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All services are delivered by Exadel services professionals. Exadel, our parent company, is a software engineering firm that offers custom development services with R&D centers in North America and Eastern Europe.
The Flex Pack is best when you need help with any aspect of your project from an expert developer. They can provide you with assistance on consulting, design, development, and QA, and become part of your team during projects. This allows you to build your app faster.
40 hours for $4,000 gives you access to:
Fast help with App development.
Help with App performance, troubleshooting, and debugging.
Help from 3rd party libraries, Javascript coding, and API Integration.
Help testing the app on mobile.
Help connecting to external sources.
We have streamlined the engagement process for Flex Pack to enable a quick start.
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Advisory Pack
Ideal for developers looking for technical advice to help you get over the many hurdles that you will undoubtably come across during the course of your app development. Our expert developers can answer questions on coding, custom logic, 3rd party libraries, API integration and debugging.
As an affordable pack, $600.00 provides you with 5 hours of:
Fast help with app development.
Help with app performance, troubleshooting, and debugging.
Assistance with 3rd party libraries, JavaScript coding, and API integration.
Help testing the app on mobile devices.
Getting help connecting to external data sources (API Express).
If you think you would benefit from adding an expert developer to your team to build your app faster, please consider the Flex Pack which comes with 40 hours of development help.
Signing up is easy. Simply go to your
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Custom Development Project
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Training Services
We offer a full set of self-learning resources, including documentation, tutorials, and videos at . However, we also offer custom training onsite or via web conference.
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How do I pay for it?
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Do I get a complete mobile app?
No. The package of services is intended to augment your team with an expert. If you are interested in the development of a complete app for you, please consider our custom development services.
Do I get a full 40 hours of development?
Yes. You will get 40 hours of an developer. However, that time will usually be allocated in different ways depending on your needs. Typically, time is used for discovery, development, trouble- shooting, or whatever your project requires. Many customers purchase several Flex Packs. In those cases, the additional Flex Packs can be dedicated to development if that is what your project requires.
What do I need to start?
Whatever documents you have available will be helpful for our expert to come up to speed quickly on your project. For example, any requirements documents or wireframes would be very useful.
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>正文地震预警:不忽视、不神话来源:中国科学报 &&&& 作者:李山有 马强 &&&& 日&&&&&&& 关键词:地震,灾情,预警,预测,预报摘要:地震预警实质上是一种地震发生后与破坏性地震波赛跑的超快地震速报,抢在破坏性地震波到达目标地之前发布警报信息。地震预警系统一般由地震监测系统、通信网络系统、数据处理系统、信息发布与接收系统组成。正文地震预警实质上是一种地震发生后与破坏性地震波赛跑的超快地震速报,抢在破坏性地震波到达目标地之前发布警报信息。地震预警系统一般由地震监测系统、通信网络系统、数据处理系统、信息发布与接收系统组成。数据处理系统是中枢和核心。负责实时汇集、分发、处理和存储所有台站的实时波形数据和信息,连续产出地震位置、震级和预测地震动影响场等信息。除进行地震预警处理外,还会处理地震基本参数、震源参数、破裂过程和地震烈度分布等数据产品。地震预警核心技术地震预警的核心技术是快速可靠地确定地震位置、大小并估计其影响范围。地震定位通常是利用地震波到达台站的时间来反推的,在地震预警中,为了抢时间,只能利用震中附近首先触发的几个台站到时信息来定位,如果几个台站的到时信息都准确定位结果就好,但也有可能存在个别台站的到时确定不准导致定位偏差。地震震级的原始定义是基于地震地面运动峰值。在地震预警中,我们不能等待地震波已经覆盖很大区域且所有台站都出现最大峰值,只能利用震中附近台站记录的地震动初期信息来估算地震震级,地震动初期信息和地震震级之间只是统计关系,此时地震破裂可能尚未结束,虽有一定的相关性但离散很大,利用的台站数量越多估算的震级偏差就可能越小。破坏性地震波到来前预估目标区的可能影响是预警信息发布的准则,属于地震动预测的范畴,也是地震预警技术的核心之一。日本、美国、意大利、墨西哥等国家的地震预警系统都是依托专业地震台网和利用震中附近几个台站的P波到时信息和振动信息来估算地震位置和震级,面临的共性技术问题是如何提高震级估算精度和避免误报。为了提高地震震级的估算精度,美国和我国正在考虑利用实时地面形变数据来辅助确定大震震级,但尚未进入实用化。为了提高地震定位和震级估算精度,也可以采取加密地震台网的方法。如果台站布设得非常密集(间距小于10千米),震后相同时间内可以利用的台站数量就会多,据此确定震中位置和震级的精度可能会有所提高,但建设密集地震台网会带来系统建设成本的大幅度增加。技术方案因地制宜目前国际上地震预警系统的技术路线大同小异,所不同的是地震定位和震级估算的具体算法。国际专业地震预警系统的建设特点是:首先,是以专业地震台网为主;其次,观测数据或信息实时传输到处理中心,处理中心融合处理观测数据和产出预警信息。此外,观测数据不仅可以用于地震预警,而且可以用于地震学研究。在我国也出现了以准专业地震台站(较低振动背景台址、不一定是独立观测室、使用低成本地震仪、地震仪可固定在建筑物承重墙上)为依托的地方地震预警系统,其优点是成本低、建设速度快,不足是数据质量不高(背景噪声大、包含建筑物反应的信息等)扩展应用价值低、误触发可能性大。以日本和美国等地震预警系统的研究、建设和运行经验来看,国家台网是实现地震预警的基础,地震预警属于破坏性地震发生后可能地震动大小预测的范畴,其信息虽具有明显减灾效果,但仍有技术本身的局限性。我国地域广阔,不同地区的地质构造条件也具有很大差异,针对不同的地震、不同区域的地震预警技术方案也可以不同。第一,地震预警对大震减灾效果显著,目标城市周边强震发生可能性大的地区可优先建设地震预警系统;第二,作为国家和省级地震预警系统的骨干地震监测台站应以专业地震台站为主;第三,骨干台站密度偏低时,在地震发生可能性大、震级高的活断层附近可以布设适当的准专业地震台站作为加密补充;第四,台站密度应根据地震活动区距离预警服务对象的远近来确定,如距离较近,为了提高预警时效性,台站密度要大;第五,市县级地震预警系统,为节省投资,可以考虑以准专业地震台站为主;第六,在省级地震预警系统建成后,为了提高预警信息的准确性,企业可以建设以专业地震台站或准专业地震台站为基础的辅助地震预警系统。制度标准亟待建立地震预警信息具有高度的社会敏感性,如果处理不当,极有可能影响到社会的稳定,甚至造成不必要的人员伤亡和经济损失。因此,必须通过建立相关的法律制度和技术标准,从正确应用地震预警信息,维护社会稳定,最大限度发挥减灾效益的角度出发,对地震预警信息的发布主体、触发条件以及预警信息内容、发布对象、社会协同、法律责任等问题,制定出规范,保障地震预警信息发布的科学合理、有序有效。但是现行的《中华人民共和国防震减灾法》对地震预警这一新兴事物并没有作出明确规定。《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》对可预警的自然灾害的预警进行了原则性的规定,其第四十三条规定:“可以预警的自然灾害、事故灾难或者公共卫生事件即将发生或者发生的可能性增大时,县级以上地方各级人民政府应当根据有关法律、行政法规和国务院规定的权限和程序,发布相应级别的警报,决定并宣布有关地区进入预警期。”此条款为地震预警信息发布提供了初步法律基础,但配套法规尚须完善,相关的技术标准有待建立。为服务我国地震预警系统建设,自2010年以来,中国地震局已组织相关法制预研究工作,着手《防震减灾法》修订研究,目前正在对地震预警法律制度的研究和顶层设计,在不断总结实践经验,借鉴国外地震预警法律制度建设与实施以及我国气象、地质灾害预警实践经验的基础上,推进相关技术标准和法律制度的研究制定。应急避险重在教育信息发布与接收系统是地震预警产生减灾实效的“最后一公里”,通过多种发布与接收平台,实时向公众、企事业单位、重大工程、中小学等用户提供预警信息服务,以便用户及时采取合适的减灾措施。而地震预警减灾效果最终体现在公众、企业等对信息的合理应用。公众的防震减灾知识普及至关重要,公众如果处理不当或信息利用不当,可能会发生跳楼、拥挤踩踏等事件,造成不必要的人员伤亡和经济损失,严重的甚至可能影响到社会的稳定。目前如福建省已经制作了地震预警宣传片及各种宣传材料,在地震预警信息正式发布前将对民众进行广泛宣传。对于地震预警的宣传不应过于片面,既要让公众了解预警的减灾意义,也要让公众了解预警的技术局限性和真实效果,千万不能把地震预警“神化”或者“万能化”了。此外,地震预警只是防震减灾系统中的一个手段,防震减灾还是要走综合防御的道路,构建包括地震监测预报、震害防御、应急救援以及恢复重建在内的国家综合防震减灾体系,并着力提升建筑抗震能力。《中国科学报》 ( 第15版 & &纵览)相关阅读:········相关留言:·,
04:30· 00:36·,
12:36·The line\'s engaged
