
作者:佚名 资料来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y
短文改错1(2014届黑龙江省哈三中高三上学期第三次验收)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改,请你修改你同桌写的以下。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。 删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; &&&&&& & 2 .只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。As is known, that it is interesting to teach children to swim while they are still babies. Most large town in Florida and California have already run particularly lessons for babies. The idea has quickly spread to Europe which, in several countries, special courses were now offered to children who are from 7 to 24 months old. The first step is to have child get rid of the fear with water. Next, he is teaching to float in water. Once he can do that naturally and can swim with fear, the child can master the technique and push him forward through water. 【答案】 1.去掉that 2. town改成 towns 3. particularly 改成particular4. which改成where 5. were改成are& 6. have与child之间加a& 7. with water 改成 of water8. teaching改成taught& 9. with改成without 10. him改成himself& 2(2014届浙江省温州中学高三上学期期中)Dear Mr. Black,I’m very thank to you for inviting me to stay with you in the come summer vacation. I have been dreamed of seeing you again so that I can get help from you in my English learning. And I’m afraid I cannot go to your pla ce in this summer. I’ve promised my grandmother, she lives in th e country, to spend this& summer with her. She misses me too much that I find dif ficult to refuse her request. I’m busy preparing for my examinations in present. I planned to visit you in winter if it’s convenient to you.Best wishes.Yours truly,Li Ying【答案】1. thank改为thankful2. come改为coming3. dreamed改为dreaming4. And改为5. 去掉in6. she改为who7. too改为so8. find后面加it9. in改为at10. planned改为plan3(2014届浙江省浙北名校联盟高三上学期期中联考)下面短文中有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一 词;&&&& 2.只允许修改10处,多者 (从第11处起)不计分。&One year ago, I was in great trouble. I worked hard at English and devote all my spare time to practise it. But I failed to pass the mid-term examination, which made me great disappointed. So I asked my grandpa for advice when I got to home. Hearing that I told him, he said, “To some extent, examination results are sometime unexpected by your study level. You can’t judge your progress by one examination.” He encouraged myself to work hard for long time to check my results. I took my grandpa’s advice. Now I realize that the process of learning is much more important and my English is more better than before. From my experience, I feel that we should listen to opinion from old people.【答案】1. devote → devoted2. practise → practicing3. great& → greatly4. 去掉to。& 5. that& → what 6. sometime →sometimes& 7. myself& → me8. for和long 之间加a。 9. more → much10. opinion → opinions 4(学年内蒙古包头市一中高三入学考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词 的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;& 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。A man was driving on the road. Suddenly his cars stopped. He got out of the car tried to find out the trouble. “It’s the motor.” Said the voice behind him. He was surprising and turned around. But he saw only an old horse. “Did you say something?” he& asked. “I said you should check yours motor.” The horse replied. The man rushed to the nearest house. With a very excited voice, he told the farmer had happened. The farmer, therefore, showed no sign of excitement. He explained, “He didn’t know anything about cars. He can only repeat wha t I often s ay.【答案】1. cars改成car2. tried→trying 3. the→a4. surprising→surprised5. something→anything6. yours→ your7. With →In 8. the farmer∧had →what9. therefore→however10. didn’t→doesn’t5(2014届浙江省江山实验中学高三上学期第一次阶段性测试)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一个横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。  注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;&& 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从十一处起)不计分。It is real a good chance to have met all of you here. We have spent several precious weekend in learning in the English Club. Although we have been members for a short& period of times, we have made a great progress. That is because we are all very much active and the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful. Besides, the foreign teachers here work hard and try his best to make the activities lively and inter ested. I am very pleased to say that all of us greatly improved our spoken English so far. I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future!【答案】1. real--really2. weekend--weekends3. times--time4. 去掉a5. 去掉much6. and--but7. his--their8. interested--interesting9. us∧have10. see--seeing6(2014届浙江省湖州市八校高三上学期第二次联考)下面短文中有10处语言错误,请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(/)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。& I can’t swim so I have a strong fear of water. Look back at my childhood, I think that three reasons might explain fear. Firstly, I am not allowed to go near the water when I was a child, as my mother had an unreasonable fear of it. Therefore, I was taught to see to the water as something danger. Secondly, my eyes became bad when I was five. If I took off my glass in the water, I couldn’t see something, and this increased my fear. What’s worse, for a child I once saw& a neighbor drowned. Since then I have been more frightening.【答案】1. so―because2. look―looking 3. 加the4. am―was5. 去掉to 6. danger--dangerous7. glass--glasses8. something---anything9. for--as10. frightening―frightened 7新*课*标*第*一*网(2014届云南省部分名校高三第一次联考(11月)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线(__),并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。People often have troubles getting used to a new culture. They are usually curious when they firs t arrive a foreign country. Therefore, if they stay for a long time, they may start to feel different stages of culture shock. They can feel alone or sad because he can’t deal with the local people. How quick people get used to culture differences may be depend on the way they learn. That’s a problem if they can’t speak the language. On other hand, some can study the situation and make good guesses about the culture. When they finally began to understand some of the language and make some new friends, they will gradually enjoy themselves and feel satisfying. 【答案】1. troubles改为trouble。 2. arrive后加in。3. Therefore改为However。4. alone改为lonely。5. he改为they。6. quick改为quickly。7. may be depend on中删去be。8. other前加the。 9. began改为begin。10. satisfying改为satisfied。8(2014届黑龙江哈师大附中高三上学期期中)&【答案】1. shall---should2. specially---special3. responding to4. the best 5. appreciation 6. will prefer ---prefer 7. which---what8. bringing9. means10. ourselves9(2014届河北省衡水中学高三上学期四调考试)英语课上,老师要求同桌同学相互修改作文。假设以下短文为你同桌所写,请你对其进行修改。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号∧,并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线\划掉。修改:在错词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2、只允许修改10处,多者从第11处不计分。Dear& Joe,Thanks for you mail. I’m glad to k now you are interested in the 2014 Florida Winter Camp. It will be held from January 27 to February 13, during that time you will get wonderful experience. You will have chances to improve your speaking English in the courses providing. Also, activities arranged for you to spend weekends together with your host family, so you can learn American English in authentic situations. However, a trip to the local Disneyland will certainly add up the fun of the camp.& Join in the camp and you will have the better knowledge of American culture and life. You are sure to benefit from it.