from east2west to west是什么意思及反义词

a vantage point
第二期 第3组 lemonsweet3 的听写日志... ... vantage n. 优势、有利地位 a vantage point 有利地点 spectacular 壮观的、雄伟的、引人入胜的; ...
Photo Tip: Choose a vantage point upwind from the blowing smoke.
摄影提示: 在烟雾吹来的逆风处选择一个有利位置。
Even frozen waterfalls get the blues, but from a vantage point behind a frozen waterfall in an ice cave, it’s all good and then some.
Mr. Hwang’s latest play, “Chinglish, ” now in preview performances on Broadway at the Longacre Theater, is his effort to grapple with East-West relations from a vantage point that is new for him.
"Our team is continuing to make progress and looking at a plan to make the legacy cauldron more accessible to those who would like to come down and take pictures or get a better vantage point to it."
VOA: standard.
And you used this sort of particular vantage point and you chose to in a way that really embraces pluralism.
Sports grounds also offer a vantage point from which to view the country's surprisingly officious and authoritarian streak.
In the Hudson Highlands, he composes his view from a vantage point high above the river near West Point.
That means only Mercury and Venus (and our moon) can cause eclipses from a vantage point on the Earth.
- 来自原声例句
west是什么意思 west在线翻译 west什么意思 west的意思 west的翻译 west的解释 west的发音 west的同义词 west的反义词 west的例句 west的相关词组
west英 [west] 美 [w?st] west 基本解释名词西,西部,西方形容词西部的; 在西方的; 朝西的; (风)来自西面的副词向西,朝西; 自西方; 向西方west 反义词名词west 相关词组west的解释1.
: 上西天;west 相关例句形容词1. On the west coast, the temperature changes very little between summer and winier.&&&&在西海岸,夏天和冬天的气温变化不大。2. 911查询·英语单词2. He has been to most of West Europe.&&&&西欧大部分地方他都去过。副词1. I drove west along the road.&&&&我沿路向西驶去。名词1. 1. He lives in the west of England.&&&&他住在英国西部。2. 2. Libya lies to the west of Egypt.&&&&利比亚位于埃及以西。west 情景对话看电影A:What do you want to do tonight?&&&&&&你今晚打算做什么?B:Do you want to see a movie? I heard there’s a new horror film playing tonight.&&&&&&你想看电影吗?我听说今晚有部新的恐怖片放映。A:You know I don’t like horror films!&&&&&&你知道我不喜欢恐怖片。B:I’m only teasing. There’s also an adventure film and a cartoon playing tonight.&&&&&&和你开玩笑呢!今晚还有探险片和卡通片。A:What’s the cartoon? Is it the new Pixar film about cars?&&&&&&是什么卡通片?是皮克斯公司新品的关于小汽车的新片吗?B:Yes, that’s the name, actuallB: Cars.&&&&&&是的,确切的名字是Cars。A:That might be a good way to start the weekend. I’m not in the mood for anything too heavy.&&&&&&这也许是度过周末的好方法。我不想再做繁重的事情了。B:I know what you mean. We’ve both had a tough week.&&&&&&我理解你的意思。我们这周都过得太辛苦了。A:Which theater is Cars playing at?&&&&&&哪家影院在放映这部片子?B:It’s at the Paramount 16.&&&&&&派拉蒙16.A:That’s the one on the west side of town, right?&&&&&&是城镇西部的那个,对吗?B:Yeah, it should only take about 15 minutes to get there.&&&&&&是的,只要15 分钟就能到。A:When does it start?&&&&&&什么时候开始?B:Let’s see… the paper says that it starts at 7:15, but I think we should get there early to get a good seat.&&&&&&我想想,报纸上说7 点15 开始,但我觉得我们应该早些去占个好位子。A:Ok, well it’s 5:00 now, so let’s have dinner and then we can go.&&&&&&我吧,现在已经5 点了,我们去吃晚饭然后就出发吧。B:Sounds good. I’ll drive if you make dinner.&&&&&&听起来不错,如果你做晚饭我就开车。A:How about the other way around?&&&&&&换一种方式怎么样?教育A:So, what’s your educational background?&&&&&&那么,你的教育背景是什么?B:I graduate from high school with a 4.0, graduated from university with a degree in English, and am currently in the middle of obtaining a master’s degree in Linguistics.&&&&&&我以4.0 的成绩从高中毕业, 大学获得了英语学士学位,近来正在读语言学硕士学位。A:What university did you go to ?&&&&&&你在那所大学?west什么意思B:I went to UCB, the university of California, Berkeley.&&&&&&UCB,加州伯克利大学。A:Are you from California originally?&&&&&&你是加州本地人么?B:No, I’m from Colorado. I received a full scholarship to UCB, so I went.