Maybe you're just passingget through to youmy world 什么意思

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18:09 上传
You Will Never Walk Alone...
如果不是因为某个人,利物浦俱乐部可能从来也不会出现。当埃弗顿在1892因为租约到期而离开安菲尔德时,俱乐部主席John Houlding只有为数不多的支持者和3名一线队员。但他决心要让这片场地继续成为足球的乐土,他于是他选择了利物浦作为队名,从而造就了一段传奇。
就算是John Houlding本人也无法预见俱乐部将会取得什么样的成就。100多年过去了,没有任何一支英格兰俱乐部的荣誉册能够和利物浦的相比:18次联赛冠军、7次足总杯冠军、7次联赛杯冠军、5次欧洲冠军杯冠军(欧洲冠军杯European Cup包括改制后的欧洲冠军联赛UEFA Champions League)和3次欧洲联盟杯冠军(UEFA Cup)。
在俱乐部历史这一栏中,利物浦从早年的挣扎开始,到2001年杰勒德-霍利尔(Gerard Houllier)带领球队加冕名垂青史的三冠王,我们将会详细的跟踪记述俱乐部在英格兰赛场上一步一步走上顶峰的道路。这个版块将会回顾辉煌的本土胜利和欧洲的成就,此外还会缅怀海瑟尔(Heysel)和希尔斯堡(Hillsborough)两次悲惨的回忆。
俱乐部成立年份: 1892
级别: 职业
声望: 洲际
主席情况: 热爱俱乐部
俱乐部传奇: Ian Rush, Kenny Dalglish, Alan Hansen, Bill Shankly, Bob Paisley
俱乐部标志人物: Roger Hunt, Robbie Fowler, Steven Gerrard, Ronnie Moran, Ian Callaghan, Jamie Carragher, John Aldridge, Alan Kennedy, John Barnes, John Toshack, Terry McDermott, Tommy Smith, Phil Neal, Emlyn Hughes
喜欢的人: Rafa Benítez, Fernando Torres
死敌: Man Utd, Everton, Chelsea
其他竞争对手: Arsenal
财政: 凑合
门票均价: &38
季票均价: &700
季票数: 28000
财产预估: &235M (贷款: &326M)
洲际比赛: 欧洲冠军杯
媒体预测排名: 2nd
球队性格: 非常坚定的
队长: Steven Gerrard
队副: Jamie Carragher
title challenge:2M转会预算,1.1M/周工资预算
Diego Cavalieri&&
Pepe Reina
Sotirios Kyrgiakos
Jamie Carragher
Daniel Agger
Martin Skrtel&&
Chris Mavinga
Martin Kelly
Daniel Ayala
Fábio Aurélio
Glen Johnson
Emiliano Insúa
Philipp Degen
Andrea Dossena
Stephen Darby
Christopher Buchtmann
Javier Mascherano
Damien Plessis
Jay Spearing
Alberto Aquilani&&
Steven Gerrard
Adam Pepper&&-9
Daniel Pacheco&&-9
Albert Riera
Yossi Benayoun
Dirk Kuyt&&
Ryan Babel
Gerardo Bruna&&-9
Nabil El Zhar
Fernando Torres&&
Andriy Voronin& &
Krisztian Nemeth&&-9
Lauri Dalla Valle&&-9
David N'Gog
Pepe Reina
Diego Cavalieri
委屈卡瓦列里了。中下球队铁打主力的实力,在利物浦却是雷打不动的替补。。 根据以往的经验,几年后会闹不满。不过至少开档无忧
Jamie Carragher
Daniel Agger
Martin Skrtel
Sotirios Kyrgiakos
Chris Mavinga
在法国被给予厚望的希望之星,不知游戏中给了多少的PA。身高有些矮,不过对于18岁的年轻人来说,13 12的速爆还是相当不错的。关键属性都不错,不知能练成什么样子。
Martin Kelly
Daniel Ayala
评述:鉴于我军的经济实力以及整体的人员配置,后卫线需要改进,但绝不是当务之急!!可以尝试签几个小牛以备不时之需。可以考虑一下挪威国脚tore reginiussen,身价便宜,可以弄过来当个替补。
Glen Johnson
Emiliano Insúa
Andrea Dossena
多二。现实中号码被剥夺,足以见证其在球队中的地位。游戏中被削弱了不是一点点,marking10,posotion 7,compusure 8,concentration12,注定他成不了合格的DL。在我的过往战术体系中他经常提到ML的位置。毕竟他的身体条件和一脚传中都不错。当然你想套现我也不拦你。
Fábio Aurélio
Philipp Degen
Stephen Darby
Stephen Darby的实力,偶尔就一下火吧,预备队的实力,但是仍了可惜。
Christopher Buchtmann
评述:DL人员充足,DR极度需要补充。建议免签希腊国脚右后卫,以前马竞的,Giourkas Seitaridis,不过貌似这个DEMO档里搜不到这个人。还有cristian ansaldi也不错,两边都能打,价格也公道。有签不过来的可能。我还没试过。但是DR这个位置绝对需要补充!替补的就行。
Javier Mascherano
Damien Plessis
Jay Spearing
很可惜,非常非常之可惜。当年的巴甲最佳球员,被寄予厚望。拉法对于年轻球员的培养确实存在问题,生生把一个box 2 box球员改造成了绞肉机,难怪小卢在场上经常无所适从了。游戏中数值和上代差不多,PA估计降了不少。纯游戏的话可以套现。我会留着。
Alberto Aquilani
Steven Gerrard
Adam Pepper&&-9
Daniel Pacheco&&-9
评述:需要引援。别怪我俗,per cilijan skjelbred依旧是我目前经济条件下的第一选择。但是如果卖人(小卢)顺利的话,可以筹集到15M的资金,个人比较倾向肌肉型中场,比如热刺的帕拉西奥斯和埃弗顿的费莱尼,不过这两家伙第一赛季是没指望了。还有桑德兰的卡特摩尔也可以考虑一下,出色的精神,绞肉机,还是本土人士。
Albert Riera
Yossi Benayoun
裤子哥没的说。话不多,最拼命。游戏中数值没有太大变化,但是这代的defensive winger简直就是为裤子哥量身定做的。隐藏属性极为亮眼。非卖品!
Ryan Babel
Gerardo Bruna&&-9
Nabil El Zhar
评述:MR部分问题不大,裤子哥和贝纳永在,队长也可以偶尔客串。ML部分由于多塞纳的上提,babel可以彻底放心的驱逐了。这里心仪的人有好多,但是ashley young买不起,目光只能再次投向了alexis sanchez。不过要让他在这个位置有好的表现,最好还是让他学个runs with ball down left的习惯。年轻的帅哥,我看好你!!
Fernando Torres
Andriy Voronin
Krisztian Nemeth&&-9
Lauri Dalla Valle&&-9
David N'Gog
评述:如果能成功买到alexis sanchez的话,他也可以担任替补前锋。不过这里强烈推荐的还是小禁区之王——范尼。开档被RM挂牌1.5M。绝对要拿下。主力级别的实力。如果要打4 4 2的话,还可以免签viduka,工资要的也不是很高,关键属性尚可,还能再打2年。
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18:12 上传
球队名称: Chelsea Football Club
昵称: 蓝军
成立年份: 1905
死敌: Millwall, Tottenham, West Ham
其他竞争对手: Liverpool, Fulham, Arsenal, QPR, Man Utd
子俱乐部: Los Angeles Galaxy, Westerlo, H.Tel-Aviv
俱乐部传奇: Ron Harris, Peter Osgood, Gianfranco Zola
俱乐部标志性人物: Gianluca Vialli, Peter Bonetti, Dennis Wise, John Terry, Ron Bentley, Kerry Dixon, Steve Clarke , Charlie Cooke, Jose Mourinho, Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink , Marcel Desailly, Joe Cole, Eidur Gudjohnsen , Alan Hudson , Frank Lampard, Bobby Tambling, Colin Pates, Dan Petrescu, Jimmy Greaves, Tore Andre Flo, Ray Wilkins, John Hollins, Ken Bates, David Speedie, Joey Jones
欣赏的人: Ricardo Carvalho, Claudio Ranieri, Roberto Di Matteo, Carlo Cudicini, Didier Drogba, Ruud Gullit, Glenn Hoddle
所在联赛: English Premier League
媒体预测排名: 3rd
队长: John Terry
队副: Frank Lampard
主教练: Carlo Ancelotti
球队性格: 极具野心的
财产估算: &286 million
贷款: &407 million
收支平衡: &78 million
转会预算: 冲击冠军 - &52 million, 冠军 - &68 million
剩余工资预算: 冲击冠军 - &1.9 million, 冠军 - &2.2 million
体育馆: 斯坦福桥
容量: 41761 座位
备用体育馆: Griffin Park
俱乐部设施: 顶级
训练设施: 顶级
青训设施: 良好的青训设施+青年足球学校
Ross Turnbull
Jose Bosingwa
Paulo Ferreira
Juliano Belletti
Branislav Ivanovic
Ashley Cole
Ricardo Carvalho
John Terry
你的首发四后卫应该是Terry, Carvalho, A Cole和Bosingwa。Bosingwa的防守数值不是很出色,但是前插助攻能力出彩。有Alex和Ivanovic,中卫替补也全了。
Michael Essien
John Obi Mikel
Michael Ballack
Frank Lampard
Yury Zhirkov
Salomon Kalou
Florent Malouda
Nicolas Anelka
Didier Drogba
Drogba and Anelka. You could probably hear most defenders in the premier league shiver at hearing those names (that includes you, Jamie Carragher ). One of the most lethal strike forces in the league and in Europe, playing these two together will definitely provide you with goals. Backup is something seriously lacking, however. Kalou and Sturridge are the only form of backup and I would definitely look to invest some money into the strike-force. Both of them are also over 30, so replacements would be needed sooner rather than later.
