如何查看 tpwebsrv.exeice 的wsdl版本

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This codeplex project is the revival of good old .NET Webservice Studio tool. Its objective is to adds the support for WCF, Nullable Types and REST style API to allow a complete composite type testing from one tool.
Web Service Studio is a tool to invoke webmethods interactively. The user can provide a WSDL endpoint. On clicking button Get the tool fetches the WSDL, generates .NET proxy from the WSDL and displays the list of methods available. The user can choose any method
and provide the required input parameters. On clicking Invoke the SOAP request is sent to the server and the response is parsed to display the return value.
This tool is meant for webservice implementers to test their webservices without having to write the client code. This could also be used to access other webservices whose WSDL endpoint is known.
Adapted from Original Implementation by sowmys AT Microsoft
Last edited
by , version 5
related projectsWeb Services Activity
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The World Wide Web is more and more used for application to application
communication. The programmatic interfaces made available are referred to as
Web services.
The goal of the Web Services Activity is to develop
a set of technologies in order to lead Web services to their full potential.
explains the W3C's
work on this topic in more detail.
published seven Candidate Recommendations:
. The review period ends 20 May 2011.
published five Working Drafts:
were closed.
published SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0 as a Candidate Recommendation.
The review period ends 31 August 2009
published five Working Drafts:
published SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0 as a Last Call Working Draft.
The review period ends 13 January 2009
has been created. See its charter.
The mission of the WS Resource Access WG is to produce W3C Recommendations for a set of
Web Services specifications by refining the WS-Transfer, WS-ResourceTransfer, WS-Enumeration,
WS-MetadataExchange and WS-Eventing Member Submissions, addressing existing issues in
those specifications, implementation experience and interoperability feedback from implementers
and considering composition with other Web services standards.
published SOAP over Java Message Service 1.0 as a First Public Working Draft.
: The proposed charter for the
has been created. The mission of the SOAP-JMS
Binding Working Group is to produce a W3C Recommendation for how
SOAP should bind to a transport that supports the Java& Message
Service (JMS) api by refining the "" Member Submission. In the case of SOAP 1.2 this
binding must use the SOAP Protocol Binding Framework defined by
the XML Protocol Working Group.
published Basic XML Schema Patterns for Databinding Version
1.0 as a Last Call Working Draft. The review period
ends 30 April 2008
: The proposed charter for the
will not be approved by the Director, due to its
incompatibilities with the W3C Patent Policy. Maintenance of
existing W3C Recommendations in Web Services will be accomplished
through ad-hoc Groups.
has published three documents: First Public Working
and EXI Primer, as well
as a Working Draft of . EXI is a very compact representation for the Extensible Markup
Language (XML) Information Set that is intended to
simultaneously optimize performance and the utilization of
computational resources. Using a relatively simple algorithm,
which is amenable to fast and compact implementation, and a small
set of data types, it reliably produces efficient encodings of
XML event streams. The primer and best practices documents
complement the format specification. The best practices document
also presents information suitable for the general reader
interested in EXI's intended role in the expanding Web.
Previous news items are available on the history page.
A complete list of current W3C publications and the latest revision
of this technical report can be found in the .
Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema
Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 0:
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version
2.0 Part 1: Core Language
Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2:
Adjuncts as Recommendation.
The Activity, coordinated by one , is currently composed of seven Working Groups:
and one Interest Group:
Previous Groups that have finished their work in this Activity are:
Detailed information about the work of each of these groups can be found
on their respective home pages.
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Web Services Hello World Example with CXF
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1.0&&Copyright & 2007 - 2013
CXF Overview
Apache CXF is an open source, fully featured Web services framework, its name CXF is originated from Celtix and XFire, the two projects are nicely combined work together to Apache. CXF supports JAX-WS, Binding, DataBinding and Transport implementation, the nice feature is its embeddable Web service component: (e.g. integrated Spring Framework and Geronimo), CXF has been designed to provide a pluggable architecture that supports not only XML but also non-XML type bindings, such as JSON and CORBA, in combination with any type of transport. in this how-to, we look though a step-by-step hello world example with CXF to start the first web service project.
please hava JDK installed and download the CXF latest release version from .
1. Create a project
Use IDE(Eclipse/Idea), Create a new Java project and set below dependency libraries as classpath, Unpack the CXF download distribution file, add the following mandatory jars to dependency libraries of project in order to use full CXF functionality.