The world\'s largest pilots union rebuked the NTSB for its handling of the crash investigation, saying the agency had released too much information too quickly, which could lead to wrong conclusions and compromise safety.
10:58·I saw your advert in the paper
These trust funds, which most long-term care providers are required to maintain for residents who request that the facility handle their money, are supposed to work like conventional bank accounts, with accrued interest, regular statements and reliable oversight. But USA TODAY found more than 1,500 recent cases in which nursing homes have been cited by state and federal regulators for mishandling the funds.
10:58·International directory enquiries
A budget battle in Washington hit a stalemate and forced a partial government shutdown that started this month, threatening economic growth and depriving the Fed of official economic data to drive its decisions.
10:58·I\'ve got a part-time job
Government data released on Thursday showed the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits rose last week, although the level still appeared to point to healing in the nation\'s job market.
10:58·I\'d like to open an account
BEIJING/HONG KONG - China reiterated its opposition on Thursday to a European Union plan to limit airline carbon dioxide emissions and called for talks to resolve the issue a day after its major airlines refused to pay any carbon costs under the new law.
21:09·My battery\'s about to run out
More than a dozen banks and brokerages are beinginvestigated by regulators and anti-trust watchdogs worldwidefor manipulating benchmark rates such as Libor and Euribor,which are used to price trillions of dollars of products fromderivatives to credit cards.
16:18·I want to make a withdrawal
The Fed???s decision last week to maintain record stimulusalso reduced concern over capital outflows from the Asianregion, increasing foreign investors??? appetite for Korean bankstocks, the analyst said.
16:18·Another service?
Tsohatzopoulos, who has already been convicted by the Greek justice system for tax fraud, has pleaded not guilty. Michaelides\'s involvement in kickback allegations stem from allegations made by a relative of Tsohatzopoulos.
16:18·Jonny was here
Their shares fell 4.6 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively,taking the most points off Germany\'s DAX index, down 1percent, and leading fallers across the FTSEurofirst 300 index, provisionally down 0.5 percent at 1,208.57 points.
16:18·I\'m only getting an answering machine
&Just a few years ago, hackers like Mr. Auriemma and Mr. Ferrante would have sold the knowledge of coding flaws to companies like Microsoft and Apple, which would fix them. Last month, Microsoft sharply increased the amount it was willing to pay for such flaws, raising its top offer to $150,000,& the NY Times reported.
16:18·We\'ll need to take up references
Mr Salmond described Mr McLetchie as a \'\'very considerable politician of the devolution era\'\', while Ms Davidson hailed him as a \"ferocious debater\'\' and said \"his passing leaves a large hole in Scottish public life\".
16:18·How many would you like?
It???s easy to make a thriller. It???s hard to make one that says something about human nature and then, like the hauntingly compelling ???Prisoners,??? finds something inside the genre that validates tying your nerves up in knots.
16:18·What do you want to do when you\'ve finished?
It will not put malls out of business, but it would send more people to the Internet for shopping, said James W. Hughes, dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.
16:18·Which university are you at?
He said at the hearing: ???It seems to me to be something the authorities need to know about. It is up to them to take any action. This is potentially a dangerous situation. I am as certain as I can be that Mr Jackson did not know he was exposing himself to danger.???
16:18·Could you give me some smaller notes?
Oliver leaves behind a number of immediate family members, including his wife, the former Chelsea Young, and two children. His family requested privacy ???in the wake of this tragic loss,??? but thanked the public for their thoughts and prayers, according to the San Diego Tribune, which initially reported Oliver???s death.
The biggest causes of disability are low back pain, depression and other musculoskeletal disorders. Mental problems such as depression and anxiety now comprise about one quarter of all disability in the United States.
07:50·I enjoy travelling
Shabaab leader Ahmed Godane, also known as Mukhtar Abu al-Zubayr, has described the Nairobi mall attack as retaliation for Kenya\'s incursion in October 2011 into southern Somalia to crush the insurgents. It has raised concern in the West over the operations of Shabaab in the region.
07:50·Lost credit card
The dollar last traded 0.45 percent lower against a basketof six major currencies at 80.163 and was near break-evenagainst the yen, up 0.02 percent at 98.26 yen. The euro rose 0.12 percent at $1.3537.
07:50·I\'d like to change some money
If they don\'t take Batista\'s offer of shares for theirbonds, they will likely receive nothing during a court-ledbankruptcy restructuring, the first source said. (Reporting by Jeb B Editing by Leslie Gevirtz)
07:50·I\'d like to cancel a cheque
Baring is one of the largest independent private equityfirms in Asia, with over $5 billion in capital under management.In May, Baring agreed to invest $260 million in French cementmaker Lafarge SA\'s India operations.
07:50·Which team do you support?
Now profits have returned to Detroit. The market is on the road to 16 million in sales this year thanks to the domestic economic recovery and pent-up demand to replace aging cars and pickup trucks. Even Europe\'s long-suffering market is showing signs it might shake off its torpor. Little surprise, then, that GM\'s shares have accelerated, rising 57% over the past year, while Ford\'s zipped up 76% (to say nothing of electric-vehicle newbie Tesla, whose shares rocketed 478%).
