unknow filesystemdmg type unknowswap'怎么解决

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稍有积蓄, 积分 264, 距离下一级还需 236 积分
i have linux 9.0 and winXP on my pc.
for some days i do not use linux, and one day when i select to boot to linux, the GRUB becomes a black-white charactor interface. when i use the command: &root(hd0, &, and press key [tab] to show the useable partiton, it show me that most partition is &file system type unknow&, except a fat32 and swap partiton. i have several NTFS partitions and a fat32 partition and ext3 partition and the swap partition.
but when i turn to windows, the ntfs partition is correct. in partition magic 8.0, i can see ext3 partition, everything seems to be right.
it is a strange problem. Maybe it is because that i have use partition magic's exe file TEDIT32.EXE to show something, such as the epbr. but i DO NOT change a datium.
what is the wrong with my computer?
i use nt loader to boot linux. that is copy the first sector of the boot partiton(dev/hda9) to a file(bootsect), and add a line as &linux=bootsect& in the file boot.ini.
the grub confige file should be unchanged since i do not use linux for a time.
i think the problem lie in the partiton table, but windows is boot right. this is what puzzle me.
还有一个相关问题:有时候安装linux时, 硬盘里的空间已经分配完毕. 这时往往用PQ magic把一个或几个较大的分区分出几个小分区来腾空间. 比如把hda9分成两个分区.如果hda9后面还有几个分区,例如还有hda10和hda11, 那么多分出来的是hda12. 这样从hda9开始的分区情况是: hda9, hda12, hda10, hda11.这样的分配设置存在于哪呢?&&我的机器可能后来变成顺序存放了, 即: hda9, hda10, hda11, hda12.&&不过这样的话, 通过修改启动分区应该可以的. 问题是为什么除了fat32和swap分区别的分区都不认识了, 而在windows中却可以识别.
稍有积蓄, 积分 264, 距离下一级还需 236 积分
filesystem type unknown
过程挺复杂的, 用安装盘重新安装, 但在拷贝文件时强行复位.
好像是这么一回事: 分区的顺序发生了变化. grub的配置文件没有及时跟进(与时俱进是多么的重要!), 所以它自己摸不着头脑了, 不知道去哪里找启动文件.
我的硬盘分区原来为: hda1(c), hda5(d), hda6(e), hda7(f), hda8(g), hda11(ext3), hda12(swap), hda9(h), hda10(i). 不知道什么原因(谁能告诉我?), 后来变成了: hda1(c), hda5(d), hda6(e), hda7(f), hda8(g), hda9(ext3), hda10(swap), hda11(h), hda12(i). 所以不能引导了.
解决此问题的最好办法, 是在windows下利用第三方软件修改ext3中的grub.conf文件, 比如用ext2fs.
期间还发生别的问题, 鼠标的配置变了, 有滚轮却不能用.