&&&&&&不,我来自科罗拉州,我活得了UCB 全额奖学金,所以我去那里了。A:That’s great. How did you like your classes there?&&&&&&那太好了,你觉得那些课上得怎么样?B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren’t the stuffy professors that I thought they’d be.。&&&&&&我很喜欢我的教授。 他们似乎有很多教学热情。他们不是我想象的那种乏味的教授A:How about the other students? Did you get along well with them?&&&&&&其他同学怎么样?和他们相处的好吗?B:The students were from all over the country. I found that most of my friends were people who were from the mid-west?&&&&&&这里的学生来自全国各地,我发现我的大多数朋友来自中西部。A:That’s interesting. Why do you think that is?&&&&&&真有意思,为什么你这样认为?B:I’m not sure. I lived in Iowa during middle school, so I guess we had that in common. Mid-westerners and people from the west coast have a different view of the world.&&&&&&我搞不清,我初中住在衣阿华州,所以我猜我们有共同之处。中西部和来自西海岸的人有不同的世界观。A:What do you mean?&&&&&&你指什么?B:It’s hard to explain. I guess people from the west coast come off as a bit snobby sometimes, especially if you aren’t come from the west coast。&&&&&&很难解释清,我猜西海岸的人有点势利,尤其是对纳妾不是来自西海岸的人。A:I see. Well, thanks for coming in for the interview. My secretary will get back to you within a week.&&&&&&我懂了,奥,谢谢你接受这次面试,我的秘书会在一周内给你回电话的。west 网络解释1. 西:原料: - 烤胡椒 - 通心粉 - 有机色拉菜 - 黑橄榄 - 橄榄油、罗勒末淹制大虾 西(WEST) 法国西部是鸭子和鹅的盛产地,美味的鹅肝酱就来自那里. 这道鸭盹肝、烟熏鸭胸色拉就选用了鸭的两个部位与新鲜的蔬菜和面包丁混合,口味浓郁.2. 2. 西区:65队交锋的NCAA男篮赛将从18日开打,除了北卡之外,曼非斯大学(Memphis/33-1)名列南区(South)第一种子,堪萨斯大学(Kansas/31-3)是中西区(Midwest)头号种子,而加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA /31-3)是西区(West)第一种子.west 双语例句1. 1. Consisting of eight geographical clusters of protected areas within the boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park, in the mountainous north-west of Yunnan Province, the 1.7 million hectare site features sections of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze, Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges which, in places, are 3, 000 m deep and are bordered by glaciated peaks more than 6, 000 m high.&&&&由在3 个平行的河国家公园的边界内的保护区的8 地理的群组成,在云南省,170万平方公引站点特徵亚洲的巨大河中的3 条的上游的部分的巨大北部西边内︰长江,Mekong和Salween变得平行,北方到南方,透过在位置内,3,000米深并且毗邻使冰冻山峰高的6,000米是陡的峡谷。2. The paper takes the social economy change of the district village as a research subject, drawing lessons from and making use of sociological methods, historical methods, economical methods and various ways and means, also gives attention on both sides of scientific views of development and modernization theories. It makes an investigation on all the general situation, types, characteristics, reasons of the peasant household's sideline occupation economy of Longyan country in republic of China, probes into it's influence to the country's society and economy development at that time and the apocalypse to today's country's economy development in west of Fujian.&&&&本文以区域农村社会经济变迁为研究对象,借鉴和运用了社会学方法、历史学方法、经济学方法及各种跨学科方法,兼顾科学发展观及现代化理论,对民国农户兼业经济在龙岩县的发展概况、类型、特点、原因等都作了考察,并探究其对当时县内农村社会经济发展的影响及其对今天闽西地区农村经济发展的启示。3. Artest, who has a sprained left thumb, missed the final two games after scoring 22 points in a 94-91 victory over New Orleans on Saturday night, a triumph that opened the door for the Lakers to win the West.&&&&阿泰扭伤了左拇指,错过了最后两场常规赛,不过他在上周六晚上对黄蜂的比赛中得到22分,帮助球队94-91击败对手,正是这场胜利为湖人赢得西部榜首敞开了窗户。4. East or west, home is best.&&&&走遍天下,家总是最好的。5. His latest book Invitation to Terror: The Expanding Empire of the Unknown, examines today`s terror threat, and how it is encouraged and exacerbated by the collapse of meaning within the West itself.&&&&他的新书《招引恐怖:未知帝国的扩张》检讨了当今的恐怖威胁以及它是如何受到西方国家内部定义缺失所鼓励而加剧的。6. 6. They also run three states: Kerala, Tripura and West Bengal.&&&&他们也在三个邦执政:喀拉拉邦、特里普拉邦和西孟加拉邦。