07:50·I didn\'t go to university
He also urged Italian firms to overcome their reliance onbank credit at a time when the banks are under pressure to curblending and keep credit risks in check during Italy\'s two-yearlong economic recession.
19:47·I\'ve come to collect a parcel
The company, majority owned by JP Morgan\'s OneEquity Partners, declined to comment on media reports that anIPO could take place as early as October and value the companyat as much as 2 billion euros ($2.6 billion).
19:47·Where do you study?
Josh Earnest, a White House spokesman, told reporters onThursday that President Barack Obama\'s administration was having\"ongoing conversations\" with Russia and that authorities therehad not made clear Snowden\'s status. (Additional reporting by Doug Palmer and Roberta REditing by Vicki Allen)
19:47·Best Site Good Work
An announcement had been possible next week, aides said, until plans for the debate in Congress over military intervention in Syria scrambled the timing. While Mr. Bernanke\'s four-year term ??? his second ??? does not end until Jan. 31, a decision on his successor is needed soon because Senate confirmation hearings and votes take time.
19:47·Just over two years
\"This time around, the markets have been so blissfullyunconcerned that this hasn\'t been a problem. It could start tobite now, of course. But for me, the main story is the number ofpeople not receiving paychecks or producing output,\" said EricLascelles, chief economist at RBC Global Asset Management inToronto.
19:47·Remove card
When asked previously if he would ever run for election, the \'Argo\' star said: \'\'One never knows. I\'m not one to get into conjecture. I do have a great fondness and admiration for the political process in this country. It\'s a big deal for me to come down here and be on your show that I\'ve watched so much, but I\'m not going to get into speculation about my political future.\'\'
19:47·Do you have any exams coming up?
The reports describe 44-year-old Christina Anderson???s battered head, slashed throat and duct taped mouth. Little brother Ethan???s body was so badly charred in the fire at DiMaggio???s home the medical examiner couldn???t determine the cause of death.
19:47·Insufficient funds
Unprecedented in Sanford, where George Zimmerman is on trial for killing teenager Trayvon Martin, the campaign has led Cecil Smith out of the police station and into a historic black neighborhood nearby. There, the Northerner from a Chicago suburb has knocked on doors and talked with people about their concerns.
19:47·I\'ve been cut off
Selly\'s two looks raise some interesting questions: are you going to cop her reasonably priced style? Is Forever 21 her favorite store? What F21 item will she wear next? And, finally (and most importantly), could Selena be any more like us?
African Barrick stuck to its full-year cost and productiontargets - a 2013 cash cost of $925 to $975 per ounce, abovecurrent levels for the six months, and output of 540,000 to600,000 ounces for the year.
19:47·Which team do you support?
\"Remember that Assad started this conflict with about amillion men under arms between conscripts and the army and thesecurity apparatus. Now more and more he is relying on foreigntroops and without them he will lose, especially if the rebelsbegin to receive advanced weapons,\" Tello said.
17:04·A First Class stamp
The Democratic-led U.S. Senate on Tuesday voted to killRepublicans\' latest attempts to modify an emergency governmentfunding bill, stripping proposed amendments from the spendingbill and sending back to the House a \"clean\" bill that wouldextend funding for government agencies until Nov. 15.
17:04·I stay at home and look after the children
2. Social Security Comprehension Week. For many middle-class Americans, Social Security will be the entire retirement ballgame. Let\'s have a week devoted to reassuring Americans that Social Security\'s financial future isn\'t as dire as they\'ve heard, and to helping them understand how to get the most from the program. Sponsors would offer a free software tool allowing couples to plug in their birth dates and projected benefits to learn how they can boost lifetime benefits through delayed filings.
17:04·A book of First Class stamps
\"This crackdown not only flies in the face of Xi\'s rhetoric, it also undermines Xi\'s legitimacy,\" said Maya Wang, a researcher at Human Rights Watch. \"The right thing to do would be for the government to release the activists.\"
17:04·I hate shopping
\"We could begin later this year. But even if we do that, thesubsequent steps will be dependent on continued progress in theeconomy,\" Bernanke said. \"We don\'t have a fixed calendarschedule. But we do have the same basic framework that Idescribed in June.\"
17:04·Could you tell me the dialing code for ?
The Princeton, New Jersey-based company is seeking approval from the US Food and Drug Administration to sell Epanova, a coated soft gelatin capsule containing a mixture of polyunsaturated free fatty acids derived from fish oils, for the treatment of patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia. The submission is based on two Phase III trials (EVOLVE and ESPRIT) examining the effectiveness of Epanova in lowering very high triglycerides, and in reducing non-HDL cholesterol in combination with a statin. Both trials were conducted under a special protocol assessment with the FDA.
17:04·I\'ll send you a text
The debate over the debt ceiling in Congress is so unique in part because the United States and Denmark are the only democratic countries with a debt ceiling written into their laws. Denmark, however, avoided shutting down its government when it raised its debt ceiling in 2010.
17:04·On another call
The VEBA declined to say how and why it selected Brock asthe independent fiduciary overseeing its Chrysler stake. Brockis also overseeing the VEBA\'s securities in GM, which is stillabout 7 percent owned by the U.S. government.
17:04·International directory enquiries
The bondholders, led by hedge funds Aurelius Capital Management and Silver Point Capital, argue they can raise the funds demanded by the Prudential Regulation Authority ??? the banking watchdog ??? by a straightforward swap of the bank\'s debt into equity.
17:04·We need someone with qualifications
Jurors found Tourre, 34, liable for misleading investors in the 2007 synthetic collateralized debt obligation Abacus 2007-AC1, by concealing how hedge fund billionaire John Paulson helped construct the transaction and bet it would fail.
17:04·I can\'t get through at the moment
Speculation that he wanted a return to the Premier League persisted but Fabregas said: \"Stories have been invented. I was never given any sign from the club to make me think they didn't want me, I have always felt wanted here.\"
07:23·I\'m on work experience
\"The No. 4 unit was not operating at the time of the accident, so its fuel had been moved to the pool from the reactor, and if you calculate the amount of cesium 137 in the pool, the amount is equivalent to 14,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs,\" said Hiroaki Koide, assistant professor at Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute.
07:23·Do you know the address?
“I look back and I think, ‘at what point would it have been constructive to do something different that would have made a difference and take us forward?’, and I don’t know, it’s quite soon to say.
07:23·I\'m about to run out of credit
HAYS, the largest recruitment company in the UK, has announced its best results since the Northern Rock crisis in 2007. A strong first quarter was driven by a recovery in the British jobs market, but much of that good news looks priced into shares already.
07:23·I\'m sorry, he\'s
Company records also show that an Irish holding company ofmedical device manufacturer Boston Scientific, one ofthe country\'s top multinational employers, paid $60 million taxon profits of $1.4 billion in 2011, or about four percent.
07:23·Can you put it on the scales, please?
But going into this meeting, Fed officials hadn???t settled on a strategy, according to interviews with officials and their public comments. Instead, there were two lines of thinking at the Fed on how to structure a pullback from the bond programs and the issue would be discussed at the meeting.
