成了“油井会完全干涸”的意思。
考研实例4:Children will play with dolls equipped with personality chips, computers with in-built personalities will be regarded as workmates rather than tools, relaxation will be in front of smell-television, and digital age will have arrived.(2001)
Children will play with …儿童将与??玩耍
computers … will be regarded as …rather than…??计算机将被视为??而不是工具 relaxation will be …休闲将会是??
and digital age will have arrived数字化时代就到来了
此句中的play with可以有以下三种意思。
1) 拿??玩;如:The children were playing with a ball.孩子们在玩球。
2) 与??一起玩;如:The teacher were playing with their children.老师正在和孩子们玩。
3) 摆弄,玩弄;如:play with fire玩火,冒险;
4) 戏弄,嘲弄;如:Don‘t play with me. 别耍我了。
此处的play with显然是第一种意思。此外,句中的dolls equipped with personality chips(装有个性化芯片的玩具娃娃),computers with in-built personalities(具有个性内置的计算机),smell-television(气味电视机),digital age(数字化时代)等词语都需要根据上下文翻译出原文的准确含义。
考研实例5:Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it is clear to everyone that world industry cannot be allowed to depend on so fragile a base.(1991)
考研实例6:Thus, the anthropological concept of &culture&, like the concept of &set& in mathematics, is an abstract concept which makes possible immense amounts of concrete research and understanding. (2003)
the anthropological concept … is an abstract concept人类学中的??概念是一个抽象概念 which makes possible …它使??成为可能
英语中最难以掌握的不是复杂的字眼,而是最常用的一些单词。以此句中的set为例,《新英汉词典》所收入的词义为:及物动词24义,不及物动词11义,形容词 9义, 名词17义,总共61义;而《英汉大词典》所收入的词义为:及物动词45义,不及物动词20义,形容词16义,名词34义,总共115义;如果再加上收入的数十个固定词组短语,其含义之广就更可观了。此句中的set是一个数学中的术语,通常译作“集”。
汉译英的难度要大大超过英译汉,主要原因有两点。一是词汇量“内存”不足,二是我们不能够熟练掌握和使用英语的句式结构。除了课本所列的汉语形容词―老‖、名词―书‖和动词 ―着‖以外,老师还可以另外举例进一步加以说明,比如汉语中的―运动‖一词的译法:
?运动有益身心。Exercise is good for health.
?足球是我喜欢的运动。Football is my favorite sport.
?他在香港热心推广手球运动。He is a keen promoter of handball in Hong Kong.
?我国每年纪念五四运动。The May Fourth Movement is commemorated in our country. ?人们热烈响应筹款运动。There was great enthusiasm for the donation drive.
?他们发动了一场戒烟运动。They started a campaign to stop people smoking.
?这属于运动神经疾病。This belongs to motor nerve disease.
?技术革新运动是成功的关键。Technological renovation is a key to the success.
III. 思考与练习
第五单元 翻译技巧3 词类转换 自然流畅
I. 翻译实例训练
英译汉Companionship of Books
这篇文章的作者为苏格兰作家Samuel Smiles,总共460字涉及遣词用字、词类转换、结构调整等翻译技巧。下面是关于作者的情况简介。
【作者简介】Samuel Smiles
Samuel Smiles (1812 - 1904), the eldest of eleven children, was born on 23rd December, 1812 in Scotland. He was apprenticed to a doctor, studied medicine at Edinburgh University and graduated in 1832. Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement. His famous book Self H With Illustrations of Conduct and Perseverance was published in England in 1859. In this 1859 work, Smiles presented short, inspirational biographies of famous men and urged his readers to improve their own lives by following these examples. Now, more than 140 years later, it still provides sound advice.
Quotations from Samuel Smiles:
A place for everything, and everything in its place.
We often discover what will do, by finding
and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.
Cecil's dispatch of business was extraordinary, his maxim being, &The shortest way to do many things is to do only one thing at once.&
Hazlitt, William (), English essayist and critic, famous for the lucidity and
brilliance, in both style and content, of his many essays.
Hazlitt was born April 10, 1778, the son of a Unitarian minister, in Maidstone, Kent. He spent a short time at the Unitarian theological seminary at Hackney but soon abandoned the ministry to study painting and philosophy. In 1812 he became drama critic for the London Morning Chronicle and a frequent contributor to several periodicals. His first book, The Round Table (1817), was a collection of essays from his articles in the Examiner, owned by his friend the essayist Leigh Hunt. Two of his most famous collections, Table Talk (1821-22) and The Plain Speaker (1826), cover a variety of subjects ranging from art and philosophy to politics and prizefighting. These works helped to establish Hazlitt's reputation as the most versatile critic of his day. He was close friends
with several leading literary figures, including Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Wordsworth, and Charles Lamb. The Spirit of the Age (1825), a work that is regarded as his critical masterpiece, contains valuable biographical sketches of these writers and of other contemporary intellectual leaders.
