I havea lot of lots off comic books about space

1,I'm going to buy a comic book.
1,I'm going to buy a comic book.
2,Here is the word book.
2,Here is the word book.
3,Sam wants to buy a dictionary.
3,Sam wants to buy a dictionary.
4,I want to send a postcard.
4,I want to send a postcard.
1,What is Amy going to do next month?
1,What is Amy going to do next month?
2,When is Mike going to Shanghai?
2,When is Mike going to Shanghai?
3,Where are they going next week?
3,Where are they going next week?
4,Can I help you?
4,Can I help you?
1,I have lots of comic books about space.
1,I have lots of comic books about space.
2,We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.
2,We eat mooncakes and tell stories about the moon.
3,My family are going to get together and have a big dinner.
3,My family are going to get together and have a big dinner.
4,Do you have postcards?
Yes. Here they are.
4,Do you have postcards?
Yes. Here they are.
Hello! I'm Clark. My cousin Peter is going to visit me next weekend. We are going to the nature park on Saturday. There is a lake in the park. We are going to go boating there. We are going to take some pictures, too. We are going to the cinema on Sunday. We are going to see a film about space travel!
Hello! I'm Clark. My cousin Peter is going to visit me next weekend. We are going to the nature park on Saturday. There is a lake in the park. We are going to go boating there. We are going to take some pictures, too. We are going to the cinema on Sunday. We are going to see a film about space travel!SAT阅读答疑
Questions 11-12 are based on the
foHowing passage.
David Stahle is an expert on the
imprints that
climate, fire, and pestilence leave in a tree's growth
rings. His pulse rises when he spots a stand of beat-up
old trees because they have stories to tell. For reasons
not fully understood, such trees, growing under harsh
conditions, often live longer and are more sensitive
to fluctuations in weather than healthier trees growing
on better land. Recently, Stahle concluded from rings in
bald cypress trees that a severe drought struck Roanoke
Island, North Carolina,in the late sixteenth century.
This might explain why the so-called Lost Colony of
Roanoke died out by 1590.
11. The reference to Stahle's "pulse" (line 3) serves
to indicate lus level of
(A) vitality
(B) frustration
(D) playfulness
(E) excitement
12. The statement in lines 11-12 ("This . . .1590")
serves primanly to
(A) advocate a cause
(B) offer a theory
(C) question a belief
(D) modify a claim
(E) predict an outcome
答案是OFFER A THEORY。但是我觉得是PREDICT AN OUTCOME。因为不是就是预测了童鞋从树上得到的结论,最后可能带来的结果吗?
lines 8-12
:Stahle通过研究rings in bald cypress
了解到in the late sixteenth
century,Roanoke Island曾经干旱,this以上这件事可能解释为什么the so-called Lost Colony of
Beginning in the 1780's, novelist
Charlotte Smith 's
expli cit and implicit criticism of English life and laws,
of England's social organization, earned her a repmation
Unt as a "subversive." Her novels contain some of the
literary attacks on the English legal system. In comparison
to later exposes by nineteenth-century novelists such as
Charles Dickens,
Charlotte Smith's attacks appear
timorous. However, it cannot be denied that it was
Smith who introduced such a target for later novelists and ,
that when she did, her action was considered so audacious
that it laid her open to the charge of being a "menace."
9. The author of the passage mentions Charles Dickens
primarily as an example of a novelist who
(A) found success by simply exposing rather than
attacking social institutions
(B) rebelled against a literary tradition that Smith had
(C) developed the same themes as Smith, but received
far less criticism for doing so
(D) concurred with Smith 's criticisms of the English
legal system
(E) made literary attacks that were bolder than those
made by Smith
9题问作者提到Charles Dickens主要是作为一个?作家的例子。换句话说=Charles Dickens是一个如何的作家,整篇文章都在介绍Charlotte Smith,提到Charles Dickens的就6-8行,所以别的地方看不懂这道题一样可以做对。
In comparison to later exposes by
nineteenth-century novelists such as Charles
Charlotte Smith's attacks appear
somewhat timorous.与后期作家例如Charles Dickens相比,Charlotte Smith's
attacks有些timorous。言外之意,Charles Dickens不timorous,如果认识timorous,这道题直接选E,The author of the passage mentions
Charles Dickens primarily as an example of a novelist who made
literary attacks that were bolder than those made by
通过定位6-8行,反正是说Charles Dickens不timorous,那就看哪个选项最符合喽!如果不认识timorous,也可以推断出来!你要是这个问题,再跟我说,否则我就不废话了,那要写好多推理的东西。
Passage 1 was adapted from a
well-known 1953 study of
comic books.