1. commons-logging-1.1.1.jar2. geronimo-activation_1.1_spec-1.0.2.jar (or Sun’s Activation jar)3. geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec-1.1.1.jar (JSR 250)
4. geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec-1.6.jar (or Sun’s JavaMail jar)
5. geronimo-servlet_2.5_spec-1.2.jar (or Sun’s Servlet jar)
6. geronimo-ws-metadata_2.0_spec-1.1.2.jar (JSR 181)
7. geronimo-jaxws_2.1_spec-1.0.jar (or Sun’s jaxws-api-2.1.jar)
8. geronimo-stax-api_1.0_spec-1.0.1.jar (or other stax-api jar)
9. jaxb-api-2.1.jar
10. jaxb-impl-2.1.12.jar
11. jetty-6.1.21.jar
12. jetty-util-6.1.21.jar
13. neethi-2.0.4.jar
14. saaj-api-1.3.jar
15. saaj-impl-1.3.2.jar
16. wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar
17. wstx-asl-3.2.8.jar
18. XmlSchema-1.4.5.jar
19. xml-resolver-1.2.jar
20. cxf-2.2.2.jar
2. Create a web service interface “IHelloWorld” with one method sayHi.
public interface IHelloWorld {
//@WebParam is optional
String sayHi(@WebParam(name="text") String text);
3. Implement this webservice interface with Annotation @WebService.
public class HelloWorldImpl implements IHelloWorld {
public String sayHi(String name) {
System.out.println("sayHello is called by " + name);
return "Hello " +
4. Create a webservice server
Bean JaxWsServerFactoryBean is to help easily create Server endpoints for JAX-WS, we instantiate JaxWsServerFactoryBean and set service class, service bean and address, method create() will start a server and register it with the ServerManager.
public class Server {
private Server() {
IHelloWorld helloWorld = new HelloWorldImpl();
//create WebService service factory
JaxWsServerFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsServerFactoryBean();
//register WebService interface
//publish the interface
//create WebService instance
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
//now start the webservice server
new Server();
System.out.println("Server ready...");
Thread.sleep(1000 * 60);
System.out.println("Server exit...");
in IDE or use Command Line, runing the static method main to start this web service, once it is started, type URL http://localhost:9000/HelloWorld?wsdl in address bar of browser, the WSDL should be displayed as below.
&wsdl:definitions name="IHelloWorldService" targetNamespace="/"&
&li>&xsd:schema attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
elementFormDefault="unqualified" targetNamespace="/"&&/li>
&li>&xsd:element name="sayHi" type="tns:sayHi"/&&/li>
&li>&xsd:complexType name="sayHi"&&/li>
&li>&xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="text" type="xsd:string"/&&/li>
&li>&xsd:element name="sayHiResponse" type="tns:sayHiResponse"/&&/li>
&li>&xsd:complexType name="sayHiResponse"&&/li>
&li>&xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="return" type="xsd:string"/&&/li>
&li>&/xsd:complexType& ....&/li>
5. Create a client to verify whether the web service server works.
The Web service server has been published, now we are going to write a piece of client program to call this service.
public class Client {
private Client() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create WebService client proxy factory
JaxWsProxyFactoryBean factory = new JaxWsProxyFactoryBean();
//register WebService interface
//set webservice publish address to factory.
IHelloWorld iHelloWorld = (IHelloWorld) factory.create();
System.out.println("invoke webservice...");
System.out.println("message context is:" + iHelloWorld.sayHi("Josen"));
We can run the client main method to remotely call the web service, after that, switch to console of web service server, should be able to see that a message sayHello is called by Josen was printed.
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About Us< regularly discuss a wide array of java-related topics, and share Java, JDBC, Webservice, Swing, Tomcat, Spring, Struts, Hibernate tutorials in a straightforward, no-nonsense manner.dos command as follows WSDL2Java-d src-client cxf wsdl2java package in the path of the bin Also inside the src path for the generated code storage, src must be manually created.