7. The map does not show well the strong Caucasoid component in northern Africa, but it does show the unity of the other Caucasoids from Europe, and in West, South, and much of Central Asia.&&&&此图并没有很好地显示北非很强的高加索成分,但是却显示了欧洲、西亚、南亚、中亚大部的高加索人种的统一性。8. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D8. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of&&&&在东部地区的高等学府抛弃了教堂的领导,西部地区的学校则扩大了学习范围,树立了一种新的社会责任感,由此教育不断地被推向更高的标准。9. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new sense of public duty.&&&&在东部地区的高等学府抛弃了教堂的领导,西部地区的学校则扩大了学习范围,树立了一种新的社会责任感,由此教育不断地被推向更高的标准。10. JDS Bay is in the west, Yang Mei Keng is in the southeast, Dadui Mountain (177 M altitude), shaped as the peninsula, stretching to Daya Bay is in the north, and Yu Ling Dong, one branch of Qiniang Mountains, with 432 M height, and is in the south.&&&&西部是桔钓沙湾,东南部是杨梅坑,北部有伸向大亚湾呈半岛状的大碓山(海拔177米),南部是高432米的七娘山分支玉岭岽。11. Hey guys i'm bridget daly, here at the twilight premier in west way. this is madness(or magnets, i'm not sure). this people had been here since last night. it's crazy, before we get the scoop on the right card board, log on to hollyscoop. com, become an illustrator, and this could be use in the right hand of right card bin, let's go and get the scoop.&&&&&&嘿,你们好,我是bridget daly,这里是在西边首要暮光之城的宣传地,着真让人发疯了,这些粉丝们从昨天晚上开始在这等,真是太疯狂了,在我们进去以前,登陆,成为其中一个解说者,然后这个可以在右手边的箱子里使用,让我们进去然后要到采访吧!12. The Quanrong, a barbarian tribe to the west of Zhou territory.&&&&&&quǎn róng 周朝西部的少数民族部落。13. It boasts some of the most gorgeous wilderness in the west and stretches across the Sierra Nevada Mountains.&&&&&&它拥有的一些最美丽的原野在西部和延伸的内华达山脉。14. West branch of early Germanic tribe of people (Anglo race, Saxon, Jutes and the Frisian ethnic tribe) emigrated to England, English is the language of the change from their inherited.&&&&&&早期日耳曼人西支部落(盎格鲁族、撒克逊族、朱特族和弗里西族)移民到英格兰,英语就是从他们的语言中变化继承下来。15. 15. Milan model art group, Gruppo di modello di Milano, Milan model group, atMilan's La Scala Theater west side etc&&&&&&米兰模特艺术团,米兰模特团在at斯卡拉剧院西侧,等,电话16. I want to see a trend where it really is a little bit better, said Cummins Catherwood, managing director at Boenning and Scattergood in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.&&&&&&我要见到趋势,确定事情真正有些微好转。凯社伍是伯令及史克特古的高级客户经理,该投资公司设于宾州西康色和肯城。17. west的意思17. Hui County in Gansu Province is located in the south-east, is located in the Qin-Ba mountain logo into a basin, north of Tianshui, west into the county, Nantong, Sichuan, Shaanxi east, the total area of 2772 square kilometers throughout the county, jurisdiction over 15 townships, 249 administrative Village, the total population of 220, 000 people.&&&&&&徽县位于甘肃东南部,地处秦巴山地中的徽成盆地,北接天水,西连成县,南通四川,东邻陕西,全县总面积2772平方公里,辖15个乡镇、249个行政村,总人口22万人。18. Lentic truly reflects a new global reality of cultural exchange, and particularly China, a country that embodies the collision between East and West, ancient and modern.&&&&&&Lentic真实地映射了全球文化交流的新的现实,尤其是中国,体现了中西方文化及传统和和现代的交流和碰撞。19. 19. Australian Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.&&&&&&澳大利亚南极冰川项目负责人伊恩·艾利森表示,近30年来,南极洲西部地区海冰消失已被东部罗斯海这一个地区海冰增加所抵消。20. Its ability to maintain fleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful or ornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of its ability to maintainfleets and armies, to execute public works, either useful orornamental, to perform national acts of beneficence like the ransom of the West India slaves&&&&&&它可以供给海上的军舰和路上的部队,可以完成公共工程建设,不论有没有实用性,还可以履行国家义务,扶危救贫,如拯救西印度群岛的奴隶一样。west 词典解释1. 西方;西边&&&&The west is the direction which you look towards in the evening in order to see the sun set.