andthesome and the otherrthing中文什么意思

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求翻译:The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour from its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually ca是什么意思?
The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigour from its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually ca
将被避免的另一件事紧贴对青年时期希望吮的强健从它的生命力。 当您的孩子增长他们时想要居住他们自己的生活,并且,如果您继续是一样对他们感兴趣,因为您是他们是年轻的,您可能成为负担对他们,除非他们是异常地无情的。 我不意味着一个在他们应该是,不用兴趣,但一.的兴趣应该是沉思的和,如果可能仁慈,但不过度情感。 动物变得冷漠对他们的年轻人,当他们的年轻人可能照看自己,但人,由于初期的长度,发现此困难。
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音标:[ θiŋ ]&&发音:&&名词复数: things&&&
中文翻译n.1.(有形或无形的)东西,物;事物。2.事,事件,局面,消息;〔pl.〕情形,形势,事态。3.〔pl.〕个人所有物,衣饰,服装,随身物品;用具,家具,财产。4.【法律】〔pl.〕动产(或不动产)。5.题目,主题。6.细节,要点。7.(带感情色彩)家伙,东西〔指人或动物,表示轻蔑,爱情,怜悯〕。8.事业,行为,成就,成果。9.举动,行动,目标。10.(艺术的)作品;歌曲。11.〔the thing〕正适合(需要)的东西[事情];最流行的东西。12.〔pl.〕文物〔后接形容词〕。短语和例子all things 万物,宇宙。 a living thing 生物。 dumb things 牲畜。 a pretty young thing 〔俚语〕漂亮的小姑娘〔也有说作 a P.Y.T.的〕。 You stupid thing ! 你这蠢东西!He takes things too seriously. 他把事情看得太认真了。 Things have changed greatly. 情形大大不同了。 things Chinese 中国的文物。 tea things 茶具。 a little thing of mine 拙作。 That is just the thing for me. 那正合我的心意,那对我正好。 I am not quite the thing this morning. 今早身体不大舒服。 It is not (quite) the thing. 有点不对,有点不好的地方。 How are things going at the Institute? 学院里的情况怎么样? Take your things upstairs. 把你的衣物拿到楼上去。 I've a lot of things to do this morning. 我今天上午有许多事要做。 He spoke of many things at the meeting. 他在会上讲了很多的问题。 In designing the machine, not a thing is to be overlooked. 在设计这架机器时一点细节也不要忽略。 This is just the thing I want. 这正是我所要的。 At fifty, he would be a man to accomplish great things. 他到五十岁时会有很大的成就。 The thing now is to see the president at once. 现在要做的是立刻去见董事长。 among other things 其中;尤其,格外。 ... and things 〔口语〕…等。 as things are [stand] 据目前形势[情形]。 do the handsome thing by 宽大对待。 for another thing 二则,其次。 for one thing... (, for another ...) 一方面…(,另一方面);一则…(,再则…);首先…(,其次…)。 get things done 完成工作任务。 in all things 无论在什么问题上。 know [be up to] a thing or two 〔口语〕机敏,精明,不落空。 learn a thing or two 学得一点东西。 make a good thing of (因)…赚到钱[获利]。 no such thing 哪里会,没有这样的事。 of all things 偏偏(有这种事)。 one thing... another 一样一样,各方面;…是一回事…又是一回事,…和…是不同的(taking one thing with another 一样一样[前前后后]想一想。A man of talent is one thing, and a pedant another. 有才能的人和卖弄学问的人是不一样的)。 Poor thing ! 可怜!see things 发生幻觉,见神见鬼。 take things as they are 随遇而安,对一切事情都处之泰然。 the latest thing in (hats) (帽子的)最新式样,最时髦的(帽子)。 The thing is ...目前的问题是,目前最要紧的是。 thing in itself 【哲学】自在之物,物自体。 thing of naught [nothing] 不足道的东西[事情]。 things have long been in a bad way (for sb.) 某人的日子很不好过,情况很坏。n.(斯堪的那维亚各国的)议会[司法机构] (=ting)。&&&&一件事&&&&新近流行的东西&&&&没有那种事情; 没有这种事情; 没这回事&&&&那物&&&&流行事物&&&&怪形; 极度惊恐; 那机器有点问题; 石丑; 石头人; 突变第三型; 这东西&&&&问题是&&&&流行事物&&&&那有这回事&&&&适用于两点的情况&&&&侥幸的脱险&&&&惯例&&&&盖伊的事; 男人的事情; 新郎上错床&&&&一生的幸运&&&&极危险的事; 侥幸的脱险&&&&毫无价值的东西&&&&陈迹; 明日黄花&&&&最近的事, 最近的东西&&&&选择的事物&&&&蔽屣&&&&以及诸如此类的事情, 等等&&&&坏东西&&&&美好事物; 愈爱愈美丽; 越爱越美丽&&&&年轻女郎&&&&相等的事物或数量&&&&旋转式薄膜蒸发器
例句与用法They had learned to give up many things .他们已习惯放弃很多东西了。I've certainly been remiss about things .我也真是,办事就是不周到。There's such a thing as moderation in all matters .凡事得有个限度。Talking is one thing , doing is another .说是一回事,做又是一回事。It is hard to forget repulsive things .不堪入目的景象往往难以忘怀。There are exquisite things in store for you .绝妙的东西在等着你呐。Two things are always combined together .两种事物总是结合在一起的。You never work those things out, though .这种事情你永远也捉摸不透。Things will improve as time goes on .随着时间的推移,情况会改善的。Keep these things in a separate place .把这几件东西单放在一个地方。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a separate and self-contained entity "how could you do such a thing?" "how does this thing work?"an entity that is no "I couldn''t tell what the thing was"any attribute or quality considered as havi "the thing I like about her is ..."a vague "several matters to attend to"; "it is none of your affair"; "things are going well"同义词:, , a "a thing of the spirit"; "things of the heart" "the thing is to stay in bounds"a statement r "to say the same thing in other terms"; "how can you say such a thing?" "a funny thing happened on the way to the..."a persistent illogical feeling o "he has a thing about seafood"; "she has a thing about him" "this thing has got to end"; "it is a remarkable thing"
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You’ve got to be kidding!