07:23·What sort of music do you listen to?
Nicknamed “Whitey” because of the shock of blonde hair he had as a young man, Bulger cultivated a kind of Robin Hood image in Irish-Catholic working-class neighbourhoods of South Boston, but that vanished as police began digging up bodies.
07:23·Where do you live?
Hundreds gathered to honor the life of Delbert Belton at Greenwood Memorial Terrace, where he was buried with full military honors. Dozens of members of the Patriot Guard Riders stood around the lawn, each holding an American flag.
, [url=/]lsnvqowylaxy[/url], [link=/]uwyozzdhwztb[/link], / 05:48·I was born in Australia but grew up in England
Ortiz registered four hits in Tuesday\'s 11-8 victory to tie Harold Baines for the most hits in major league history by a DH before ripping a double in his first at-bat Wednesday to take sole possession of first place with 1,689 hits.
03:48·I love this site
The government sued under a section of the Anti-Kickback Act that allows it to recover enhanced penalties for \"knowing\" violations of the law. Under that law, judges can impose civil penalties equal to twice the amount of each kickback, and up to $11,000 for each occurrence of the prohibited conduct.
03:48·I like it a lot
The Nets have arrived in Brooklyn. Celebrate the arrival of the Brooklyn Nets to the Barclay Center by owning a pic of your favorite Net. Or own a piece of Nets history with a photo of a Nets legend. Find a photo today.
03:48·It\'s OK
???I???ve picked up some weight through the years, muscle mass,??? Cribbs said. ???So, if somebody???s fast enough to catch up to me, they???re not going to be strong enough to bring me down. That???s kind of been my motto. I???m going to run through a kicker. I???m going to run through tackles, arm tackles.???
03:48·What\'s the interest rate on this account?
Consumers in the UK will soon be able to receive up to 13 additional high-definition (HD) channels through their rooftop aerial, after the communications regulator Ofcom awarded a portion of the spectrum freed up by the digital switchover for TV use.
03:48·When do you want me to start?
Borneo booked a $550 million net loss for its 2012 financial year, mainly due to lower commodity price and losses from its investment in Bumi Plc, according to its financial statement released on July 9.
03:48·Insert your card
Two Democratic members of the committee, Senators Al Frankenand Richard Blumenthal, said they would introduce legislation onThursday to force the Obama administration to provide moreinformation about the data collection programs, including howmany Americans\' records were reviewed by federal agents.
03:48·Can I call you back?
\"I imagine that the biggest barrier to college entry is the tediousness and intimidation that comes along with the application process,\" said Cousins. \"Early on, if I had spent one hour every week filling out portions of the applications, I would have gotten many more finished.\"
03:48·I\'m on holiday
Gold prices climbed above $1,300 for first time in a month, rising 3.1% to close at $1,332.90 an ounce -- a five-week high. Mining stocks rose: Newmont Mining jumped 5.8%, Freeport-McMoran Copper & Gold rose 2.1%.
03:48·I\'m interested in
The positive impact of international companies can be seenin the once derelict area of Dublin\'s docklands, now dubbed Silicon Docks, where Google and Facebook\'s offices sit next to the country\'s largest theatre, newestfive-star hotel and modern apartment blocks.
03:48·One moment, please
\"In fact, agency workers from Poland cost us exactly the same as local agency workers, and our existing employees. The only reason we seek the help of people from Poland is that we simply can\'t recruit enough local people to satisfy these spikes in demand for temporary work.\"
23:43·A packet of envelopes
That was part of Sather???s rationale for holding onto Brad Richards??? $6.67 million cap hit for one more season. The GM valued the certainty of knowing who Richards is over replacing him with an unknown from the free agent market.
23:43·A First Class stamp
The company says the tests ignore how well a vacuum cleaner works over time, with its bag-less designs adapting better to wear and tear - something that is not tested in the EU\'s laboratory conditions.
23:43·I\'m self-employed
In a statement, Henry Kravis and George Roberts, KKR\'sco-chief executives who founded the firm in 1976 together withJerome Kohlberg, focused on the company\'s dividend following achange in the company\'s distribution policy last quarter.
23:43·I\'m doing an internship
They worry that transactions capable of destabilisingmarkets could go undetected unless limits are introduced. Theyalso fear users are draining liquidity from public exchanges,making it harder for other investors to value stocks accurately.
23:43·Who\'s calling?
Each side seems to be tiptoeing in that direction. After months of blasting the unions, BART on Friday called the labor groups\' recent movement \"a really big deal,\" prompting the agency to budge slightly for the first time in two months and back away from threats that supervisors would operate trains to provide limited train service during a strike. And unlike during the summer, the unions representing 2,300 line-level workers have held off on high-profile rallies bashing BART management.
23:43·Can you hear me OK?
\"We see our involvement in Airport City as an extension ofthe memorandum of understanding between China and the UK, wherewe have been looking to further explore joint infrastructureopportunities for some time,\" said BCEG International\'s managingdirector, Xing Yan.
23:43·I\'ve lost my bank card
Snowden, who revealed details of a U.S. intelligence program to monitor Internet activity, argued in his application that the reason he needs asylum is \"he faces persecution by the U.S. government and he fears for his life and safety, fears that he could be subjected to torture and capital punishment,\" lawyer Anatoly Kucherena said on Rossiya 24 television.
23:43·Where\'s the postbox?
The O\'Reilly affidavit was published last year by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency but with names of many individuals redacted, including those of Weisel and Gorski, two leaders of the for-profit company that bankrolled Armstrong\'s success.
23:43·What part of
do you come from?
The ministers also said the channel used satellite transmission without a license and spread &rumors and claims which are harmful to Egyptian national security and threaten the country&s unity,& without referring specifically to the broadcasts of the fugitives& declarations.
23:43·I\'m about to run out of credit
???This hearing seeks to solicit information regarding scientific research and data on the health and safety of GMOs in foods, federal and state policy related to foods containing GMOs, and the potential economic and legal implications of requiring labels on foods containing GMOs,??? Jeffrey Dinowitz, the chair of the Committee on Consumer Affairs and Protection, said in a statement.
14:40·I\'d like a phonecard, please
The video cranks up the frequency of a sustained pitch, beginning at 8,000 hertz and matching the frequency with an average age. At the end of the test, you may be patting yourself on the back, thankful for all those rock concerts your parents didn\'t let you attend.
14:40·I\'ll put him on
I wish I had a solution to this problem. If I were a young black male and was stopped just on account of my appearance, I would feel violated. If the cops are abusing their authority and using race as the only reason, that has got to stop. But if they ignore race, then they are fools and ought to go into another line of work.
14:40·Punk not dead
BHP Billiton Ltd and Rio Tinto Ltd pulledback 0.6 percent and 0.5 percent respectively. The firms haveapproved an investment in a sea-water desalination facility inChile\'s Escondida mine, with Rio putting $1.03 billion and BHPinjecting $1.97 billion.
14:40·Which team do you support?
An outpost of the Washington, D.C.-based chain Sweetgreen opened Thursday at the chic NoMad Hotel in the Flatiron District ??? within blocks of at least three other lettuce chains. Perfect timing, since salad???s the ultimate hot weather lunch.