CXF has a variety of data binding methods, such as: Aegis Databinding, JAXB, MTOM Attachments. Which JAXB (JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding) is the default data binding approach. JAXB is an example of automatic mapping XML and Java development int
WebService people feel is the most intuitive way from a one component, and the client through the SOAP protocol call these methods. These methods may have return values, may not return values. Although some tools that can be done, but the method is c
In the previous articles are used in synchronous mode to call WebService. That is, if the WebService method is called a long time does not return, the client will remain blocked until the method returns so far. Use the synchronous method to call WebS
Preceding days saw a website to provide WEB services -.cn. It provides various services for the Web . Such as weather. Train Schedules . So to provide the interface through which the experiment a bit , It provides the interface to see w
-----------------------------------------axis1.4------------------------------------------------- 1. 生成java对象 1.1 设置环境变量 AXIS_HOME=D:\OpenSource\axis\axis-1_4 AXIS_LIB=%AXIS_HOME%\lib AXISCLASSPATH=%AXIS_LIB%\axis.%AXIS_LIB%\commons-discovery-0.2
Axis2 是一套崭新的WebService 引擎,该版本是对Axis1.x 重新设计的产物.Axis2 不仅支持SOAP1.1 和SOAP1.2 ,还集成了非常流行的REST WebService ,同时还支持Spring .JSON 等技术.这些都将在后面的系列教程中讲解.在本文中主要介绍了如何使用Axis2 开发一个不需要任何配置文件的WebService ,并在客户端使用Java 和C# 调用这个WebService . 一.Axis2的下载和安装 读者可以从如下的网址下载Axis2的最
%AXIS2_HOME%\bin\WSDL2Java -uri StockQuoteService.wsdl -d adb -s -ss -sd -ssi -o service WSDL2Java命令参数说明: -uri 指定*.wsdl文件,可以带具体路径: -p 指定生成代码的包名 -d 使用不同的数据绑定方法; adb , xmlbeans -o 指定生成代码放置的路径: -ss 表示要生成服务端代码: -ssi 表示要生成代码中,先生成接口类,再生成实现类:
一.Axis2的下载和安装 1.可从http://ws.apache.org/axis2/ 下载Axis2的最新版本: 可以下载如下两个zip包: axis2-1.5.4-bin.zip axis2-1.5.4-war.zip 其中 axis2-1.5.4-bin.zip文件中包含了Axis2中所有的jar文件, axis2-1.5.4-war.zip文件用于将WebService发布到Web容器中. 2.将axis2-1.5.4-war.zip文件解压到相应的目录,将目录中的axis2.war
一.Axis2的下载和安装 1.可从http://ws.apache.org/axis2/ 下载Axis2的最新版本: 可以下载如下两个zip包: axis2-1.5.4-bin.zip axis2-1.5.4-war.zip 其中 axis2-1.5.4-bin.zip文件中包含了Axis2中所有的jar文件, axis2-1.5.4-war.zip文件用于将WebService发布到Web容器中. 2.将axis2-1.5.4-war.zip文件解压到相应的目录,将目录中的axis2.war
前言 在 Internet 网络覆盖全球的今天,网络通信已经是当今软件开发过程中离不开的话题.在常用的Windows.Liunx.Unix 系统当中,大部分的网络数据传输都是使用 TCP/IP.UDP/IP 作为底层传输协议的,而 HTTP 协议就是基于 TCP/IP 协议而运行的超文本传送协议. 在 JAVA 高级开发语言中,陆续出现 RMI.CORBA.JAX-RPC.JAX-WS.Axis.XFire.HTTP Invoker.Hessian.Burlap.JMX 等远程通信架构去实现系统
第一RPC方式,不生成客户端代码 第二,document方式,不生成客户端代码 第三,用wsdl2java工具,生成客户端方式调用 Java代码 package samples.quickstart. import javax.xml.namespace.QN import org.apache.axiom.om.OMAbstractF import org.apache.axiom.om.OME import org.apache.axiom.
