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英语哈哈镜,念顺口溜背英语单词,这一课的主题是&城里的小丑&,这一组的单词都以-own结尾。每一贴都有四个部分组成1)背单词的顺口溜口诀 2)识音标,记单词及单词扩展的词组和俚语 3)透过哈哈镜记单词:词汇扩展,背更多的英语单词 4)佳句有约:用刚记住的英语单词造句,目的在于学会用单词
有一个clown(小丑) *
被龙王 own (拥有)
town n.市镇town hall(市政厅,镇公所), 城镇town planning(城镇计划),城市,商业中心,都市,市民,城镇居民;[习语] down town(进城,城市的商业区, 闹市区),the sea-born town(水都威尼斯)。
clown n.小丑, 粗鲁愚蠢的人,丑角,乡下人;vi扮小丑,行为像小丑,闹笑话,逗趣。
crown n.王冠, 花冠, 冠军称号,君权,国王,女王,顶;vt.加冕, 顶上有, 表彰, 使圆满完成;adj.皇冕的,王室的crown prince(王储)。
brown n.褐色,黑皮肤的人;adj.褐色的, 棕色的,阴郁的,皮肤黝黑的,亚裔的;v.(使)成褐色, 晒黑;[习语] brown off(使厌烦,激怒)。
down adj.向下的,情绪低落的,完成的,停止的;adv.向下, 在下面, 下去, 降下;prep.往下, 沿着;n.绒毛, 软毛, 开阔的高地;vt打倒,击败;[习语] down on(瞧不起,歧视,对&有偏见),down tools(停工,罢工)。
drown v.溺死, 淹死drown oneself(投水自杀),淋透, 沉溺于,埋头于,淹没,往...里加太多的水,消除drown one's cares in wine(以酒解忧);[习语] drown oneself in(埋头于)。
own adj.自己的, 特有的, 嫡亲的, 同胞的;vt.拥有, 自认,承认;vi.承认。
town---在town前加down变为:downtown adv.在市区, 往市区 adj.市区的
clown---在clown后加ish变为:clownish adj.滑稽的
crown---把crown里的n换为d变为:crowd n.人群, 一群人
down---在down后加stair变为:downstair adj.楼下的
drowning n.溺死
own---在own后加er变为: owner n.所有者, 业主
Don't live in a town where there are no doctors.
Give a clown your finger he'll grasp your fist.
Have fun. Be a clown.
Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband.
Luck sometimes visits a fool, but it never sits down with him.
One who sits between two chairs may easily fall down.
If you wish to drown, do not torture yourself with shallow water.
Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.
上班也能背单词:与Book书 有关单词记忆方法,包括了此单词的树状词汇关系图、联想单
own是什么意思 own在线翻译 own什么意思 own的意思 own的翻译 own的解释 own的发音 own的同义词 own的反义词 own的例句 own的相关词组
own英 [??n] 美 [o?n] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:own 基本解释名词自己的事物; 自己人及物动词拥有; 承认不及物动词承认形容词自己的; 特有的own 同义词own的近义词动词own 反义词及物动词own 相关词组own的解释1. on one's own : 独自地, 独立地, 主动地;own 相关例句形容词1. 1. I saw the whole accident with my own eyes.&&&&我亲眼看到这次事故的全过程。及物动词1. He owns three cars.&&&&他有三辆汽车。2. I own that you are right.&&&&我承认你是对的。3. She owned that she had neglected her duty.&&&&她承认自己玩忽职守。不及物动词1. She owned to having known about it.&&&&她承认早已知道此事。own 情景对话生活费用B:I want to (move out/ get my own place/ find a new place to live).&&&&&&我想(搬出去/有一个自己的地方/找另外一个地方住)。A:Sounds great to me.&&&&&&听起来很不错。Get under one’s skin-(保全自己)A:Never trust your secrets to Bob.&&&&&&别向鲍勃吐露秘密。B:I think he’s kind and honest.&&&&&&我倒认为他为人不错,挺诚实的。A:He’s the kind of person who do anything to save his own skin.&&&&&&他是那种为了保全自己什么都肯做的人。B:I don’t agree with you.&&&&&&我不能同意你的看法。出入境A:Would you mind telling me the purpose of your visit to the U.K.?&&&&&&请告诉我你到英国来的目的,好码?B:I am here to study at a university.&&&&&&我是到大学读书的。A:May I see your passport?&&&&&&我可以看看你的护照吗?B:Of course, here you are.&&&&&&当然可以,请看。A:Would you please open the suitcase? What are these?&&&&&&请把箱子打开。这是什么?\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCDB:They are Chinese medicine. Some pills only.&&&&&&中药。只是一些药丸。A:Are they gifts for friends?&&&&&&是给朋友的礼物吗?B:Oh, no. They are for my own use.&&&&&&哦,不,是自己用的。A:Could you tell me the ingredients?&&&&&&你能告诉我药丸的成分吗?B:They are made of herbs.&&&&&&他们是草药做的。own 网络解释1. danci.911cha.com1. 