Sam Hutchinson
Michael Mancienne - on loan at Wolverhampton Wolves
Jeffrey Bruma
Slobodan Rajkovic - on loan at FC Twente
Jack Cork - on loan at Coventry City
Nemanja Matic
Gael Kakuta - banned until 3.1.2010
Scott Sinclair - on loan at Wigan Athletic
Miroslav Stoch - on loan at FC Twente
Daniel Sturridge
Fabio Borini
Franco di Santo - on loan at Blackburn Rovers
Matej Delac - on loan at Inter Zapresic (one to really look out for)
Josh McEachran
Milan Lalkovic
Philipp Prosenik
Jacopo Sala
====================================================================================================================================================== 欢迎来到球队指南之曼联篇(此部分感谢1010nick兄弟翻译!!)
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18:12 上传
曼联,作为一支英格兰俱乐部,主场名为老特拉福德,是世界最伟大的俱乐部之一。 除了1974到75赛季,曼联从1938年开始就一直活跃于英格兰的顶级联赛之中,并于1992年加入英超。
从90年代后期开始,曼联是世界上经营最成功的足球俱乐部之一是世界收入和利润最高的体育俱乐部之一。 根据2009年4月的数据,俱乐部价值11亿3千6百万左右。同时曼联也是G14的创始者之一。
所在国家 - England
建立年份 - 1878
级别 - 职业
声望 - 世界级
主席状态 - 热爱俱乐部
俱乐部传奇 – Alex Ferguson, Roy Keane, Bryan Robson, Sir Bobby Charlton, Ryan Giggs, Duncan Edwards, Dennis Law, Sir Matt Busby, George Best, Eric Cantona
俱乐部代表人物 – Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, Paul Scholes, Steve Bruce, Gary Neville, Mark Hughes, Brain Kidd, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Peter Schmeichel, David Beckham
欣赏的人 – Wayne Rooney, Brain McClair, Nicky Butt, Phil Neville, Cristiano Ronaldo
死敌 - Liverpool, Man City, Leeds
其他竞争对手 - Arsenal, Bolton, Chelsea
财政 - 安全的
门票均价 - &39.00
季票均价 - &730
季票套数 - 58349
资产预计 - &362million (Loan Debt: &692million)
洲际比赛 - European Champions Cup
媒体预测排名 - 1st
体育馆 - Old Trafford (Manchester, 76,212 all seater)
训练设施 - Top training facilities
青训设施 - State of the Art + Youth Academy
转会预算 - &60mil for Title Challenge, &74mil for Winner
1. Edwin Van der Sar
13. Ben Foster
29. Tomasz Kuszczak
2. Gary Neville
3. Patrice Evra
5. Rio Ferdinand
6. Wes Brown
15. Nemana Vidic
21. Rafael
22. John O'Shea
23. Jonny Evans
4. Owen Hargreaves
8. Anderson
11. Ryan Giggs
13. Park Ji-Sung
14. Zoran Tosic
16. Michael Carrick
18. Paul Scholes
24. Darren Flecther
25. Antonio Valencia
26. Gabriel Obertan
28. Darron Gibson
7. Michael Owen
9. Dimitar Berbatov
10. Wayne Rooney
19. Danny Welbeck
27. Federico Macheda
很明显,守门员位置不是我们的最强点,但也不赖. 我们拥有范德萨,在第一个赛季里有他在没问题。本福斯特,可能是最好的替补门将,别忘了库什恰克,不过我个人建议卖掉它。因为老范的老而弥坚, 第一个赛季我们不用买门将。 接着用本福斯特来接班也可以,但是我建议可以买个年轻有健壮的幼齿,比如说阿金费耶夫。
Full backs
我们拥有最好的边后卫,埃弗拉,还有我们的双胞胎哥哥法比奥,他可是E3的天然接班人!左路完全不需要买人。相反,看看右边:年迈的加队,打中卫出身的布朗,全能也是全不能的奥谢,还有嗷嗷待哺的拉斐尔.量倒是足够,质就很一般了。 在拉斐尔成为一流球员之前,我建议可以考虑Rafinha或者是小博阿腾。
Centre Backs
我们的最强点,中后卫。 两个游戏中最强大的基拌,里奥.费迪南德和维迪齐。他们应该就是你的首发了,别忘记替补席上的棒小伙囧尼.埃文斯,可以替补上面的任何一位.因为布朗和奥谢都可以打中卫,这个位置上就不用投资了。
在边锋位置上,因为少了c罗,我们不像以前那么强力了,瓦伦西亚和纳尼有实力,却成不了巨星。要是培养的好,托希奇可以帮助我们.至于韩三肺同学..至少我觉得他不够好,建议甩卖。引进一名强力边锋是我们的首要任务,我很喜欢大卫.席尔瓦,或者是里贝里,他们俩都足够好了。 当然本阿尔法和阿什利杨也不错。
Centre Midfield
拥有卡里克,哈格里夫斯,安德森,弗莱彻和斯科尔斯的中路是我们另一个强点。 我建议首发用卡里克搭配哈格里夫斯,哈格里夫斯主守,卡里克主攻。斯科尔斯是一个有实力也有经验的替补选择。 而弗莱彻和安德森都有潜力争取一个首发位置,所以我们应该保持这种阵容深度。 但是中路缺少一个世界级的球员,如果能买到德罗西或者是托兰兰就更好了。
在锋线上,鲁尼和贝尔巴托夫,这两名顶级球员会在前几个赛季为我们摧城拔寨。迈克尔欧文,不管做首发还是替补,都能进球。 在预备队里,我们还有几个美妙的潜力股,像佩特卢奇,威尔贝壳,马切达,如果练的好,多上点场,未来他们都是首发的料子。没有必要在锋线上囤积未来之星了,如果想买个来之能战的,罗西是个选择。
Ravel Morrison
Federico Macheda
Danny Welbeck
Adem Ljajic
Davide Petrucci
首个赛季你的目标应该是夺取冠军,你已经拥有了一个完整的球队,只需要小修小补一下,我建议在右后卫(Rafinha),边锋(席尔瓦)上进补一下。其它位置要看你自己的想法了。 守门员,中场,前锋也可以花钱补强.(我买了罗西)。
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18:12 上传
Arsenal FC于1886年在Dial Square成立,最初建在伦敦的东南角,成立后不久,改名为Royal Arsenal,不过自从1891年成为一支职业队以后,又改名为 Woolwich Arsenal。在1913年,Arsenal迁到了北伦敦著名的海布里球场,不到一年之后,俱乐部名字前去掉了Woolwich,像今天这样,直接叫作Arsenal。尽管在1919年的联赛中,Arsenal仅仅名列第5,他们还是获得了参加当时顶级联赛的资格。
1925年可以说是Arsenal历史上最著名的教练主了海布里,Herbert Chapman签下了Cliff Bastin 和 Alex James这两名到现在仍然被认为是极为出色的球员,并且他们帮助获取了俱乐部历史上第一个奖杯,在1929-30赛季,他们获得了俱乐部历史上第一个主要的奖杯—足总杯。1年以后他们获得了第一个联赛冠军的奖杯,2年后又获得了第二座奖杯。很不幸的是Herbert Chapman在1934年死于肺炎,但是Joe Shaw 和George Allison延续了他的传奇继续为俱乐部获得荣誉。
战后Tom Whittaker接管了俱乐部,从而Arsenal开始了又一段辉煌的历史,尽管这段辉煌很快终于50年代和60年代的大部分时间的冠军荒,自从1966年成为俱乐部教练后,理疗师Bertie Mee又将球队带回了正确的轨道,在这期间,他们在赛季获得了球队历史上第一个双冠王,不过俱乐部在Bertie Mee任职期间取得的成功很快就远去了,在1986年一位新的教练入主了海布里。
前Arsenal球员George Graham又一次给这个北伦敦的球会带来了辉煌,Graham接管球队的第一个赛季就获得了1986-87赛季的联赛杯,2年后又获取了他的第一座联赛奖杯,很显然,Arsenal最好的时期应该是在1988-89赛季,在这个赛季的最后一场比赛中,Michael Thomas最后一分钟的进球使枪手从竞争对手Liverpool的手中拿走了联赛冠军奖杯,巨大的赛后庆祝重新又回到了海布里,不过在1995年因为他从一桩球员转会中获利导致了他的名声受到了很大的损伤。
Graham的接替者Bruce Rioch,仅仅为俱乐部工作了一年就因为董事会的争端而离开了。