September 23, 2008, JSR3111.0 draft Through the JCP Executive Committee to vote in favor of This basically means that it has now been finalized. JSR 311 final draft: RESTful Web Services Java API Wrote JAX-RS is used for the realization of Java-based
Apache CXF Apache CXF Documentation& Index& RESTful Services& JAX-RS Download | Documentation Overview How-Tos Frontends DataBindings Transports Configuration Debugging and Logging Tools RESTful Services WSDL Bindings Service Routing Dynamic Lang
Axis2: wsdl2java command parameters Notes: Parameters wsdl2java generate WSDL for the service according to client and client code generation tool. Command line format is: WSDL2Java [options]-uri &url or path&: A url or path to a WSDL Wsdl-uri parame
WebService with CXF is to do in the face org.w3c.dom.DOMException: No such Localname for SOAP URI is usually joined axis.jar exception to this package. Solution: the main reason is: xml-api.jar the jar in the meddling. Usually we use in building proj
Axis2: wsdl2java parameter annotation wsdl2java generate WSDL for the service based and client code generation tool. Command line format is: WSDL2Java [options]-uri &url or path&: A url or path to a WSDL One commonly used options as follows: -O &
set Axis_Lib=E:\workspace\TestServices\WebContent\WEB-INF\lib set Java_Cmd=java -Djava.ext.dirs=%Axis_Lib% set Output_Path=E:\workspace\TestServices set Package=com.test %Java_Cmd% org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java -o %Output_Path% -p %Package% -ss -ur
Currently CXF's WSDL2JAVA can only engage in a WSDL, but a project may need to engage in multiple WSDL and labeled as a JAR package. Following the class is to help your students into a ball in from multiple WSDL documents JAVA. Combined with ANT, you
First, the related concepts &br /& mentioned x509, to have to mention a few related concepts. 1, Private key 2, Public key 3, KeyStore 4, TrustStore Private key and Public key is very simple, literal meaning can be understood, is often said that the
CXF 2.2.7 build server Although HIE using a AXIS1.4, but HAE is apache with the CXF, in order to properly verify the compatibility (though the former two to find out I had completely compatible version of the program, but still need to ensure that in
CXF download and install the package directory structure CXF framework of the current version is 2.3.3 the latest, you can visit the Apache site (http://cxf.apache.org/download.html) Download the CXF framework installation package, download, select &
Recently a client out there need to be developed webservice as camel looked for some time, but also know cxf webservice framework for this, so this is to learn the next try. Click here to record the process of using some of the records. 1. Through th
How to use CXF. Wsdl file into a java file Have not previously had contact with webservice development, the two barely beginning to see, customers. Wsdl file, I want to convert. Java files in the Internet is a lot of information, and finally pass the
This article is refered from /developerworks/java/library/j-jws13/index.html Summary: The Apache CXF web services stack supports WS-Security, including using WS-SecurityPolicy to configure the security handling. CXF is flexible in h
A brief introduction on a blog axis2 axis2 service and CXF client-side access, including access to complex types such as pass object parameters. Benpian blog further on the basis of the previous one axis Detailed CXF and CXF server for access to, and
今天在使用CXF的wsdl2java.bat 根据wsdl文件生成客户端调用时出现以下错误: 因为也是临时接触CXF,所以一时不知是什么问题,在网上搜了半天,都是说要替换什么内容之类的,但也没说为什么,而且基本都是转载国外某人的一个文章,所以决心了解下为什么? 根据错误提示似乎是找不到s:schema,查看了一下.net生成的wsdl文件,在文件头部有s:schema命名空间的定义: xmlns:s=http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema 但同时也发现CXF生成的wsd
Apache CXF = Celtix + XFire,提供了对 JAX-WS全面的支持,并且提供了多种 Binding .DataBinding.Transport 以及各种 Format 的支持,并且可以根据实际项目的需要,采用代码优先(Code First)或者 WSDL 优先(WSDL First)来轻松地实现 Web Services 的发布和使用. CXF 框架是一种基于 Servlet 技术的 SOA 应用开发框架,要正常运行基于 CXF 应用框架开发的企业应用,除了 CXF 框架
关于 Apache CXF Apache CXF = Celtix + XFire,Apache CXF 的前身叫 Apache CeltiXfire,现在已经正式更名为 Apache CXF 了,以下简称为 CXF.CXF 继承了 Celtix 和 XFire 两大开源项目的精华,提供了对 JAX-WS 全面的支持,并且提供了多种 Binding .DataBinding.Transport 以及各种 Format 的支持,并且可以根据实际项目的需要,采用代码优先(Code First)或者
一.环境准备 下载cxf,并在环境变量中进行如下操作: 新建CXF_HOME D:\cxf\apache-cxf-2.5.2 在PATH中添加 %CXF_HOME%/bin 二.执行命令 打开cmd,运行wsdl2java.bat -client -d [d://] [] 其中,参数[d://]为预期输出目录为d盘;[]为发布的w
Writer:BYSocket(泥沙砖瓦浆木匠) 微博:BYSocket 豆瓣:BYSocket Reprint it anywhere u want. 文章Points: 1.介绍RESTful架构风格 2.Spring配置CXF 3.三层初设计,实现WebService接口层 4.撰写HTTPClient 客户端,并实现简单调用 介绍RESTful架构风格 REST是REST之父Roy Thomas创造的,当时提出来了REST的6个特点:客户端-服务器的.无状态的.可缓存的.统一接口.分层系
下载cxf 包 找到wsdl2java.bat 运行wsdl2java -d G:\\com -p com.gcj.utils.userCheck -client :7783/Utilities/Account/ProxyService/SsoAuthUserProcess?wsdl -d 指定存放的位置 -p 指定包路径 -client 生成客户端 3. 找到com.gcj.utiles.userCheck 把相关 文件 复制到 开发项目中. 4.