14:40·A pension scheme
Molly was in the news after two people overdosed at a Labor Day weekend concert in New York City and died. \"It\'s another thing parents need to look out for,\" Reynolds says. He urges parents to use the media attention as a discussion springboard.
14:40·Sorry, I\'m busy at the moment
Isuzu plans to supply some 100,000 engines made at GM\'sfactory based in India. The engines are produced with use ofIsuzu technology. The move will allow Isuzu, which plans tostart making the low-cost truck in 2016, to make it affordableto customers in India and Africa, the Nikkei report said.
14:40·We used to work together
\"Because we were always viewed as a risk mitigation alternative for the F-35 helmet program, we do not have plans to challenge this decision,\" said Liz Ryan Sax, a spokeswoman for the U.S. unit of BAE Systems.
14:40·Can you hear me OK?
This is just another example of how Chris and Karrueche really spend quality time together and are going strong. On Aug. 2, the two hit up Playhouse nightclub in LA and narrowly avoided Rihanna who also showed up there that night.
14:40·Best Site Good Work
When asked if there is a prenuptial agreement, the source familiar with the wedding arrangements said that Soros\'s lawyer, William D. Zabel, reiterated his comments from last year that \"Soros will leave the bulk of his estate to charity but he intends to provide generously for his wife.\"
14:40·A jiffy bag
Education union leaders have stood opposed to linking teacher evaluations with these tests, arguing it is unfair to punish teachers for students\' shortcomings. They also say teachers have not had sufficient time to rewrite their lessons to reflect new academic benchmarks, such as those found in the Common Core.
12:28·Just over two years
A Yahoo representative said that the company has \"moved faster in the past year than anytime in our recent history\" to launch better products and to \"evolve\" the ads on its websites. \"We think this will improve performance for our advertisers over time, and we\'re working closely with our advertising partners.\"
11:54·I\'m in a band
For nine months now, Clegg has been turning up to face the people of London (and indeed the rest of the country & thanks to the powers of digital, one of last week&s callers was from Fife).
11:54·I came here to work
Natasha Richardson, 45, (): Richardson passed away in March of this year after suffering a serious brain injury while skiing in Canada. The British actress was the daughter of theatrical royalty, but also won much acclaim on her own for her work on the stage, in film and on television. Peers have called her \'one of the greatest actresses of her generation.\'
11:54·perfect design thanks
However, eMarketer, an independent analyst firm that specialises in tracking digital spend, estimates that Facebook generated ?223 million last year from advertising in the UK. The company is expected to grow its UK ad business by 36 per cent this year to ?303 million, the analyst said.
10:56·Where do you live?
Twitter is currently preparing to float on the New York Stock Exchange on November 14. The social media business filed to make its initial public offering last month, around 18 months after Facebook made its disastrous stock market debut.
07:23·Nice to meet you
Funds that hold non-U.S. stocks attracted $3.9 billion in new cash, while funds that hold U.S. stocks had outflows of $452 million. The outflows from U.S. stock funds came as the Standard & Poor\'s 500 stock index fell 1.9 percent over the reporting period after surging to record highs on the day of the Fed announcement.
07:23·Special Delivery
Machado doubled off Brandon Crawford\'s glove with one out in the 10th. After getting Nick Markakis on a comebacker, the left-handed Lopez walked Jones intentionally and got ahead of Davis 1-2 before giving up the two-run double. Wieters followed with an RBI single.
07:23·How many more years do you have to go?
He said his choices include hacking the software thatanalyzes the fingerprint data, or physically opening up thephone and connecting it to a custom-built device that wouldimpersonate Apple\'s fingerprint reader.
07:23·I\'m interested in
The research, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, comes at a time when testosterone supplements are being widely advertised to men in the U.S., for example, in commercials urging them to be treated for \"Low T.\"
07:23·I\'m training to be an engineer
HRW said many of the dead had been executed by militant groups, some linked to al Qaeda, who overran army positions at dawn on August 4 and then moved into 10 villages nearby where members of Assad\'s Alawite sect lived.
07:23·We\'re at university together
\"It\'s all this talk about baby pictures and, \'Can you get paid for the baby picture?\' \'Do you want to put it on a magazine?\'\" West said. \"To stop all the noise, I thought it would be really cool on her grandmother\'s season finale to bring a picture of North.\"
07:23·This is your employment contract
Europe\'s broad FTSEurofirst 300 share index was up0.1 percent by 0745 GMT and the euro edged off athree-month low as investors shrugged off falls in French andDutch manufacturing data and a rating downgrade of Italy.
07:23·Could I ask who\'s calling?
(Additional reporting by Andjarsari Paramaditha, Fathiya Dahrul and Viriya Paramita in Jakarta, Viparat Jantraprap in Bangkok and Tripti Kalro in Bangladesh. Editing by Jason Szep and Simon Cameron-Moore)
07:23·This is the job description
On the dark side, questions concerning the drugs A-Rod may have been psychologically hooked on when he was smacking all these homers won???t go away. Moving forward, all Yankee voices should issue a disclaimer when discussing these ???milestones??? Rodriguez is approaching.
07:23·What do you study?
The rock formation they toppled over is about 170 million years old, Utah State Parks spokesman Eugene Swalberg said. The central Utah park is dotted with thousands of the eerie, mushroom-shaped sandstone formations.
07:23·I\'d like to send this parcel to
For the next five days, scores of Latino rappers, DJs, rock bands and pop stars will sprawl over the city???s music venues, performing many shows for free. LAMC has been around for 14 years, but this season, for the first time, the prog-minded fest also will look back, showcasing several groups crucial to the history of Latin alterna-music.
23:40·I\'m a partner in
As Sophia McDougall argues when discussing Peggy Carter from Captain America, there is an, ???underlying deficit of respect the character starts with, which she???s then required to overcome by whatever desperate, over-the-top, cartoonish means to hand.??? Skyler doesn???t get turned into a Strong Female Character cartoon because that???s not the world of Breaking Bad, a smart show that offers a different kind of entertainment than fiction with less complex heroes and villains (I like both kinds of stories, for the record). But the mostly negative audience reaction to Skyler is pretty cartoonish.
23:40·Why did you come to ?
It would have 43 million customers, more than DeutscheTelekom\'s 37 million and Vodafone\'s 36 million. It would hold 31percent of mobile revenue, said Citigroup, less than Deutsche\'s34 percent and Vodafone\'s 35 percent.
23:40·Do you know each other?
The company, which makes mechanical seals, powertransmission couplings, medical devices and equipment to detectexplosives, said it continues to be cautious about sectors suchas defence and healthcare that are subject to government fundingconstraints.
23:40·When can you start?
They did no one any good with a chart showing that domestic phone tracking and the overseas vacuuming of personal data off the Internet had disrupted 54 terrorist plots, only to say under questioning that that phone tracking had actually stopped one terror scheme.
23:40·Could I have an application form?
Haden will hold a news conference later Sunday. The firing comes less than five months after Haden said Kiffin had \"been as good as he can be\" in the face of USC\'s sanctions. Before this season began, Haden said he was \"100 percent\" behind the embattled Kiffin.
23:40·Have you got any qualifications?