在Rioch的短暂执教经历之后就是俱乐部的现任教练Arsene Wenger,Wenger的执教生涯开始于1996年,新的训练和战术(不得不提到很多法国球员)给Wenger带来了巨大的成功,Arsenal历史上最好的赛季就是在Wenger的执教下获得的,在Wenger的手下,有Arsenal历史上最好的一些球员,像Henry, Vieira, Adams, Seaman, Pires, Ljungberg, Bergkamp, Keown 和 Campbell。在2003-04赛季一整个赛季中,Arsenal以一场不败的成绩获得了联赛冠军,这对于任何一个球队来说都是一个难以置信的成就,这为球队赢得了“常胜将军”的称号,自从Kolo Toure在2009年离开俱乐部加盟Man City后,现在俱乐部已经没有一名那个不败赛季留下来的球员了。在那个不败赛季中,Arsenal最后取得了英格兰联赛历史上最长的49场不败纪录。Wenger的球队还从来没有卫冕成功,在2005-06赛季,Wenger历史性地将Arsenal带到了冠军联赛的决赛,这是历史上第一支来自伦敦的球队踏上冠军联赛的决赛赛场,不过很不幸的是他们在决赛中由于Lehmann的红牌导致他们以1:2输给了Barcelona。
2006年7月,在呆了足足93年后,球队离开海布里来到了新的球场—酋长球场,尽管这次搬迁并没有像上次搬到海布里那样轰动,因为他们相距非常近,在酋长球场举行的第一场比赛就是荷兰前锋Dennis Bergkamp的纪念赛。
所在国家 - England
成立年份 - 1886
级别 - 职业的声望 - 洲际知名
主席状况 - Loves the club
传奇人物 – Arsene Wenger, Pat Rice, Tony Adams, Patrick Vieira, Thierry Henry, Dennis Bergkamp, Herbert Chapman, Cliff Bastin, Bob Wilson, Ian Wright
标志人物 – David Rocastle, Ken Friar, Martin Keown, Steve Bould, Lee Dixon, Robert Pires, David Seaman, Ray Parlour, Nigel Winterburn, Frank McLintock, Charlie Nicholas, George Graham, Liam Brady, Ted Drake, Charlie George, Marc Overmars, David Jack, David O’Leary, John Radford, Michael Thomas, Paul Person, Alex James and Freddie Ljungberg
欣赏的人 – Cesc Fabregas, Alan Smith, Gael Clichy
死敌 - Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester United, Chelsea
其他竞争对手 - Liverpool, West Ham United
财政 - Rich
门票均价 - &44.90
季票均价 - &1.29k
季票套数 - 40000
预计资产 - &336million (Loan Debt: &247million)
洲际比赛 - European Champions Cup
媒体预测排名 - 4th
主场 - Emirates Stadium (London, 60432 all seater)
训练设施 - Top training facilities
青训设施 - Excellent youth facilities + Youth Academy
期望 - Continental Qualification, Title Challenge or Winner
转会预算 - &25mil for Continental Qualification, &29mil for Title Challenge, &31.5mil for Winner
工资预算 - &1.1mil (&953,800 being spent)阵容分析
GK - Manuel Almunia, Lukasz Fabianski, Vito Mannone
DR - Bacary Sagna, Emmanuel Eboue, Gavin Hoyte
DL - Gael Clichy, Kieran Gibbs, Armand Traore, Thomas Vermaelen, Pedro Botelho
DC - William Gallas, Thomas Vermaelan, Johan Djourou, Philippe Senderos, Mikael Silvestre, Alex Song, Havard Nordtveit, Kyle Bartley
DMC - Alex Song, Denilson, Samir Nasri, Abou Diaby, Francis Coquelin
MR - Theo Walcott, Andrey Arshavin, Samir Nasri, Tomas Rosicky Jack Wilshere
ML - Samir Nasri, Armand Traore, Andrey Arshavin, Tomas Rosicky, Henri Lansbury
MC - Cesc Fabregas, Aaron Ramsey, Abou Diaby, Denilson, Samir Nasri, Francisco Merida
AMC - Andrey Arshavin, Tomas Rosicky Abou Diaby, Samir Nasri, Nacer Barazite
ST - Robin van Persie, Eduardo, Carlos Vela, Nicklas Bendtner, Andrey Arshavin, Theo Walcott, Rhys Murphy, Nacer Barazite
Goalkeeper 看起来是整个球队中最薄弱的环节。Almunia不是一位相当出色的门将,并且年纪也不小了。你只有比较普通的Lukasz Fabianski和比较差的Vito Mannone可以使用。尽管在现实中Mannone在arsenal的职业生涯初始有着令人印象深刻的表现,但是在FM10中他的数值确实比较糟糕,Mannone还没有达到在英超踢球的水平。当你刚开始执教时,你会被告知球队将在第二个赛季的九月份从Independiente签下Damian Martinez。尽管他看起来充满潜力,并且在他加盟时也只有18岁,但是至少在我自己玩的游戏里,他看起来完全不像是一个可以为像arsenal这样的队伍效力的球员。我建议你在门将这个位置上进行大动作,Almunia可以卖差不多4m,然后可以以大约12m从CSKA Moscow买来经验丰富的Igor Akinfeev或者用大约7m从America(MEX)买来Guillermo Ochoa,不管买哪个都比现有的球员有一个大的提升,Fabianski很少抱怨自己出场少,是一个比较好的替补门将。虽然有一些人认为这是缺乏野心的表现,但是这对于维持整个俱乐部的情绪很有帮助,我们还可以花点费用在这个位置上储备些未来的球员,只要花2m就可以买来有巨大潜力的Sampdoria的Sampdoria,Alphonse Areola也有潜力成为一名优秀的球员,我最后的建议可能看起来有些令人吃惊,如果你给他足够多的比赛机会的话,Scott Loach会成为一名相当好的替补门将,他不会让你失望的。
Star Man - Manuel Almunia
Youth Prospect- Lukasz Fabianski
Target - Igor Akinfeev (&12million), Fran Ochoa (&7million), Scott Loach (&1.5mil)
Youth Target&&– Alphonse Areloa, Vincenzo Fiorillo
Rightback 在一线队中是一个比较强的位置。Bacary Sagna在当今足坛中都是最好的右后卫之一,而Emmanuel Eboue实际的能力也不仅仅只是一位合格的替补。我建议保留这两位球员的同时,可以再买一位比较年轻的右后卫因为Gavin Hoyte看起来还达不到为arsenal效力的能力。Jerome Boateng是一个比较好的选择,因为他可以踢后场的四个位置,所以尽管有Sagna和Eboue排在他前面,他仍然可以获得出场时间,不过他在右后卫上的表现在我看来比其它位置都好。不过对于他这个年纪的球员来说,他确实比较贵,所以这笔开支可能有巨大的风险。Lee Hodson在这个位置上也是一个还说得过去的球员,尽管他可能还没到为一线队效力的水平,不过如果你像找一个右后卫来培养的话,他是个不错的选择。并且他也很便宜,最多不超过400k,如果你发现这是一笔坏交易的话,你可以画250k把他裁了。
Star Man - Bacary Sagna
Youth Prospect - Gavin Hoyte
Target - None needed
Youth Target - Jerome Boateng, Lee Hodson
Leftback 需要一些动作,不过这个位置应该有可能成为世界级的。Gael Clichy跟右路的Barcary Sagna一样,是世界上这个位置上最好的球员之一,不过这个位置并没有像右路那样有不错的替补,Kieran Gibbs应该有潜能成为一个还不错的球员,不过像Arsenal这样竞争荣誉的球队应该配备比Kieran Gibbs能力稍好的替补。Joe Mattock对于很多FM的游戏迷来说应该不陌生,并且他有潜力成为一名好球员,但是转会到West Brom意味着你需要比FM09花费更多才能得到他,这意味着Ivan Fatic 或者 Jose Angel是更好的选择,如果你想要再储备一名替补的话。我不建议把Kieran Gibbs卖了,他左路可以打任何位置,这位多面手还是很有价值的。另外一名可以打这个位置的球员是Armand Traore,不过他防守平平,所以不到万不得已不能让他去打这个位置。考虑到Gallas和Mikael Silvestre在必要时候也能客串这个位置,所以球队在这个位置上对Armand Traore的需求也不是很高
Star Man - Gael Clichy
Youth Prospect - Kieran Gibbs
Target - None needed
Youth Target - Joe Mattock, Ivan Fatic, Jose Angel
