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By , and Andrew Marszal
• First photo of
• He studied computer science at Westminster University •
• Emwazi has appeared in several Isil murder videos •
19.00 That is all from The Telegraph's live coverage of the naming of Jihadi John.
Thank you for joining us.
18.14 The former head of MI6 has rejected claims the security services played a role in the radicalisation of the terrorist known as Jihadi John.
Sir John Sawers, head of MI6 from 2009 to 2014, said arguments that harassment drove Emwazi to join IS were "very specious".
In an interview for the Today programme on BBC Radio 4, Sir John said:
I'm not going to comment on the individuals, but in general I think those are very specious arguments.
These people draw attention to themselves because of their activity, their mixing, participation in extremist and sometimes terrorist circles, so of course they're going to draw attention to themselves and by an approach, if that's what happens, you give an opportunity to the individual to draw back from the terrorist groups that he - it's usually a he, sometimes a she - is about to mix with and you also give them a warning.
But the idea that somehow being spoken to by a member of MI5 is a radicalising act, I think this is very false and very transparent.
17.57 The activist from Cage who praised Emwazi has been previously filmed supporting jihad.
Robert Mendick writes:
Asim Qureshi, research director at Cage, called on Muslims to back jihadists at an anti-US rally held in London in 2006.
In an emotive speech caught on video, Mr Qureshi told a crowd gathered at rally organised by Hizb-ut Tahrir, an Islamist group: “When we see the example of our brothers and sisters fighting in Chechnya, Iraq, Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan, then we know where the example lies. When we see Hezbollah defeating the armies of Israel, we know where the solution is and where the victory lies.
“We know that it is incumbent upon all of us, to support the jihad of our brothers and sisters in these countries when they are facing the oppression of the West.”
17.34 Westminster University has launched an investigation in to how Emwazi's student records were leaked (see 16.38).
The image, published by Sky News, is believed to show Emwazi as a teenager staring blankly at the camera wearing a plain white t-shirt and an oversized baseball cap.
A spokeswoman from the university said:
We are investigating how this information has been obtained.
We have no further comments at the moment.
17.22 Channel 4 News have produced an interesting report about .
Portobello Rd, Queen's Park, Paddington and Kensal Green are all mentioned.
But does that mean that the area is a "hotbed of extremism"?
16.38 Emwazi's photo has been
16.21 The first adult photograph of Emwazi has been published.
BREAKING - Jihadi John revealed - the first picture of Mohammed Emwazi as an adult — Mark White (@skymarkwhite)
15.14 David Cameron spoke out earlier in , following accusations they played a part in the .
Here is what he said:
14.45 , has also been speaking about possible failures in surveillance.
Her said the Government had made a mistake to replace the control orders regime, which allowed the relocation of terror suspects, with the less-restrictive Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (Tpims).
He told the BBC:
I do think that was a mistake, we are now back on the right track.
The politicians who made that mistake need to think very carefully about why they did it and I think the benefit of the doubt was, I'm afraid, given too much to those who wish us serious harm.
14.21 The intelligence agencies may have made a "slip up" in failing to impose tighter controls on Jihadi John due to the sheer number of suspects they have to cope with, the counter-terrorism laws watchdog said.
David Anderson QC said he was not surprised that Mohammed Emwazi, who has been named as the masked militant seen in Islamic State videos, was not subject to measures such as house arrest despite being on MI5's radar because the UK's spies and counter-terrorism police were "very busy".
University of Westminster graduate Emwazi was known to the Security Service for some time before leaving for Syria in 2013 and beginning on the road to international notoriety.
Mr Anderson, the independent reviewer of terror legislation, said "perhaps they did slip up in this case" but it was "difficult not to have sympathy" with the agencies because of the scale of the challenge they face.
14.01 Writing in The Telegraph, Shashank Joshi .
So if you think that Emwazi was really going on safari, I have a bridge to sell you. And some free travel advice: if you desperately want to see lions and elephants, my suggestion is that you opt for a reputable travel agency rather than a well-established jihadist network.
Cage also quotes Emwazi as complaining that “I feel like a prisoner … in London. A person imprisoned and controlled by security service men”. This is nonsense.
