He is too yong to clean room classthe room

>>>The room is ________small for us ____________live in.. [ ]..
The room is ________small for us ____________live in..&&&&
A. so, that&&&&&& B. such, that&&&&&& C. enough, to&& D. too, to
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“The room is ________small for us ____________live in.. [ ]..”主要考查你对&&不定式,副词&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
1、不定式的特殊句型too…to…: 1)too…to 太…以至于…。例如:He is too excited to speak. 他太激动了,说不出话来。 &&&&&&&&&—Can I help you? 需要我帮忙吗? &&&&&&& —Well, I'm afraid the box is too heavy for you to carryi t, but thank you all the same. 不用了。这箱子太重,恐怕你搬不动。谢谢。 2)如在too前有否定词,则整个句子用否定词表达肯定,too后那个词表达一种委婉含义,意为“不太”。例如:It's never too late to mend. 改过不嫌晚。(谚语) 3)当too前面有only, all, but时,意思是:非常…等于very。例如:I'm only too pleased to be able to help you. 能帮助你我非常高兴。  &&&&&&&&&&& He was but too eager to get home. 他非常想回家。 2、不定式的特殊句型so as to:1)表示目的:它的否定式是so as not to do。例如:Tom kept quiet about the accident so as not to lose his job. 汤姆对事故保持沉默是为了不丢掉他的工作。   &&&&&&&&&&& Go in quietly so as not to wake the baby. 轻点进去,别惊醒了婴儿。 2)表示结果:例如:Would you be so kind as to tell me the time? 劳驾,现在几点了。 3、不定式的特殊句型:Why not: “Whynot+动词原形”表达向某人提出建议,翻译为:为什么不……?&& 干吗不……?例如:Why not take a holiday?不定式的用法:
1、不定式作补语:1)有些有动词+宾语+不定式的结构。例如:advise allow cause challenge command compel drive驱使 enable encourage forbid force impel induce instruct invite like/love order permit make let have want get warn persuade request send tell train urge 等。例如:Father will not allow us to play on the street. 父亲不让我们在街上玩耍。       &&&&&&&&&&& The officer ordered his men to fire. 长官命令士兵开火。注意:有些动词如make,have,get,want等可用不定式作做宾补,也可用分词作宾补。现在分词表达主动,也表达正在进行,过去分词表达被动。 2)有些有动词+宾语+不定式的结构,不定式的动词往往是be,不定式一般可以省去。例如:consider find believe think declare(声称) appoint guess fancy(设想) guess judge imagine know 等。 例如:We believe him to be guilty. 我们相信他是有罪的。&&&&&&&&&&&&&We know him to be a fool. 我们知道他是个笨蛋。(tobe不能省去)典型例题:Charles Babbage is generally considered___the first computer. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& A. to invent &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. inventing &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C. to have invented &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D. having invented 答案:C. 一般没有consider+宾语+be以外不定式的结构,也没有consider+宾语+doing的结构,排除A、B、D。consider用动词be以外的不定式作宾补时,一般要求用不定式的完成式,故选C。 3)有些动词可以跟there+to be的结构。例如:believe expect intend like love mean prefer want wish understand 等。例如:We didn't expect there to be so many people there. 我们没料到会有那么多人在那里。 &&&&&&&&&&& You wouldn't want there to be another war. 你不至于想让另外一场战争发生吧。 2、不定式作主语:不定式作主语,往往用it作形式主语,真正的主语不定式放至句子的后面。 例如:It's so nice to hear your voice. 听到你的声音真高兴。 &&&&&&&&&&& It's necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it. 不用车的时候,锁车是有必要的。  &&&&&&&&&&& It's very kind of you to help us. 他帮助我们,他真好。  &&&&&&&&&&& It seemed selfish of him not to give them anything. 他不给他们任何东西,这显得太自私了。3、不定式作表语:不定式可放在be动词后面,形成表语。例如:My work is to clean the room every day. 我的工作是每天清扫房间。  &&&&&&&&&&& His dream is to be a doctor. 他的梦想是成为一名医生。 4、不定式作定语:不定式做定语通常要放在被修饰的词后,往往表示未发生的动作。例如:I have a lot of work to do.我有许多事要做。   &&&&&&&&&&& There was nothing to bring home that morning. 那天早上(他回家时)两手空空。 5、不定式作状语:1)目的状语:常用结构为to do,only to do(仅仅为了), in order to do,so as to do,so(such)...asto…(如此…以便…)。例如:He ran so&fast as to catch the first bus. 他飞快地跑以便赶上第一班车。   &&&&&&&&&&& I come here only to say good-bye to you. 我来仅仅是向你告别。 2)作结果状语,可以表示没有预料到的或事与愿违的结果,不定式要放在句子后面。 例如:I awoke to find my truck gone. 我醒来发现箱子不见了。   &&&&&&&&&&& He searched the room only to find nothing. 他搜索了房间,没发现什么。 3)表原因:例如:I'm glad to see you.& 见到你很高兴。 &&&&&&&&&&& She wept to see the sight. 她一看到这情形就哭了。 4)表示理由和条件: 例如:He must be a fool to say so. &&&&&&&&&&& You will do well to speak more carefully.&&&&&&&&&&& You will do well to speak more carefully. 不定式知识体系:
1、用作介词的to:to可以用作介词,也可用作不定式的标示。下面的to都用作介词:admit to& object to& beaccus to& med to& beused to& stick to& turn to开始 look forward to& be devoted to& pay attention to &contribute to apologize to devote oneself to 2、省去to的动词不定式: 1)情态动词(除ought外)后。 2)使役动词let,have,make后,感官动词see, watch, lookat, notice, observe, hear, listento, smell, feel, find等后。注意:被动语态中不能省去to。例如:I saw him dance. 我看见他跳舞。=He was seen to dance.   &&&&&&&&&& The boss made them work the whole night. 老板让他们整夜干活。 =They were made to work the whole night. 3)would rather,had better句型后: 4)Why…/why not…句型后:5)help后可带to,也可不带to, help sb(to)do sth: 6)but和except后:but前是实义动词do时,后面出现的不定式不带to。比较:He wants to do nothing but go out. 他只想出去玩。   &&&&&&&&&&& He wants to believe anything but to take the medicine. 除了吃这药,他什么都信。 7)由and, or和than连接的两个不定式,第二个to可以省去: 8)通常在discover, imagine, suppose, think等词后作宾补时,可以省去to be。例如:He is supposed(to be)nice. 他应该是个好人。 3、动词不定式的否定式在不定式标志to前加上not。例如:Tell him not to shut the window。让他别关窗。  &&&&&&&&&&& She pretended not to see me when I passed by. 我走过的时候,她假装没看见。4、It's for sb. 和It's of sb. 这样的句子中,由于表语形容词性质的不同,导致了不定式逻辑主语标志用for或of的区别。 1)for sb. 句型中的形容词一般为表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impossible等:例如:It's very hard for him to study two languages. 对他来说学两门外语是很难的。 2)of sb句型中的形容词一般为表示性格,品德,心智能力,表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。例如:It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。用for还是用of的另一种辨别方法:用介词for或of后面的逻辑主语作句子的主语,用介词前边的形容词作表语,造个句子。如果通顺用of,不通则用for。例如:You are nice.(通顺,所以应用of)。  &&&&&&&&&&&&He is hard.(非所表达的意思,不通,因此用for。) 副词的概念:
副词是指在句子中表示行为或状态特征的词,用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、介词短语、非谓语动词乃至整个句子,表示时间、地点、程度、方式等概念。副词的位置: 1)在动词之前。 2)在be动词、助动词之后。 3)多个助动词时,副词一般放在第一个助动词后。注意: a. 大多数方式副词位于句尾,但宾语过长,副词可以提前,以使句子平衡。 如:We could see very clearly a strange light ahead of us. b. 方式副词well,badly糟、坏,hard等只放在句尾。 如:He speaks English well.
副词的排列顺序: 1)时间,地点副词,小单位的在前,大单位在后。 2)方式副词,短的在前,长的在后,并用and或but等连词连接。 如:Please write slowly and carefully. 3)多个不同副词排列:程度+地点+方式+时间副词。注意:副词very可以修饰形容词,但不能修饰动词。改错:(错)I very like English.&&&&&&&&&&& (对)I like English very much. 注意:副词enough要放在形容词的后面,形容词enough放在名词前后都可。 如:I don't know him well enough.&&&&&&&& There is enough food for everyone to eat. &&&&&&& There is food enough for everyone to eat. 兼有两种形式的副词:
1)close与closely:&&&& &close意思是“近”;closely意思是“仔细地”。&&&&& 如: He is sitting close to me. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Watch him closely.2)late与lately: &&&&& late意思是"晚";lately意思是“最近” 。&&&&& 如:You have come too late.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&What have you been doing lately? 3)deep与deeply: &&&&& deep意思是“深”,表示空间深度;deeply时常表示感情上的深度,“深深地”&。&&&&& 如:He pushed the stick deep into the mud.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Even father was deeply moved by the film. 4)high与highly:&&&& &high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,相当于much。 &&&&& 如:The plane was flying high. &&&&&&&&&&&&& I think highly of your opinion.5)wide与widely:&&&& &wide表示空间宽度;widely意思是“广泛地”,“在许多地方”。 &&&&& 如:He opened the door wide. &&&&&&&&&&&&& English is widely used in the world. 6)free与freely:&&&& &free的意思是“免费”;freely的意思是“无限制地”。&&&&& 如:You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.&&&&&&&&&&&&&& You may speak freely, say what you like.
