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网站认证 Web Trust世界最好的十个健身房,北京嘉里中心健身房上榜!【中华城市吧】_百度贴吧
1. Gold’s Gym – Venice, CAThis
is The Big One. The Top Dog. The Mecca of Bodybuilding. While it isn’t
Gold’s original location, it is considered the flagship of the largest
coed gym chain in the world. It’s an eclectic mix of old school and new,
spread out over three floors. From the posing rooms for elite
bodybuilders to the newer spinning rooms, to a clientele that has
included Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou “The Hulk” Ferrigno AND Jim
Morrison, to this day, the original Gold’s Gym in Venice is considered a
sports landmark and is recognized
on its list of the 100
most important sports venues.
2. Tiger Muay Thai – Phuket, Thailand The
popularity of martial arts in films, television and gaming has given
rise to mixed martial arts, or MMA, a full contact combat sport. You
aren’t going to find a more beautiful, helpful, and dedicated training
environment for these sports anywhere in the world. But this is not a
sport for sissies. These guys train with heavy bags, truck tires,
sledgehammers, and ground ‘n’ pound bags. While this is a huge gym for
training for MMA and Muay Thai, a difficult martial art similar to
kickboxing, there is yoga, and regular strength training and
conditioning as well. The highly trained staff also offers the
opportunity to immerse students in Thai culture and Buddhism.
3. Wellness Sky – Belgrade, Serbia The
building, named ’Danube Flower,’ was built some thirty-five years ago
to become a landmark restaurant. It is now a high-end gym and spa, and
this one is all about the design. Once inside, fitness gurus and gym
junkies are met with breathtaking city vistas and river views from the
windows that wrap around the entire building. While there are many
standard offerings here, the focal points of this gym are Body Attack, a
high-energy cardio and interval training to build strength and
endurance set to powerful music, and the BodyBalance program – a mixture
of yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates together. Focusing on flexibility and
strength, this is a workout that will bring your body into a state of
harmony and balance.
4. Nike World Headquarters – Beaverton, OR Having
any one of a thousand jobs at Nike’s World Headquarters is worth it
just for this perk: The campus has two fitness and sports centers
totaling nearly 110,000 square feet. Open to employees’ families, the
centers feature free weights, cardio equipment, free fitness
assessments, 2,800 square feet of climbing walls, a 25-meter lap pool,
and more than 100 weekly group fitness classes in eight studios, as well
as racquetball, squash and basketball courts…and that’s just indoors.
Venture outside where you can enjoy playtime on the outdoor sand
volleyball court, basketball and tennis courts. The highlight of these
facilities? Taking a break from your workday to go for a run on the
outdoor track, constructed out of (what else?) recycled shoes.
5. Gleason’s Gym – Brooklyn, NY Open since 1937 and the oldest boxing gym in the country, Gleason’s is a true slice of the American pie. Located on the Brooklyn
waterfront, this 14,000 square foot gym with three boxing rings and one
wrestling ring makes our list for several reasons. The list of
heavyweights who have trained there is a testament to the legacy that is
Gleason’s: Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Sonny Liston, Leon Spinks, Larry
Holmes, George Forman and Mike Tyson all did so during their heydays.
Feature fil***ike Raging Bull and Midnight Run were shot on location
here, and it is where actors like Robert DeNiro and Wesley Snipes
trained for movie roles. The coolest thing about this gym? For the last
16 years, Gleason’s ‘Give A Kid A Dream’ program has provided a place
for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to come and develop life
skills through boxing. By challenging these kids mentally and
physically, they learn to channel their energy into an activity that
teaches them confidence and self-respect.
6. Kerry Center Hotel – Beijing, China I
don’t know about you, but the last time I had a workout in a hotel gym,
it was in a small room near the pool, with no windows, a basket of
rolled up towels near the door, and some treadmills, ellipticals and a
few free weights. Travelers have begun to demand more, and hotel
services have responded. Hotel fitness centers have become grand
destinations by which some frequent flyers make their lodging decisions.