Author: Southern white , Original Address: http://blog.csdn.net/calvinxiu/archive//1588852.aspx , All rights reserved Please keep If the winter, a Traveler, it is necessary to develop a better Java back-end server. The so-called beautiful,
In the URI class has a relative method can be used to relativize uri. Today, developers found a problem, it returns the relative link is not the kind of results I can not imagine - does not have the correct hierarchy. QUOTE: relativize public URI rel
In the SSH jdk6.0 Tomcat6.0 environment using CXF error running times are as follows Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.apache.cxf.wsdl.WSDLManager' defined in URL [jar: file: / E: /
CXF server-side Spring configuration file: &? xml version = &1.0& encoding = &UTF-8&?& &beans xmlns = & http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans & xmlns: xsi = & http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance &quo
beans.xml configuration: &? xml version = &1.0& encoding = &UTF-8&?& &beans xmlns = & http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans & xmlns: xsi = & http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance & xmlns: jaxws =
Dependent jar files: axiom-api-1.2.7.jar axis2-kernel-1.4.1.jar jboss-backport-concurrent.jar commons-httpclient-3.1.jar commons-codec-1.3.jar axiom-impl-1.2.7.jar Step One: Defining the Interface package com.web. import javax.jws.WebP i
WAS recently in the application of CXF to achieve WebService Release time to report a mistake ConfigurationContext: javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Validation error: This is a Provider that does not specify a valid Provider interface. Implementatio
Design and implement POJO Web services using Spring and Apache CXF /developerworks/webservices/library/ws-pojo-springcxf/index.html?S_TACT=105AGX01&S_CMP=LP /developerworks/opensource/library/ws-pojo-springcxf2/ind
&% @ Taglib uri = &/jsp/jstl/core& prefix = &c&%& does not recognize the error: To https: / / jstl.dev.java.net / download.html to download jstl of the two on the jar package. Import project can be
Important URL: /jaxws-ssl-client-that-accepts-all-certificates-td.html http://cwiki.apache.org/CXF20DOC/client-http-transport-including-ssl-support.html The first is the official wiki, this certification process to add st
To see a colleague on the QQ signature: &(([A-zA-Z] [0-9a-zA-Z + \ \ - \ \ .]*:)?/{ 0,2) [0-9a-zA-Z ;/?:@&= + $ \ \. \ \ -_!~*'()%]+)?(#[ 0-9a-zA-Z ;/?:@&=+$ \ \. \ \ -_!~*' ()%]+)?&, Asked a regular expression that is a URI, but the jav
The service side design spring &?xml version=&1.0& encoding=&UTF-8&?& &beans xmlns=&http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans& xmlns:xsi=&http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance& xmlns:jaxws=&http:
This is the recent work encountered a problem, cxf in glassfish to set the next timeout problems, triggering on the classloader, JAX-WS in a number of small stories, very surprised to find cxf In this case, there is no way to run on glassfish platfor
Developed using CXF WebService server side notes _ 1, to achieve the functions: To achieve the functionality is very simple server-side to provide a user password under the login name check services, as a String type of input parameters, the return v
2.3 to write client-side service and device configuration CXF Build a new java project into 66 cxf files and ws.userinfo.jar, and then write the profile, also under the new src a applicationContext_cxf.xml, specific code is &Beans xmlns = &http://
cxf example comes not written in detail, no BS, look at my steps 1.cxf Version: 2.26 2. This version requires more than jdk1.6.04 3. Need jar package: cxf on too much, we are simply less than some, see the following: 4.spring and write a description
September 18, 2008 Using the open source Apache CXF Web Services Framework can easily create traditional Java (TM) objects (plain old Java object, POJO)-style Web services. This article is Part 1 of this series, will show you how to use Spring and CXF P
ruby regular access to Web documents, 'net / http', URI, win32ole operation ie Main code: 1. require 'net / http' str = && uri = URI.parse (str) res = Net:: HTTP.get (uri) regex = / (\ d (10)) / res.scan (regex). each (| m | ar
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