
证书网络 消防教您如何正确鉴别消防产品真伪
| 文章来源: 中国消防在线 | 作者: 编辑4
消防部门提醒,使用不合格消防产品,将严重影响到火灾情况下人员的逃生及自救,后果不堪设想。因此,使用单位在购买消防产品时要认真辨别真伪,对未能提供国家消防产品质量监督检验中心认证合格的检验报告的或检验报告中的描述的产品结构部件、材料、性能参数与产品实物不一致的千万不要购买;购买了不合格消防产品也要及时进行更换,否则将承担相应法律责任。(刘正旭 杨晓丹 贺嘉含 余凝芬)
To meet the challenges brought about by China's accession to WTO and the development of market economy and facilitate implementation of the market access policy for fire apparatus on the scientific, just, rigorous and law-abiding principle, China Certification Center for Fire Products of Ministry of Public Security (the "Ministry") was established with the approval of State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform on January 4, 2011, under the guidance of the leadership of the Ministry, to take responsibility for fire apparatus accreditation and quality information management.
November 15, 2002, a ceremony was held in the auditorium of the Ministry for inauguration of the Center. December 13, 2002, the Ministry promulgated a Circular on Establishment of the China Certification Center for Fire Products of Ministry of Public Security.
The Center has been authorized and recognized by the regulatory authorities and industry authorities in charge of accreditation and certification to conduct fire apparatus accreditation, technical appraisal and information dissemination according to the applicable laws. The Center operates under the leadership and supervision of the Ministry's Firefighting Bureau and at the same time under the guidance and supervision of the regulatory authorities in charge of accreditation and certification.
Currently, the Center primarily deals with compulsory certification of fire alarm products, fire hose products, Automatic sprinkler system products, foam extinguishing systems products, fire extinguishing agents, firefighting equipments, fireproof building element and fire vehicle product and quality certification of fire extinguisher, fire-proof door, fire hydrant, fire nozzle and coupling, fire interface lamp, fire-proof material, gas detect﹠alarm equipment, water mist extinguishing equipments, auto-scan water extinguishing equipments, self-actuated fire extinguishing equipment for temperature, Preaction devices, involving 113 varieties of fire apparatus in total. In addition, the Center conducts technical appraisal of newly-developed fire products for which there are no national standards or industry standards, disseminates and manages information about fire products and operates and manages the Ministry's website at .cn.
The center is run by a director and a deputy director and comprises general management department, business department No. 1 and No. 2, technical supervision department, factory inspection and management department, finance department, file management office, fire apparatus public information service department and internal audit team. Technical appraisal committee and a secretariat were set up to properly carry out certification and technical
a justice committee comprising representatives from all stakeholders of fire apparatus certification was set up to effectively ensure the Center will operate in an independent, objective, just and scientific manner. The office facilities and human resources of the Center are sufficient to meet the operational requirements of fire apparatus certification, technical appraisal and fire apparatus product information dissemination and management.
The Center has outsourced its fire apparatus product inspection activities to China National Supervision And Test Centre For Fire Electronic Product Quality,China National Center for Quality Supervision and Test of Fixed Firefighting Systems and Fire-resisting Building Components, National Center for Quality Supervision and Inspection of Firefighting Equipment and National Fire Testing Center, all recognized by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment(CNAS). In addition, the Center supervises the outsourced quality inspection activities according to applicable provisions.
The Center has always been committed to its philosophy of customer foremost and good faith first and to the openness, justness and fairness, following the principle of legal compliance, integrity and self discipline as well as the quality policy of being just, objective, normative, rigorous and continuous improvement. Effectively operating and continuously improving its quality management system, the Center provides the general public with objective, timely and accurate conclusions as to the conformity of fire products in an effort to ensure fire safety.
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公安部消防产品合格评定中心公消评[2016]23号关于消防头盔产品标准换版强制性认证工作有关规定的通知&各消防头盔产品生产企业:新修订的公安行业标准GA44-2015《消防头盔》于日发布,日起实施。根据《关于强制性产品认证依据用标准修订时有关要求的公告》(国家认监委2012年第4号公告)的规定,我中心组织专家对《强制性产品认证实施细则 消防装备产品 消防员个人防护装备产品》(CCCF-XFZB-01)中附件的相关内容进行了修订。现将消防头盔产品标准换版后强制性认证工作有关规定通知如下:一、基本要求各消防头盔产品生产企业应尽快完成有关设计、工艺及采购等相关工作的调整,确保其生产和检验设备配置和例行检验、确认检验等有关过程满足新修订的《强制性产品认证实施细则 消防装备产品 消防员个人防护装备产品》(相关修订内容详见附件)的有关规定,确保消防头盔产品质量符合GA44-2015《消防头盔》的标准要求。 二、工作程序1、自本通知下发之日起,各生产企业可直接向我中心分包的强制性产品认证指定实验室申请按照GA44-2015《消防头盔》进行全项型式试验。2、各分包强制性产品认证指定实验室在开展型式试验的同时,应确认新标准下的产品特性文件。检验结束后,将检验报告和确认后的产品特性文件及时上报我中心。3、型式试验通过后,各生产企业可通过消防产品强制性认证委托业务系统(向我中心提交证书换版申请。为减轻企业负担,我中心仅进行文件审核,符合要求的,直接换发有效期为五年的消防头盔产品新标准的强制性认证证书。换发证书后,我中心将适时安排工厂监督检查,对工厂检查符合要求的,将保持其强制性认证证书,对未通过监督检查的生产企业,将暂停或撤销其强制性认证证书。4、日,我中心将统一注销旧版产品标准消防头盔产品强制性认证证书,同时删除“中国消防产品信息网”上的有关证书信息。三、对于首次申请消防头盔产品强制性认证的委托单位,即日起,可按GA 44-2015《消防头盔》、《强制性产品认证实施规则 消防装备产品》(CNCA-C18-04:2014)、《强制性产品认证实施细则 消防装备产品 消防员个人防护装备产品》及相关修订内容向我中心委托办理强制性产品认证工作。&&附件:《强制性产品认证实施细则 消防装备产品 消防员个人防护装备产品》相关修订内容&&&<span style="font-size:21font-family:仿宋_GB年5月27日&&&&抄报:国家认监委认证监管部&&&&& 公安部消防局科技处抄送:国家消防装备质量监督检验中心国家固定灭火系统和耐火构件质量监督检验中心
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