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Yours truly&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Li Hua【答案】 1. you→your2. that→which3. 在“get”后面加a或experienc→experiences4. speaking→spoken5. providing→provided6. 在“arranged”前面加are7. However→Besides/Also/Morever8. up→ to9. 去掉in10. the→a10(2014届河南省南阳市高三五校联谊期中考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处浯言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及―个单词的增加、删除或修改。&&& 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。&&&&&&&&& 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My neighbor Jackie is always consideration to others. One day , I was going to deliver a speech at an institute while I found my car wouldn’t get started. I rushed to the street to hire a taxi. Just at that time I come across Jackie. He was hurried going to attend his sick mother in hospital.Furthermore, when he learned about my problems, he didn’t hesitate to give me a lift. I arrived at the lecture hall in time, when the audience had been present . I owe my great thanks to my neighbour Jackie , he is a person ready to help the others at any time.【答案】1. consideration改成considerate2. While改成when3.& come改成came4. hurried改成hurriedly5. attend后面 加to6. Furthermore改成however7. problems改成problem 8. when改成where9 . he改成who10. 去掉the11(2014届黑龙江省齐齐哈尔实验中学高三上学期期中考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处浯言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及―个单词的增加、删除或修改。&&& 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。&&&&&&&&& 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。I went hiking to a mountain with my friend last summer. It was a good trip in the beginning and something unexpected happened halfway. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldn’t move any far. Nobody knew how to deal it. One girl tried to call her mum over her mobile phone, but there is no signal in the mountain area. Lucky we had brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him to rest in it. Aft er taken some pills, he drank some water and ate some food. After a while, I felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed us on the top of the mountain.【答案】1. 第一句:friend改成2. 第二句:and改成but3. 第三句:far改成farther4. 第四句:deal 后加with5. 第五句:is改成was6. 第六句:Lucky改成Luckily 7. 第七句:去掉rest前面的to8. 第八句:taken改成taking9. 第九句:I改成he10. 第十句:us改成ourselves12(201 4届浙江省衢州一中高三上学期期中考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处浯言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及―个单词的增加、删除或修改。&&& 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。&&&&&&&&& 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dormitory. Instead, they rented houses outside the school. There are advantages for them all. Living in a dormitory can increase friendship and cooperation among classmates, but of course it is safer.Besides, a dormitory is more like a society, where enables students to learn to get along with the each other,thus preparing the social life later. As for renting houses to live lonely, it’s better for your study as you can feel freely in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result,you can have a plenty of time to devote yourself to review your lessons wholeheartedly. But there may appear a few safety problem as you live outside the school. Anyhow as a student, I prefer living in a dormitory.【答案】1. rented改为rent2. all改为both3. but改为and4. where改为which5. repairing后面加for6. lonely改为alone7. freely改为free8. 去掉a9. review改为reviewing10. problem改为problems13(2014届浙江省湖州中学高三上学期期中考试)假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.& 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不记分。Patience is of great importance in our daily life. Once I waited a bus to come at a stop. 30 minutes past, but no bus came. Both sad and annoyed, I decided to walk on feet. But no sooner had I left when the bus arrived. I thought if I had waited for one more minute, I would have caught it. If I chose to take a next bus, I would have to wait for other 30 minutes. Only then do I realize my problem. Being impatient will possible waste all the effort that we have put it in. Now whenever I am close to lose my patience, I’ll think of this experience.【答案】1. 加上for2. past → passed3. feet → foot4. when → than5. a → the6. other → another7. do → did8. possible → possibly9. 去掉it10. lose → losing14(2014届辽宁省抚顺市六校联合体高三上学期期中考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词;删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉;x k b 1修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;&&&&& 2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。As students, all of us will be faced a problem after passed the college entrance examination. Should we choose a good major and a good university first? Here are some differe nt ideas. Some more prefer to choose a major firs t so they can learn that they are interested in. In this way they can put their he arts into study and got their& favorite jobs in the future. Other believe that the environment is important to one’s develop and that graduates from key universities& are more likely to find good jobs. As long as I’m concerned, the best choice is a good university if we can’t obtain all.【答案】1. faced后面加上with2. passed改成passing3. and改成or4. Some后面的more 去掉5. learn后面的that改成what6. got改成get7. Other改成Others8. develop改成development9. long改成far10. all改成both15(2014届吉林省长春外国语学校高三上学期期中考试)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一篇作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词;删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉;修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出改正后的词。注意:1、每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;&&&&& 2、只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Editor, I’m the only daughter of my parents. So they worried about everything I do. For example, when I ride my bike, my parents won’t let me to ride by myself. They are afraid I might&&&&&&&&&& fall off my bike and hurt myself. They are taking great trouble to support a bike, w ithmy mother even carried a first-aid box. I’m not& free to ride and I often say angry, “Why not let me ride alone?” Now, most family have one child. Parents want to do everything for his children. This does no good on them. Too many love from parents may prevent children from independent. In my opinion, parents should let their children do t hat they should do alone.& 【答案】1. worried―worry/加are2. 去掉to 3. the--a4. carried―carrying 5. angry―angrily 6. his--their7. family--families8. many--much9. on--to10. that--what 文 章来源莲山 课件 w ww.5 Y
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out---out ofwondered that---wondered whetherrealize---realizingtooth---teethpulled---putwalk---walkedthickly---thickcovering---coveredbut---andwe---they
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 报班咨询:400-810-8982
  While traveled to Paris on a bus, I became very sick. 1. _______________
  A well-dressing man on the bus helped me greatly. He 2. _______________
  took me off the bus, found out where the doctor's office. 3. _______________
  and took me to there himself. The next day, he came 4. _______________
  to visit me. I didn't speak French well, so I can't talk with 5. _______________
  him very much. However, even if we couldn't talk, but 6. _______________
  we could communicate. I communicated myself thanks 7. _______________
  to his great kindness, and he communicated his concern 8. _______________
  for my healthy. Through this experience I have learned 9. _______________
  that communication can take place without much actual 10. ______________
  language at all.
