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One Summer Night (Korean Movie - 2013) - 인생은 새옹지마 @ HanCinema :: The Korean Movie and Drama Database
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인생은 새옹지마 (in-saeng-eun sae-ong-ji-ma)
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Directed by Screenplay by 31min | Release date in South Korea : Synopsis
Regular college student Joon-ki goes to see stewardess So-ra to tell her his feelings for her but instead she tells him to go and disturb the man who abandoned her to get married. Joon-ki leaves on a trip with Yong-joo and his wife to carry out his mission. Will he be able to succeed and win the heart of So-ra?
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One Summer Night | Cast
AsJoon-gi (준기)AsHa-neul (하늘)AsYong-joo (용주)AsCaptain (주장)AsSo-ra (소라)Kim Min-kyeong (김민경)AsJi Ji-bae (지지배)
One Summer Night | News
You're reading the news with potential spoilers, ,
is starring in the Korean "".
He takes on the role of Yoo Il-lak, an attractive man who happens to have many eyes locked onto him,...
Korean movies opening today
in Korea : , "", "", "", , ,...
K-Films Coming Soon:
★★★★★ "": An atypical sci-fi adventure based on a Japanese novel by Shiro Tsukasaki. (05/29)
★★★★★ : A detective tries to conceal his crime but has to deal with a single witness who threatens his plan. (05/29)
★★★★ : A dramatic tale of a Russian woman who dreams of becoming a ballerina but has to overcome the brutal reality of being a escort girl in Korea. (05/29)
★★★★ "": An intense and disturbing debut that follows two sisters and their sexually abusive encounters with a supernatural stalker. (05/29)
★★ "": A young graduate down on his luck breaks into the working world, but seduction creeps in threatens to derail his career. (05/29)
★★★ : A college student confesses his love, but instead of it being reciprocated he's sent to confront the girl's past lover. (05/29),...
K-Films Coming Soon:
★★★★★ "": A student struggles to escape her past at a new school in this compelling debut drama. (04/17)&
★★★★ : A romantic tale about broken hearts, abandonment, and newly confessed love. (04/17)
★★★ "": A missionary group are abducted by Islamic rebels and fear their faith is slipping away. (04/17)&
★★★★ "": The KBS Documentary team that recorded the 8 books of Joseon's 22nd King Jeong-jo's 8-day festival revives this event in Korea's very own 3D technology. (04/17)&
★★★ "": Eleven upcoming Korean Art School students have gathered together to show modern children the definition of fun in art. (04/17)&
★★★★ : A struggling law student has to deal with academic pressures, his dying father, and a would-be sibling who suddenly appears. (04/17)&
★★★★ : A top dancer falls in love with a rival club's sister and has to deal with the consequences. (04/17),...
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By C&dric Collemine&|&&|&&|&One Summer Night-韩国原声带, One Summer NightMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
One Summer Night
One Summer Nigh - Key`s Piano & Sponge
???? ????? ?????~!!!
One summer night ??? ???
One summer dream ?? ???
That summer night ??? ???
???? ?? ??
??? ? ?? ???
??? ??? ???
???? ? ?????
?? ?? ????
One summer night ??? ???
One summer dream ?? ???
That summer night ??? ???
???? ?? ??
bye bye 06.09.15
突然想起这首歌 高中时看湖南台和妈妈一起追剧的时光
想起了 我的七公主! 好喜欢美七!还有小跟班!
(第1页, 共78条)
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