猪肉英语版peppa pig是pork,如果说pig flesh,这样说可以吗?

猪肉的英语翻译 猪肉用英语怎么说 - 汉英词典 - 词典网词&典 汉语词典
&中英例句 &&& && &&猪肉的英语翻译
猪肉拼音:zhū ròu
真人读音英语解释: pork【医】 pork中文解释:猪的新鲜或盐腌的食用肉 && 相关词条:1.pigg &2.pigflesh &3. &中英例句:大红肠一种熏香肠,用牛排、猪肉、牛肉混合制成A seasoned smoked sausage made of mixed meats, such as beef, pork, and veal.你也买了碎猪肉。甘蓝菜。大蒜和辣椒做馅用吗?Did you also get ground pork, cabbage, garlic and pepper for the filling?猪肉炼出的油可用来煎炸食物。The grease from pork can be used for frying.我们用猪肉和蔬菜做了几盘菜。We made some dishes with pork and vegetables.关注词典网微信公众号:词典网,回复如:猪肉英语,可方便查询:相关翻译 pigsty lardy 【医】 Salsola collina Pall. 【医】 Hemophilus suis 【化】 ribichloric acid bristle 【医】 S Spironema hyos 【医】 Brucella suis pork chop 【医】 thumps 【化】 cotyledon toxin 【医】 Bedsonia bronchopneumoniae suis porkpie 【医】 swine erysipelas sera 【医】 Crotalaria 快速导航翻译推荐 【机】 allylidene moment of force\n【化】 moment of force\n相关词组:\n
转力矩 【医】 gray plate 【法】 full title 【化】 enanthal(dehyde); enanthal, heptaldehy 【机】 braking action 【医】 columnae albae chordae spinalis 【化】 self-pumping restrain one's grief 【化】 amorphism\n【医】 amorphism您的浏览器不支持javascript,不能使用此页面的全部功能。
日 晚八時 Modernsky Lab 豬肉樂隊 煩惱 專輯首發專場嘉賓:沈默演講 SNSOS門票八十元 預售六十元預售連結
Ending Bridge
Ever the Scenery
The Flower of Flesh
A Speech of Thanks
Age of Fourteen
The Wedding
Pink Glorious Memories
Wrist-cut Show
Swimming Pool
Education of Love
Golden Moon
: 您好,我们是北京怀柔大槐树酒吧,大槐树酒吧作为怀柔所有爱摇人士的摇滚大本营,3年来积累了巨大的群众基础和媒体资源。现场,艺术,音乐,电影,旅游,书籍,美酒在这里将都被你一一发现
店内空调开放,无线网络免费接入,酒吧内代卖乐队及个人专辑 ,我们期待着贵乐队巡演的时候能考虑北京怀柔大槐树酒吧!!!!
: 因为那是谷建芬的歌曲
: 请问小站为何没有“歌声与微笑” 想听一下 谢谢
: 演得好!
: 高达耶 .....
: 我咋感觉听你们的歌 跟玩古巴大战似地呢~~
: 吴,你妹啊,传我照片。。。你丫太次了
: 我们要 贝司手高晓松~~
关注该小站的成员也关注vt. 与女子性交
n. (Pork)人名;(俄)波尔克
pork: [13] Latin porcus ‘pig’ went back to a prehistoric Indo-European *porko-, which also produced Russian porosenok ‘pig’, Irish orc ‘pig’, and English farrow. It passed into Old French as porc, which English adopted as a term for the ‘flesh of pigs used as food’. Derivatives that have made it to English include porcelain, porcupine, and porpoise.=& , , , c. 1300 (early 13c. in surname Porkuiller), "flesh of a pig as food," from Old French porc "pig, swine, boar," and directly from Latin porcus "pig, tame swine," from PIE *porko- "young swine" (cognates: Umbrian
Old Church Slavonic prase "" Lithuanian parsas "" and Old English fearh, Middle Dutch varken, both from Proto-Germanic *farhaz).
 Pork barrel in the literal sense is from 1801, American E meaning "state's financial resources (available for distribution)" is attested from 1907 (in full, national pork barrel); it was noted as an expression of U.S. President President William Howard Taft:
 "Now there is a proposition that we issue $500,000,000 or $1,000,000,000 of bonds for a waterway, and then that we just apportion part to the Mississippi and part to the Atlantic, a part to the Missouri and a part to the Ohio. I am opposed to it. I am opposed to it because it not only smells of the pork barrel, but it will be the pork barrel itself. Let every project stand on its bottom." ["The Outlook," Nov. 6, 1909, quoting Taft]
 The magazine article that includes the quote opens with:
 We doubt whether any one knows how or when, or from what application of what story, the phrase "the National pork barrel" has come into use. If not a very elegant simile, it is at least an expressive one, and suggests a graphic picture of Congressmen eager for local advantage going, one after another, to the National pork barrel to take away their slices for home consumption.
 Pork in this sense is attested from 1862 (compare figurative use of ). Pork chop is attested from 1858. Pork pie is from 1732; pork-pie hat (1855) originally described a woman's style popular c. 1855-65, so called for its shape.
1. Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.
在火上熏制猪腿。 来自柯林斯例句 2. Stir the pork about until it turns white all the way through.
不停搅动猪肉,直到它全部变白为止。 来自柯林斯例句 3. Pork-barrel politicians hand out rents to win votes and influence people.
搞分肥拨款的政客为获得选票、影响民情而发放房租补贴。 来自柯林斯例句 4. a leg of pork
猪腿肉 来自《权威词典》 5. Cook the beans with a piece of salt pork.
把豆子和一片咸猪肉一起煮. 来自《简明英汉词典》


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