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转载本站内容请注明原作者名及出处Question: # Mount-t ntfs / dev/sdb1 / mnt / usb mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs' This is due to CentOS release 5.3 (Final) on does not recognize NTFS formatted partition. Solution: By using ntfs-3g to resolve. Opening ntfs-3g download point http
Today in the use CentOS release 5.2 (Final), mount another server's file directory # Mount-t smbfs-o username = &administrator&, password = && / / / mnt / ntfs Prompt an error: mount: unknown filesystem type 'smbfs' Ch
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Do not need to be able to view the mount command: 1. File [Root @ localhost dev] # file-s / dev/sda1 / Dev/sda1: Linux rev 1.0 ext4 filesystem data (extents) (huge files) 2.parted [Root @ localhost dev] # parted / dev / sda GNU Parted 1.8.8 Using / d
Function: Check the file system disk space occupancy. This command can be used to obtain the number of hard disk space is occupied, the current information such as how much space is left. Syntax: df [options] Description: df command to display all fi
原文地址:http://luyafei./788 问题: # mount –t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ mount: unknown filesystem type 'ntfs' 这是由于CentOS release 5.5(Final)上无法识别NTFS格式的分区. 解决办法: 通过使用 ntfs-3g 来解决. 打开ntfs-3g的下载点 /community/ntfs-3g-dow
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PS command under linux linux on the process has 5 states: 1. Running (running or waiting in the run queue) 2. Interrupt (dormant, blocked, waiting for the formation of a condition or receive signal) 3. Not interrupt (wake up and can not receive the s
I've got this block 03 years removed from the laptop's hard drive, long time no use, and now need to see whether there is important information on the hard disk. In the Windows operating system installed, can not be opened, the system prompts to form
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Study: North South North from: LinuxSir.Org http://www.linuxsir.org/main/?q=node/127 Abstract: The hard disk and hard disk partition in Linux are expressed as a device, according to our view is popular, that is, how to express or describe the hard dr
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PS command under linux linux on the process has five states: 1 run (running or waiting in the run queue) 2 interrupt (Sleep, blocked, waiting for the formation of a condition or receive signal) 3 can not interrupt (wake up and can not receive signal
I have this block in 2003 removed from the laptop's hard drive, long time no use, now need to check whether the hard disk with important data. In the Windows operating system installed, can not be opened, the system prompts need to format the hard di
Author: North-South-North from: LinuxSir.Org http://www.linuxsir.org/main/?q=node/127 Abstract: The hard disk and hard disk partition in Linux is represented by the device, according to our argument is popular, is how to represent or describe the har
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A, sfdisk-l [Root @ localhost ~] # sfdisk-l Disk / dev / sda: 4863 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors / track Units = cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0 Device Boot Start End # cyls # blocks Id System / Dev/sda1 * 0 + 636
Under the text interface installation oracle10gR2 Fedora14 software one. See the installation environment 1 Memory and SWAP # Grep MemTotal / proc / meminfo MemTotal: 3096372 kB # Grep SwapTotal / proc / meminfo SwapTotal: 5119996 kB 2 System Archite
First on Windows machines to share a share directory, set directory access. Local Windows machine ip address Then run in linux: mount -t smbfs -o username=gaohf,password=gaohf // /var/www/share That's it. If the tes
