
Redse came from a troubled family, and Jobs shared with her his own pain about being put up for adoption. &We were both wounded from our childhood,& Redse recalled. &He said to me that we were misfits, which is why we belonged together.& They were physically passionate and prone to public d their make-out sessions in the NeXT lobby are well remembered by employees. So too were their fights, which occurred at movie theaters and in front of visitors to Woodside. Yet he constantly praised her purity and naturalness. As the well-grounded Joanna Hoffman pointed out when discussing Jobs&s infatuation with the otherworldly Redse, &Steve had a tendency to look at vulnerabilities and neuroses and turn them into spiritual attributes.&
When he was being eased out at Apple in 1985, Redse traveled with him in Europe, where he was salving his wounds. Standing on a bridge over the Seine one evening, they bandied about the idea, more romantic than serious, of just staying in France, maybe settling down, perhaps indefinitely. Redse was eager, but Jobs didn&t want to. He was burned but still ambitious. &I am a reflection of what I do,& he told her. She recalled their Paris moment in a poignant email she sent to him twenty-five years later, after they had gone their separate ways but retained their spiritual connection:
We were on a bridge in Paris in the summer of 1985. It was overcast. We leaned against the smooth stone rail and stared at the green water rolling on below. Your world had cleaved and then it paused, waiting to rearrange itself around whatever you chose next. I wanted to run away from what had come before. I tried to convince you to begin a new life with me in Paris, to shed our former selves and let something else course through us. I wanted us to crawl through that black chasm of your broken world and emerge, anonymous and new, in simple lives where I could cook you simple dinners and we could be together every day, like children playing a sweet game with no purpose save the game itself. I like to think you considered it before you laughed and said &What could I do? I&ve made myself unemployable.& I like to think that in that moment&s hesitation before our bold futures reclaimed us, we lived that simple life together all the way into our peaceful old ages, with a brood of grandchildren around us on a farm in the south of France, quietly going about our days, warm and complete like loaves of fresh bread, our small world filled with the aroma of patience and familiarity.
The relationship lurched up and down for five years. Redse hated living in his sparsely furnished Woodside house. Jobs had hired a hip young couple, who had once worked at Chez Panisse, as housekeepers and vegetarian cooks, and they made her feel like an interloper. She would occasionally move out to an apartment of her own in Palo Alto, especially after one of her torrential arguments with Jobs. &Neglect is a form of abuse,& she once scrawled on the wall of the hallway to their bedroom. She was entranced by him, but she was also baffled by how uncaring he could be. She would later recall how incredibly painful it was to be in love with someone so self-centered. Caring deeply about someone who seemed incapable of caring was a particular kind of hell that she wouldn&t wish on anyone, she said.
They were different in so many ways. &On the spectrum of cruel to kind, they are close to the opposite poles,& Hertzfeld later said. Redse&s kindness was manifest in
she always gave money to street people, she volunteered to help those who (like her father) were afflicted with mental illness, and she took care to make Lisa and even Chrisann feel comfortable with her. More than anyone, she helped persuade Jobs to spend more time with Lisa. But she lacked Jobs&s ambition and drive. The ethereal quality that made her seem so spiritual to Jobs also made it hard for them to stay on the same wavelength. &Their relationship was incredibly tempestuous,& said Hertzfeld. &Because of both of their characters, they would have lots and lots of fights.&
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【导读】 里德学院(Reed College)成立于1908年,坐落于俄勒冈州波特兰市,是一所私立的自主的文理学院,也是苹果公司前CEO乔布斯的母校。这所严肃又傲娇的学校可是拒绝了US NEWS的大学排名呢!
里德学院(Reed College)成立于1908年,坐落于俄勒冈州波特兰市,是一所私立的自主的文理学院,也是苹果公司前CEO乔布斯的母校。里德学院以严肃的人文学科和自然科学学科的教育闻名。上世纪90年代,里德学院一直保持着文理学院Top10的顶尖排名。但是,里德学院十分反感US News通过校友捐款数额、学生SAT成绩和录取率等来衡量学校排名,质疑部分院校操纵数据,以提高自身排名。在1995年,里德学院宣布将不再为US News提供参考数据,也就是拒绝参与US News大学排名,成为历史上第一家不参与US News排名的大学。对此怀恨在心的US News人为降低了里德学院的排名,里德学院的排名从Top10直线下降到Top100.但事实上里德学院无论是人文还是科学教育认可度都非常高,毕业生获得博士学位的比例更是出奇的高。耶鲁大学社会学家巴顿克拉克称其为美国高等学府中最独特的学院之一。它规定大一新生必须学习一年的人文课程,此课程涵盖了古希腊、罗马、圣经和古代犹太人历史等方面。此外,里德学院还是美国文理学院中唯一一所拥有用于科学研究项目的核反应堆且大多由学生自主管理的学院。小班教学、小组讨论式教学是该校的一大特点。里德学院设置的小班课规模在14人左右,注重课堂参与,学生和教师的交流机会多,论文指导也是一对一交流。里德学院的学术要求非常高,学生只有在大三结束时通过资格考试才能开始写毕业论文。论文答辩不仅涉及研究课题,还会涉及所学过的任何课程。作为一所非常有个性的高校,在招生中,除了学术成果,推荐信和考试成绩,学校还看重学生的性格特点,以免出现学生和学校风格不合拍的现象。难怪在这里能出现像乔布斯这样的怪杰天才。(编者:简露)欢迎访问启德留学 欢迎咨询启德教育 &&&&免费获取留学规划方案,您可以通过以下3种方式联络我们:&1、欢迎致电启德教育客户服务中心400-;&2、欢迎
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