Shogun is going to look to stand and trade with Sonnen, most of Shoguns take downs come from the clinch, which Sonnen will most likely try to avoid otherwise he???s going to eat some devastating knees. Sonnen has to be wary if he does take him down Shogun is so dangerous on the ground and can submit him from almost any position. I do believe that Shogun will be taken down in this match due to the amount of leg kicks and power shots he throws and Sonnens timing will play a key role in him being able to take him down. I do not see Sonnen knocking Shogun out through ground and pound or standing, Shogun has stood with Hendo and taken his monstrous shots for five rounds and survived.
23:40·How do I get an outside line?
\"Apple needs to demonstrate in the coming months that it has other product lines which can start to make up for slowing growth and falling margins in (the) iPhone and iPad,\" said Jan Dawson, a chief telecoms analyst for Ovum Research. \"That\'s a tall order.\"
23:40·this is be cool 8)
But framing the issue as a choice between jobs and the environment is a false dilemma, according to a study by the Romanian Academy. The real choice is between short-term gain and long-term sustainable economic development.
23:40·I want to report a
\"If you want something quick, it\'s even quicker thanAmazon,\" said Matt Nemer, an analyst at Wells Fargo. \"Amazondoesn\'t have physical stores really close to consumers, sothat\'s an edge retailers have.\"
23:40·What sort of music do you listen to?
As for the removal of mental health questions from security clearance forms, Dempsey said he doesn’t believe such questions could have flagged Alexis as a potential risk. The questions were removed to de-stigmatize PTSD applicants seeking a national security clearance. Dempsey said he supported that move as well as other efforts for those in uniform to overcome their mental health challenges with treatment.
20:42·My battery\'s about to run out
\"The delay was the result of the mistake,\" he told the court, during a session in which expert witnesses considered the role of the helmsman as well as possible faults in the emergency generators and pumps.
20:42·Do you know each other?
\"I\'m struggling to keep positive, my faith in the team and Dean (Barker) is being sorely tested, we\'re only one (win) away, but my nerves are a bit like our chances, in tatters,\" said Wellington office worker Will Christie, who has been late into work so he can watch the maritime drama.
09:37·I\'m retired
NEW YORK - With a possible U.S. government shutdown days away, Wall Street still hasn\'t come down with a critical case of fiscal fever despite forecasts that failure to resolve the federal budget standoff could be catastrophic.
09:37·US dollars
The U.S. Treasury official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said it was more difficult to promote U.S. interests abroad while the government remains closed and with the threat of default hanging over the nation.
09:37·Could you ask him to call me?
The policy shift earlier prompted another state-run firm,Korea National Oil Corporation (KNOC), to say it was consideringselling \"non-core parts\" of its loss-making Canadian energysubsidiary Harvest Operations.
09:37·A few months
George Stephanopoulos is anchor of ABC\'s \"Good Morning America\" and \"This Week.\" He is also the network\'s chief political correspondent, reporting on political and policy stories for all ABC News broadcasts and platforms.
09:37·Could you give me some smaller notes?
\"Safety is our top priority and a robust quality control system is a vital part of maintaining the world\'s safest air transportation system,\" U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said in a statement announcing the action.
09:37·Hello good day
In its Sunday story regarding the Cedars-Sinai dismissals, The Times references a similar, 2008 scandal at UCLA Health System, in which workers reportedly ???snooped into the medical records of Britney Spears, Farah Fawcett, and Maria Shriver, among others.???
09:37·What qualifications have you got?
The company says more than $400 million has been investedinto making the Patriot system faster, smarter ponents have gotten smaller, computer chips are an eighth ofthe size they were in 2006, and new units are built in anupgraded facility that uses computer-controlled tools.
07:16·I\'m at Liverpool University
( research team from Stanford University led by associate professor Subhasish Mitra and headed by Professor Philip Wong, has demonstrated a computer chip based on transistors made out of carbon nanotubes. The ...
07:16·I\'m only getting an answering machine
The National Pig Association threw its support behind the NFU???s campaign. ???Around 60% of the pork products we eat in this country ??? including bacon, sausages and ham ??? are imported through sometimes tortuous supply chains,??? said NPA general manager Zoe Davies.
07:16·I\'ve been made redundant
Rodriguez\'s homer was the 648th of his career ??? yes, he\'s only 12 behind Willie Mays now ??? and the RBI gave him 1,951 for his career, pushing him past Stan Musial for sole possession of fifth place on the all-time list.
07:16·Very Good Site
Torrecchia is a private estate, and its garden, designed by Dan Pearson, was the reason I had come on this trip. The estate is managed ecologically, a rarity in Italy, fo a mother wild boar and her babies (the gardeners& bane) charge across our path as we drive along the 5km approach.
07:16·Will I have to work shifts?
Analysts said the August nonfarm payrolls data, due on Sept.6, will be closely watched by investors and policymakers todetermine whether improvement in the U.S. labor market is enoughto justify scaling back stimulus.
04:13·Is there ?
The Sunni Muslim-ruled island, home of the U.S. Navy\'s Fifth Fleet, has been buffeted by political turmoil since 2011, when mostly Shi\'ite Muslim protesters took to the streets calling for democratic reforms and more say in government.
04:13·Looking for work
The desperate efforts to help Green in the moments after she was hit by the taxi and the outpouring that???s followed reflect the city???s best. Not so the bicycle messenger and the cabbie whose wholly avoidable entanglement cost Green grievously.
04:13·I\'d like to cancel a cheque
Torre, now MLB\'s executive vice president for baseball operations, has been involved on a sub-committee with Atlanta Braves president John Schuerholz and former manager Tony La Russa on expanding video replay.
04:13·The United States
Plus ?a change. These days I know nothing about football, apart from that it involves players from overseas with odd haircuts getting paid millions of pounds per minute. As an adult male journalist, this puts me at an inherent disadvantage. Whether you are covering a story in war-torn Mali or trying to get a celebrity into a candid mood, being able to make smalltalk about the beautiful game is often just what&s needed. It is not uncommon for a chat about Manchester United to basically save your life.
04:13·I\'d like to open a business account
Under the terms of the Treaty, the US and Russia must meet central limits on strategic arms by February 5, 2018. Each Party has the flexibility to determine for itself the structure of its strategic forces within the aggregate limits of the Treaty.
04:13·One moment, please
As Twitter Inc races toward the year\'s most highlyanticipated tech offering, memories of Facebook Inc\'sdisappointing 2012 debut are dampening enthusiasm for shares ofthe eight-year-old online messaging service.
04:13·I\'m from England
The &flawless& white oval diamond, mined and cut two years ago, was hammered down for 212 million Hong Kong dollars ($27.3 million), just under the low end of the $28 million to $35 million estimate range set by Sotheby&s. Total price including commission came to $30.6 million.
04:13·A Second Class stamp
The Republican House caucus has probably stopped comprehensive immigration reform this year. If the GOP succeeds in blocking the path to citizenship for immigrants, the Republicans will fail at the polls next year. When Republicans aren\'t blocking reform legislation, they spend their time trying to kill reforms that are already law. House Republicans have now voted 40 times to kill the Affordable Care Act,
which Hispanic Americans support in large numbers.