Centreback这个位置上深度很好,不过可能现实并非如此。William Gallas是一位杰出的防守者,不过因为他年纪比较大了,所以弄一位可以接班的年轻球员是比较明智的做法。来自PSG的Mamadou Sakho是一个非常好的选择,如果重生系统仍然有效的话,你甚至可以认为他就是William Gallas的重生!我会毫不犹豫的去尝试签下他,因为毫无疑问他将是世界级的球员。Thomas Vermaelen是队内仅次于William Gallas的中后卫,在我看来,他对于很多球队来说都是一名相当相当出色的后卫。如果你欠下Sakho的话,他和Vermaelen可以进行轮换。Philippe Senderos 和 Johan Djourou是不错的替补,如果又需要的话随时可以上场。Alex Song尽管在后腰的位置上表现更好,不过也可以在中后卫位置上踢。另外一名你可以考虑去买的球员是来自Velez的Nicolas Otamendi,在他刚去Argentina的时候我的球探就发现了他,光看他的身体属性就有着极好的潜力。他的技战术能力表示他还有很大的成长的空间。在我个人看来,他将有可能成为FM10开档必买的一个球员,我花了850k得到了他并且表现很好。这样看起来,Mikael Silvestre已经不需要了。他会阻碍预备队和青年队中的Havard Nordtveit 和 Kyle Bartley发展,在这个位置上购买年轻球员并不是很急切,但是有时为未来提前考虑总是比较明智的,如果一定要买的话Reggina的Vincenzo Camilleri是个不错的选择。
Star Man - William Gallas
Youth Prospect - Havard Nordtveit
Target - Mamadou Sakho (&10million)
Youth Target - Vincenzo Camilleri, Nicolas Otamendi
Defensive Midfield 需要一些调整。尽管Samir Nasri, Denilson 和 Abou Diaby都可以踢这个位置,不过如果你只要纯粹的防守型中场的话,Alex Song是你仅有的选择。尽管Song有能力成为一个出色的替补,但是如果你想用单后腰的话还需要一个有潜能成为世界级球星的球员。Clement Chantome是一个还不错的选择,不错的球员,价格也不贵,并且还是中场的多面手,甚至还可以踢右路跟后卫的位置。Angelo Palombo会是一个更好的选择,如果使用得当的话,Angelo Palombo将是这个位置上的一个魔兽,不过他身价差不多是Chantome的两倍,如果你的资金比较紧张的话还是选择比较便宜的那位(从长远看来不是很好的选择)。不过对于充满了进攻性天才球员的Arsenal来说,你不能全部选择单一的防守型中场,如果有可能的话,我会签下Moussa Sissoko,因为他几乎所有的数值都是那么华丽,并且完全可以成为一名可怕的中场。
Star Man - Alex Song
Youth Prospect - Francis Coquelin
Target - Clement Chantome (&7million), Angelo Palombo (&15million)
Youth Target - Moussa Sissoko
Right Midfield是一个比较强的位置,Theo Walcott有着无比快的速度,尽管他的技术能力并不能满足人们期待他成为第一选择的球员的标准,比如传球。Theo Walcott那具有强大杀伤力的速度能让他在球队中获得成功。Andrey Arshavin也可以踢这个位置,不过我更愿意让他靠近中间这样可以让球队中那些潜力比较好的希望之星能有更多的出场机会。Jack Wilshere可以成为你球队的骨干,他的左脚比右脚更出色些,我觉得如果他经常往中场靠,可以获得更多的远射机会。你可以尽可能的培养Jack Wilshere让他进一队,所以在这个位置上不签新球员不仅可以帮你节约转会花费,对Wilshere的成长也比较有利。不过如果一定要买的话,Eduardo Salvio是个不错的选择。
Star Man - Theo Walcott
Youth Prospect - Jack Wilshere
Target – None needed
Youth Target – Eduardo Salvio
Left Midfield 是一个比较奇怪的位置,看起来你有两名很不错的球员Arshavin 和 Rosicky,不过他们的最佳位置并不是在这个位置(进攻型中场才是他们的最佳位置),Samir Nasri是这个位置上的最佳人选,并且有可能在今后几年都是!Armand Traore是一个还不错的替补,因为Nasri的最佳位置也是在中路,你有三名顶级的可以踢左路的球员,但是他们的最佳位置并非在这里,这意味着Armand Traore是球队中仅有的纯粹的左翼球员,尽管不是最佳位置,不过Nasri应该可以在这个位置上有好的表现。Nasri是一名有着极好天赋的球员,如果他能克服伤病困扰的话,意味着你手里就有一名天才球员。如果你想把Nasri安排到中路的话,我可以推荐两名左路的球员,首先,不超过2.5m可以拿下Angel di Maria,然后,
FM10中的Simon Vukcevic就好比是FM08的Matias Fernandez,具有讽刺意味的是,Matias Fernandez转会到Sporting Lisbon使得Vukcevic经常可以以比较便宜的价格来签下。相对于他的属性来说,用20m来买多是一笔比较划算的交易,实际上我得到他仅花了4.1m,如果又需要的话多花点也是值得的。
Star Man - Samir Nasri
Youth Prospect - Henri Lansbury
Target – Angel di Maria, Simon Vukcevic
Youth Target - Marko Marin, Guido Marilungo
Centre Midfield 拥有球队中最好的球员-几乎没什么疑问。队长Cesc Fabregas是全世界最好的中场球员之一,年龄的优势使他更具价值。当你考虑中场人选的时候,毫无疑问Fabregas应该被排在第一位。Abou Diaby 和 Denilson相差不多,他们之间差别非常小,Aaron Ramsey是一名有巨大潜力的新秀,如果需要的话,他也有能力直接进入一线队。他是Fabregas身边的好帮手,因为他们两的比赛风格是如此相像。如果他成长的足够好的话,甚至可以取代Fabregas!Francisco Merida是另一名潜力之星,如果你给他足够多的比赛机会并且好好培养的话,Merida会成为一名相当出色的球员。攻守俱佳的Watford队的Ross Jenkins是一笔比较好的签约,签下他是长期的一笔投资,不过会得到双倍的回报。
Star Man - Cesc Fabregas
Youth Prospect - Aaron Ramsey
Target - None needed
Youth Target - Axel Witsel, Ross Jenkins
Attacking Midfield 是一个非常非常强的位置,Tomas Rosicky在这个位置上是一名相当出色的替补,Andrey Arshavin已经证明了他自己的价值,他应该是这个位置上最好的选择,如果你想把Nasri也放在这个位置的话,你将有一个足以在整个世界都数得上三人的进攻群。如果你想在这个位置上继续提高的话,Renato Augusto是一个很好的选择,并且不需花费大价钱。除了Augusto之外,在这个位置上还有非常多的很好的年轻球员,Sofiane Feghouli 和 Martin Galvan对于FM迷来说应该不陌生。在主流声音上已经听不到Benito Nicolas Viola了,不过他有相当好的潜力,如果能练好的话,会成为一个相当相当出色的球员。在这个位置上买些年轻球员屯着为未来考虑是非常必要的,因为在这个位置上有时一脚球就能改变一场比赛。
Star Man - Andrey Arshavin
Youth Prospect - Nacer Barazite
Target - Renato Augusto (&7million)
Youth Target - Benito Nicolas Viola, Sofiane Feghouli, Martin Galvan
Centre Forward Adebayor的离开并没有对Arsenal的锋线造成太大的影响,尽管多哥前锋是一名令人难以自信的球员,不过现在队中已经有一位球员可以替代他了—Nicklas Bendtner。Robin van Persie在球队中是一名相当出众的前锋,他也是目前队内的最佳射手。Eduardo是仅次于Van Persie的第二前锋,在Arsenal俱乐部一段时间之中,这位克罗地亚人一直是队中的理所当然的进攻终结者。也就是说,他的比赛风格跟Van Persie很像,他也是左脚球员。尽管如此,我觉得你应该给Van Persie配一位能控球,可以争顶角球跟任意球的搭档。Bendtner就是那样的人选,尽管你可能发现他可能并比不上你买的另一位世界级的前锋,不过从长期来看(不管是对球员还是球队来说),Bendtner是个很不错的选择。Carlos Vela同样也是一位令人难忘的球员,如果你给他足够多的耐心的话,他也可以成为一名世界级的球星。在你的青年队中有三位球员可以成为不错的替补,Rhys Murphy是当中最有名的,而实际上Benik Afobe 和 Luke Freeman也是不错的。
Star Man - Robin van Persie
Youth Prospect - Carlos Vela
Target - None needed
Youth Target - Federico Carraro, John Fleck
Star Man很显然应该选Fabregas,他的精神属性绝对惊艳,没有一项低于12,这让他成为一个优秀的领导者,我建议你可以在游戏一开始的时候选择让Fabregas指导Fran Merida,他的身体属性和技术能力也非常出色,在整个游戏中也没有几个人能从能力上接近他,实际上,只有Lionel Messi 和 Cristiano Ronaldo比他更出色些,速度只有10,可能是他的弱点,如果他的速度更快的话可能他会更有威胁一些。不过由于剩下的其它属性比较好,所以这多少弥补了他速度上的劣势。他的最佳位置是中场,传球可以跨越整个球场送到边路或者前场。并且他也可以踢右中场的位置,包括进攻和防守的中场角色,不过我仍然建议把他放在中路,这样能发挥Fabregas的最大潜能。