所有:在英国特殊历史时期,除国王以外的人,拥有土地被认为是持有(hold)土地,而不是所有(own)土地;土地享有者,均是持有者,而不是所有者. 由于这一特殊历史背景,英美法创造了一个抽象的地产概念,即estate. Estate 表示对土地的某种权利.own 双语例句1. Each person has the potential to win in his own way.&&&&每个人都有潜力以自己的方式获得成功。2. With students making their learning schedule and designing lessons and materials and presenting in the class, the project encouraged students to take responsible for their own learning.&&&&该课题通过让学生制订学习计划,自行挑选和设计学习内容并在课堂讲述,鼓励学生对自己的学习负责。在这一教学实践中,学生和教师的角色得以转换,实现了真正以学生为中心。3. For the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with any Restricted Business deal with any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或因从事受限制的商业活动,和那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司客户或消费者的人进行交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约。4. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with any Restricted Business deal with any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或因从事受限制的商业活动,和那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司「或子公司」客户或消费者的人进行交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约。5. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a supplier of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或联合任何个人、商号、公司、或以任何个人、组织、公司的名义、或与任何受限制的商业活动有利益关系,怂恿或诱使那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍为公司「或子公司」供应商的人抛弃公司「或子公司」和自己交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约;和6. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business, solicit the custom of or endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Date is or who within a period of one year prior to the Closing Date has been a client or customer of the Company whether or not such person would commit a breach of contract by reason of t and&&&&自交易完成之日起年内,以自己的名义、或联合任何个人、商号、公司、或以任何个人、商号、公司的名义、或与任何受限制的商业活动有利益关系,怂恿或诱使那些在交易完成之时或交易完成之前一年内仍是公司(「或子公司」客户或消费者的人抛弃公司和自己交易,无论此人是否因转移业务而构成违约;和字串57. When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own.&&&&没当机遇降临,伴之而来地时成功地希望,但时机遇不能自绗实现成功。188。8. I now take my own shopping bag AFTER ENFORCEMENT of Plastic Shopping Bag Levy.&&&&在實施塑膠購物袋環保徵費之後,我有自備購物袋。9. More than 130 million Garfield books have been sold, and he's had his own TV show.&&&&加菲猫漫画书的销售量超过一亿三千万本,它还拥有自己专属的电视节目。10. If the bhikkhu should have a hut built from his own begging on a site with disturbances&&&&如果比丘自行化缘而建寮房在已被占用又11. We've seen old hatreds pass, illusions of differences between peopl we've seen the human destiny in the hands of more and more human beings who can shape their own destinies.&&&&&&我们看见老一代人的仇恨归于消泯,人与人之间想像中的差异逐渐淡薄和消逝;我们看见人类的未来掌握在越来越多能够决定自己命运的人手中。12. own在线翻译12. The true strength of a country is best demonstrated by the willingness of its government to tolerate challenges from it's own citizens.&&&&&&一个国家真正的力量可以最好体现在他的政府愿意容来自于自。。。13. Portfolio, 25sheets of work and four A-level sketch books with one of my own, that amount of work, really got me something amazingly shocking.&&&&&&我被收了,喜吉了,课也不想上了就出去旅游了。是杨瑞说到想要去希腊我就突然开始查Provence 的网页,看得我流口水结果又只跑去了巴黎。14. 14. During July the thickets at lower elevations come into their own with the pinkish-white flowers of the rosebay rhododendron, by far more common in the park than the catawba rhododendron.