04:13·Do you know each other?
He implored the Giants to ???be tired of getting your butts whipped??? and said they ???are totally accepting this beatdown.??? Banks expressed similar opinions during other radio appearances this week, including his regular one on WFAN???s ???Benigno and Roberts Show.???
04:13·What sort of work do you do?
South Korean officials are under pressure to commit to at least some F-35 purchases soon, given their own budget deadlines, and the need to start buying certain \"long-lead\" materials needed for any jets that would be delivered in 2017.
22:22·Thanks for calling
The crowd of hundreds of couples, families and children who had been sitting at cafes, shopping and walking lazily along in shorts and sandals were sent on a mad scramble to get themselves and others out of the way and to rush to help those who were hit.
22:22·Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
The average time to complete a foreclosure in the U.S. rose to 551 days in the third quarter. The time period from default to REO listing rose 5% in the recent quarter as two states, New York and New Jersey took more than 1,000 days to complete the process on average.
22:22·I\'d like to pay this in, please
By foot, bus, and subway, I backtracked to Brooklyn, changing at outlying stops. Broadway Junction, near the Queens-Brooklyn border, was jumping like Times Square. In Bedford-Stuyvesant, I got off a C train at Nostrand Avenue and walked a few blocks to the vast old armory building that is now the Bedford-Atlantic men’s shelter. People in soup-kitchen lines have told me that this is one of the worst shelters in the city. Sunlight glinted on its acres of gray slate roof, and its crenellated tower stood out against the sky. The guy I met here is Marcus (Country) Springs, originally from Lake City, Florida, who prefers to sleep on the street near the shelter—“Under that pear tree,” he told me, pointing to a Callery pear up the street.
14:45·Have you got any qualifications?
You are an IT consultant working through your own limited company, of which you are the only shareholder. Your company accounts demonstrate that you have averaged about ?95,000 a year net profit for nine years. You earn a small salary and receive your &income& through dividends. Your wife works elsewhere.
14:45·Please wait
His order to his ministers to quit has triggered a rare display of dissent. Berlusconi’s number two, Angelino Alfano and others have questioned their leader’s actions. A financial market backlash is expected should the government fall.
14:45·We need someone with experience
Maura Tierney, who gave a beautiful portrayal of Mike McAlary???s wife Alice, was there. So was Richard Masur, and Deirdre Lovejoy, and Brian Dykstra, who himself once worked at a sports paper, now gone, known as The National.
14:45·Could I have a statement, please?
So what sort of things has this new camera seen? It\'s already made some important scientific discoveries, examining the famous and well-studied massive star that gives the Great Orion Nebula most of its UV light. Named Theta 1 Ori C, this star has been previously known to be a binary star pair made up of two stars called C1 and C2. Yet their separation is so small that before now, astronomers haven\'t been able to resolve the pair in a direct telescope photo. Now, though, scientists have used the new camera to see the two stars.
05:18·Where do you come from?
One start-up offered a coveted engineer a year\'s lease on aTesla sedan, which costs in the neighborhood of $1,000 a month,said venture capitalist Venky Ganesan. He declined to identifythe company, which his firm has invested in.
05:18·good material thanks
The analyst did not expect the acquisition to impact Baidu\'sA3/A rating but did express concern that the \"acquisition paceshould alarm investors on the company\'s aggressive growthstrategy, which comes with execution risk and rising leverage,which could threaten the ratings in a longer term.\"
00:46·An accountancy practice
A 92-year-old man with childhood polio was ordered out of his wheelchair to stand up in the body-scanning machine. His grandson reported overhearing one TSA screener shout: \"Find out if he has his knees and hips. If he does, then there is no reason he can\'t stand.\"
00:46·What do you do?
\"By standing his ground, George Zimmerman was able to get away with murdering a 17-year-old black man,\" said Chelsea Jones, a student who spoke at a Dallas rally. \"I can only imagine what the black community can achieve by standing their ground.\"
00:46·I love the theatre
It will enable mothers and fathers to get a better grasp of children&s results compared with standards achieved by their peers across England, although the ranking system will not be published in league tables accessed by the public.
00:46·Thanks funny site
** China\'s Wumart Stores Inc will acquire a bulkof CP Group\'s retail stores on the mainland and take a stake inone of the Thai group\'s companies in an all-stock deal worth$374 million, helping Wumart to grow its footprint in northernChina. Wumart, an operator of supermarkets, has agreed to buy amajority of the CP Lotus retail stores in China for HK$2.34billion ($302 million), the companies said in a joint statement.Wumart will also gain a 10 percent stake in CP Lotus.
00:46·Will I get paid for overtime?
But the immigration proceedings against Montano have already arguably done more to raise hopes among civilian victims that justice may one day be done, by legally dissecting several atrocities for the first time.
00:46·Very Good Site
The scene in I'm Alan Partridge in which Alan desperately pitches ideas for a new TV show and suggests Youth Hostelling with Chris Eubank, Cooking in Prison and most famously, Monkey Tennis, seems almost tame in comparison with some of the real programme ideas that have been mooted.
00:46·What do you like doing in your spare time?
A 4200 Microsoft Points card currently costs ?33 at GAME, and is converted to ?35.70 on the beta Xbox 360 update. This sounds like a pretty good deal, especially if you\'ve managed to secure some points below the regular price.
00:46·Lost credit card
\"Cohen is obviously an industry legend who will not acceptcriminal charges against the fund that bears his name lightly,\"said defense lawyer Mark Kornfeld, a partner at Baker &Hostetler. \"To date (U.S. Attorney) Preet Bharara has not lostany insider-trading case he or his office have brought.\"
00:46·Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
Reason to stop using Facebook? That’s your call. Reason to stop downloading every dating app on Friday night after a few too many gin and tonics and granting them all rights to just about your entire Facebook data set? Yeah, probably.
00:46·I\'ve got a part-time job
Many continued with their scheduled talks until the end. Peter Godwin was one of them. The British-born author has written \"an accidental trilogy\" about life and elections in Zimbabwe, and is therefore no stranger to ] dramatic events. Nii Parkes, a Ghanian poet who was speaking at the Festival through an initiative with the British Council, stubbornly told the British High Commission in Kenya that no, he would not leave before performing. It was, after all, what he was in Nairobi to do: participate in a showcase of award-winning poetry from both sides of the African continent.
11:07·About a year
\"This law is a disaster. But the exchanges -- the heart of the law -- are supposed to go live in just five days? Give me a break,\" said Senator Orrin Hatch, top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee.
11:07·Which year are you in?
Some of the videos portray bodies that look very similar to images from Halabja in Iraqi Kurdistan, where Saddam Hussein killed at least 3,200 Kurds in 1988 in an hour-long poison gas attack, Bretton-Gordon said.
11:07·What\'s the last date I can post this to
to arrive in time for Christmas?
With his economic speech, the president took his second opportunity in a week to speak from the bully pulpit. His remarks about Trayvon Martin and yesterday\'s speech on the economy suggest that the president has decided to speak directly to Americans. The president sees the radical Republican majority as a lost cause, but he still has faith in the American people.
