英特尔 celeron g5301840怎么样

5满载功耗仅40W 赛扬G1840平台搭配建议◆平台满载功耗近40W,还不足官方TDP&53W&&&&最后让我们看看基于赛扬G1840的入门家用平台的功耗表现如何,通过功耗仪会测试到包括、主板、内存、硬盘、散热器、电源的全部功耗,这其中CPU显然是占最大部分的。另外针对入门平台的定位,不搭配显卡的核显平台功耗也算给消费者做一个参考。平台待机功耗平台满载功耗&&&&为了让硬件达到满载运行的状态,我们选用了&Extreme这个熟悉的硬件,在系统稳定性测试中拷机。最终平台空闲的功耗为28.31W,平台满载功耗也不过40W出头,都没有达到官方提供的TDP(热设计功耗)上限53W,这确实让我们看到了22nm工艺制程带来的低功耗表现。◆赛扬G1840搭配平台的选购建议&&&&刚刚看过实际测试的功耗表现,我们可以认为赛扬G1840核显家用平台是不会超过50W,这就有了明确的信号:在电源的选择上,即使是如今最小容量的250W左右电源,都可以轻松带动平台,不过为了方便起见,笔者还是建议选择带有主动PFC(独立电源开关)的电源。最入门的250W电源就足够,整合电源的机箱也没问题&&&&另外虽然我们并不赞成“小马拉大车”的行为,但如今游戏对于CPU性能依赖并不大,或者说游戏最主要的瓶颈还在GPU图形部分,所以如果搭配GTX750/750Ti这样的显卡,即使是单机游戏性能也有一定的保证。而电源容量部分,我们也无需担心,选择额定功率300W的电源甚至可以搭配任何甜品级以下的显卡,这里算是给任性的入门玩家一个建议。&&&&搭配主板部分,针对入门家用笔者认为ITX迷你板型就是绝佳搭档,毕竟我们对于PCI-E拓展插槽部分并没有什么要求,ITX用来搭配CPU核显组建HTPC高清影音平台才是王道。这里笔者建议大家选择H81主板就可以了,高供电规格的B85显然不适合,一般规格的B85相比H81没有优势,价格还要贵一些,所以即使供电规格最入门的H81也能满足我们的需求。H81芯片组实惠,ITX板型最适合高清影音平台&&&&综上所讲,笔者建议选择一款高性价比的H81&ITX主板是最理想的,这样我们就可以搭配迷你机箱来装机。当然对于预算确实紧张的玩家,针对ITX板型的机箱相比传统ATX、mATX板型的机箱可能售价要贵些,这里笔者也并不强求。&&&&在搭配内存的部分,笔者也最后提醒一下大家,由于赛扬、奔腾这个级别的最高仅支持DDR3&1333MHz的频率上限,所以我们没有必要选择高频率XMP内存,1600MHz频率的4GB单条价格比较合适,同时未来升级处理器,也不会被1333MH在的内存频率所限制,是最合适的选择。当然如果玩家之前的老平台,采用2GB&x2的1333MHz内存组合,直接平移到新主机上还能尽其所能,不浪费。
6Intel 赛扬 G1840详细参数
CPU系列 适用类型
4¥35495¥22496¥74997¥13998¥22499¥249910¥1839Intel Celeron G1840 - CM9 / CM1 / BX & Intel &
Same socket
Intel Celeron G1840 specifications
The specs can be used for short-term listings on auction and classifieds sites
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core &?&&
Core stepping &?&&
Manufacturing process&
Data width64 bit
The number of CPU cores2
The number of threads&
Floating Point UnitIntegrated
Level 1 cache size &?&&
Level 2 cache size &?&&
Level 3 cache size2 MB 8-way set associative shared cache
Physical memory&
Low power features&
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphics&
Memory controller&
Other peripherals&
Electrical / Thermal parameters
Maximum operating temperature &?&&
Thermal Design Power &?&&
Notes on Intel Celeron G1840
Detailed side-by-side comparison
For detailed comparision of the Intel G1840 and any other other chip from our CPU database
type in a chip name and/or its partial specs:
You can specify any of the following: manufacturer name, family name,
model number, part number, core name, microarchitecture, manufacturing
process, socket name, operating frequency, bus speed, the number of
cores and threads, cache size, TDP and GPU type.