与“The room is ________small for us ____________live in.. [ ]..”考查相似的试题有:
210103220246196618233282186410212632Sorry。I've got to clean the room because it is too dirty now。的意思是_百度知道
Sorry。I've got to clean the room because it is too dirty now。的意思是
对不起,我要去打扫房间因为太脏了。I've got to是口语的说法,就是我要,我正想,我得内种意思…拜托采纳吧
is too young to join the army. 他年龄太小,不能参军。
too + 形容词或副词的原级 + to + 动词原形
1. 主语(人/物)+谓语动词+too+形容词/副词+to do&&&& (最常用)
&& e.g. The boy is too
young to go to school.
2. 主语(物)+谓语动词+too+形容词/副词+ to be done
&& e.g. The tea is too hot
to be drunk.
3. 主语+谓语动词+too+形容词/ 副词+for sb. +to do
&& e.g. This box is too heavy for me to carry.
&& e.g. It’s too expensive for her
4.too+adj.+a(an)+n.+to do /to be done
&& e.g. He's too experienced an artist to mind what the
critics say.
&&&&& 他是个经验非常丰富的艺术家,不会介意批评家说些什么。
The nice dress is too
expensive for her to buy. &&&√
The nice dress is too
expensive for her to buy it.&& ×
注意2:若句子主语与其后不定式有动宾关系,且其中的动词为不及物动词,此时应注意在其后加适当的介词。如:The room is too dirty to live in. 这房间太脏,不能住。
三、too... to... 结构表达肯定的意义
&& &1. too 前面含有表示否定意义的词,如: not, never, nothing, but等时,too... to... 结构不表示否定的意义。
It is never too old to
learn. 活到老,学到老。
&&&&& e.g.
is not too difficult to learn.英语并不难学。
2. 如果在too... to...这种结构的前面出现了only, 相当于very 或very
I shall be only too pleased
to get home. 到了家我将极其高兴。
are only too happy to live in China. 生活在中国,我们太幸福了。
  3. too后接表示感情的形容词,如glad, pleased, happy, sad, ready, eager, satisfied, inclined, kind, willing,
easy, anxious等时,too... to...句型不再表示否定意义,而表示的是肯定意义。其后的不定式不是说明too的具体内容,而是修饰形容词。例如:
  e.g. He is too sad to hear the bad news. &听到这个不幸的消息他太悲伤了。
The old woman is too apt to forget.& 这位老太太太健忘了。
We are too willing to be scientists.&& 我们太想当科学家了。
&&& *4. 在“too...to”结构中,不定式为否定式时,是构成的双重否定,其意为“非常(很,太,那么)……不会不(必定能,所以能)……”,表示肯定意义。
e.g. He is too kind not
to help you.他很善良,不会不帮助你。
e.g. The girl is too
careful not to do it well.这姑娘很细心,完全能干好那件事。
四、 too…to…与…enough to…及so... that...结构的互换
1.将too...to...与…enough to... 互换时,要注意:
⑴ enough 前的形容词或副词应是too后面形容词或副词的反义词;
⑵ …enough to... 句式须用否定式;
She is too young to do the work.
isn't old enough to do the work.
e.g. The problem is too
hard for him to work out.
The problem isn't easy enough for him
to work out.
2.将too...to... 与so... that... 互换时,要注意:
⑴ so... that... 结构是复合句,so后面接too后的形容词或副词,that后面接从句,too…to…结构中没有逻辑主语时,that后面从句的主语要用原too…to…结构中的主语;too... to...结构有逻辑主语时,逻辑主语就变成that从句的主语。
⑵ that后面的从句要用否定形式。
She is too young to go to school.
is so young that she can't go to school.