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前面我并没有涉及太多有关Arsenal队中的年轻队员,不过不少极有天赋的球员让我感到要写些关于他们的东西。文中仅仅按照位置顺序来排的—跟他们的天赋无关。Arsenal队中有不少球员已经在一线队中效力,像Aaron Ramsey, Carlos Vela and Kieran Gibbs,对于他们我不会作过多的评论。
Kyle Bartley可能是我选择的5名年轻球员中天赋最差的,正常情况下,他应该可以成为一个水平一般的球员并能在中游球队中扮演一定的角色。不过如果你很幸运的话,一旦他的PA足够高,并且成长的足够好的话,Kyle可能可以成为你球队一个不错的替补。他不大可能好到成为你的第一选择,不过如果成长的好的话谁又能知道呢。
Havard Nordtveit一开始被挣扎在德甲降级区的Nurnberg租借,这可能对他的成长造成一定的影响,因为他们不可能拥有顶级的训练设施,能提上一线队的比赛对他比较有益,不过我仍然相信如果他在自己母队效力的话可能成长的更快。到了他回归的时候,你发现Nordtveit的年纪已经比你经常培养的年轻球员大了一些,我觉得他的潜力应该跟Kyle Bartleys差不多,所以他可能能成为一个比较好的中后卫的替补人选,让我们祈祷他在Nurnberg的时光不会对他的成长造成太大的影响。
Francisco Merida在我看来,完全可以成为下一个Fabregas,他的数值对于一个替补来说完全足够了,Fabregas的指导可以提升他的精神属性和个人能力,这将可能使他成为一个不错的年轻球员,不过如果要像完全达到你对他刚加盟的是期望,你还需要很多工作去做。
Jack Wilshere可能比Arsenal中其它年轻球员的天赋都要好一些,很多经理都愿意花大把的时间去培养他,这很好理解,因为在现实中他是这些球员中最知名的。Wilshere的数值完全可能去接近像Steven Gerrard和Ronaldinho那样的顶级中场,正因为如此,我建议你对他要保持耐心,即使他的成长可能并不如你所愿,不过除非你100%确信他不会成为一名好球员,否则我不建议你卖掉他。
Nacer Barazite是我最喜欢的一名球员之一,他无所不能,他能传球,加速,远射,传球穿透对方防线和行进间射门。在Arsenal队中所有的年轻球员中,Nacer Barazite开档的数值是最好的,尽管他的最佳位置是攻击性中场,不过我发现如果他在一个可以做球的高中锋旁边的话,他的表现相当不错。这种情况下,他是我的第二得分手,仅次于他的队友Bendtner,而Bendtner也因此有不少助攻。对于一位不满19岁的小将来说,12球,6助攻并不算是一个坏结果。在我看来,我强烈建议你把他搞到一线队让他来成长。
如果说到 Henri Lansbury, Francis Coquelin, Rhys Murphy 和 Pedro Botelho的话,如果他们幸运的话也可以成为一线队的合格替补。
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the club closest to my heart. It's a conundrum wrapped in a riddle hidden inside Pandora's box. My relationship with MCFC was &forced& upon me by my dad from a very young age when growing up in Norway. My dad jumped on the bandwagon of high-flying 1968/69 City with Francis Lee, Summerbee, Bell, Young et al and he's supported them ever since, regardless of their terrible fortunes. I've been a loyal supporter myself for about two decades. I'm sure you all know that during this period the club has had quite a roller-coaster ride of relegations and promotions, take overs and general unrest.
But now thanks to Sheikh Mansour things seems to have changed at the &small club with a small club mentality&! We now have professional owners, but more importantly in FM10: unlimited funding. The blue sky is the limit!
To be honest, the squad you have is capable of a top 4 finish even in the first season. It's a bit unrealistic, but due to how certain players are rated on FM10 your squad is arguably better than real-life equivalent. It's already a solid (almost-)world-class squad ready to go!
Your challenge clearly has to be world-domination: Europa Cup and the Champions League is begging for you to swoop in. In a few years you should aim to be on-par with Real Madrid, Barcelona, Chelsea, Inter and AC Milan. You should be up there, standing tall on your own as the best football team in the world.
But I personally feel you should also aim to continue the proud history that Manchester City has at bringing through quality youngsters from the Academy.
Another challenge will be to balance your squad, as clearly you need more players than just a world-class XI. You need an excellent second string XI as well as some youngster and back-up players. How will you keep all these players happy? Well you should know as you're the manager, if you don't you'll need to learn very quickly!
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Manchester is a city and metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. In 2007, the population of the city was 458,100. The history of Manchester began with the civilian vicus associated with the Roman fort of Mamucium, which was established circa AD 79. Throughout the Middle Ages Manchester remained a township, but began expanding around the turn of the 19th century, brought on by a boom in textile manufacture during the Industrial Revolution. The urbanisation of Manchester largely coincided with the Industrial Revolution and the Victorian era, resulting in it becoming the world's first industrialised city. As the result of an early-19th century factory building boom, Manchester was transformed from a township into a major mill town, borough and was later granted honorific city status in 1853.
Manchester today is a centre of the arts, the media, higher education and commerce.
I'll get it over with and just confess straight away, I've only been to Manchester once and I've never attended a game (SHOCK!). In my defense I've lived in Norway all my life and fairly recently moved to Glasgow. I do however intend to rectify this ASAP so don't worry.