&&&&&&七月是生长在低地的粉红色杜鹃花的黄金季节。这种粉红色杜鹃在大烟山公园要比紫红色的更为普遍。15. If you choose to download and use it, you do so at your own risk.&&&&&&如果你选择下载使用它,则自行承担风险。16. 16. You acknowledge that any reliance on material posted via the Service will be at your own risk.&&&&&&您承认任何依赖发布的材料通过服务将在您的自行承担风险。17. Joe tensed at the sound of his own name.&&&&&&乔在他自己的名字声音拉紧。18. 18. 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Ccording to the Gallup organization latest statistics in 2006, the public evaluation to pharmacists sets a new record, although ranking the second. It is obvious that pharmacists own very high image in the American society, be subjected to the public trust and respect deeply, even are superior to physicians.&&&&&&bstract:美国盖洛普机构2006年最新统计,药师评价虽排名第二,却创下历年药师记录的新高,可见在美国社会中药师拥有极高的形象,深受大众的信任与尊敬,甚至是超越医师。20. own20. Demona: Even with no will of your own, you're a force to be reckoned with.&&&&&&就算你在不受自己控制的时候,也是不可小觑的强。own 词典解释1. 自己的;属于自己的&&&&You use own to indicate that something belongs to a particular person or thing.&&&&e.g. My wife decided I should have my own shop...&&&&&&&&&&&我妻子决定让我自己开店。&&&&e.g. ...another group of patients who were taught to change their own dressings...&&&&&&&&&&&另一组被教会自己换药的病人2. 自己所用的;具有自己特点的;特有的&&&&You use own to indicate that something is used by, or is characteristic of, only one person, thing, or group.&&&&e.g. Jennifer insisted on her own room...&&&&&&&&&&&珍妮弗坚持要有自己的房间。&&&&e.g. I let her tell me about it in her own way...&&&&&&&&&&&我让她用自己的方式告诉我那件事。3. 自己做的;单独干的;独立完成的&&&&You use own to indicate that someone does something without any help from other people.&&&&e.g. They enjoy making their own decisions...&&&&&&&&&&&他们喜欢自己作决定。&&&&e.g. Tony also built his own house from his own plans...&&&&&&&&&&&托尼还自己设计并盖好了房子。4. 有;拥有&&&&If you own something, it is your property.&&&&e.g. His father owns a local pub...&&&&&&&&&&&他父亲在当地有一家酒馆。&&&&e.g. At least three British golf courses are now owned by the Japanese.&&&&&&&&&&&现在英国至少有3家高尔夫球场为日本人所有。5. 为自己所有&&&&If you have something you can call your own, it belongs only to you, rather than being controlled by or shared with someone else.&&&&e.g. They don't yet have a country to call their own...&&&&&&&&&&&他们还没有自己的国家。&&&&e.g. I would like a place I could call my own.&&&&&&&&&&&我想要一个自己的窝儿。6. (因情况适宜而)开始取得成功,开始进入(良好)状态&&&&If someone or something comes into their own, they become very successful or start to perform very well because the circumstances are right.&&&&e.g. The goalkeeper came into his own with a series of brilliant saves...&&&&&&&&&&&守门员开始进入状态,作出了一连串精彩的扑救。&&&&e.g. This is when geraniums and petunias come into their own.&&&&&&&&&&&这是天竺葵和矮牵牛盛开的时节。7. 报复&&&&If you get your own back on someone, you have your revenge on them because of something bad that they have done to you.own的翻译&&&&e.g. Renshaw reveals 20 bizarre ways in which women have got their own back on former loved ones.&&&&&&&&&&&伦肖揭示了20种女性用来报复旧情人的离奇手段。8. 使只与自己相关;使为自己所有&&&&If you make something your own, you become involved in it in such a way that people think of it as being related only to you or belonging only to you, rather than to anyone else.