Although the evidence is unclear, it doesn’t seem that Britain barred Emwazi from travel at all. After all, he travelled to Turkey en route to Syria in 2013. Britain may well have passed on to Kuwaiti authorities their own suspicions about the risk posed by Emwazi. Critics will argue that it is wrong for the state to single out citizens who have not been convicted of any crime. But what if Emwazi was refusing to give a complete picture to police? Cage alleges that Emwazi “sought to find redress within the system”. Perhaps this is right. But in light of his previous story of safari-going, we have reasons to be sceptical.
illustrating their Mohammed Emwazi aka 'Jihadi John' post with this pic? Massively insensitive. — Shiv Malik (@shivmalik)
12.38 The Telegraph's video team have put together an explainer about how Emwazi radicalised.
12.23 More from David Cameron, who has defended our security services.
He said they are doing an "incredibly impressive" job keeping the country safe.
All of the time, they are having to make incredibly difficult judgments and I think basically they make very good judgments on our behalf.
12.18 This image shows the transformation from West London schoolboy, to mass murderer.
12.03 More from David Cameron, who is at an event in Wales.
I'm not going to talk about specific individuals.
When there are people anywhere in the world who commit appalling and heinous crimes against British citizens, we will do everything we can with the police, with the security services, with all that we have at our disposal to find these people and put them out of action.
12.02 David Cameron has spoken out in defence of the intelligence and security agencies after associates of Emwazi accused them of playing a part in his radicalisation.
Mr Cameron said his "number one priority" was to ensure that those responsible for crimes against British citizens were hunted down and "put out of action".
Downing Street described as "reprehensible" a claim by advocacy group Cage that MI5 was partly to blame for Emwazi turning to violence, because of its alleged harassment and interrogation of the "beautiful young man".
11.42 Our Middle East Editor, Richard Spencer, has been looking into the Kuwaiti roots of Emwazi and his family.
Elijah Magnier, chief international correspondent for the Kuwait-based Al-Rai media group, said that Emwazi's family were "bidoun".
The bidoun are stateless people living in the Gulf region who were not given citizenship in any of the Gulf states that were formed with the withdrawal of the British empire. The largest number live in Kuwait - several hundred thousand - and complain of having reduced access to education and jobs.
11.06 An unnamed caller to LBC radio has just
with Emwazi.
I used to go with him to that primary school, on Warwick Avenue.
He was a year old than me. This was around 2003.
I remember him very well. His surname I did not remember, but I got a text picture from my sister this morning, showing him in the red sweatshirt. My sister said: "Do you remember this guy? He's the half Kuwaiti guy who was a good friend of ours at school."
And when I read further, with two younger sisters and a dad as a taxi driver, I remembered him very well. To be honest, his mum was a very good friend of my mum and used to sell gold in the local community.
We knew the family quite well.
Three years ago there was suspicion of Mohammed Emwazi being involved in terror. So my mum completely broke contact - we didn't want to be involved.
I want to tell you an incident when we were younger - because he used to treat me like a brother, teaching me and stuff.
Basically we were in the playground and Mohammed was running away from someone, I think he was just about to get into a fight. And as he was running another guy blocked his path. And he ran into a goal post and hit his head on a metal goal post and fell to the floor.
This was year six, we didn't see him for six weeks.
He was not the same ever since that brain injury. I am telling you one million per cent. He was not the same.
After secondary school I never had much contact with him. He was one year older than me. But my relationship with him - I told my mum, he was acting a bit weird. And my mum told me "If he's acting a bit weird, stay away from him."
10.45 The , a British aid worker who was murdered last year, said that she wanted Emwazi to be taken alive to deny him the "honourable death" of being killed in action. Dragana Haines told the BBC that the unmasking of Emwazi had reopened the wounds caused by her husband's death:
It was a flashback to the very day that we found out that David has been killed. It was basically living through that day again.
I can only hope that he will be caught. Ever since I found out that David has been murdered, I have been hoping that this man will be identified and eventually caught, but it's difficult to be reminded of it all again. We just started picking up the pieces and we started trying to have as normal a life as possible
I hope he will be caught alive. I think that is the only moral satisfaction for the families of all the people he murdered. If he gets killed in action, it will be an honourable death for him, and that is the last thing I would actually want for him. I think he needs to be put to justice.