决战2011:高考英语总复习(短文改错题)题库1The alarm was first gone off on the third floor. 76.People left the building hurriedly but in a orderly manner. 77.They came out carry their shopping bags and their parcels, 78._____some not properly wrapped and some not even paid. 79.Most passer-by waited in the street to watch.Many of the 80.shops and offices in the street had just closed.Mr.Clement, 81.the officer in charge of,ordered all hoses(软管) 82.to turned to the roof of the main building. People were pushed 83.____ _back from the area of their own safety. Seven officers 84.entered the basement or were driven back within minutes. 85.Hurriedly they put on their masks(防毒面具),ready to try again.短文改错76. was→had。go是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。was gone中gone是形容词,表示“不见了;走了”。77. a→an。orderly是以元音音素开头的,所以用不定冠词an。78. carry→carrying。carrying...是现在分词短语作谓语动词came out的伴随状语。79. paid后加for。pay for表示“付钱买东西”。80. passer-by→passers-by。由其前面的修饰语most可知,该处应该用名词复数形式。81. √。?82. 去掉of。在 in charge of短语中of后应该接宾语,没有宾语应该去掉of。83. turned前面加 be。hoses不能自己指向屋顶,必须由人操作,所以用不定式的被动式。84. of→for。介词for常用来表示目的,for their own safety指“为了他们的自身安全”。of无此意。85. or→but。这里表示意义上的转折,所以用but。2When I walked into the classroom, the teacher was handingin the tests. I was feeling very nervous. I had not studiedat all at the weekend as I had thought it would be easy test.I went through the test for many times but I could only answerthree out from the twenty questions. I did not want to failthe exam. Then, I put my book under my desk, opening itand started looking for the answer. The teacher wasn'tlooking at me, but I copied something. Suddenly, I felt a hand76. _____________ 77. _____________ 78. _____________ 79. _____________ 80. _____________ 81. _____________ 82. _____________on my shoulder! The teacher caught me cheating. I don't 83. _____________know what to say. Luckily, the teacher did not punish for 84. _____________cheating but instead gave me a second chance. 85. _____________76. in→out 77. easy前加an 78. 去掉for 79. from→of 80. opening→opened81. answer→answers 82. but→so 83. don’t→didn’t 84. punish后加me 85. √3At Chinese New Year, my family and I have a very busy time. Two days before New Year’s Day, I went out with myfriends from school to the seafood restaurant in Pudong.It was the noisiest restaurant I had ever been to, and the 76._____________ 79. ____________81. ____________84. ____________food was delicious. After that, we went to shopping for new clothes and found lots bargains. I visited my old teacher, Mr. Smith. To my surprised, he said he didn’t find Chinese New Year very excited. He was not even wearing new clothes! Because we have so many tests this week, so I have to start studying hard again now. I wish the holiday were long!书面表达 (满分30分)61. bunch 62. praise 63. permission 64. blame 65. consideration66. differs 67. familiar 68. relief 69. delivered 70. gradually71. misled 72. length 73. promoting 74.appointed 75. annoyed76. have改为had77. 此行无错。78. the改为a。79. and改为but。80. 去掉to/shopping 改为shop。81. lots 后加of。82. surprised 改为surprise。83. excited改为exciting。84. 去掉第二个so。85. long改为longer。4I was a high school student then, from low-income76. __________family. So I have to work to support my family. Myfirst one job was to clean tables in a small restaurant.I still remember going there early and felt anxious aboutthe new world. I worked harder because I was afraid of77. __________ 78. __________ 79. __________ 80. __________losing the job. At night, I was sometimes very tired to domy homework. And I came to understand that was noteasy to earn money, and knowledge could changemy life. So what I learned from the job, in a hardway, was much more important as what I earned.I was a high school student then, from∧ low-incomefamily. So I have to work to support my family. Myfirst one job was to clean tables in a small restaurant.I still remember going there early and felt anxious aboutthe new world. I worked harder because I was afraid ofmy homework. And I came to understand that∧ was noteasy to earn money, and∧ knowledge could changemy life. So what I learned from the job, in a hardway, was much more important as what I earned.5There were a football game on TV last Saturday evening.The game was among a Spanish team and an Italian team.I sat in the front of the TV at 7 o’clock, when the game justbegan. An hour later, my wife came in to join in me. Sheseemed absent-minded while she was watching game. 81. __________ 82. __________ 83. __________ 84. __________ 85. __________ 76. ____a______ 77. ___had ____ 78. ____去掉one___ 79. ____feeling______ 80. ___hard_______ 81. ____too______ 82. ____it______ 83. ___that ____ 84. ____√______ 85. ___than____ 86. ___________ 87. ___________ 88. ___________ 89. ___________ 90. ___________91. ___________92. ___________93. ___________94. ___________ As the time clock showed one minute, forty-two seconds leaving in the game, she began cheering excited, “Come on --- get going!” Since she has never been a football fan, I looked at her with surprise and asked which team she was cheering for.“Neither,” she replied, “I’m cheering the time clock on.” 95. ___________86. were—was 87. among—between 88. 去掉第一个the 89. 去掉第二个in 90.game 前加the 91. leaving—left 92. excited—excitedly 93. has—had 94. with—in 95.正确6With the development of the society, the earth is 86. ___________being damaged by people who are seeking comfortableat all cost. The sky is no longer blue. The air is nolonger fresh. The rivers are no longer clean.Many animals and plants are disappearing the earth.And the size of deserts are growing rapidly everyyear. Our planet has been seriously polluted.We all know what we have only one home.If we continue pollute it, the earth will turn out to bea planet which is fit for us to live on. To save the87. ___________ 88. ___________ 89. ___________ 90. ___________ 91. ___________ 92. ___________ 93. ___________ 94. ___________earth means save ourselves. Let’s take action withoutany delay.短文改错 95. ___________at all cost. The sky is no longer blue. The air is nolonger fresh. The rivers are no longer clean.Many animals and plants are disappearing ∧the earth.year. Our planet has been seriously polluted.We all know what we have only one home.86. 87. 88. costs 89. from 90. 91. 92. that 93. 94. 95. earth mean ∧save ourselves. Let’s take action withoutany delay.7Li Ming , who has been working as postman fortwo years , always wears a suit of green uniforms .He worked with care as well as with effort . Heserves for the people heart and soul . Every day hegets up early to deliver newspapers or magazines .He is so careful and he has never been wrong .One day he had to send a dead letter and it happenedto be raining hardly outside . But he set out immediately ,He had asked nearly everybody in the district after 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84.85. he tried to hand the letter to the right person .76.postman→∧ a postman 77.uniforms →uniform78.worked→works 79.for 删去80.or →and 81.and →that82.