Passage 2 was adapted from a 1965 analysis
of the major comic books of the
1940's and 1950's.
I have found the effect of comic
books to be first of
anti-educational. They interfere with education in
the larger sense. For children,
education is not merely a
question of learning, but is a
part of mental health. They
5 do not "learn" they learn
also during play,
from entertainment, and in
social life with adults and with
other children. To take large
chunks of time out of a child's
life-time during which he or
she is not positively, that is,
educationally, occupied-means
to interfere with healthful
10 mental growth.
To make a sharp distinction
between entertainment and
learning is poor pedagogy, and
even worse psychology.
A great deal of learning comes
in the form of entertain-
ment, and a great deal of
entertainment painlessly teaches
15 important things. By no stretch of
critical standards can
the text in comics qualify as
literature, or the drawings
as art. Children spend an
enormous amount of time
on comic books, but their gain
is nil. They do not
learn how to read a serious
book or magazine. They
20 do not gain a true picture of the West
from the "Westerns."
They do not learn about any
normal aspects of sex,love,
or Life. I have known many
adults who have treasured
throughout their lives some of
the books they read as
children. I have never come
across any adult or adoles-
25 cent who had outgrown comic book reading
ever dream of keeping any of
these "books" for any
sentimental or other reason. In
other words, children
spend a large amount of their
time and money on these
publications and have nothing
positive to show for it.
30 And since almost all good childen's
reading has some
educational value, comics by
their very nature are not
only non-educational: they are
anti-educational. They
fail to teach anything that
they do suggest many things
that are harmful.
35 Surprisingly, there are old comic book
fans, a small
army of them: adults wearing
school ties and tweeds,
teaching in universities,
writing ad copy, writing for chic
magazines, writing novels-who
continue to be addicts,
who save old comic books, buy
them, trade them, who
40 publish mimeographed "fanzines," strange
little publi-
cations deifying what is looked
back on as "the golden
age of comic books." Ruined by
the critics. Ruined by
growing up.
The charges against comic books
in the 1950's-that
45 they were participating factors in
juvenile delinquency,
that they were, in general, a
corrupting influence, glori-
fying crime and depravity-can
only, in all fairness,
be answered: "But of course.
Why else read them?"
Comic books, first of all,
are.junk. To accuse them
50 of being what they are is to make no
accusation at all:
there is no such thing as
uncorrupt junk or moral junk
or educational junk-though
attempts at the latter have,
from time to time, been foisted
upon us. But education
is not the purpose of junk
(which is one reason why half-
55 hearted attempts to bring reality or
literature to comic
books invariably look
embarrassing.) Junk is there to
entertain on the basest, most
compromised of levels.
It finds the lowest common
denominator and proceeds
from there. A good many
readers, when challenged, will
60 say defiantly: "I know it's junk, but I
like it." Which is
the whole point about junk. It
is there to be nothing else
but liked. Junk is a
second-class citizen of the arts, a status
of which we and it are
constantly aware. There are certain
privileges inherent in
second-class citizenship. Irresponsi-
65 bility is one. Not being taken seriously
is another. Junk
can get away with doing or
saying anything because,
by its very appearance, it is
already in disgrace.
What critics of comic books
dismiss is the more posi-
tive side of junk, their
underground antisocial influence.
70 Children are bombarded with hard work,
labeled education.
They rise at the same time or
earlier than their parents, start
work without office chatter, go
till noon without coffee
breaks, have waxed milk for
lunch, then back at the desk
until three o'clock. And always
at someone else's conveni-
75 ence. It should come as no surprise, then,
that within this
shifting hodgepodge of external
pressures, children, simply
to stay sane, must go
underground. Have a place to hide
where they cannot be got at by
grownups. A relief zone.
And the basic sustenance for
this relief was,in my day,
80 comic books.
With them we were able to roam
free, disguised in cos-
tume, committing the greatest
of feats- and the worst of
sins. And, in every instance,
getting away with them. For
a little while, at least, it
was our show. For a little while, at
85 least, we were the bosses. Psychically
renewed, we could
then return above ground and
put up with another couple
of days of
P1作者态度明显"I have found the effect of comic
books to be first of all anti-educational."
P2作者态度:Comic books, first of all,
are.junk.但后面表示学生之苦,而Comic books,
对于孩子来说就如同A relief zone.有其积极一面。
24-27:I have never come across any adult or
adolescent who had outgrown comic book reading who
ever dream of keeping any of these
"books" for any sentimental or other reason.