Dragana Haines and her husband David (TIM STEWART NEWS LIMITED)
10.30 Camilla Turner is at the west London primary school attended by Mohammed Emwazi in the late 1990s this morning:
Standing at the school gate to welcome in pupils as they came in for the day, Tonnie Read, the headteacher of St Mary Magdalene Church of England primary school, said she did not wish to make any comments about Mohammed Emwazi.
The school is adjoined to St Mary Magdalene Church, just set back from Grand Union Canal and five minutes away from Little Venice in one of the smartest parts of West London.
For some of the time that Emwazi went to this primary school he lived just five minutes away with his family in a three-bedroomed flat on the first floor of a contemporary block of flats on Warwick Crescent, Maida Vale.
School friends remembered him as a reserved young boy who did not speak much English when he arrived, but was always keen to join in with football at lunch time and after school.
10.13 The family of Steven Sotloff, an American-Israeli journalist murdered by the Islamic State group, said they were relishing seeing his killer face justice after the apparent executioner was named on Thursday. Barak Barfi, the Sotloff family's spokesman, said in a statement:
The Sotloff family was informed of John's identity. This is one step on a long road to bringing him to justice.
If indeed Mohammed Emwazi is the man who executed Steve, the Sotloffs have full faith that the American intelligence community and law enforcement agencies will apprehend him.
They look forward to the day that John will be prosecuted and convicted for the crime of executing Steve.
Shirley Sotloff in her video appeal to release her son Steven, right (Reuters)
09.53 Two British trainee medics
said he hated Britain and was "always ready for war".
The men claimed they met Emwazi when he visited friends in a hospital they worked in months before his alleged role in Isil execution videos emerged.
They said he wore full combat gear at all times, even in safe areas during the full heat of summer, and earned his high-ranking position through his aggressive behaviour.
But they also spoke of how he visited his friends in hospital, bizarrely bringing them shopping bags full of sweets and ice cream.
One told ITV News: "I remember he was quiet, not reserved quiet, he had a lot of friends and was social.
09.11 Isil sympathisers on Twitter last night claimed that Jihadi John appeared in the
published by the group last month. His role in the killing has never been confirmed.
One user claimed Emwazi's appearance in the video had been missed because viewers "were so filled with fear".
The Telegraph has not been able to verify those claims, but the below image taken from the video appears to bear a strong resemblance to Emwazi:
08.44 Diane Foley, the mother of murdered Isil hostage James Foley, has said she "forgives" Emwazi "as a mum" for his crimes. She told The Times:
It saddens me, his [Emwazi's] continued hatred. He felt wronged, now we hate him - now that just prolongs the hatred. We need to end it.
As a mum I forgive him. You know, the whole thing is tragic - an ongoing tragedy.
08.30 It emerged last night that
prior to his departure for Syria, where he has murdered at least five Western hostages:
MI5 and police came into contact at least a dozen times with the man identified yesterday as Jihadi John before he was able to flee Britain for Syria, it emerged last night.
The security services made a botched attempt to “turn” Mohammed Emwazi after he was first intercepted when they feared he was trying to join a Somali terrorist group six years ago.
However, Emwazi, who grew up in west London and is likely to have been radicalised in this country, rejected the advances and slipped out of the country, despite being on a terrorist watch list, to become one of the world’s most wanted men. The 26-year-old computer programmer has now murdered at least five Western hostages.
08.00 Good morning. Welcome back to day two of our live coverage of the unmasking of Isil militant Mohammed Emwazi, aka 'Jihadi John', as more details and revelations about his early life and radicalisation emerge.
For a summary of events so far, read our wrap from this morning's Telegraph newspaper, , from Robert Mendick:
Perhaps the most remarkable thing about ‘Jihadi John’, the world’s most wanted man, is just how ordinary he actually is.
‘Jihadi John’ - the barbaric executioner of Western hostages held in Syria - has been unmasked as a computer studies graduate who grew up in a leafy and affluent suburb of west London.
His real name is Mohammed Emwazi, the eldest of six children, who took pride in his appearance, wore nice clothes, and appears - on the face of it at least - to have been a diligent student. He doesn’t even have a criminal record.
