能不能用hook接键盘点击,修改键盘输入 类似h5软键盘把布局顶上去c++

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mousehook WINCE5.0 下键盘鼠标钩子源码
注: 6下貌似不能用 Windows CE 277万源代码下载- www.pudn.com
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&详细说明:WINCE5.0 下键盘鼠标钩子源码
注:WINCE6下貌似不能用-wince5.0 keyboard hook
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第一部分 Windows编程基础
第一章 Hello WindowsCE第二单
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有强行卸载钩子的办法请QQwindows - ToAscii/ToUnicode in a keyboard hook destroys dead keys - Stack Overflow
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It seems that if you call ToAscii() or ToUnicode() while in a global WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook, and a dead-key is pressed, it will be 'destroyed'.
For example, say you've configured your input language in Windows as Spanish, and you want to type an accented letter á in a program. Normally, you'd press the single-quote key (the dead key), then the letter "a", and then on the screen an accented á would be displayed, as expected.
But this doesn't work if you call ToAscii() or ToUnicode() in a low-level keyboard hook function. It seems that the dead key is destroyed, and so no accented letter á shows up on screen. Removing a call to the above functions resolves the issue... but unfortunately, I need to be able to call those functions.
I Googled for a while, and while a lot of people seemed to have this issue, no good solution was provided.
Any help would be much appreciated!
EDIT: I'm calling ToAscii() to convert the virtual-key code and scan code received in my
hook function into the resulting character that will be displayed on screen for the user.
I tried MapVirtualKey(kbHookData->vkCode, 2), but this isn't as "complete" a function as ToAscii(); for example, if you press Shift + 2, you'll get '2', not '@' (or whatever Shift + 2 will produce for the user's keyboard layout/language).
ToAscii() is perfect... until a dead-key is pressed.
EDIT2: Here's the hook function, with irrelevant info removed:
LRESULT CALLBACK keyboard_LL_hook_func(int code, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {
BYTE keyboard_state[256];
if (code & 0) {
return CallNextHookEx(keyHook, code, wParam, lParam);
WORD wCharacter = 0;
int ta = ToAscii((UINT)kbHookData-&vkCode, kbHookData-&scanCode,
keyboard_state, &wCharacter, 0);
/* If ta == -1, a dead-key was pressed. The dead-key will be "destroyed"
* and you'll no longer be able to create any accented characters. Remove
* the call to ToAscii() above, and you can then create accented characters. */
return CallNextHookEx(keyHook, code, wParam, lParam);
stop using ToAscii() and use ToUncode()
remember that ToUnicode may return you nothing on dead keys - this is why they are called dead keys.
Any key will have a scancode or a virtual key code but not necessary a character.
You shouldn't combine the buttons with characters - assuming that any key/button has a text representation (Unicode) is wrong.
for input text use the characters reported by Windows
for checking button pressed (ex. games) use scancodes or virtual keys (probably virtual keys are better).
for keyboard shortcuts use virtual key codes.
Call 'ToAscii' function twice for a correct processing of dead-key, like in:
int ta = ToAscii((UINT)kbHookData-&vkCode, kbHookData-&scanCode,
keyboard_state, &wCharacter, 0);
int ta = ToAscii((UINT)kbHookData-&vkCode, kbHookData-&scanCode,
keyboard_state, &wCharacter, 0);
If (ta == -1)
Calling the ToAscii or ToUnicode twice is the answer.
I found this and converted it for Delphi, and it works!
cnt:=ToUnicode(VirtualKey, KeyStroke, KeyState, chars, 2, 0);
cnt:=ToUnicode(VirtualKey, KeyStroke, KeyState, chars, 2, 0); //yes call it twice
Quite an old thread. Unfortunately it didn't contain the answer I was looking for and none of the answers seemed to work properly. I finally solved the problem by checking the
of the MapVirtualKey function, before calling ToUnicode / ToAscii. Seems to be working like a charm:
if(!(MapVirtualKey(kbHookData-&vkCode, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR)&&(sizeof(UINT)*8-1) & 1)) {
ToAscii((UINT)kbHookData-&vkCode, kbHookData-&scanCode,
keyboard_state, &wCharacter, 0);
Quoting MSDN on the return value of MapVirtualKey, if
[...] Dead keys (diacritics) are indicated by setting the top bit of the return value. [...]
I copy the vkCode in a queue and do the conversion from another thread
def keyHookKFunc(code,wParam,lParam):
global gkeyQueue
return windll.user32.CallNextHookEx(0,code,wParam,lParam)
This has the advantage of not delaying key processing by the os
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