【参考资料】Sir Philip Sidney
Sidney, Sir Philip (), English poet, courtier, and soldier, who in life was a model of the ideal Renaissance gentleman, and whose devotion to poetry served as an inspiration for the future of English verse.
Sidney was born in Penshurst, Kent, and was educated at Christ Church College, Oxford. A favorite of Elizabeth I, he was sent on several diplomatic missions. He retired from court for a time after incurring the queen's displeasure, but in 1583 was restored to favor and knighted. In 1585 he was appointed governor of Vlissingen in the Netherlands, and in 1586 he joined an expedition sent to aid the Netherlands against Spain. Sidney died of wounds received in a raid on a Spanish convoy at Zutphen in the Netherlands.
None of Sidney's works was published many of them, however, circulated in manuscript. The best known are Astrophel and Stella (1591), a sequence of 108 sonnets celebrating a hopeless love affair, and Arcadia (1590), a pastoral romance in verse link the first considerable work in English in this form, it became a model for later pastoral poetry. Sidney's Defence of Poesie (1595; known in a slightly different version as An Apologie for Poetrie, also 1595) was a prose essay that described the nature of poetry and defended it against Puritan objections to imaginative literature.
汉译英 读书的乐趣
这一单元的汉译英翻译实例训练配合英译汉的Companionship of Books,是一篇关于读书的个人感受,共176字。翻译这类小品文时,除了需要必要的遣词用字、词类转换、结构调整等翻译技巧之外,还需要注意译文的风格与原文保持一致。
II. 翻译技巧
词类转换 自然流畅
1. Companionship of Books以书为友(词类转换:名词短语结构转换为动宾四字结构。)
2. One should always live in the best company, whether it be of books or of men. 一个人应该经常生活在最佳友伴之中,不管这友伴是书还是人。(词类转换:代词one, it转换为名词“一个人”、“这友伴”。)
3. A good book may be among the best of friends. 一本好书可以成为你最要好的朋友中的一员。(词类转换:介词among转换为名词“一员”。)
4. Men often discover their affinity to each other by the love they have each for a book—just as two persons sometimes discover a friend by the admiration which both have for a third. 人们经
常会发现由于对同一本书的爱好而产生一种共鸣——正如两个人有时会因同时仰慕另一人而彼此成为朋友一样。(结构转换:名词短语affinity to each other转换为动宾结构:产生一种共鸣,词类转换:名词admiration转换成动词“仰慕”。)
5. But there is more wisdom in this: &Love me, love my book.& 但更明智的说法毋宁是:“爱吾及书”。(词类转换:名词wisdom转换成形容词“明智的”;结构转换:Love me, love my book两个单句转换为汉语四字结构。)
6. They live in him together and he in them. 他们一道生活在作者的世界中,作者与他们随时相伴。(词类转换:代词him, he转换为名词短语“作者的世界”和“作者”。)
7. They are to be had very cheap and good.书价廉物美,随处可得。我们无处不呼吸到书本的气息。(词类转换:代词They转换为名词―书‖,结构转换:动词短语转换为汉语四字结构―价廉物美‖。)
8. &They are never alone, that are accompanied by noble thoughts.& “有着崇高思想的人从不感到孤独。”(词类转换:代词They转换为名词“人”,形容词alone转换为动宾结构―感到孤独‖。)
9. We hear wh we see them as if they were really alive. 我们耳闻目睹他们的言行举止,仿佛见到了他们活生生的身影。(词类转换:动词said and did转换为名词“言行举止”,结构转换:系表结构they were really alive转换为“活生生的身影”。)
10. The great and good do not die even in this world. 辞世的伟人及其业绩即使在当今世界也具有强大的生命力。(词类转换:形容词great and good转换为名词“伟人及其业绩”,结构转换:动词短语do not die转换为“具有强大的生命力”。)
考研实例1:The emphasis on data gathered first-hand, combined with a cross-cultural perspective brought to the analysis of cultures past and present, makes this study a unique and distinctly important social science.(2003)
译文:强调收集第一手资料,加上在分析过去和现在文化形态时采用跨文化视角,使得这一研究成为一门独特并且非常重要的社会科学。(名词emphasis、过去分词短语combined with转为动词)
考研实例2:This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields. (1991)