By the time many of you read this, I’ll be in my van on the road to Wyoming.
So it’s the start of a three-week blogging break for me.
Our internet connection at 7,000′ is quite slow, which is fine, as I’ll be spending my time riding, reading, hiking, and relaxing.
My parents will also be visiting for about a week, although unfortunately, my husband can’t make it. But I imagine I’ll be popping in to Instagram from time to time.
In the meantime, have a wonderful time wherever you are and whatever you’re doing.
When I get back, I’ll have lots of information and photos for posts, although I haven’t finished with France yet.
Isn’t travel grand?
Blessings to all of you and I’ll be back soon.
Headed toward this view…
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Just as Moses came down from the mountain, so did we (although not with any commandments), following a winding road that looked inviting.
As I , just as we were ready to turn around, we spotted a sign for “Lautenbach.”
As that’s the maiden name of my s-i-l (the one married to my brother, not the one I was visiting), I asked to stop so I could take a photo of the sign.
Then we spotted an attractive church steeple and another beautiful detour was begun.
Lautenbach is a very German name but this part of France, , has been part of Germany more than once.
The town is beautiful and in the center is St. Michael Collegiate Church.
Although the church looks old, as
“The former collegiate church of Saint Michael-and-Gangolphe underwent many transformations over the centuries. The nave probably dates from the 11th century, the transept, the choir and the flat chevet from the 12th century. Its vaulted porch is one of the finest in the region. The building is, however, completely restored in 1859. Decorations and additions, such as the towers, implemented by the architect of the 19th century, are questionable although they do not alter the overall aesthetic. Guided tours for groups all year round on appointment at the Guebwiller Tourism Office.”
No matter when it was built or that is was restored, it’s beautiful and worth a visit.
has been classified as a historic monument.
Let me share a few photos and let you decide.
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It’s lunch time.
We’ll eat at , (you can view this in English by clicking the box on the upper right), but first we have to make a stop at the
store, filled aromatically and beautifully with all things honey-related.
The family raises the bees, using the honey in a variety of products.
My s-i-l gifted me with a jar of honey, almonds in honey, and a beeswax Christmas candle.
I bought several trios of honey-based soaps as gifts. If you have a minute, take a look at their website.
You’ll find beautiful things.
The almonds in honey taste wonderful on chèvre or foie gras.
You can take my word on that!
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2017 was a good year for roses. Climbing roses were everywhere, some climbing two stories.
They were gorgeous!
This spray was somewhat smaller, but it was beautiful and in a place where we could stop so I could get a photo.
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We wandered down from the mountains and just as we were ready to turn around, we came upon a sign the caught my attention because its name, Lautenbach, was the same as the maiden name of my s-i-l in Arizona.
After a stop to take a photo of the sign, we ventured into the town, which turned out to be a small jewel.
But this is , so let’s take a look at a few doors I sighted while near the church (upcoming post).
Arches were in force here, just as they are in the Franche-Comté, and I know many of you love arches.
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Happy Wednesday, the last Wednesday, if you can believe it, of July.
Where’s the summer gone?
But no matter how fast it goes by, each Wednesday brings a new Photo Challenge theme and today that’s I guess that means we can get some satisfaction, right?
I love road trips, nature, and beauty, so a combination of all three gives me a great deal of satisfaction.
This South Dakota sunset was so beautiful that I pulled off the highway and took some photos, not content so simply see it in my rearview mirror!
11:35 am EST, Wednesday, July 26…Can anyone else see comments or pingbacks from the Photo Challenge?
I tried two browsers and I’m not seeing anyone’s entries, including my own.
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We’d dried off a bit, had our cafè to warm us, and were off exploring.
Flying under the radar clouds, we absorbed quite a lot of beauty before stopping for lunch.
As we drove, the clouds began to lift, allowing us better views of this stunning area covered with wildflowers.
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