Nevertheless over the course of six years following his graduation, Emwazi undertook a journey that transformed him from benign teenager to the most demonic of killers, a blood-thirsty murderer who beheaded hostages, including Britons David Haines and Alan Henning, broadcast to the world in propaganda videos for the Islamic State.
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Johann Sebastian Bach:Baroque Composer
Johann Sebastian Bach (March 21, 1685-July 28, 1750) was a German Baroque composer.
He was one of the greatest composers of all time, but during his lifetime, he was little-known and was mostly recognized for performing on the organ.
Bach composed in many established musical forms, including, for example, the cantata and fugue, and developed them into complex and sublime pieces.
He composed over 1,100 works in almost every musical genre (except opera).
Bach was born and died in Germany, and spent his entire life there, working as an organist, teacher, and composer.
He had over 20 children, including four who became famous musicians in their own right, including Carl Philipp Emanuel, Wilhelm Friedemann, Johann Christoph Friedrich, and Johann Christian.
Bach's Early Life:
Bach was the youngest of eight children.
His father, Johann Ambrosius Bach, had been a town musician, and probably gave Bach his early music lessons.
His mother, Maria Elisabetha, and his father died within a year of each other (in 1694 and 1695, respectively).
Orphaned at age 10, Bach moved in with his an older brother, Johann Christoph, who was the organist at St. Michael's Church, Ohrdruf.
This brother probably taught Bach much about the organ.
Bach's Early Career:
Bach's early career involved playing the violin and organ at a low-level position in the ruling court in Weimar and in Neukirche, Arnstadt, beginning in 1703.
Bach's First Marriage:
In October 1707, Bach married his cousin Maria Barbara B together they would eventually have seven children (including Wilhelm Friedemann Bach
and Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach).
Life in Saxe-Weimar:
In 1708, Bach was appointed organist and chamber musician to the Duke of Saxe-Weimar.
During the next nine years Bach composed many of his finest organ compositions, and became known as a fine organist.
During this period, Bach's major works included Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (1705),
Cantata No. 208 (1713), and The Little Organ Book (1714).
Kapellmeister at Anhalt-Cothen:
In 1717, Bach became Kapellmeister (the chapel master, who directed and/or composed music for a church or chapel) in the court of the music-lover Prince Leopold of Anhalt-Cothen.
During this period, Bach's major works included the Brandenburg Concertos (1721), The Well-Tempered Clavier (first book, 1722).
In 1721, the Prince married a woman who did not share the Prince's interest in music, and the Prince's support of Bach lessened.
Bach would soon leave.
Bach's Second Marriage:
Bach's wife Maria had died in 1720.
In 1721, he married Anna Magdalena Wilcke (the daughter of the town trumpeter); they would have 13 children together (including Johann Christian Bach).
Altogether, Bach had 20 children with his two wives, but 10 of his children died in infancy.
Four went on to become well-known composers and musicians.
Life in Leipzig:
Bach left Anhalt-Cothen in 1723 for Leipzig.
He became Kantor (teacher and director of music) of St. Thomas's in Leipzig.
Bach remained in Leipzig for the rest of his life.
During this period, Bach's major works included St. John Passion (1723), St. Matthew Passion (1727), Suite No. 3 in D (1729), Magnificat in D Major (1731), Christmas Oratorio (1734), Italian Concerto (1735), Goldberg Variations (, originally called "Aria With Diverse Variations," but later nicknamed after Bach's student Johann Gottlieb Goldberg), The Well-Tempered Clavier (second book, 1742), the Musical Offering (1747), and The Art of the Fugue (unfinished, 1749).
Bach's Death:
By 1740, Bach's eyesight was failing.
Two eye operations resulted in Bach' these operations also damaged his health and may have hastened his death.
He died of a stroke on July 28, 1750.
Bach is buried at St. John's cemetery, Leipzig. Bach's widow Anna lived for another ten years, dying in poverty in 1760.
Bach's death in 1750 marked the end of the Baroque period in music.
The Re-Discovery of Bach's Works - Bach's Back:
Bach's works were soon forgotten (but then again, they were hardly known during his lifetime - many of his works were not published until a century after his death).
In March, 1829 (almost 100 years after Bach's death), the composer Felix Mendelssohn performed Bach's St. Matthew Passion, spurring a world-wide interest in Bach.
Soon, Bach's works were appreciated by the world - essentially for the first time.
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