P235-39:Surprisingly, there are old comic
book fans, a small army of them: adults
wearing school ties and tweeds, teaching in universities, writing
ad copy, writing for chic magazines, writing novels-who continue to
be addicts, who save old comic
Foraging near the hut that he built
beans whose properties invited speculation,gazing into
depths of Walden Pond,Henry David Thoreau epitomizes a
long-standing American worship of nature.Generations
of theachers have assigned Thoreau's book
which recounts his experiment in living in solitary harmony
with nature,as an illustration of the intensity with
nineteenth-century America protested the intrusion
pastoral harmony of the forces of industrialization
unbanization.In this sense,Walden is reverd as a text
of regret,a lament for a world passing out of existence.
2Although Thoreau,in Walden,was
ambivalent about the mechanization that he saw around
him,at other times he was downright enthusiastic,as in
his response to the railroad:"When I hear the iron horse
make the hills echo with his snort like thunder,shaking
the earth with his feet,and brathing fire and smoke from
his nostrils,...it seems as if the earth had got a race now
worthy to inhabit it,"At Walden Pond,civilization and
industrialization no longer seemed threatening.Providing
a full record of Thoreau's purposeful energy,Walden
demonstrates that the power unleashed by the machine
is not that different from the power required to transform
the wilderness into a productive garden
9Q: The author in Paragraph two and the "teachers" mentioned
in Paragraph one would probably disagree regarding
which of the following about Walden?
(A)The extent to which Walden presents nature as
being threatened
(B)The extent to which Walden successfully recounts
Thoreau's experiment in solitary living
(C)The extent to which Walden has been considerd
an important work of literature
(D)Whether Walden recognizes the spread of
industrialization and urbanization
P2的作者与P1的teacher观点相反,认为在At Walden Pond,civilization and
industrialization no longer seemed
Nor is there anything unnatural about
downtown areas. Yes, in the town the soil has been almost
completely covered by concrete, buildings, and asphalt: often there
is no grass or undisturbed soil to be seen anywhere.
this isn't really unnatural. There are plenty of places in
nature where there is no soil at all -think of cliffsides in
the mountains or along the ocean. From our point of view, the
building of Manhattan simply amounted to the exchange of a forest
for a cliffside ecosystem
城市没soil,不一定就unnatural,很多nature的地方也没有soil,比如cliffsides或along the
In 1929 a teenager named Ridgely Whiteman wrote to
the Smithsonian Institution about what he called warheads that he
had been finding near Clovis, New Mexico. The spearpoints were
elegantly chipped to sharpness on both edges and finished off with
a groove, or flute, down the center of each side. Eventually such
fluted points turned up in the oldest archaeological excavations
elsewhere in North America.
Stone can't be carbon-dated, but the dating of organic material
found with the tools showed that the people who used them were in
America no earlier than about 13,500 years ago. The story most
archaeologists built on these ancient tools was of a people they
nicknamed Clovis, who came into North America via Siberia, moved
south through the ice-free corridor, then dispersed, their
descendants occupying North and South America within a thousand
years. Since their tools were often found with the bones of
mammoths and other large creatures, scientists usually described
the Clovis people as big-game hunters.
For decades attempts to find proof of earlier people failed the
rigorous tests of archaeological science. As late as 1996 a
prominent archaeologist, Frederick Hadleigh West, could state in a
major book that "Clovis is taken to be the basal, the founding,
population for the Americas." But in the past decade that certainty
has been dramatically shaken.
The most straightforward challenge to the old story is the matter
of time. The era in which the Clovis people lived is limited by a
time barrier that stops about 13,500 years ago. Two things create
that barrier: the dates of organic material found with the tools
and geologic evidence that the ice-free corridor would not have
been open much before then.
But in 1997 a blue-ribbon panel of archaeologists visited a site in
Chile called Monte Verde and agreed that people had lived there at
least 14,500 years ago, about 1,000 years before the first sign of
Clovis people in North America. Acceptance of the Monte Verde date
not only broke the time barrier but focused new interest on other
sites with early dates.
16. In lines 5-6, "finished off” most nearly
(A) defeated
(B) terminated
(C) completed
(D) disposed of
(E) consumed totally
These "warheads" were actually spear points=
elegantly chipped to sharpness on both edges and
finished off with a groove, or flute, down the center of
each side.矛头边缘很锋利,并且在矛头的每一面的中部都------凹槽。
Complete with= made complete by the inclusion of包含,拥有,配有
例句:a birthday cake complete with
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