√ 83.hardly→hard84.after→before 85.tried→managed8My husband 96-year-old grandmother came to livewith us for many years of independence. We didall the thing we could to make her feel comfortablein our home, including giving her the private line forher bedroom. One evening we are having a partywhile the phone rang. It was telephone operator,that asked, “Do you have a grandmother upstairs?”“Yes,” my husband replied. “Well,” theoperator again continued,“She can't remember. 84. _________76. __________ 77. _________ 78. __________ 79. __________ 80. _________ 81. _________ 82. _________ 83. __________your phone number, and she like a cup of tea. 85. __________短文改错: 76.husband→husband’s 77.for→after 78.thing→things79.the→a82.that→who85.she∧would9I am worker at the tap water company. I find that 76.____________people were becoming more and more careful about 77._____________health .If the tap water appear a little bit unclear 78.____________and muddy ,the telephone will ring again and again. 79.____________Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the 80.____________protection of water resources .For the sake of our 81.____________health ,we should take good care our water resources 82.____________and environment .There is a saying “whether we do 83.____________not careful protect our environment the last drops 84.____________of water we will see them will be our own tears.” 85.____________改错:I am ∧worker at the tap water company. I find that people were becoming more and more careful about 77.______are____ health .If the tap water appear a little bit unclear 78.____appears_ protection of water resources .For the sake of our _____health ,we should take good care∧ our water resources and environment .There is a saying “whether we do 83.____if_____ our own tears.” 85.10When we feel sad or happily, a good cry is almostimpossible to resist. But do you know why we cry?Experts have found that tear contain some chemicalslike hormone. When one is feeling stressed, it set free,tears will come down. So crying is a way of getrid of the stress and you will often feel better before agood cry. Of course sex has nothing to do to crying.Women cry more often just because of they have moreof this hormone than men. But next time you feel likebursting into tears, go ahead. It won't good to your health.76.happily → happy。feel后用形容词作表语。77.√78.tear → tears。动词contain为复数形式,主语也应为复数形式。79.it后加is。此处应用被动语态。80.get → getting。of为介词,后面应接动名词作宾语。81.before → after。哭后的感觉比哭前好。82.to → with。 76. 79. 82. 84. 80.are→were 81.while→when 83.√ 84.去掉again83.去掉of。从句不可用because of而应用because来引导。84.But → So。分析语境逻辑可知,此处不表转折关系。85.won't → will.11One day Mrs. Smith went shopping. Since she came backhome, she said to her husband, “I saw beautiful dress in 77.a shop this morning. It costs fifty pounds.” “Fifty pounds toa cotton dress?That is very much!” But every evening Mrs.Smith spoke only the dress, and at last, after a week,her husband said, “Oh, buy the dress!” She was very happy.But the next day evening, when Mr. Smith returned home and 82.asking, “Have you got the dress?”, she said, “No.” “Why not?”he said. “Well, it is still in the window of the shop in aweek. I think, nobody else want this dress, so I don’twant it either!”12A person’s age no longer tells you something about 76. ________his social position, marriage or healthy. There’s no longer 77. ________a particular year which one goes to school or goes to 78. ________work or gets married or start a family. The social clock 79. ________that kept us on time and told us when go to school, get 80. ________a job, or stop working isn’t as strong as it was used to be. 81. ________It doesn’t surprise us to hear a 28-year-old university 82. ________president or a 35-year-old grandmother, or 70-year-old 83. ________man who has become a father for the first time. What weall know, public’s ideas are changing nowadays. 85. ________76. something → anything 77. healthy → health 78. which → when(或 year∧ in) 79. start → starts 80. when∧ to82.√ 83.or ∧ a 84. What →As 85. public’s → public13Our school lies at the foot of a small hill. A little river passed 76__________by it. A chemical works was built south of our school for 77__________two years ago. A great number of poisonous gas was 78__________sent out into the air and a large amount of waste water 79__________was poured into a river. The terrible pollution did great80__________harm to us as good as to the surroundings. Now , the 81__________government has taken many steps protect our surroundings 82__________and prevent them from polluted. Now , as you see , our school 83__________looks as a beautiful garden. In our school yard there 84__________are green trees and all kinds of flowers all the years round. 85__________76.passed-passes 77.去for 78.number-deal 79. 正确 80.a-the 81.good-well 82.加to83.加being 84.as-like 85.years-year1485.I took part in a geography research study group in last term. Our 76 ________topic was environmental pollution and protection. We took a variety 77 ________of pictures showed the present pollution conditions of our city. To 78 ________our surprised, there are still a lot of people doing silly things to our 79 ________surroundings. Some people throw the rubbish anywhere they like, 80 ________some cars give off harmful gases, and waste water is poured in 81 ________rivers by some factories. Worse still, people sometimes had to make 82 ________their ways through dusty winds as a result of pollution. Through 83 ________our research, we come to know what everybody must pay attention 84 ________to our environment and some measures should be taken to protect. 85 ________76. 去掉第二个in. 77. 正确. 78. showed—showing 或showed---which showed.79. surprised—surprise. 80. 去掉the 81. in---into 82. had---have. 83. ways—way84. what—that或去掉what. 85. protect后加it.15I still remember my middle school life in Tianjin yet . I was then76. 77. in a school for students from Tibet . As we were all left homeat early age , we met lots of problems in our daily life . We 78.had to do the washing , cleaning and shopping by us . However ,we seldom felt lonely or helplessly . We enjoyed our happy life .At weekends , we would play basketball , swimming in the pool79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. or go for a picnic . We were living in a big family . We treat each other as brothers and sisters . If any one of us had any difficulty in our life and study , the other would help him out . It has been five years when we graduated , but those memoriesare as sweet as ever before .76. 