Here are some examples of searches: G1840, CM9, Intel Celeron Dual-Core 2.8GHz, Haswell Socket 1150 53 Watt, Haswell 2 cores 2 threads, 0.022 micron 2 MB HD graphics
Historical price chart
The chart below shows official prices of Intel Celeron G1830, G1840, G1850 and G3900 processors:
Q: I have an Intel Celeron G1840 microprocessor. Can I upgrade it?
A: Probably yes. Processor compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please check
resource for CPU support list for your board.
Celeron G1840 Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information for this processor is not available at this time.
Related news stories
Prices of Intel "Haswell Refresh" CPUs
Apr 14, 2014: Intel today added brief specifications and prices of all "Haswell
Refresh" desktop and mobile microprocessors to the official pricelist.
Built on "Haswell" architecture, upcoming products will not have any
new microarchitecture and power optimizations compared to last year's
products, and their only advantage will be slightly increased clock
speeds. According to known specifications, many "Haswell Refresh" CPUs
will be clocked 100 MHz higher than the Haswell 2013 lineup, which
will result in up to 2% - 5% better performance, much smaller than we
got used to in the past three years.
Intel Haswell Refresh CPUs to launch in May
Apr 12, 2014: Digitimes
this week that Intel Haswell Refresh processors will be available
next month. That information confirms older reports, like the one
published by Hermitage
Akihabara back in March. According to Digitimes, Intel originally planned to
launch microprocessors in April, and follow with the 9-series desktop
in a month. The latest plan is to launch the CPUs together with new
chipset in early May. Hermitage Akihabara provided launch date of May
Clock speeds of Haswell Refresh CPUs confirmed
Apr 02, 2014: Intel prepares to refresh Haswell desktop processors in the second
and the third quarters of 2014. The "K" CPUs with unlocked multiplier
are expected in Q3, and the microprocessors with locked multiplier
will be released a quarter earlier. It was reported that the non-"K" chips
will run a bit faster than current generation of Haswell
products, and they will be compatible with existing 8-series and future
9-series chipsets. In February we published complete list of Haswell
Refresh processors, that will be launched in Q2.
Pre-order prices of Haswell Refresh desktop CPUs
Mar 02, 2014: Last year Intel launched first "Haswell" desktop processors, that
boosted performance of the CPU side by up to 10%, and significantly
raised performance of the integrated GPU. This year will be less
exciting as the company does not plan to introduce new desktop
architecture. Instead, Intel will offer products, based on a
year-old Haswell core. Preliminary specs of "Haswell" refresh CPUs
indicate that almost all of them will have 100 MHz higher clock rate
compared to their predecessors.
Some details of "Haswell Refresh" desktop CPUs
Feb 18, 2014: Next quarter Intel is going to launch a bit faster models of
Haswell-based processors for LGA1150 platform. It is expected that the
company will refresh complete desktop lineup, starting from low cost
Celeron microprocessors and up to premium Core i7 CPUs. All in all,
more than 20 different SKUs will be released. We already reported on
some of these models, but now we have a complete, or almost complete
list of these processors, including their clock speeds.
Intel to refresh Haswell desktop lineup in Q2 2014
Jan 14, 2014: Rather than transitioning to new architecture this year, Intel
plans to refresh current desktop lineup with slightly faster versions
of Haswell-based CPUs. We already reported on Core i5-4460, i5-4590,
i5-4690 and Core i7-4790 parts, coming in Q2 2014.
to Digitimes, the refresh will not be limited to Core i5 and i7
products, and we will see new Core i3, Pentium and Celerons as well.
Intel G1840 Benchmarks and Performance evaluation
Compare Intel G1840 benchmark results with all tested CPUs from one of the following families:
Athlon 64 FX
Athlon 64 X2
Athlon Neo X2
Celeron Dual-Core
Pentium Dual-Core
Sempron X2
You can also compare this model with other tested CPUs in our
For G1840 charts, comparing multi- and single-threaded performance of this
microprocessor with other Celeron Dual-Core processors and the fastest AMD and Intel x86 chips,
please visit
For averaged performance in integer, floating-point, SIMD and memory-intensive applications please see the next section.
Integer, Floating-Point, SIMD and Memory performance
The graphs below show up to 10 microprocessors with
approximately the same level of performance in integer (CPU),
floating-point (FPU), SIMD and memory
benchmarks. All processors were not overclocked, and were tested at
a nominal frequency, with a stock heatsink and default BIOS settings.