More than just a gym, the sprawling, three-story facility at the Kerry
Centre Hotel in Beijing contains a 38-yard lap pool, two indoor tennis
courts, a 256-yard jogging and rollerblading track, and more than 70
state-of-the-art cardio and weight machines. Need more? There are also
tennis, badminton and squash courts, a poolside jacuzzi, and of course, a
tennis pro available for lessons.
7. Gymbox – St. Martin’s Lane, London, UK Housed
in an old theater, London’s hottest gym is an ultra-trendy spot with
walls painted black, neon lighting and a DJ booth blaring funky
techno-beats. This urban hip gym could double as one of Soho’s happening
nightclubs, but it also offers a fitness program with TV topped
treadmills, Playstation enabled bikes, and intensive yoga and spinning
programs. Members can lift any of several “human weights” wearing lycra
catsuits. The “dumbbells,” including two dwarfs and an overweight man,
sit on specially adapted machines and shout words of encouragement. The
true hallmarks of this center, however, are its offbeat and unorthodox
classes, which include BeeGee Boogie complete with afro wigs, a stiletto
workout, performed of course, in heels, and Karnival Kangoo, for those
who have wondered what it would be like to cross roller-skating and
jumping on a trampoline.
8. David Barton Gym – Miami Beach, FL This
one is a serious fitness center with the finest amenities money can
buy, but it is really included on this list as a place to see and be
seen. The David Barton Gym is a 45,000 square foot club at the trendy
Gansevoort Hotel in South Beach. It offers cutting-edge strength
equipment, five group training studios, ten types of yoga, private
pilates and mat classes, a combat and boxing club, swimming pools, and
therapeutic massage. The clientele includes hard-bodied South Beach
players pumping up for a night at the clubs. While trying not to visibly
sweat, keep an eye out for incognito celebs such as Kevin Bacon and
Harrison Ford. And let’s face it, if you can’t achieve serenity through a
tai chi or sunset yoga class on the private beach, you probably can’t
achieve it anywhere. Don’t forget to drive off into that sunset after
retrieving your ride from valet parking!
9. Illoiha Omotesando Fitness Gym – Tokyo, Japan Forget fiberglass stone and mock rock overhangs. Omotesando, the high-end fashion district of Tokyo,
hosts my personal favorite gym. The up and coming design house, nendo,
designed a climbing wall unlike any I have ever seen. To express the
concept of becoming beautiful through movement, they came up with the
idea of using interior design elements like picture frames, mirrors,
deer heads, bird cages and flower vases to create a challenging wall
with hard-to-find holds and unusual finger grips. Do you think this will
inspire non-climbers to try the sport? I hope it starts a new movement
in fitness with style.
10. Hard Candy Fitness Center – Mexico City, Mexico Is
it fair to include a gym on this list that hasn’t even opened yet? It
is when it is the brainchild of international pop star Madonna. Her
chain of gyms around the world is creating a great deal of buzz, as one
would expect from anything Madonna. The star, who has built an empire by
constantly reinventing herself, is now turning fitness mystic. The
first of her upscale gyms is slated to open at the end of November in
Mexico City, and ten more are in the works for South America, Russia,
and Europe. Madonna has a longstanding interest in fitness, and her goal
is to reflect her point of view in every detail from design to music to
equipment. There will be new programming designed specifically for Hard
Candy Fitness, as well as proven, traditional training methods like
yoga, state of the art cardiovascular equipment with personal viewing
screens, a bike studio, and a mind/body studio. The first center will
also house a healthy alternative Juice Bar/Cafe. The lavish locker rooms
built with the finest materials will be a sanctuary for members who
will be able to relax in sauna and steam rooms. I’m not quite sure how
you tie a name like Hard Candy in with fitness, but if anyone can do it
successfully, Madonna can!