77. at ∧early age , we met lots of problems in our daily life . We 78. had to do the washing , cleaning and shopping by us . However ,or go for a picnic . We were living in a big family . We treateach other as brothers and sisters . If any one of us had anyIt has been five years when we graduated , but those memoriesare as sweet as ever before .16Not all people like to work and everyone likes to play. All overthe world men and woman , boys and girls enjoy sports . Since79. ourselves 80. 81. 82. treated 83. 84. 85. since 76. _______ 77. _______long ago , many adults and children called their friends together 78. _______to spend hours , even days play games . One of the reasons why people 79. _______like to play is that sports help them to live happily . In other words,they help to keep people strong and feel good . When people areplaying games, they move a lot. That is how sports are good activitiesfor their health .Having fun with their friends make them happy.Many people enjoy sports by watching the others play. In Americanbig cities, thousands sell tickets to watch football or basketball games.80. _______ 81. _______ 82. _______ 83. _______ 84. _______ 85. _______76. and -but 77. woman-women 78. called前加had 79. play- playing80. 正确 81. feel-feeling 82. how-why 83. make-makes84.去掉the 85. sell-buy17My wife and I go to the theatre whenever wehave time. But before we buy ticket, we would 76. __________like to know whether the play is good and bad. 77. __________When a new play open, we usually read the 78. __________reviews on our local newspapers to get information 79. __________about it. Last week a new comedy opened at the 80. __________theatre. The newspaper story said it was very amused, 81. __________so we decided to go on the Saturday night. It took 82. __________my wife a long time to make her mind what to wear 83. __________and we left a little later. By the time we got there, 84. __________the first act already begun. We were sorry we missed 85. __________part of the play, because the rest of it was very funny.76.ticket 改为tickets 77. and改为or 78.open改为opens79. on改in 80. √81. amused 改amusing 82. 去掉the 83.make后加up84. later改late 85. act后加had18There is a teacher who I can never forget her in my life.That 76.________was in my old days whenever I was in the middle schooland I 77.________once had lots of teachers who were very strict to usexcept 78.________one female who was young, pretty as well kind-hearted.79.________It is very hard of me to describe what she was like,but she had 80.________her own personality that quickly conquered us all. Sheasked 81.________us to elect our monitor. She let us to decide where togo for 82.________an outing. She didn’t get angry even if any of themwas late for 83.________school. It was not long until most of us behaved verywell 84.________because we did find her an elderly sister who we canrely on. 85.________76. 去掉her 77. whenever → when 78. to →with 79. well ∧ as80. of → for 81. √ 82. 去掉第二个 to 83.them → us84. until → before 85. can → could19Today I attended a meeting holding by our school 76.___________At the meeting more than thirty students praised 77.___________For our happiness, Bruce, monitor of our class, 78.___________ who was among them . We all felt proud of him. 79.____________Then the headmaster gave them a talk. He wanted 80.___________us to learn these model students and hoped that 81.___________ more and more students will be praised at the 82.___________ next school meeting. I was great encouraged and 83.___________ made up my mind to work harder. Next week 84.___________ there will be an English exam. I’ll try to get good mark. 85.___________76.holding→ held 77.praised前加were 78.For→ To 79.去掉who 80.them→ us81.Learn后加from 82 .will→ would 83. great→ greatly 84.√ 85. mark→ marks20As students, we have classes from early morningtill late afternoon. Therefore, take a ten-minute break76. _____ 77. _____ 78. ______ 79. ______ 80. ______ 81. _______ 82. ______ 83. ______ between class is definitely important, even necessary. Otherwise we may feel both physically or mentally tired. During the ten-minute break we did something to get rid of tiredness. What we need is to have real rest, instead of getting even tired. So don’t do anything that will make you too excited. My ten-minute break is always pleased. I usually do some simple exercises. Sometime I have a free chatwith my classmates or just take a walk during the break. 84. ______When the new class begins, I feel freshly again. 85. ______76. take---taking. 77.class—classes. 78.or—and. 79. did—do. 80. real---a real81. tired—more tired. 82. pleased—pleasing. 83. Sometime—Sometimes.84. 正确。 85. freshly---fresh.21Dear classmates , Now I’d like to tell you why I learn English . I often read English aloud and try learn something important by hearts , which helps me remember it easily and form the good habit of thinking in English . I listen to a lot and talk with others in English . In this way , I was improved my spoken English . I keep a diary in English every day but my writing English is becoming better and better . I also try my best to master the necessary grammar . With this means , I can express myself in English correct . That’s the way I have been learning English . I hope it will be useful to youThat’s all . Thank you .Yours ,Wang Gang76. why→how 77.try后加to 78. hearts → heart 79. 去掉to80. was→have 81. but → and 82. writing→written 83. With→By84. correct→correctly 85. 正确22第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)I am worker at the tap water company. I find that 76.____________people were becoming more and more careful about 77._____________health .If the tap water appear a little bit unclear 78.____________and muddy ,the telephone will ring again and again. 79.____________Fortunately, people do not pay equal attention to the 80.____________protection of water resources .For the sake of our 81.____________health ,we should take good care our water resources 82.____________and environment .There is a saying “whether we do 83.____________not careful protect our environment the last drops 84.____________of water we will see them will be our own tears.” 85.____________I am ∧worker at the tap water company. I find that people were becoming more and more careful about 77.______are____ health .If the tap water appear a little bit unclear 78.____appears_ protection of water resources .For the sake of our _____health ,we should take good care∧ our water resources and environment .There is a saying “whether we do 83.____if_____ will be our own tears.” 85. 23I think it is going to take us about five days to get the 76. __________nearest village. If the both of us are fit, the woman can carry 77. __________15kg and the man can carry 20kg- -don't forget that the 78. __________packs are going to be light every day as we eat and drink. 79. __________We are going to travel at night in desert ( using blankets) 80. __________for warmth and sleep in turns during the day. 81. __________On the mountains we are going to travel during the day 82. __________and sleep at night. Before we begin walking in the first day, 83. __________we are going to eat, and have a good drink water. We hope 84. __________we shall not meet with much more difficulties than we expect. 