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Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional value of
many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a signifi cant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may
contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this
fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since .
(A) many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from foods’ having a longer shelf life
(B) it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has
(C) cooking is usually the fi nal step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a
longer shelf life for perishable foods
(D) certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled
irradiation is
(E) for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process
individually is compounded
这个答案的解释我觉得看到我很苦恼(esp. boldface part!!)。。。请问有人可以解释一下下么?谢谢啦~
Which option most logically completes the argument? For the proponents’ claim to be
misleading it needs to be suggesting something about irradiation that is false. By stating
that irradiation destroys no more B1 than cooking does, the proponent seems to be
suggesting that any food that is going to be cooked might as well be irradiated because it
will end up with the same amount of B1 either way. But if the eff ects of radiation and
cooking combine to destroy more B1 than cooking or irradiation alone would, then the
proponents’ claim suggests something that is false
查看: 14810|回复: 37
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Which of the following most logically completes the argument?
The irradiation of food kills bacteria and thus retards spoilage. However, it also lowers the nutritional value of many foods. For example, irradiation destroys a signifi cant percentage of whatever vitamin B1 a food may contain. Proponents of irradiation point out that irradiation is no worse in this respect than cooking. However, this fact is either beside the point, since much irradiated food is eaten raw, or else misleading, since .
(A) many of the proponents of irradiation are food distributors who gain from foods’ having a longer shelf life (B) it is clear that killing bacteria that may be present on food is not the only effect that irradiation has (C) cooking is usually the fi nal step in preparing food for consumption, whereas irradiation serves to ensure a longer shelf life for perishable foods (D) certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled irradiation is (E) for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded这个答案的解释我觉得看到我很苦恼(esp. boldface part!!)。。。请问有人可以解释一下下么?谢谢啦~ Which option most logically completes the argument? For the proponents’ claim to be misleading it needs to be suggesting something about irradiation that is false. By stating that irradiation destroys no more B1 than cooking does, the proponent seems to be suggesting that any food that is going to be cooked might as well be irradiated because it will end up with the same amount of B1 either way. But if the eff ects of radiation and cooking combine to destroy more B1 than cooking or irradiation alone would, then the proponents’ claim suggests something that is false.
在线时间 小时
我是这么理解的:Proponents of irradiation的主要立场是irradiation与cooking同样能破坏维生素,所以一种食物irradiation后生吃和食物irradiation后cooking再吃所丢失的维生素是一样的,也就是说只要一种食物不生吃,那有一部分维生素是肯定要在cooking过程中被破坏的,无论之前是否被irradiation。Proponents of irradiation所默认的是irradiation能破坏的cooking也会破坏,因而只要把他们这个理论基础拆除就可以驳倒他们。E可以说明cooking和irridiation可能破坏的是不同种的维生素,也就是说irradiation能破坏的cooking不一定能破坏,所以选E。
在线时间 小时
嗯。不过我觉得LS似乎在一个地方有个理解错误哦。文中提到的cooking和irradiation带来的损害都是维生素B1的丢失,没有说是不同的维生素的流失哦。经过我重复看了几遍,我自己的重新理解是:题中proponent应该认为,既然irradiation来的负面影响跟cooking带来的影响差不多(都是维生素B1的流失),那么他们其中一者或者两者一起产生的负面影响应该都是差不多的。所以irradiation的负面影响不需要过于担忧。如果能够说明irradiation的负面影响(尽管跟cooking一样都是B1流失)需要引起注意的话,就可以反驳proponent 的观点了。这就是E选项所说的:irradiation和cooking两者一起造成的B1流失的量是叠加起来的,所以irradiation带来的损害不可以忽视。这样理解呢?!
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和楼上同问啊前面不是说since much irradiated food is eaten raw么~~既然只irradiation可以生吃,那就和只cooking再吃的效果一样嘛~~这里怎么反驳了irradiation不必cooking坏?
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看看别人的解释:D says: certain kinds of cooking are, in fact, even more destructive of vitamin B1 than carefully controlled irradiation is Observe the word &Certain kinds of cooking&.. It doesnt mention that all kinds of cooking are destructive. But we need a strong point to fill the blank in the passage. Moreover, it introduces a new term called &carefully controlled irradiation & which is not discussed in the passage. We are trying to compare only &certain kinds& of cooking against &carefully controlled& irradiation. which is a very weak comparison. Hence D doesnt say that cooking is destructive than irradiation. It says &certian kinds of cooking& is destructive than&carefully controlled irradiation&. Even if it says cooking is destructive than irradiation., This is not what we want. We want the opposite of it. On the other hand, E says for food that is both irradiated and cooked, the reduction of vitamin B1 associated with either process individually is compounded Suppose irradiation reduces B1 by 10%. Cooking reduces B1 by 10%. If the irradiated food is cooked, then B1 is reduced on the whole by 19%. If irradiated food is also cooked again, then there is loss of Higher percentage of Vitamin B. This means to say that irradiation is more destructive than cooking. Though irradiation and cooking are interlinked, proponents are trying to mislead by showing them independently.
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