&&&&e.g. I pushed on towards Flagstaff, a hundred miles to the west...&&&&&&&&&&&我继续西行,向100英里外的弗拉格斯塔夫进发。&&&&e.g. The sun crosses the sky from east to west.&&&&&&&&&&&太阳自东向西穿过天空。2. (某个地方、国家或地区的)西部&&&&The west of a place, country, or region is the part of it which is in the west.&&&&e.g. ...physicists working at Bristol University in the west of England.&&&&&&&&&&&在英格兰西部的布里斯托尔大学工作的物理学家们3. 向西;朝西&&&&If you go west, you travel towards the west.&&&&e.g. We are going West to California.&&&&&&&&&&&我们西行前往加利福尼亚。4. …以西&&&&Something that is west of a place is positioned to the west of it.&&&&e.g. ...their home town of Paisley, several miles west of Glasgow.&&&&&&&&&&&他们的家乡佩斯利就在格拉斯哥以西几英里处5. 西部的;西边的&&&&The west part of a place, country, or region is the part which is towards the west.&&&&e.g. ...a small island off the west coast of South Korea.&&&&&&&&&&&韩国西海岸外的小岛6. (用于国家、州和地区的名称中)西部的&&&&West is used in the names of some countries, states, and regions in the west of a larger area.&&&&e.g. Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months.&&&&&&&&&&&马克已在西非工作了约6个月。&&&&e.g. ...his West London home.&&&&&&&&&&&他在伦敦西部的家7. (风)来自西方的&&&&A west wind blows from the west.8. 西方国家(指美国、加拿大和西欧、北欧、南欧的国家)&&&&The West is used to refer to the United States, Canada, and the countries of Western, Northern, and Southern Europe.&&&&e.g. ...relations between Iran and the West.&&&&&&&&&&&伊朗和西方国家的关系west 单语例句1. Police would not comment on the information the man provided to the West Business News.2. It was a deliberate move to launch business relations with the West.3. The polycarbonates business unit has every intention of following this trend to the west, she said.4. But then you look at the San Antonio Spurs and all hope for the West is not lost.5. Some said they had shifted their gaze to China's west which is buzzing with potential.6. Hamas took over Gaza by force and set up its own government in 2007, splitting it politically from the West Bank.7. By now that gentle chill that required a light jacket at Beijing West Railway Station has developed into frost and snow.8. Hutongs flanking the east and west sides of this street are best explored by bicycle in order to cover as much ground as possible.9. Iran is often accused of abuses by rights groups and western governments, but Tehran dismisses the criticism and accuses the west of double standards and hypocrisy.10. Economic relations with the West would not be diluted by this shift.west 英英释义noun1. a location in the western part of a country, region, or city2. the cardinal compass point that is a 270 degrees&&&&Synonym: 3. the direction corresponding to the westward cardinal compass pointadj1. situated in or facing or moving toward the westadv1. to, toward, or in the west&&&&e.g. we moved west to Arizona&&&&&&&&&&&situated west of Bostonwest是什么意思,west在线翻译,west什么意思,west的意思,west的翻译,west的解释,west的发音,west的同义词,west的反义词,west的例句,west的相关词组,west意思是什么,west怎么翻译,单词west是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 UnusualdiffuseX-raysourceintheGalacticcenterregion
30 Sep 2001DepartmentofPhysics,GraduateSchoolofScience,KyotoUniversity,Sakyo-ku,Kyoto606-8502,,,,ayoungplasmaageof?100yearsandalargeNHvalueofabout1023cm-2.TheNHvalueconstrainsthesourcepositiontobeintheGalacticcenterregionatabout8.5kpcdistance.ThehighresolutionX-rayimagewiththeChandraACISshowsaringof10′′radiuswhichcorrespondsto0.4pcattheGalacticcenter,andatail-likestructure.Althoughthemorphol-ogyispeculiar,theotherX-rayfeaturesarelikelytobeaveryyoungsupernovaremnant,possiblyinafreeexpansionphase.
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