85. __________76.在get后加to或改get为reach 77.去掉第—个the78.RIGHT79.light→lighter 80.desert前加the81.turns→turn82.On→In 83.in→on 84.drink后加of85.much→many或去掉much24I took part in a geography research study group in last term. Our 76 ________topic was environmental pollution and protection. We took a variety 77 ________of pictures showed the present pollution conditions of our city. To 78 ________our surprised, there are still a lot of people doing silly things to our 79 ________surroundings. Some people throw the rubbish anywhere they like,some cars give off harmful gases, and waste water is poured inrivers by some factories. Worse still, people sometimes had to maketheir ways through dusty winds as a result of pollution. Through 80 ________ 81 ________ 82 ________ 83 ________our research, we come to know what everybody must pay attention 84 ________to our environment and some measures should be taken to protect. 85 ________76. 去掉第二个in. 77. 正确.78. showed—showing 或showed---which showed.79. surprised—surprise. 80. 去掉the 81. in---into 82. had---have.83. ways—way 84. what—that或去掉what. 85. protect后加it.25I’m the only daughter of my parents. So they are worried 76. ________about everything I do. For example, when I rode my bike, my 77. ________parents won’t let me to ride by myself. They are afraid I might 78. ________fall off from my bike and hurt myself, They are taking great trouble 79. ________to support the bike, with my mother even carry a first-aid box. I’m 80. ________not free to ride and I often say angry, “Why not let me ride alone?” 81. ________Now, most family have one child. Parents want to do everything 82. ________for their children. This does no good to them. Too many love from 83. ________parents may prevent children from independent. In my opinion, 84. ________76. √ 77.rode→ride 78.去掉 to 79. 去掉 from 80. carry→carrying 81. angry→angrilyfamily→families 83. many→much 84. independent前加being 85. lonely→alone26In England, afternoon tea, taken between four or five, 76_________is the most informal meal of the day. If you are a friend 77_________of the family, you may drop for tea without 78_________been invited. Very often it is not served at a table. 79_________The member and visitors take tea in the sitting room. 80__________Each person had a cup and saucer, a spoon and a 81 __________small plate for bread-and-butter and cake. On the way, 82___________do not he bread-and butter first, 83__________then cake if there is any. Other piece of advice is: do not put 84__________more than one piece of bread or cake at same time. 85___________76, or----and 77.right 78.drop ----drop in 79.been---being80.member----members 81.had----has 82.On ----By 83.you---yourself84.Other---Another 85.at ---at the82.27One day I happened to find a chatting room inOmy QQ,there people were chatting in English.I triedto chat with some of them.T0 my surprised,I found 78. the oral Englsh of some junior students were betterthan me.I asked them for advice and they told meto practise more on QQ.But every day aftel that Iwould spend one hour practise my oral English on QQ.83. Day by day I learned from many useful words and expressions.With time went by.I found that I couldeven communicate some college students freely.76.√ 77.there-where 78.surprised-surprise 79.were-was 80.me-mine 81.But-So82.praltise-prsltising 83.from 84.with-Aswent-going 85.with28Now I have taken more than ten years at school. Asa child,I regarded my school a beautiful garden. ITime flew very fast. Now I’m studying at a seniormiddle school. Every day morning I go to school early.63. ________ 64. ________ 65. ________ 66. ________ 67. ________ 68. ________70. ________ went to school happily and excitedly with a small bag. In the evening, I do a lot of exercises, just like a farmer working hard, expect a good harvest. During breaks between class, I often go out to enjoy myself. I’m sure I’ll never forget wonderful time I spent at school. 69. ________63.taken→been 64.school后加as 65.flew→flies 66.去掉day67.√ 68. expect→expecting 69. class→classes 70. wonderful后加the29Dear sir,Thank you very much for your letter. I pleased to hearabout your holiday and the people you meet in Rome. It 76._____________ 77. _____________sounded great fun and how I wish I could have been withyou. Thank you also for the stamps you sent them to mefor my collection. Most of them were those what I hadbeen expecting for long. You said by your letter thatyou wish to have some photos of me. Sorry to tell you,I have little photos good enough to send to others.Yet I will send you a photo of your family. Pleasewrite soon and tell me what you are getting on withyour college life.Best wishes.Yours, 78. _____________ 79._____________ 80. _____________ 81. _____________ 82. _____________ 83. _____________ 84. _____________ 85. _____________Jason短文改错:76.I后加am 77. meet→met 78.√ 79.去掉them 80.what→that或去掉those81. by→in 82.wish→wished 83.little→few 84.your→my 84.what→how30There is a teacher who I can never forget her in my life.That 76.________was in my old days whenever I was in the middle schooland I 77.________once had lots of teachers who were very strict to usexcept 78.________one female who was young, pretty as well kind-hearted.79.________It is very hard of me to describe what she was like,but she had 80.________her own personality that quickly conquered us all. Sheasked 81.________us to elect our monitor. She let us to decide where togo for 82.________an outing. She didn’t get angry even if any of themwas late for 83.________school. It was not long until most of us behaved verywell 84.________because we did find her an elderly sister who we canrely on. 85.________76. 去掉her 77. whenever → when 78. to →with 79. well ∧ as80. of → for 81. √ 82. 去掉第二个 to 83.them → us84. until → before 85. can → could31My cousin Xiao Hong and I went on trip to my uncle’s 76. _____________last Sunday. We were riding along a hillside then suddenly 77. _____________ some big stones were rolled down and knocked us off our bikes. 78. _____________ Xiao Hong’s legs got serious hurt and so did mine. We 79. _____________ couldn’t move a bit. Fortunately, I saw some farmers ahead. 80. ____________ Waving our hand, we cried for help like crazy. On hearing 81. ____________ us, they run to the spot as fast as they could. Thanks to 82_____________ their help, we were all sent to a nearby hospital and received 83. _____________ medical treatment in time. Although we do not know about their 84. _____________ names, we fell they like our dear big brothers and sisters. 85. _____________76.on^ a 77. then →when 78 were去掉 79 serious → seriously 80.