译文:这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业难以以高能量消耗这种美国耕种方式继续下去了,而这种耕种方式使投入少数农民就可获得高产成为可能。(副词particularly、名词energy转为形容词,形容词possible转为名词,介词with转为动词)考研实例3:Some of these causes are completely reasonable results of social needs. Others are reasonable consequences of particular advances in science being to some extent self-accelerating. (1996)
译文:在这些原因中,有些完全是自然而然地来自社会需求;另一些则是由于科学在一定程度上自我加速而产生某些特定发展的必然结果。(形容词reasonable转为副词,名词results转为动词,consequences of转为动宾结构:产生的结果)
考研实例4:New forms of thought as well as new subjects for thought must arise in the future as they have in the past, giving rise to new standards of elegance. (1996)
译文:同过去—样,将来必然会出现新的思维方式和新的思维对象,从而形成新的精确标准。(主语New forms转为宾语,名词elegance转为形容词,省略一个主谓结构they have)
考研实例5:Odd though it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.(1998)
译文:宇宙紧缩说虽然听似奇特,但它是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上看来可信的推理。众多天体物理学家七、八年来一直确信这一学说是正确的。(两处代词it转换为名词“宇宙紧缩说”和“这一学说”,副词scientifically被转换成句子“在科学上看来”;介词短语for the better part of a decade转换处理为“七、八年来”)英译汉的常用词类转换形式
1. I am no drinker, nor smoker.
2. These rustic lassies are good singers.
3. The thief made a trembling confession of his wrongdoing.
4. He has long been an enemy of stilted and pretentious English.
5. The audience attended the performance varied from tens to thousands.
6. With the passage of time, my admiration for him grew more and more.
7. The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men.
8. I am so grateful to my father for his for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.
1. 我既不喝酒,也不抽烟。
2. 这些乡下小姑娘唱歌唱得很好。
3. 小偷战战兢兢地坦白了所干的坏事。
4. 他一向反对矫揉造作的英语。
5. 观看演出的观众少则几十人,多则数千人。(观众人数从几十人到数千人不等。)
6. 随着时间的消逝,我对他越来越敬慕。(我对他仰慕之情与日俱增。)
7. 水手们欢欢乐乐,蜂拥而至,将这两人围成一圈。
8. 我非常感激父亲,因为在我小时候他总是不断地鼓励我。
外语系图书馆占地面积125平方米,藏书2.3万册。整个图书馆包括3间书库,一个阅览室,即英、俄文图书混合库, 英文工具书库,日、法、德语混合库和中英文期刊阅览室。所藏图书以英语语言研究及相关文献为主体,兼藏日、俄、德、法语书籍资料。此外,订有各类中外文期刊近200种。此外,订有各类中外文期刊近200种。外语系图书馆为专业图书馆,着重语言研究与语言教学,是学校图书馆人文分馆的一个重要分支。目前,馆内全部馆藏已实现计算机化管理,并提供网络服务。
With a floor space of 125 square meters the Library of the Foreign Languages Department has around 23,000 books in storage.
这句话中有两个动词“占地”、“藏书”,可考虑把重心放在后半句,省略一个动词,用介词短语 with a floor space of(建筑面积)来代替。
(2)整个图书馆包括3间书库,一个阅览室,即英、俄文图书混合库, 英文工具书库,日、法、德语混合库和中英文期刊阅览室。
The library consists of 3 stack rooms and 1 reading room, i.e., 1 stack room for English and Russian books, another for English dictionaries and reference books, the third for Japanese, French and German books, and a reading room meant for Chinese and English magazines and periodicals.
这句话比较长,可以先翻译出主句The library consists of…,然后用i.e.加上几个并列结构,其中几处“书库”可作省略处理。
The library mainly focuses on English linguistic studies and relevant literatures, and concurrently, it keeps a considerable collection of various books in Japanese, Russian, Germany and French.
这是一个并列句,译文也采用并列结构,“以?为主体”可译作mainly focus on,“兼藏”concurrently keep,两句话都的主语都应该是the library.
Around 200 Chinese and English magazine and periodical titles are available here.
“订有各类中外文期刊”可以用被动语态,也可以用be available这种更简练的表达法。
As a library for special purpose, the library of Foreign Languages Department plays an important part in the sub-library of humanities and social science under the Main Library of the University, laying its stress on linguistic studies and language teaching.
这句话有3个并列动词“为”、“着重”、“是”,我们可以根据汉语重心后置的特点,将最后一个动词译作谓语plays an important part in,其余部分用介词短语(As a library for special purpose)、分词短语 (laying its stress on) 来处理。
The management of the library is computerized and is now able to serve the reader via its network.