Click on the '?' mark next to each model name to see specifications of
that model, and details of the test platform.
Benchmarked processor:
CPU ID:306C3
CPU vendor string:GenuineIntel
CPU name string:Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1840 @ 2.80GHz
Integer performance
Floating Point performance
MMX / SSE / SSE2 performance
Memory-intensive program performance
CPU ID information for the Celeron G1840
Detailed characteristics of processor's internals, including x86
instruction set extensions and individual instructions, high- and low-level
technologies, are listed below. This list was acquired from an actual
Intel Celeron Dual-Core G1840 processor with the help of the x86 CPUID instruction. Any
discrepancies between CPUID features and official specifications are
likely due to some features being disabled in BIOS, or due to a bug in
our CPUID decoding algorithm.
Different steppings of Intel processors may also have slightly different features.
Search or browse all public submissions in our .
to check features of your processor.
Submission details
Manufacturer:IntelMeasured frequency:2799 MHz
CPU Family:Celeron Dual-CoreComment:
Processor Number:G1840&
Part number (supplied):CM9Submitted by:CPU-World
Part number (guessed):CM9Submitted on:
S-Spec Number:SR1VKCWID version:0.5
General information
Processor name (BIOS):Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU G1840 @ 2.80GHz
Logical processors:2
Processor type:Original OEM Processor
CPUID signature:306C3
Family: 6 (06h)
Model:60 (03Ch)
Stepping: 3 (03h)
TLB/Cache details:64-byte Prefetching
Data TLB: 1-GB pages, 4-way set associative, 4 entries
Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
Instruction TLB: 4-KByte pages, 8-way set associative, 128 entries
L2 TLB: 1-MB, 4-way set associative, 64-byte line size
Shared 2nd-Level TLB: 4-KByte / 2-MB pages, 8-way associative, 1024 entries
Cache details
Supported instructions
Integrated features and technologies
CPUs, related to Intel Celeron G1840
The list of related CPUs does not include all models. For the complete list, please see the
Cores /Threads
Intel Celeron Dual-Core family, Socket 1150
&& 2 / 22.4 GHz&2 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 22.5 GHz&2 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 22.7 GHz&2 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 22.8 GHz&2 MB&&&&
&& Celeron G18402 / 22.8 GHz&2 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 22.9 GHz&2 MB&&&&
Other families, Haswell micro-architecture, Socket 1150
&& 2 / 23.4 GHz&3 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 23.5 GHz&3 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 23.6 GHz&3 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 43.7 GHz&3 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 43.7 GHz&4 MB&&&&
&& 2 / 43.8 GHz&4 MB&&&&
&& 4 / 43.5 GHz&6 MB&&&&
&& 4 / 43.5 GHz&6 MB&&&&
&& 4 / 83.6 GHz&8 MB&&&&
&& 4 / 84 GHz&8 MB&&&&
&& Within each category, the CPUs are sorted from slower (at the top) to faster (at the bottom)
&& Background color of specs and features indicate whether they are better or worse than similar spec/feature of the Celeron G1840
&& Click on the & icon to compare any CPU in the table with the Intel Celeron G1840 (Javascript required).
&& The 'Price' column shows official Intel prices as of Jul 14, 2017. Prices for obsolete and tray-only processors are not provided.
&& Features abbreviations:
AES - AES instructionsAVX - AVX instructionsHT - Hyper-ThreadingTXT - Trusted ExecutionTBT - Dynamic Acceleration / Turbo BoostUnlock - Unlocked multiplier
Pictures (4)
Posted by: gshv
Bottom view
Posted by: gshv
Top view. The processor has S-spec number SR1VK. It was manufactured at the end of October / beginning of November 2013.
Posted by: Hyena
Posted by: gshv
CPU-Z screenshot
Comments (0)
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, missing information,
your own personal Intel Celeron G1840 review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
For all other questions please proceed to the
(c) Copyright 2003 - 2017 Gennadiy Shvets欢迎来到慢慢买! &
Intel 赛扬G1840 双核双线程 CPU处理器(LGA 1150/Haswell)
全网共有 22966 人评论 &
& 类目排名第
品牌:上市时间:2015年04月CPU系列:赛扬CPU主频:2.8GHz-3.2GHz核心数:双核心接口类型:LGA 1150
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