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OXYGYMOXYGYM官方公众号有很多健身房走进去就给人一种缺氧的感觉,而 OXYGYM 的特点就是提供一个最像“森林”的室内健身空间。据说他们采用了模拟大自然的富氧科技,调节系统除了对室内空气进行杀菌消毒还会将富氧空气释放出来,没有诡异的体味和清洁剂的味道。地址:朝阳区东大桥路世贸天阶3-4层
Green EssenceGreen Essence官方公众号Green Essence 的标签是“高端”和“自由”——大面积的落地窗,不同功能区的分隔设计,引进了顶级健身品牌 PRECOR、Queenax 多模块训练设备。很难想象在拥挤的太古里,还可以享受到这样的健身体验。Green Essence官方公众号地址:朝阳区南三里屯路1号楼通盈中心洲际酒店5层
Philosophy逛个商场也能顺手健身?芳草地的 Philosophy 可以帮你实现这个梦想。Philosophy官网1500 平方米的超大空间,提供空中瑜伽、TRX 和 Barre 等团体课程,智能互动的 PAVIGYM 训练地板、MYZONE 心率监测系统实时为会员提供卡路里消耗统计和心率检测。一个隐藏在商场里的高端传统健身房,才是你周末的正确约会姿势。地址:朝阳区东大桥路侨福芳草地L3层
ZWYN利落的线条,冷色调的搭配,自动门开启的瞬间,仿佛进入了未来空间。不过极简约的空间里的训练方式并不简单。如果你多少接触过健身,并有清晰的健身目标,那这个看似冷淡风的训练馆再适合不过。设备是国际顶尖的 TECHNOGYM,一个来自意大利的高端品牌,曾连续 6 次担任奥运会独家健身器材供应商。地址:朝阳区三里屯路33号3.3大厦6层
独门秘笈派A+ WELLNESS世贸会所A+ 最开始被广而熟知的是瑜伽,一个尚都 SOHO 的钢铁健身房中脱颖而出的简约空间,全套环保实木内饰,满眼热带绿植引你进入大自然的课堂。不久前,A+尝试了另一种形式的瑜伽——浆板瑜伽,特意将空间选在了世贸天阶。与其炎夏葛优躺,不如来A+戏水,在清凉的泳池里跟随老师的导引,利用桨板锻炼核心肌群,感受不一样的瑜伽体验。地址:朝阳区光华路甲9号世贸国际公寓A座2单元1层
首泰格斗馆首泰格斗馆官方公众号世界级的冠军教练团队,采用外教授课的方式,每一名教练都拥有 20 年以上的职业生涯,且男人力 Max 的教练们全部都是拥有世界级格斗大赛金腰带的冠军选手。在这里除了大饱眼福(误),你可以选择不同的拳击课程,像泰拳、拳击、MMA 综合格斗及巴西柔术,当然如果你没什么想法,也可以听取专业选手们的意见和建议。首泰格斗馆官方公众号不同于普通的器械健身,除了能让你快速燃脂,格斗还能教会你一个得体的自我保护技能,强身健体,释放多余的负能量,如此独特的健身,推荐给用力工作、用心生活的你。地址:朝外大街乙6号朝外sohoB座、0235
SpaceCycleSpaceCycle官网SpaceCycle,标志是单车也是卡带,是音乐与运动的缩影,也是品牌的灵魂所在。始创于台北的SPACE,第一个品牌 Space Yoga 便开创了台湾的瑜伽热潮,2016 年进驻三里屯后,更是将科技、音乐与运动完美结合,形成了一个新型的潮人娱乐空间。SpaceCycle官网Cycle 是经典课程,在多媒体打造的 4D 剧场里,每堂课都是一场 Live Show,你需要全程投入,毫无保留的与自我 PK。SpaceCycle官网BARRE 是 SpaceCycle 独家引进 X-tend Barre 课程,用经典的芭蕾动作延展身体的线条,巧妙运用弹力球训练你的核心肌群,释放内心深处的压力,60 分钟就能圆了你儿时的芭蕾梦。Yoga 课程中你会接触到 CoreFlow,源于传统的动态瑜伽(Vinyasa Yoga),把肢体动作交给老师,把内心世界留给音乐,感受身体里慢慢发芽的正向能量。地址:朝阳区三里屯路11号院西座N4-40A
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