正确81. hand→hands 82.run→ran 83.all→both 84.about 去掉 85.they^are32One day, I was cooking in the kitchen asthe telephone rang. I went to answer immediately.She was my close friend, Lisa. When we were talkingon a phone, the fire alarm sounded. I ran back to thekitchen. The room full of smoke and beef was badlyburnt. I quickly turned off the gas, opening all the76._______________ 77._______________ 78._______________ 79._______________ 80._______________ 81._______________windows, and then went out of the house. With mysurprise, two fire engines were outside my house. Iwas rather worried. I told about the firemen that itwas my careless cooking which caused the heavy smoke. 82._______________ 83._______________ 84._______________ 85._______________76.as→When 77.answer后加it 78.She→It 79.a→the 80. room后加was81.opening→opened 82.With→To 83.√ 84.去掉about 85.which→that33With the development of the society, the earth isbeing damaged by people who are seeking comfortableat all cost. The sky is no longer blue. The air is nolonger fresh. The rivers are no longer clean.Many animals and plants are disappearing the earth.And the size of deserts are growing rapidly everyyear. Our planet has been seriously polluted.We all know what we have only one home.If we continue pollute it, the earth will turn out to bea planet which is fit for us to live on. To save theearth means save ourselves. Let’s take action withoutany delay.at all cost. The sky is no longer blue. The air is nolonger fresh. The rivers are no longer clean.Many animals and plants are disappearing ∧the earth.And the size of deserts are growing rapidly everyyear. Our planet has been seriously polluted.We all know what we have only one home.earth mean ∧save ourselves. Let’s take action withoutany delay.86. ___________ 87. ___________ 88. ___________ 89. ___________ 90. ___________ 91. ___________ 92. ___________ 93. ___________ 94. ___________ 95. ___________ 86. 87. 88. costs 89. 90. is 91. 92. that 93. 94. 95. to
如何做好短文改错题?一、汉译英:1.我要买一些新家具(furniture)。2.她和她的姐姐们都喜欢学英语(as well as)。3.他是我父亲的一个朋友。4.你不能借这本书这么长时间。5.那就是我们去年参观过的地方。二、单句改错:1. This river is more longer than that one.2. How beautiful flowers he gave us yesterday﹗3. It is a great fun playing golf.4. Although he is clever, but he studies hard.5. Tom asked Mary if she knew the man was speaking to her.短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生识别错误并改正错误的能力和在语篇中综合运用英语的准确性以及熟练程度,它能全面地考查学生对语言的评价与校正能力以及对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力。错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词。即:缺词添加、多词删除、错词改正。三、改错中的常见错误1.常见词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面。根据句子成分分析句子结构和具体词的含义从而作出正确的判断是解答此类试题的关键。(1) 动词。设错的一般形式有:动词的时态和语态、主谓一致、非谓语动词、谓语动词缺失、短暂性动词和延续性动词混用等。e.g. 1. I will send you the photos we take last week.2. The colour TV sets produced in their factory are selling to several countries.3. Nobody except my parents know anything about it.4. The bike outside is belonged to him.5. They have got in touch with each other for a year.6. They were made do the job from morning till night.7. When everything ready, the party began.(2) 名词。主要是对可数名词的单复数、不可数名词、名词所有格、名词作定语的考查。 e.g. 1. The professor gave us some good advices.2. The next day he came to borrow a book of my father.3. The woman teachers are dancing in the hall.(3) 冠词。主要是从固定搭配中冠词的误用、冠词漏用、不定冠词a 和an 的误用等方面进行考查。e.g. 1.He is playing piano now.2. The old man died of the cancer.3.She is such a honest boy that all of us like her.(4) 形容词、副词。常见的考点有:形容词和副词的误用、形容词和副词比较等级的误用、比较等级修饰语的误用等。e.g. 1.What he said sounded quite perfectly.2. I was angry, but they were very angrier.(5) 代词。常见的考点有:人称代词与物主代词的误用、不定代词的误用等。此类试题解答的关键是准确把握行文逻辑关系。e.g.1 He and his children felt tired but neither of them would stop for a rest.2. The twins didn’t do his homework yesterday.(6) 介词。主要考查介词的多用或遗漏。e.g. 1. I disagree him about how we ought to deal with the matter.2. Last Sunday we took a bus to visit to a factory.2.常见句法错误。通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误。解答此类试题时,对句子结构分析正确很关键。(1) 简单句。考查主要以基本的句型为主。e.g. 1. His words made all of us were happy.2. There had a discussion on how to solve the problem yesterday.(2) 强调句,考查其基本的句型结构。e.g. 1.It was at midnight when I went home yesterday.2. What is it you want me to say?(3) 复合句,主要对状语从句、定语从句、名词性从句等的考查。解题的关键是在读懂句意的基础上判断它属于什么从句。e.g. 1. When he was a little boy, his mother was very poor that she had to send himto a rich family.2. The clever boy made a hole in the wall, through it he could climb out.3.常见行文逻辑错误。多为前后句之间和上下文中的逻辑错误。很多情况下,在短文改错试题中,判断错误不能只从某个词或句子本身看,而要从上下文、乃至整篇文章去理解。这属于对文章逻辑关系的考查,这就要求我们做题时要准确把握文章的意思、内在的逻辑关系、篇章结构等。e.g. 1 .Hi, everyone. First, let me tell you something more about myself.2. Tom and Jack went to the same school and then to the same university. So they hadn’t met each other since then.四、练习:(一)单句改错:1. He showed us how operate the machine.2. I’m looking forward to see you again.3. Unfortunately, he found no room to live.4. Was it him who telephoned yesterday?5. I lent him the book I bought it last week.6. Tom accepted a letter from his friend the other day.(二)四人一组进行讨论,找出下面短文中的十处错误。When I was in high school, most of my friend had bicycles. I hoped I could also have it. One day I saw a second-hand bicycle, that was only one hundred yuan. I asked my father the money. But he said he could only give me half of the money. He should find the other half by myself. So I went to sell newspapers after the school. My father was pleased if I showed him the money a month after. He gives me the other fifty. You can imagine how much happy I was when I rode to school on my own bicycle. 口诀:短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢。名词爱考数与格,冠词在前错多少。动词时态和语态,非谓搭配莫错了。连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆。介词多半考搭配,多漏误用想周到。句法涉及到一致,从句多考关系词。词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。作业:改正下面短文中的错误。Last weekend we went mountain-climbing. Even the heavy rain in the morning couldn’t prevent us go. Setting off very early, we went along an extreme narrow road, all in high spirits. On every side of the road were green fields and some farm house. We could hear the sound of the rain and our footsteps mixing with our laughter. At noon we reached the top of the mountain. That surprised us most there was the beauty of scenes. After having a short rest there and sharing with the food we had brought, we started going down. It had rained even harder. We were wet to the skin, and we still sang and laughed happily.一、词法(一)动词错误1. 谓语动词的时态错误,主要考点为上下文之间、复合句的主从句之间动词时态的一致性,虚拟语气中时态的运用。e.g. I thought that he will come tomorrow.2. 主谓一致错误。e.g. Nobody except my parents know anything about it.3. 语态错误。语态方面的错误主要涉及及物动词和不及物动词,主动表被动,现在分词和过去分词的辨别。e.g. The bike outside is belonged to him.4. 短暂性动词和延续性动词错误。短暂性动词不可和一段的时间状语连用,常见的短暂性动词有:lend, borrow, start, join, close, come, go等等。e.g. They have got in touch with each other for a year.5. 同义词、近义词和易混词错误。e.g. He wanted to see the report about the important football match.6. 非谓语动词错误。