Manchester is a busy metropolitan city that arguably might appear nicer for tourist than for residents. Overall I think Manchester is a fantastic city, the gigs they have in the MEN is almost worth it alone. The people are generally friendly and good spirited. I'd recommend a visit to the gay area of Manchester around Canal Street (not I'm not gay) which has a number of cool bars and pubs with seats outside to drink/smoke. For the geeks, this is also were you can find the Alan Turing Memorial. Arndale shopping centre has a good selection of shops, and the surrounding area contains a large number of sights and things to do.
Full name: Manchester City Football Club
Nickname(s): The Citizens, The Blues
Founded: 1880
Ground: City of Manchester Stadium (Capacity: 47,726)
Owner: Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Chairman: Khaldoon Al Mubarak
League: 2008/09 Premier League, 10th
Manchester City Football Club is an English professional football club based in the city of Manchester. They are currently members of the Premier League. The first known competitive fixture was played in November 1880, when the side was known as St. Mark's (West Gorton), they then became Ardwick A.F.C. in 1887 before changing their name to Manchester City F.C. in 1894.
Since winning the League Cup in 1976, the club has failed to win any major honours. The club's decline led to relegation twice in three years in the 1990s, spending the 1998–99 season in the third tier of English football. The club has since regained top flight status, the level at which they have spent the majority of their history. Manchester City is now believed to be the wealthiest football club in the world after its purchase by the Abu Dhabi United Group in September 2008.
First Division/Premier League: 67/68 (Runners-up: 20/21, 1976/77)
(Runners-up: , )
League Cup:
Charity Shield: , 1972
European Cup Winners' Cup: 1970
A lot of the younger FM players might not be fully aware that during the last 60s and early 70s Man City had an absolute golden age culminating in winning the First Division, the UEFA Cup Winners Cup, FA Cup, League Cup and Charity Shield (not in the same year of course!).
They had players such as Colin Bell, Francis Lee, Mike Summerbee, Tony Book and Neil Young. The attacking triangle of Lee, Bell and Summerbee were feared all across England as they linked up beautifully and were fast, deadly and creative. Can you make Tevez, Robinho and Adebayor your new version of this attacking triangle? Or perhaps you'd like some other players?
Shay Given (GK)
Stuart Taylor (GK)
You're actually a little short on cover here, as Taylor isn't very good. Given is extremely solid and I personally don't see a need to replace him for the next 3-5 seasons (depending on his development of course). I'd recommend getting a young talented keeper that would be happy to be an under-study for a few years. Alternatively just snap up a 31-32 as a stop-gap. You should probably aim for Taylor to be your 3rd choice.
Kolo Toure (DRC)
Jeoleon Lescott (DC)
Micha Richards (DRC)
Nedum Onuoha (DRC)
Vincent Kompany (DC/DM/MC)
Wayne Bridge (DL)
Pablo Zabaleta (D/WBR/MRC)
Sylvinho (DL/WBL)
The players you have are quite flexible, but perhaps you're short of a backup DC and world-class wide defenders. Bridge is fairly solid, but there is a lot better left-backs available. Micha Richards has (rightly perhaps) been downgraded slightly, but should still be able to do a job for you. I do still feel that right full-back area should be your #1 priority in terms of signings. Nedum Onuoha has a lot of promise but he's perhaps more suited for DC, and he's not really ready yet. On the bright side, his pace is blinding!
Toure and Lescott is a fantastic partnership and can be your first-choice centre-half pairing for years to come, but I would very strongly recommend getting one (perhaps even two) back-up quality DC as you might struggle with injuries.
Gareth Barry (DM/MLC)
Nigel de Jong (DM/MC)
Michael Johnson (MC)
Stephen Ireland (AMRC)
Martin Petrov (AML)
Robinho (AML/FC)
Vladimir Weiss (AMR)
Shaun Wright-Phillips (AMR)
Gareth Barry is world-class, he should play every single game for you. De Jong is a very capable player as well. Ireland was quite impressive on FM09, but on FM10 he looks absolutely superb, Superman should play every week in my opinion. Now Robinho can be a problem as he's not very consistent and you have to figure out how to play him and where (ML/AML/AMC/ST). There's not one easy solution here, all I will say is if you get him to play he can be fantastic for you! Petrov is a decent backup, and Bellamy can aso play here. On the right side of the pitch you can, if you want, play Tevez. SWP of course is very solid, he usually performs a lot better than his attributes would suggest. Vladimir Weiss is in your reserve team, I suggest you promote him to the first team as this kid has quite a lot of potential. Play him for cup games and other insignificant games and he should develop nicely for you.
Emmanuel Adebayor (ST)
Carlos Tevez (FC)
Craig Bellamy (FC)
Roque Santa Cruz (ST)
Benjani Mwaruwari (ST)
Erm WELL, what can I say about this strike-force? Adebayor and Tevez are terrific on FM10, very effective and free-scoring. They make a great tall-target man & short-work-horse partnership! Bellamy has been upgraded on FM10 but he's still not fantastic, I'd say he's decent now. He's OK for back-up and exactly the same can be said about Roque Santa Cruz (RSC) to be fair. Perhaps it wouldn't exactly hurt to get rid of Benjani and replace him with a young striker with actual talent...
feel you more than anything need to get a good reliable right full-back so that Richards or Zabaleta can be your back-up. The same also goes for left full-back although Bridge isn't too bad it wouldn't hurt to get a new first-choice. Then you might consider a back-up striker especially if you play two or more strikers as Bellamy and RSC are only decent. Your squad is actually got small so if you have money left you could look at a new central defender or a central midfielder (or both).
Transfer Budget (season one - demo):
Continental Qualification Through League Finish: &55m for transfers, &2m for wages
Title Challenge: &73m for transfers, &2.3m for wages
Winner: &79m for transfers, &2.3m for wages
I'd recommend going for Title Challenge as you get a lot more money and it's a fairly realistic goal. Actually the transfer budget seems a bit short, but we're spoiled now after the take-over. Also keep in mind that players like Tevez, Adebayor, Barry were bought in this transfer window in real life so you already have them.
Recommended Signings: (season one)
Darijo Srna- Shaktar (&15m - 20m), exceptionally versitile player with some fantastic skills. Lethal on dead-balls and penalties as well. Can cover DL/DR/ML/MR.
Artem Milevskiy- Dinamo Kiev(&10m - 15m), it won't hurt to have a quality backup striker and this guy is excellent.
Douglas Costa- Gremio (&10m - 15m), supposedly the next big thing to come out of Brazil and in FM10 this is reflected. Should be happy to be backup for a season or two until he matures a bit. Can play MC/ML/AMC/AML so a very useful player to have in your squad.
Long-term Targets
Yaya Toure- Barcelona (&40m - 60m), bring in Kolo's brother so they can finally play together! Might not want to join you first season though... A fantastic and powerful DMC, a couple of notches better than De Jong!
Phillip Lahm- Bayern Munich (&15m - 30m), quite possibly the best full-back in the game and he can play both sides! A complete player that defends and attacks with equal skill.
Lionel Messi- Barcelona (&40m - 100m), do I really need to say anything about Messi? I'm sure Tevez would like a to have a fellow Argentinian and this is as good as they come regardless of nationality! Sadly you can forget about his minimum release clause, it's been set to &250m specifically to ward of MCFC and you wont get that much money in FM10. Ironically City in real life could easily afford it. You'll have to aim at becoming mega-successful and keep courting him and befriending Barcelona, eventually you'll get him! Play him on the right so he can cut in as he's left-footed.
(I will update this later today, and obviously it might change as more gets known about who's the &super-players& hidden in the FM10 database.)
Key Player (in my opinion)
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Gareth Barry - DMC/MLC
An ex-England under-18 captain, Barry joined Aston Villa from Brighton and Hove Albion as a trainee in 1997 along with Michael Standing. As of April 2008, Barry, approaching 400 total appearances for Aston Villa, was the longest serving player in the team. During the league game against Bolton Wanderers on 28 October 2007, Barry became the youngest player to appear in 300 Premier League games (aged 26 years 247 days), replacing former record-holder Frank Lampard. In May 2008, Liverpool made a series of bids to buy Barry, all of which were rejected by Aston Villa.
