
网页版学习工具突然起来用英语怎么说沪江词库精选突然起来用英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息相似短语 春秋 子嗣,子孙,后代 phr. 温泉国家公园 phr. 英国斯宾格猎犬 phr. 天然泉水 phr. 英国史宾格犬,英国激飞猎犬 phr. 潮州春卷 phr. 深泉学院 表3-1泉水类型及流量 弹性简单悬挂相似单词 倒缆; 反向弹簧 n. 弹簧 n. 黎明,拂晓,开端 n. 水源,源头 n. 生命源泉 【医】 弹跳指(指伸屈活动障碍) 【医】 马后腿痉挛 n. 年轻人, 小伙子 【化】 回弹 n. 小形羚羊之一种翻译推荐 all of a moment 【口】plump down rapid pressure fluctuation tank surprise strategic surprise openings subjected to rapid pressure openings subjected to rapid pressure superbust superbust sudden ionospheric disturbance (SID) flash distillation surprise air attack更多推荐 blurt descend descend
burst spring break flounce最新单词 hard prolonged corridor initiative Chinese senior rend rocking老太太突然只会说英文,这也是病?
  It’s a problem that every language learner faces: you’re talking to someone
in a language you haven’t mastered yet, and all of the sudden you can’t remember
a word — or you realize that you haven’t even learned it yet! The flow of
conversation stops, your mind goes blank, your conversation partner searches
your eyes for whatever you are trying to communicate, but all they see is panic.
We all forget words (even in our mother tongues), but that doesn’t need to shut
us up. Follow these five tips, and you’ll never be left speechless again.
  1. Preventative measures
  Here are some tips to help bolster word memorization: Learn new words and
their synonyms. Learn how to describe new words in your learning language.
Instead of simply translating a word from your native language into your
learning language, these techniques help you associate a new word with other
words in the same language.
  Put these word connections into practice with a little improve training.
You and your friends can play games like “who can describe a concept with the
fewest words”, or, when you’re by yourself, you can write down as many word
associations as possible. This way, when you forget a word in a real
conversation, you’ll have plenty of other associations to fall back on. You’re
likely to remember one of the synonyms or at least be able to describe what you
mean in different words — without having to access your native language for
  2. Just guess
  Over 30% of English vocabulary was adopted from French, so if you’re
speaking French to someone and you suddenly draw a blank, take a chance and
“Frenchify” an English word. There’s a good chance that what you say will at
least be a close approximation of a real French word. This trick also works for
the other Romance languages — like Spanish, Portuguese and Italian — since these
languages use words with the same Latin roots as French words. Because most of
English vocabulary derives from middle German, this trick can work when speaking
German and Dutch as well.
  3. Make up words
  This is especially easy to do with languages like German where many nouns
are compounds of two or three smaller words. If you want to say glove, but don’t
know how, just take two probable words (hand + shoe) and stick them together.
Voila: Handschuh is in fact the German word for glove!
  Even if your clever made-up word is totally not a real word, your
conversation partner will find it much easier to guess what you mean. For
example, a cell phone is not a Taschentelefon (pocket-telephone), but the
invented word still communicates the concept accurately enough (the Germans
actually call them Handys by the way).
  You can also achieve a similar effect with the equivalents of vague words
like “something,” “thing” or “whatchamacallit” which allow context to fill in
the blanks.
  4. Use your body
  Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of body language. After all,
charades might be a French word, but it’s played all over the world. So do
pantomime, make sound effects, gesticulate wildly, make shadow puppets if you
need to, try anything! My mom pulls this trick all the time and has been able to
communicate with people in 500+ languages. Somehow, it actually works!
  5. Say it in your mother tongue (speaking of moms)
  This should only be your last resort, reserved only for those instances
where tips one through four have failed. Saying the word in your own language is
not ideal, but it’s still better than saying nothing. You can even turn it into
a learning opportunity by asking — in the target language, of course — “How do
you say ____ in your language?” They might not know, but it also might be the
final clue they needed in order to understand you.
  HOWEVER: be strict with yourself. Only say the word you’re missing in your
native language, the rest of the conversation should still be held in your
target language!
  Bonus tip
  According to Paul Grice’s principles of communication, people have
conversations with each other (surprise!) — so it’s not like you’re the only
person who can make the conversation happen. People are usually happy when you
try to speak their language. You can expect them to be a little more patient and
listen a little more closely than they would with a fellow native speaker. If
you can stumble through most of a sentence in their language, and utilize the
tips above for the rest, they’ll probably be able to meet you halfway.
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点击右下角“下一步”即可 依0如果点击“下一步”出现报错提示,请检查帐户设置信息中左边标红的地方,如果有标红的说明必须要填写才能通过。按照要求修改完成以后。在后台管理中,长按“App Store”应用图标,接着点击图标左上角的减号,那一定是 Apple ID 帐户信息里的国家设置出现了问题,点击右下角的“Next”按钮继续 吧随后在弹出的 iTunes Store 条款协议中点击“同意”按钮 9接下来在帐户设置中,银行卡选择“无”。下面跟着我一起带你在 iPhone 上直接修改 Apple ID 的国家设置。打开 App Store 以后,点击屏幕左下角的“Featured”选项,即可退出 App Store 应用,点击“完成”按钮 漆接下来即可看到 Store 一栏的国家已经变成中国。 工具/Region”选项 四接下来请点击“Change Country or Region”选项 5随后请点击“Store”一栏选择国家 陆然后找到国家列表中的“中国”。然后用手指向上扫动,找到最底部的 Apple ID 并点击 贰在弹出的菜单选项中,点击“View Apple ID” 三如果要求输入 Apple ID 密码,请输入。进入到账户设置界面以后,点击“Country&#47。如果自己没有更改过 App Store 国籍设置的话,有可能是苹果的系统出现问题。下面分别介绍一下对于 App Store 显示界面变成英文的处理方法。然后用手指向上扫动,找到最底部的 Apple ID 并点击 三在弹出的菜单选项中,点击“Sign Out” 四待 Apple ID 注销以后,点击“Sign In”选项 5随后在弹出的菜单中点击“使用现有的 Apple ID”选项 注。 陆然后输入自己的 Apple ID 和密码,点击“好”按钮。等待登录成功以后。 方法二、在iPhone上更改AppleID的国家 依如果上面的方法不管用的话,继续尝试下面的方法,请不要灰心,检查 App Store 是否已经恢复成中文显示。如果还是英文显示大家在使用 App Store 应用商店时,可能会遇到显示界面突然变成英文的时候,然后在重新打开 App Store 应用。如果这个方法不管用,请继续看下面的步骤。 贰这里先尝试把 Apple ID 从 App Store 商店中注销登录,再从新登录。打开 App Store 以后,点击屏幕左下角的“Featured”选项;原料 iPhone Apple ID 方法一、尝试注销AppleID并再登录 依首先双击“主屏Home键”:如果这里也是显示英文的话,请选择第一个选项,调出后台管理窗口,把“App Store ”应用从后台删除


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