问题: 我知道在Linux上我可以用df命令来查看磁盘使用空间.你能告诉我df命令的实际例子使我可以最大限度得利用它吗? 对于磁盘存储方面,有很多命令行或基于GUI的工具,它可以告诉你关于当前磁盘空间的使用情况.这些工具用各种人们可读的格式展示磁盘利用率的详细信息,比如易于理解的总结,详细的统计信息或直观的可视化报告.如果你只想知道不同文件系统有多少空闲的磁盘空间,那么df命令可能是你所需要的. df命令可以展示任何&mounted&文件系统的磁盘利用率.该命令可以用不同的方式调用.这
五. 做好Linux的管理员:21问 70.如何检查Linux硬盘使用情况? 在Linux环境下,你可以使用df命令来查看硬盘的使用情况.下面就是一个df -T -h(-T参数:显示文件系统类型,-h参数用可读性较高的方式来显示信息)命令的输入实例: Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mountedon /dev/hda1 ext2 7.5G 4.7G 2.5G 65% / /dev/hda2 ext2 653M 6.6M 613M 1% /root /d
四. Linux下的&神兵利器&:15问 55.KDE是什么,有什么特点? KDE项目在1996年10月发起的,其目的是在X-Window上建立一个完整易用的桌面环境.KDE现在除了拥有KFM(类似于IE4.0).KPresenter(类似PowerPoint).KIllustrator(类似CorelDraw或 Illustrator)等重量级软件,还有体贴用户的GUI配置软件可以帮助用户配置Unix/Linux,使其深受使用者欢迎. 但由于KDE是基于由TrollTech公司开发的
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processed in 0.046 (s). 9 q(s)制作SWAP的方法
制作SWAP有两种方法:1.使用分区做为SWAP2.使用文件做为SWAP使用分区做为SWAP比较好,速度比文件的快,也不容易产生磁盘碎片所有应该尽量使用分区作为SWAP. 先说说使用文件做为SWAP吧:因为做为SWAP的文件,必须是连续的,所以需要使用dd命令创建它:[root@NEWLFS ~]#dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=6553665536+0 records in65536+0 records out[root@NEWLFS ~]#这样就制作了一个64M的swapfile (文件名自定)如果想制作128M的SWAP,count值:128*制作128M的SWAP 命令就变成了:dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=131072会计算了吧 ^_^ 使用mkswap命令制作swap: [root@NEWLFS ~]#mkswap swapfile Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 67104 kB[root@NEWLFS ~]#最后加在/etc/fstab,每次开机都会自动启用SWAP:编辑fstab,在最后加入一行,格式如下: /root/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0OK,启用它:[root@NEWLFS ~]#swapon -a使用swapon -s 查看是否成功启用了:[root@NEWLFS ~]#swapon -sFilename& && & Type& &&&Size& &&&Used& &&&Priority/root/swapfile file& &&&65528& &&&0& && && &-1OK,swapfile已经投入使用啦&&^_^ 再来看看使用分区作为swap : 注意:对分区不熟悉,不要轻易操作,重要数据要备份,硬盘有价,数据无价。首先用分区工具分出一个分区作为SWAP,分区类型标识为82(Linux swap)这里我使用/sbin/cfdisk比fdisk简单用一些 [root@NEWLFS ~]#cfdisk .........略& & Name& && &&&Flags& && &Part Type&&FS Type& && && &&&[Label]& && &&&Size (MB)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------& & hda1& && &&&Boot& && &&&Primary& &W95 FAT32& && && && && && && && &&&6859.89& & hda5& && && && && && &&&Logical& &Linux ReiserFS& && && && && && &&&22413.89& & hda6& && && && && && &&&Logical& &NTFS& && && && &&&[^C]& && && && &26386.70& & hda7& && && && && && &&&Logical& &Linux ext3& && && && && && && && &10734.00& & hda8& && && && && && &&&Logical& &Linux ext3& && && && && && && && &&&106.93& & hda9& && && && && && &&&Logical& &Linux raid autodetect& && && && &&&3619.13& & hda10& && && && && && & Logical& &Linux ext3& && && && && && && && & 7221.80& & hda11& && && && && && & Logical& &Linux swap / Solaris& && && && && & 534.65& & hda12& && && && && && & Logical& &Linux raid autodetect& && && && &&&2146.80[Bootable]&&[ Delete ]&&[&&Help&&]&&[Maximize]&&[ Print&&]&&[&&Quit&&]& &&&[&&Type&&]&&[ Units&&]&&[ Write&&]我没有空闲分区了 &&假设我已经将hda11删除掉,现在hda11是空闲空间。 选择 [Type] :...........略16 Hidden FAT16& && && & 82 Linux swap / Solaris&&E4 SpeedStor17 Hidden HPFS/NTFS& && &83 Linux& && && && && &&&EB BeOS fs18 AST SmartSleep& && &&&84 OS/2 hidden C: drive&&EE EFI GPTEnter filesystem type: 82&&-----&;输入82 返回主菜单,hda11空间空间就应该变成了上面所示的那样。确定无误,选择 [ Write&&] 写入分区表就OK了。使用mkswap命令制作swap: [root@NEWLFS ~]#mkswap /dev/hda11 Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 67104 kB[root@NEWLFS ~]#最后加在/etc/fstab,每次开机都会自动启用SWAP:编辑fstab,在最后加入一行,格式类似如下: &&/dev/hda11&&swap swap defaults 0 0OK,启用它:[root@NEWLFS ~]#swapon -a使用swapon -s 查看是否成功启用了:[root@NEWLFS ~]#swapon -sFilename& && & Type& &&&Size& &&&Used& &&&Priority/dev/hda11& &partition&&522072& &&&0& && && &-1OK,/dev/hda11也投入使用喽 &&


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