On 2 June 2009, Barry signed a five-year contract with Manchester City for a fee of &12 million. Many Aston Villa fans publicly criticised Barry for this move considering his alleged desire to play in the UEFA Champions League. However, Barry responded to this positively claiming that his move to City was for a &new challenge&. Barry scored his first Premier League goal for City in the Manchester derby versus United on 20 September.
A star player of absolute quality who will command and control your midfield for many years to come. He's got very evenly spread attributes much like Gerrard and Lampard, as such he can be considered one of the few proper box-to-box midfielders in FM10. He defends your back line, he's got beautiful passes, and he'll even chip in with the occasional goal. With very high Influence, Team Work and Composure he's an ideal captain candidate. Barry can also play on ML as he's pretty good at crossing as well. However I'd recommend playing him at MC or DMC as a box-to-box midfielder, possibly a play-maker as well if you like.
Best Senior Player (per assistant manager)
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Carlos Tevez - ST
Although not the most prolific goal-scorer, Tévez is well-known for his work ethic and never-say-die attitude. He has previously played for Boca Juniors, Corinthians, West Ham United, and most notably for Manchester United. He transferred to Manchester City in the 2009–10 summer transfer window, becoming the first player to move between the two Manchester clubs since 1999. He has made 51 appearances for the Argentina national team, scoring 8 goals. He was described by Diego Maradona as the &Argentine prophet for the 21st century&. Tévez first came into prominence with Argentina while playing in the FIFA U-17 World Championship. At the 2004 Olympic Games, he won the gold medal and scored eight goals (including the winner in the final) in six matches to be the top scorer of the competition. He was the world's second-highest goalscorer of 2004 in overall international competition with sixteen goals.
Tévez and his wife, Vanesa, have a daughter, Florencia. He performs as the frontman for his cumbia villera musical group, Piola Vago, with his brother Diego. The group's most successful hit, &Lose Your Control,& charted in Argentina.
Much like real life, he'll run until he hits the ground then get up and run some more. His Team Work, Work Rate, Stamina and Determination attributes are only rivalled by Kuyt and Olic in FM10. In FM he's always been a lot more prolific than in real life, regularly banging in goals and it's not uncommon for him to get hat-tricks. I love this player, he scores consistently and puts in a real shift for you. Tevez doesn't get injured or loses fitness much either so you can depend on him. You simply have to play him every single game that he's fit to play!
Best Young Player
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Nils Zander - DLC/WBL
City struck an agreement with Schalke 04 for the 16 year old left back, who also plays for his national team,Germany. Zander joined City in the summer of 2009 and became part of the youth set up. He is however tipped to be knocking on the first team door sooner rather than later, as he was on the brink of playing for the full Schalke side.
Many say he will be a star of the future and he can play anywhere at the back but see's himself primarily as a left back.
Nils Zander is only 16 years old at the start of the game, but already showing a bit of potential. My assistant manager says he can be better than Wayne Bridge. Key attributes seems to centre around the 12-14 mark which isn't bad for a 16 year old in FM. Nurture him and I personally believe by the time he's 19-21 year old he could well be your first choice left full-back.
We all heard the &reports& in the media about MCFC at one point having ten strikers, which strictly speaking wasn't true. But I'd still say that the squad might be a little top heavy. You might need to give special consideration to Tevez and Robinho, even though they can perform as central forwards, they both excel when playing as an attacking winger (AML/AMR). Therefore you should consider playing a 4-1-2-2-1/4-2-3-1 with wingers as shown below.
Alternative you can choose to play Robinho as a ML (where he also performs well, but seems to not score very often), and Tevez as a ST (he can be prolific in this position if given the right instructions). You can then play a flat 4-4-2 with SWP on MR instead of De Jong as DMC...
If you feel that our fullbacks might be the weak link of the team, you could try playing a 3-4-3 or even 3-5-2 which could be very interesting in the Premier League!
At the end of the day, the squad is very flexible, so feel free to try something else than the standard flat 4-4-2. Regardless of formation, I personally feel you should aim for a quick passing game with counter-attack.
As a fan I don't know if I can do it myself, but I suspect a lot of people will brutally drop/sell Robinho to bring in someone more prolific, consistent and less moody player. It's all up to you of course, but I personally feel he brings that creative spark and ability to break through well organized defensive teams like Fulham.
I believe I touched upon this a bit further up, but Adebayor and Tevez is an absolutely fantastic strike partnership. Adebayor is tall, strong and able to hold up the ball but still has a wicked finish. Tevez is extremely hard working, technical and fairly fast. Perfect tall/short partnership which works excellently in a 4-4-2. It also works with Tevez and Robinho on the wings with Adebayor in the middle.
Almost regardless of your formation, the point is you should (IMHO) set Adebayor to hold up play, target-man as well if you like. In addition to Tevez and Robinho on fairly free/creative instructions this should get you loads of goals!
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坐落于北伦敦Enfield Borough,托特纳姆热刺俱乐部始建于1882年,创始人Bill Nicholson 先生亲手诞生了这家伟大的俱乐部。从此以后热刺就成了英格兰顶级联赛的一支劲旅,受到很多球迷的爱戴,享有很高的声誉。
但是有着悠久历史的托特纳姆热刺能否打破英超big 4的统治呢?我们期待着你……
Football League First Division Champions
Football League First Division Runners-up
51-52, 62-63
Football League Second Division Champions
Football League Second Division Runners-up
Southern League Champions
Western League Champions