这是一个并列句,“全部馆藏”可转换为The management of the library,“提供网络服务”需要做适当的增词处理。
【参考资料】关于Silicon Valley 和San Jose-Palo Alto的简介。
Silicon Valley
High-Tech Industry, industry that makes use of advanced technology. The largest high-tech group is the fast-growing electronics industry, especially the manufacture of computers, microchips, and telecommunications equipment. The products of high-tech industries have low bulk but high value, as do their components. Silicon Valley in California is an area with high concentrations of such firms.
Ranking high in California‘s economy is the manufacture of industrial machinery, principally computers and related equipment but including the making of pumps, engines, turbines, and machines for the service industry. Many computer companies are located in what is known as Silicon Valley, in the San Jose-Palo Alto area.
Renaissance, series of literary and cultural movements in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. These movements began in Italy and eventually expanded into Germany, France, England, and other parts of Europe. Participants studied the great civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome and came to the conclusion that their own cultural achievements rivaled those of antiquity. Their thinking was also influenced by the concept of humanism, which emphasizes the worth of the individual. Renaissance humanists believed it was possible to improve human society through classical education. This education relied on teachings from ancient texts and emphasized a range of disciplines, including poetry, history, rhetoric (rules for writing influential prose or speeches), and moral philosophy.
Suzhou, also Su-chou or Suchow, formerly Wu-hsien, city, eastern China, in Jiangsu Province, near Shanghai. It is noted for scenic canals, arched bridges, and historic gardens. Manufactures include silks, cotton textiles, embroidery, electronic equipment, and chemicals. Tai Hu (Lake T'ai) and the Grand C other landmarks include a 5th-century BC royal tomb and a pagoda from the 10th century ad.
The city became capital (518 BC) of the short-lived Wu state. It took the name Suzhou in ad589 and was at a peak of prosperity as a silk center, renowned for its beauty, in the 14th to 17th centuries. Taiping rebels destroyed (1860-63) much of the old city. It was soon rebuilt and was opened as a treaty port in 1896. The city was occupied by Japan in 1937-45. Modern industrial development was expanded and diversified after 1949. Population (7.
第六单元 翻译技巧4 适当增添 清楚明了
I. 翻译实例训练
英译汉 Person of the Year
这篇翻译实例训练为美国《时代》杂志为荣登2001年度《时代》杂志封面人物的纽约市长Rudy Giuliani撰写的入选理由。总共331字,涉及遣词用字、词类转换、词语增添、结构调整等翻译技巧。下面是关于September 11 Attacks的背景情况简介。
【参考资料】September 11 Attacks
September 11 Attacks, coordinated terrorist strike on the United States in 2001 that killed more than 3,000 people and shook the nation to its core.
On the sunny morning of September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists, working in teams of 4 or 5, hijacked four commercial jetliners and turned them toward targets chosen for destruction. Two of the planes, loaded with fuel and passengers, were flown at full speed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in the financial district of New York City. The buildings burst into flame and then collapsed, killing thousands. A third terrorist crew smashed their plane into the Pentagon, headquarters of the U.S. military in Arlington, Virginia. The hijackers of the fourth airliner apparently intended to hit another target in the Washington, D.C., area, but passengers on the plane realized what was happening and fought back. This airplane crashed in a field in rural Pennsylvania.
The 19 men who carried out the hijackings came from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other Arab states. They were affiliated with the al-Qaeda network, a radical Islamic group led by Saudi exile Osama bin Laden and dedicated to waging a holy war against the United States. The targets they chose to destroy perfectly symbolized U.S. financial, political, and military power. Years in the planning, the attacks in New York and Washington constituted the first major foreign assault on the continental United States since 1814, when the British army invaded Washington, D.C., and burned the White House. More people were killed on U.S. soil on September 11 than on any day since the American Civil War.
Luce, Henry Robinson (), American editor and publisher, who introduced the concept of the weekly newsmagazine. Born to American missionary parents in Tengchow (now Penglai), China, Luce was educated at Yale University and the University of Oxford. In 1923, with his friend Briton Hadden, Luce founded the newsmagazine Time, which he edited until 1964. Featuring pictures and dynamic, terse, and vivid text, Time was also innovative in its emphasis on
personalities in the news. In 1930 Luce founded Fortune, a monthly that focused on critical analysis of American business and industry. Two years later he purchased Architectural Forum, which remained a leading architectural publication until its demise in 1964.
Luce began publication of the weekly news and photo magazine Life in 1936. Like other Luce periodicals it wa it ceased weekly


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