五、 练一练
1. The boy is so young that he can't look after himself.
boy is ____ young ____ ____ after himself.
2. The box is so heavy that I can't carry it.
 The box is ________ heavy______
________ ________ carry.
 The box is not ________ ________ for
me to carry.
3. The Math problem isn't easy enough for me to work out.
 The Math problem is _______ difficult
________ I can't work it out.
 The Math problem is _____ difficult
_______ ________ _____work out.
4. The book is interesting enough for everybody to read.
 The book is ______ interesting_____
everybody likes to read it.
1. 这箱子太重,我搬不动。
①The box is ___ ______ heavy for me
_________ _________ .
②The box is _________ heavy _________
I _________ carry_______.
③The box is _______light_________
_________ me _________ _______.
2. 这屋子太小了,五个人住不下。
① The room is ____ ____ _____five
people can't ____ ____ _________ .
② The room is ______ big _____ _____
five people ____ _____ ______ .
③ The room is _____ small _____ five
people _____ _________ ________.
3. 这道题太难了,我解不出来。
①The problem is ______ difficult
_________ _________ _________ out.
② The problem is not ______ ______
______ _____ _____ _______ out.
③ The problem is _____ hard _____ I
_____ _____ _____ out.
Mary is _________ _________ _________ _________ get angry.
Mr. Zhang is ____old
_____climb the hill.
二 1.①too,
to carry ②so,that,can't,it
③not,enough for, to carry
2.①so small that,live in it ②not,enough for,to live in ③too,for,to live in
3.①too,for me to work ②easy enough for me to work ③so,that,can't work it
too easy to
1. too…to
2.This hat is too big for me.
3. Lily is too fat to move.
4. This questions are too difficult for us to answer.
5. The boy is still too young to go to school.
6. He is too ex cited to speak.
7. He is too poor to go to the park.
8. She is too weak to walk around.
9. The teacher was so angry with us that he left without
saying a word.
teacher was too angry with us to say a word before leaving.相关词典网站:& “All students need to...”习题详情
All students need to have good habits (习惯): When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You can also remember (记住) them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important (重要的), too. You’ll feel tired easily if (如果) there is not enough light.1.When you have good study habits, you will&.A. learn things quickly
&&&&B. remember things easilyC. think about one thing
&&&&D. both A and B2.The living room is not a good place for study because it is too &.A. quiet
&&B. noisy
&&&C. good
&&D. clean3.You should remember to &before you study.A. clean the desk
&B. clean the room&&C. open the door&D. open the window4.You’ll feel tired easily if the light is &.A. enough
&&D. wonderful5.The best title (标题) for this passage is &.A. Study in the Bedroom
&&&&B. Good Study HabitsC. How to Study
&&&&D. Desk Light Is Important&
习题“All students need to have good habits (习惯): When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly...”的分析与解答如下所示:
All students need to have good habits (习惯): When you have good study habits, you can learn things qu...
“All students need to...”的最新评论
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“All students need to have good habits (习惯): When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You can also remember (记住) them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important (重要的), too. You’ll feel tired easily if (如果) there is not enough light.1.When you have good study habits, you will____.A. learn things quickly
B. remember things easilyC. think about one thing
D. both A and B2.The living room is not a good place for study because it is too____.A. quiet
D. clean3.You should remember to____before you study.A. clean the desk
B. clean the roomC. open the doorD. open the window4.You’ll feel tired easily if the light is____.A. enough
D. wonderful5.The best title (标题) for this passage is____.A. Study in the Bedroom
B. Good Study HabitsC. How to Study
D. Desk Light Is Important”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“All students need to have good habits (习惯): When you have good study habits, you can learn things quickly. You can also remember (记住) them easily.Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your bedroom. A quiet place will help you only think about one thing, and you will learn better.Before you study, do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is important (重要的), too. You’ll feel tired easily if (如果) there is not enough light.1.When you have good study habits, you will____.A. learn things quickly
B. remember things easilyC. think about one thing
D. both A and B2.The living room is not a good place for study because it is too____.A. quiet
D. clean3.You should remember to____before you study.A. clean the desk
B. clean the roomC. open the doorD. open the window4.You’ll feel tired easily if the light is____.A. enough
D. wonderful5.The best title (标题) for this passage is____.A. Study in the Bedroom
B. Good Study HabitsC. How to Study
D. Desk Light Is Important”相似的习题。


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