非谓语动词错误主要表现在不定式符号的留舍、动词分词及原形的误用。e.g. They were made do the job from morning till night.7. 无谓语动词错误。有些句子似乎很完整,但仔细分析可以发现句中本是谓语的动词,由于其形式错误而造成句子没有谓语动词,或者根本就没有谓语。e.g. When everything ready, the party began.(二)名词错误。1. 可数名词的数与不可数名词。e.g. The professor gave us some good services.2. 名词格的错误。e.g. The next day he came to borrow a book of my father.2. Three days journey made all of us tired.(三)冠词错误。冠词错误主要涉及不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的使用,使用不定冠词a 还是 an 区别。1. 定冠词与不定冠词的误用。2. 冠词漏用。3. 冠词多余。4. 不定冠词a, an 误用。(四)形容词、副词错误。1.形容词、副词的误用。e.g. What he said sounded quite perfectly.2. 形容词、副词比较等级的误用。e.g. Teachers should receive further education to catch up with the later development.3. 比较等级的修饰语错误。e.g. I was angry, but they were very angrier.4. 同义词、近义词、易混词的误用。e.g. The quicker a car is traveling, the longer it takes to stop.(五)代词错误。1. 人称代词、物主代词、反身代词的误用或不一致。e.g. He didn’t do her homework yesterday.2. 不定代词的误用。e.g. He and his children felt tired but neither of them would stop for a rest.3. 关系代词、连接代词的误用。e.g. He came to tell us that he had seen there.(六)介词错误。1.介词误用错误。e.g. He is good in English.2. 多用介词。e.g. All of us had a good time on that day.3. 遗漏介词。e.g. I disagree him about how we ought to deal with the matter.二、句法1. 固定句型错误。固定句型的错误主要表现在固定搭配上的错误、结构上的错误等。e.g. He was about to get on the bus then he heard someone calling him.2. 简单句错误。(1) There be 句型错误。e.g. There had a discussion on how to solve the problem yesterday.(2) 祈使句错误。e.g. Working hard and you will succeed in the future.(3) 感叹句错误。e.g. How beautiful flowers he gave me!(4) 强调句错误。强调句错误主要表现在句型混乱、与定语从句混淆。e.g. It was two years ago since he began to learn English.3.复合句错误。复合句的错误主要表现在各种从句的连接词使用的错误,即连接词的遗漏、误用等。 e.g. I’ll never forget the days when we spent in Qingdao.做短文改错题,在很多情况下判断错误不能只从某个词本身,甚至不能从整个句子本身看,而要从上下文,乃至整篇文章来看。只有通晓全文的内容和结构,才能答好短文改错题。这就要求我们要弄懂文章的含义,内在的逻辑关系、篇章结构等。(一)单句中的逻辑错误。e.g.1.This was a lie, and his teacher didn’t know.2. Clever as she is, but she works hard.(二)上下文中的逻辑错误。1.有时从单句中根本看不出错误,但是联系上下文, 便可看出行文逻辑上的错误。2. 上下文的错误有时还表现在时态不一致、人称不一致、前后矛盾等错误。 e.g. There were many great people in history. But many of them are poor in childhood. Schools were few and not good. They couldn’t depend on it for a good education.三、短文改错的解题步骤1.通读全文,了解短文的中心意思,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑。尤其是行文逻辑方面的错误,有时孤立地分析某个句子,其结构正确、语义通顺、无错可改。有时孤立地读一个单句时是没有错误的(或是不易看出错误)。但是,如果联系上下文,就会发现该句的问题所在。在通读全文的同时把一些比较明显的错误先改好,这样可以为下一步深入的改错降低难度。2. 分句阅读,逐行找错。在读懂文章之后,要逐句逐行地找错。分析每个句子在句法、语法、行文逻辑等方面是否有错,要做到逐行分析,不可遗漏,句与句之间要注意连词的用法,具体注意以下几点:(1)整篇文章的语态与时态,时态的前后是否一致。(2)名词的数与格,名词前该不该用冠词,用什么冠词。(3)习语结构搭配是否完整有无缺少或多余介词、副词现象。(4)非谓语动词(不定式、过去分词、现在分词、动名词)的形式运用是否正确。(5)连接词与关系代(副)词的用法是否贴切,名词性从句、定语从句、状语从句等的结构与用法。(6)代词的用法与结构是否正确。人称代词、物主代词以及it作形式主语或形式宾语的用法。(7)形容词、副词及其比较级、最高级是否混用。3.检查核对,注意方法。最后浏览改后的全文,看全篇是否通顺,注意无错行,即正确行,一般是一行。另外还要严格按照规范的方法要求去答题。四、短文改错的十项一致。1.主谓、人称和数的一致及名词前面的冠词是否用错或漏掉了。2. 时态和语态的一致。3.名词和代词的一致。4.比较级和最高级比较对象和比较范围的一致。5.修饰成分与被修饰成分的一致。6.连词与所连接的两部分在行文逻辑上的一致。7.功能词(介词、助动词、冠词、连词等)与实义词(名词、动词、形容词、副词)搭配关系的一致。8.定语从句引导词与先行词的一致。9.限定动词或短语与非限定动词搭配关系的一致。10.行文逻辑的一致。口诀:短文改错要做好,常见类型应记牢。名词爱考数与格,冠词在前错多少。动词时态和语态,非谓搭配莫错了。连代形副错一样,多是故意来混淆。介词多半考搭配,多漏误用想周到。句法涉及到一致,从句多考关系词。词法句法均未错,逻辑推理去寻找。
高考英语短文改错题技巧点拨短文改错常见错误类型1. 谓语动词的错误是历年考试的重点和热点 常见动词错误类型有① 一般现在时与一般过去时错用; ② and 前后动词时态不一致;③ 主谓不一致; ④ 缺少动词,特别是be动词;⑤ 第三人称单数形式错用; ⑥ 主动语态和被动语态错用。1)(did 改为do, 错误类型属于 ①)2)(visiting 改为 visited错误类型属于②)3)There will an important game next month.(will后加be错误类型属于④)4)③ 主谓不一致)2. 名词的常见错误单复数名词错用;注意区分名词是可数还是不可数;或根据名词前的修饰语或谓语动词的单复数来判断。 ① I’ll get good marks in all my subject.(subject 改为subjects)② Their word were a great encouragement to me.(word 改为words)③ Without enough knowledges, you can never teach well.(knowledges改为knowledge)3. 连词错误连词包括关系代词、副词,并列连词and/ or/but等(一般考查从句关系 who/ whom/whose/what/which/how/why/when/where/if/whether )① I have a good friend who’s name is Liu Mei. (错用了who的所有格形式,改为whose)② I teach them, play with them, but watch them growing up.(此处应该是并列的关系而非转折,but改为 and) ③ Clever as she is, but she works very hard.(as意为“尽管”,不能再跟but连用,所以去掉but)4. 冠词错误误用a和an(根据单词的第一个音素来判定);误用a 和the(固定搭配,或泛指、特指;多余的冠词或少冠词) ① We may be one family and live under a same roof. (a 改为the, the same 是固定搭配)② As everyone knows, it’s ∧famous mountain with all kinds of pants.(mountain是可数名词需用冠词,所以加 a )④ I hope you have∧ pleasant journey.(journey是可数名词需用冠词)5. 形容词和副词错误1) 系动词后用形容词(be/am/is/are/was/were/become/go/感官性动词 smell /feel)2) 词性的误用:形容词修饰名词;副词修饰动词、形容词。① I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together.(time是名词 所以要用形容词wonderful修饰)② My pronunciation was terribly.(was后用形容词,terribly改为terrible.)6. 代词错误1)代词的主格和宾格(I / He/ She/ We/They/ them )2)反身代词(myself/yourself/himself/herself/themselves/ourselves)3)代词的单数和复数4)多余的代词和少代词1① Soon I began to enjoy talking to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English. (express oneself, me 改为 myself )② One day I wrote a little story and showed ∧to my teacher. (加it)③ If any one of us had any difficulty in our life and study, the other would help him out.(other后加s)④ What’s more , you have to be friends with your pupils and take good care of him.(him改为them)7. 非谓语动词的常见错误1)不定式,动名词作主语,宾语。2)and 连接的不定式或动名词前后一致(尤其距离较远时),3)介词后用动名词ving形式作宾语。4)某些动词后要求接动名词或不定式。① Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was…. (enjoy 后需接动名词 talk--talking)② But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports.(作主语 改为 going )③ Children may not develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves.( 介词后用动名词ving形式作宾语) ④ I particularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the changing colors of the leaves on the trees.( and 连接的不定式或动名词前后一致(尤其距离较远时),saw改为seeing)8. 介词错误1)词组中的介词误用,2)介词意思理解偏差,3)介词的多用或少用① There are too many people among my family. (among 改为in in my family 为固定搭配)② I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. (去掉 at, the moment 引导从句) 短文改错解题思路和检查原则1)句中各部分的结构是否完整,特别是每个句子要有动词;2)谓语动词的时态、语态;3)非谓语动词的用法;4)名词的单、复数,格的使用是否正确;5)定冠词和不定冠词是否正确;6)代词的格和性的使用是否有误;7)定语从句中关系代词、副词是否准确无误;8)并列句中的并列连词、主从复合句中的从属连词用的是否得当。短文改错解题四原则1)改动以最少为原则 2)虚词以添加或删除为原则 3)实词以改变词形为原则4)以保持句子原意为原则短文改错解题步骤1)通读全文,掌握大意 2)整句分析,逐行推敲3)反复通读,复查验证解题注意要点和能力培养① 核对错项时,若的确有一时难以改出的地方。可以参考所改动项是否基本符合“181”比例。即多一词1个,缺词1个,错词8个。② 核对改正的语法项目是否有重复。因为短文改错往往覆盖面广,一般不会出现重复考查某个语法点的现象。 ③ 核对答题符号是否规范,位置是否准确,看看有无遗漏符号,忽略字母大写和拼写等问题。四不改原则 : 标点不改,大小写不改,语序不改,拼写不改。三原则: 格式规范为原则,变化最小为原则,不改变原意为原则。2
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A 文章编号:(8-01  摘要:本人通过多年的高中英语教学,感知高考英语短文改错是高考英语试卷是学生普遍反映难度较大, 综合能力非常强的测试题,。针对目前山区中学生在英语短文改错的现状和具体情况,笔者提出自己关于对短文改错的认识以及怎样才能突破此题型。  关键词:高考英语;短文改错  要做好英语高考改造错题,中学生应该好好学习中学英语知识,记忆好词汇、短语、固定搭配和惯用句型,并将其情景化,即词不离句,句不离段,段不离篇,只有如此,中学生才能具备做好阅读短文改错题的前提。  一、中学生怎样才能“知错”  (一)掌握高考英语词汇的“词性”。英语中有许多词类——名词,代词,形容词,副词,冠词,连词,介词,动词,数词等等。记忆英语词汇,不记忆词类,不读准词音,不将音、形、意同时输入大脑又怎能听音知形;如不知道单词形状,又怎能知道其用法呢?其中“动词”和“连词”至关重要。  (二)通晓高考英语句子的“成分”。作为英语句子成分,莫过于“主语、谓语、宾语、表语、状语和定语”。中学生知道了英语词汇的“词性”,就可以知道它们分别在英语句子中所作句子成分。中学生可以比较中文和英文句子成分,也可以把英语句子成分掌握。英语句子成分最重要的莫过于“谓语”,因为“谓语”可以


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