11:07·Best Site Good Work
The reason behind the delays in manufacturing the retina display screens for the iPad Mini were unclear. One source at a supplier said there were delays in Apple\'s certification of panel producers, which were given strict power-saving requirements.
11:07·I\'d like to speak to someone about a mortgage
Over the longer term, the report said healthcare spending growth would accelerate to 6.5 percent by 2022, when the industry would hit the $5 trillion mark and represent 19.9 percent of gross domestic product.
11:07·I\'m not working at the moment
Pe?±a Nieto aides are expected to propose tax hikes Sunday that have been on backroom planning tables, largely unnoticed by the public. The new taxes are essential to freeing up the finances of Pemex, the national oil company that provides about a third of the government\'s budget. But with the economy slumping, perhaps toward recession, any tax hikes are bound to rankle.
11:07·I\'m doing a phd in chemistry
\'\'The circumstances of this incident are going to come under intense scrutiny but one example of what a court might find to be the requisite carelessness is setting of explosives in very dry bushland without adequate fire control precautions,\'\' he said. \'\'If that\'s what has occurred then there is a prospect of the Commonwealth being liable for the damage that has ensued.\'\'
11:07·Have you got a current driving licence?
House Republican leaders and the White House sought to reassure those furloughed federal workers that they will be paid when the shutdown ends, but resolving the crisis remains a politically difficult task since both sides see broader strategic implications to the outcome.
11:07·I\'ve got a full-time job
So it wouldn???t have been a surprise when Whedon called last spring to pitch Gregg on reprising Coulson for ???Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.??? ??? except that when we last saw the character, he had fatally been stabbed through the heart by a magical spear.
11:07·Very interesting tale
Major automakers sell their cars through fr Tesla sells the Model S directly to consumers through its own stores. That\'s earned Tesla the wrath of dealers, who have succeeded in barring Tesla from selling directly to consumers in Texas.
08:59·Could you please repeat that?
The return to profit will come as a much-needed boost to morale at the Seattle business, which revealed its first-ever loss last year after it wrote down $6.18bn on its 2007 acquisition of digital marketing company aQuantive.
08:59·I\'m a trainee
Like Blevins, Hiett\'s insurance capped his stay at five days. He was released and given a prescription for anti-psychotic medication, but didn\'t take it because he believed he didn\'t need it. Within weeks, Hiett said he had a psychotic episode that resulted in him breaking the law and landing in jail.
08:59·An envelope
By the time it can be fully assessed and the various African observer missions have released their final reports on Zimbabwe&s elections, Mr Mugabe will have been sworn back in to office and appointed his new cabinet.
08:58·I\'m not interested in football
McCain and Clinton served together in the Senate and have had a cordial relationship, but McCain recently became critical of Clinton’s involvement in the administration’s handling of the attacks in Benghazi, Libya, last year. As for Clinton’s role as secretary of state, McCain said “she did a fine job.”
04:34·What\'s the interest rate on this account?
The arbitration hearing on A-Rods\' appeal of baseball\'s claims that he used drugs banned by the game\'s drug agreement is supposed to be confidential, although both sides seem to have had trouble keeping quiet. It is difficult, however, to understand what A-Rod is trying to accomplish with his P.R. spin. Last week the third basemen\'s team of lawyers were begging a judge not to release Rodriguez\'s grand jury testimony with respect to the prosecution in Buffalo of Toronto doctor Anthony Galea. One can only assume that when the one-time Yankee superstar was asked under oath, and facing the threat of criminal prosecution for lying, he told the truth. And his lawyers asked that testimony stay hidden? Is it because A-Rod made some admissions that would hurt his arbitration case?
04:34·I\'d like to open a business account
Pandoraviruses come from a different family than previously known giant viruses, said researchers Jean-Michel Claverie, a professor at the school of medicine at Aix-Marseille University and Chantal Abergel, director of research at France\'s National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).
04:34·We\'ve got a joint account
\"Revlon\'s reentry into the professional salon channel comesat a time when its U.S. color cosmetics business is treadingwater,\" BMO Capital analyst Connie Maneaty said in a note. Shemaintained her \"market perform\" rating and $25 price target onthe stock.
03:22·I\'m a housewife
Of course, subtracting Richardson, the Browns??? best offensive player, may subtract victories, which makes Cleveland solid contenders to get the first pick themselves. Thus, Tanking For Teddy. The Browns are among eight teams that have started the season 0-2.
03:22·Is there ?
\"When the budget is concluded I plan to have consultationson our exit strategy with the IMF, the European Commission andthe European Central Bank. Having heard their views, I willadvise the government on the best course of action.\"
03:22·I have my own business
Simon Cowell is an aggrogant jerk. Andrew Silverman should wipe that stupid smirk off his face. Simon deserves a slap to the side of the head, a punch in the nose and a kick in the ass for knocken up his good friend\'s wife. What a piece of sh*t. he truly is. At 53 yrs. old he should know better than to have sloppy sex with a married woman. Maybe Simon will finally neuter himself after this fiasco.
03:22·We were at school together
SINGAPORE, Oct 24 (Reuters) - Singapore\'s central bank andstock market operator are conducting an extensive review ofrecent share price volatility in three inter-linked Singaporecompanies, which wiped out billions of dollars in combinedmarket value from the firms.
03:22·A book of First Class stamps
Yet most of these buyers are likely to be banks and giant City firms. Individuals keen to dive in will have to study the valuations very carefully when the initial share price is announced. Royal Mail has only recently become profitable again after a tumultuous five years leading up to 2011, during which some 50,000 staff were laid off.
10:49·One moment, please
A Brooklyn woman is facing conspiracy and solicitation charges after allegedly offering an undercover police officer $60,000 worth of rare postage stamps to kill her husband, the New York Police Department says.
08:55·Nice to meet you
Another possibility would be to authorize sending heavier U.S. weaponry, such as shoulder-fired anti-aircraft rockets, to the rebels in addition to lighter arms approved in June. But even those limited supplies have yet to start flowing to the rebels.
08:55·I\'d like to pay this in, please
Despite being labelled highly hazardous by the World HealthOrganisation (WHO), a panel of government experts was persuadedby manufacturers that monocrotophos was cheaper thanalternatives and more effective in controlling pests thatdecimate crop output.
08:55·I\'ll put him on
Most mud sales and benefit auctions benefit specific institutions. The one in Gordonville helped pay bills for the volunteer ambulance company. But a series of five held across the state each year help fund the Clinic for Special Children, a world-class pediatric genetics clinic.
08:55·A few months
\"Our nation\'s housing market is still on the path to recovery. While there has been some return of private mortgage lending, without the benefit of a federal guarantee, it remains limited and available only to the most highly qualified borrowers,\" the letter said.
08:55·I\'ll text you later
Bain and Ali Rowghani, Twitter\'s influential chief operatingofficer, have emerged as Costolo\'s key deputies. A string ofrecent high-profile hires includes former TicketMaster CEONathan Hubbard Geoff Reiss, formerProfessional Bowlers Association CEO, as head o and Morgan Stanley executive Cynthia Gaylor ashead of corporate development.
08:55·A financial advisor
To be fair, Cameron started preaching some of this agen


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