&&&&e.g. Here again is the song that Pavarotti has made his own.&&&&&&&&&&&下面再次为您播放这首帕瓦罗蒂的标志性歌曲。9. 属于自己的;关于自己的&&&&If you say that someone has a particular thing of their own, you mean that that thing belongs or relates to them, rather than to other people.&&&&e.g. You see, we have a problem of our own...&&&&&&&&&&&你知道,我们也有自己的问题。&&&&e.g. He set out in search of ideas for starting a company of his own.&&&&&&&&&&&他开始寻求思路创办自己的公司。10. 特有的;独有的&&&&If someone or something has a particular quality or characteristic of their own, that quality or characteristic is especially theirs, rather than being shared by other things or people of that type.&&&&e.g. Groups have a personality of their own...&&&&&&&&&&&每支乐队都有自己独特的风格。&&&&e.g. The cries of the seagulls gave this part of the harbour a fascinating character all of its own.&&&&&&&&&&&海鸥的鸣叫声给这片海港带来了迷人的独特气息。11. 单独地;独自地&&&&&&When you are on your own, you are alone.&&&&&&e.g. He lives on his own...&&&&&&&&&&&&&他独自一人生活。&&&&&&e.g. I told him how scared I was of being on my own...&&&&&&&&&&&&&我告诉他我有多害怕自己一个人。12. 独立地;依靠自己地&&&&&&If you do something on your own, you do it without any help from other people.&&&&&&e.g. I work best on my own.&&&&&&&&&&&&&我独立工作的时候效果最好。&&&&&&e.g. ...the jobs your child can do on her own.&&&&&&&&&&&&&孩子能独立完成的事情13. 傲慢;目中无人;颐指气使&&&&&&If you say that someone does something as if they own the place or like they own the place, you are critical of them because they do it in a very arrogant way.&&&&&&e.g. He struts around town like he owns the place.&&&&&&&&&&&&&他大摇大摆地在镇上四处晃悠,好像这是他的地盘。14. to hold your own -> see 相关词组:own 单语例句1. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.2. It was only after Mollohan - under his own ethics cloud involving business deals stepped down from the committee that the partisan squabbles ended.3. PetroChina will develop its own coalbed methane business after quitting the firm, the China Securities Journal this month cited industry sources as saying.4. When Li renewed the mine's license in 2000, he changed the business into a private firm of his own.5. The idea of carving out his own business began to take form.6. In its own court papers, the Garden said Browne Sanders'firing was for legitimate business reasons.7. The partners are then expected to commit to passing on the model of CSR best practice with an additional three business partners of their own.8. The joint venture's role has been far beyond its own business scope.9. The men's collection is inspired by Williamson's own wardrobe, mixing a dapper young gentleman's style with hot colors and attractive ethnic influences.10. China's booming trust and investment business will soon have its own industry association, sources said.own 英英释义verb1. have ownership or possession of&&&&e.g. He owns three houses in Florida&&&&&&&&&&&How many cars does she have?&&&&Synonym: own是什么意思,own在线翻译,own什么意思,own的意思,own的翻译,own的解释,own的发音,own的同义词,own的反义词,own的例句,own的相关词组,own意思是什么,own怎么翻译,单词own是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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