Domestic Cups
FA Cup Winners
FA Cup Runners-up
League Cup Winners 4
League Cup Runners-up
FA Charity Shield Winners
, , (, 1991) *brackets donate shared victories
FA Charity Shield Runners-up
European Cups
UEFA Cup Winners
1972 Inaugural Winners, 1984
UEFA Cup Runners-up
UEFA Cup Winners' Cup Winners
Anglo-Italian League Cup Winners
声望: 全国闻名
级别: 职业的
主席状态: 很高兴待在球队
财政: Rich
预计资产: &162M (Loan Debt: &53M)
主场:White Hart Lane
主场容量:36310 all-seater
训练设施: Good training facilities
青训设施: Excellent youth facilities + Youth Academy
媒体预测排名: 8th
传奇人物: Glen Hoddle, Bill Nicholson, Steve Perryman
代表人物: Danny Blanchflower, Gary Mabbutt, Dave Mackay, Ledley King, Graham Roberts, Osvaldo Ardiles, Jimmy Greaves, Jurgen Klinsmann, David Ginola, Teddy Sheringham
联赛中上: &6M Transfer Budget - &975K p/w Wage Budget
欧战资格: &7.25M Transfer Budget - &1.1M p/w Wage Budget
争冠: &7.75M Transfer Budget - &1.1m p/w Wage Budget
冠军:&8.5M Transfer Budget - &1.1m p/w Wage Budget
<font color="# GK Heurelho Gomes
2 DF Alan Hutton
3 DF Gareth Bale
5 MF David Bentley
6 MF Tom Huddlestone
7 MF Aaron Lennon
8 MF Jermaine Jenas
9 FW Roman Pavlyuchenko
10 FW Robbie Keane
12 MF Wilson Palacios
13 GK Jimmy Walker
14 MF Luka Modric
15 FW Peter Crouch
16 DF Kyle Naughton
17 FW Giovani Dos Santos
18 FW Jermain Defoe
19 DF Sebastion Bassong
20 DF Michael Dawson
22 DF Vedran Corluka
23 GK Carlo Cudicini
24 MF Jamie O'Hara
25 MF Danny Rose
26 DF Ledley King
29 MF Jake Livermore
31 DF Dorian Dervitte
32 DF Benoit Essou-Ekotto
39 DF Jonathan Woodgate
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目前维拉公园的主场容量为42500,其门后主看台The Holte End是目前英国最大的门后主看台,甚至超过了利物浦的KOP看台。
维拉最辉煌的时刻当然是81/82赛季,在那年维拉赢得了European Cup,即现在的欧冠联赛的冠军,至今也只有4家英国俱乐部染指过那个冠军。维拉曾经7次夺得顶级联赛冠军,7次足总杯冠军,总计超过20座奖杯。
声望: 全国闻名
级别: 职业的
主席状态: 很高兴待在球队
财政: Rich
预计资产: &109M(Loan Debt: &76M)
洲际比赛:EURO Cup
媒体预测排名: 7th
传奇人物: Ron Saunders, William McGregor, Dennis Mortimer, Paul McGrath
代表人物: Gordon Cowans, Nigel Spink, Peter Withe, Brian Little, Allan Evans, Gary Shaw, Tony Morley, Kenny Swain, Gary Williams, Ken McNaught, Des Bremner, Tony Barton
欣赏的人: Randy Lerner, Martin O'Neill, Martin Laursen, Charles Krulak,Ian Taylor, Dion Dublin, Juan Pablo Angel, Olof Mellberg
死敌 - Birmingham, West Brom
其他竞争对手 - Coventry, Wolves, Leicester
球队性格 - 非常职业
1 Brad Friedel
2 Luke Young
3 Wilfred Bouma
4 Steven Sidwell
6 Stuart Downing
7 Ashley Young
8 James Milner
9 Marlon Harewood
10 John Carew
11 Gabriel Agbonlahor
12 Marc Albrighton
14 Nathan Delfouneso
15 Curtis Davies
16 Fabian Delph
17 Moustapha Salifou
18 Emile Heskey
19 Stiliyan Petrov
20 Nigel Reo-Coker
21 Nick Shorey
22 Brad Guzan
23 Habib Beye
24 Carlos Cueller
25 Stephen Warnock
26 Craig Gardner
27 Isaiah Osbourne
42 Andreas Weimann
43 Elliott Parish
44 Eric Lichaj
45 Shane Lowry
46 Barry Bannan
47 Ciaran Clark
48 Nathan Baker
49 Christopher Herd
50 Jonathon Hogg
- Brad Friedel是很强的门将,而年轻的美国门将Brad Guzan也在跃跃欲试夺得球队主力门将的位置。Andy Marsell 作为球队的第三门将也是很称职的。门将位置不是急需引援的位置,不用在这里浪费转会费了。
- 球队开档时候的后防线看起来也很不错。Richard Dunne是天生领袖,虽然有时会犯一些无厘头的错误,但是依旧是后防线上的磐石。James Colins虽然不算顶尖,但也是一名好后卫。维拉的目标是打破F4的统治。Carlos Cuellear和Curtis Davis也是很强的中卫。Curtis Davis 经过一个赛季的磨练可以成为顶尖的后卫。
左右后卫位置上维拉有Luke Young和Stephen Warnock,都是符合维拉这个级别实力的队员。个人认为后防线的主力人选应该为:(L)Young-Cuellar-Dunne-Warnock 。
- 夏天出走了Gareth Barry,把他卖给曼城却使我们得到了19岁的Fabian Delph。维拉打4-5-1时通常表现不错,因为边锋Young/Milner/Downing都是可以不断压上的类型。扬绝对是顶级实力,国脚实力,千万不能卖。他是你冲击冠军的重要球员。Milner保持状态的能力不错,每场比赛总能保持100%的状态,也是一个顶级的边锋。不过他不是非卖品,如果有必要可以拿去换钱。有这两人后,Martin O'Neill还是签来了Stuart Downing。不过我至今还没见过他打比赛……
中场中位置上就更简单了。第一个赛季可以上Nigel Reo-Coker和Stylian Petrov。Fabian Delph可以打打杯赛比赛锻炼自己。你的当务之急是为球队另寻一名中场中路位置的球员。
- 维拉尤很强的锋线实力。Carew/Agbonlahor是阵中最好的前锋。Harewood不是英超级别的实力,应该卖掉。Heskey有能力成为一名好球员,建议留队!
Richard Dunne
Nigel Reo-Coker
Ashley Young
John Carew
Nathan Delfouneso,
Marc Albrighton,
Barry Bannan,
Gary Gardner.
Fabian Delph
球队需要引进的位置是一名有实力的前锋,和中场中路球员。我推荐Jenas, Stephen Ireland, Angelo Palombo。
前锋位置,我认为出售海伍德,强烈推荐引进Artem Milevskiy, Dzeko, Cardozo。
球员出售方面,我认为是Harewood, Salifou, Shorey, Gardner 或许还有Sidwell。
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球队名称 Everton FC
昵称: 太妃糖成立年份1878
死敌: Liverpool
其他竞争对手: Man Utd, Tranmere
子俱乐部: Bury, Preston
传奇人物: Dixie Dean, Brian Labone, Harry Catterick, Howard Kendall, Alan Ball
标志人物: Neville Southall, Duncan Ferguson, Peter Reid, Joe Royle, Graeme Sharp, Dave Watson, Kevin Ratcliffe, Bob Latchford, Kevin Campbell
欣赏的人: David Moyes
队长:Phil Neville
队副:Joseph Yobo
预计资产:&86 million
收支平衡:&15 million
最低转会预算:&4 million
剩余工资预算:&25k p/w
GK: Tim Howard (2.5*)
DR: Phil Neville (3*)
DL: Leighton Baines (3*)
DC: Phil Jagielka (3.5*)
DC: Sylvain Distin (3.5*)
MR: Mikel Arteta (3.5*)
ML: Steven Pienaar (3.5*)
MC: Marouane Fellaini (3*)
AMC: Tim Cahill (4*)
ST: Jo (3*)
ST: Louis Saha (3*)
Tim Howard毫无疑问是球队的第一门将,但是令人担心的是在这代的FM里他的数值再一次下降。由于资金有限,我认为应该先让Tim Howard顶一个赛季,下个赛季再卖门将,当然除非你能本赛季就挤出额外的转会费。我签下了Huddersfield的Scott Muggleton,30k,他只有15岁但是有潜力成为霍华德级别的门将。他可以不断成长,也可以打你的替补,我的第一选择。
球队的门将看起来都不咋样,我解约了Adam Davies和Connor Roberts ,还卖了Iain Turner ,Carlo Nash 留队作为替补。
推荐签约: Scott Muggleton
推荐出售:Davies, Roberts, Turner
Left Backs
Leighton Baines是球队在这个位置上唯一合格的人选,Phil Neville 在这代中的最佳位置成了右后卫,Jake Bidwell和Luke Garbutt 都不怎么样,推荐或解约吧。
推荐签约: Garrido
推荐出售:Bidwell, Garbutt
Right Backs
终于是个有点深度的位置了。Phil Neville是很有竞争力的右后卫,必要的时候Heitinga可以打替补,Hibbert也是。Lucas Neill和内维尔差不多级别。我个人出售了Tony Hibbert,可以卖个几百万。我还会出售或者解约Moses Barnett和Seamus Coleman因为他们没啥潜力。Gosling挺有前途,不过中场更适合他。
推荐出售: Hibbert, Barnett, Coleman
Centre Backs
球队另一个很强的位置。Heitinga, Distin, Yobo和Jagielka都可以算是顶级中卫。我最喜欢的组合是 Distin+Jagielka,但是Distin年纪大,所以我4个都留着。
Left Wingers
这个位置也算人才济济,虽然没有人的最擅长位置是左边前卫。Steven Pienaar和Diniyar Bilyaletdinov打这个位置都不错, Arteta也可以打这个位置,不过他更擅长MC和MR。拜恩斯得打左后卫,不用指望他了。
推荐签约:没有,除非你咬牙买下Vargas推荐出售: Orunega and Craig
Right Wingers
另一个人才济济的位置。Arteta, Osman 和 Pienaar 都可以胜任,虽然他们三个的最擅长位置都是中场中路。Arteta, Osman 尤其如此。如果你缺钱,甚至可以卖Osman。
Whilst Baxter 和Gosling都是炙手可热的新星,但目前都比较弱。
Central Midfielders
球队最强的位置,替补深度也不错。Gosling 和Neville打后腰都不错,中路还有 Fellaini, Arteta, Heitinga, Osman活着Rodwell,前腰的Cahill是顶级的,Bilyaletdinov和Steven Pienaars也都很擅长中场中路的位置。球队受到伤病困扰时 Heitinga也可以替补一下。
值得观察的年轻人:Rodwell, Gosling to a lesser extent
Yakubu我用的出奇的好,十一月份的比赛他几乎场均一球。Jo也是不错的球员。Saha我卖了,Vaughan 可以作为合格的替补,jose Baxter是一个梦幻新星。
值得观察的年轻人: Baxter
推荐出售:Anichebe, Agard, Arnouz, Codling, Sheppard, McAleny============================


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