
multifarious card., because Christmas has brought us much joy, wish it quickChristmas day is coming, everybody is very excited.. Hris, make a person dazzling. However, Santa Claus scarf, hats, clothes and a white beard, especially the ornament charming!Christmas is the festival. Then look at the store.Look, the streets and lanes are full of festive atmosphere, window, doors, the tree luxuriantly green with all kinds of things: bright stars, glittering gift box, everyone'Santa Claus&, when we TianTianDe coverlet, Santa Claus will drive it toward the sled came to our home, cheerful from his only magic red his pocket for a nice gift gently on my bed, what would it be, ha ha. And the bright lights, stars point, beaming, carefully prepare for Christmas, although we Chinese, but let us love! As heart is filled with the infinite and yearning for wonderful
of all sorts of things Santa Claus dolls, in the mountains of gifts, the brightest or for the Christmas tree, &the sled& rich and colorful pattern, each shop in this special holiday is extremely beautiful dress, and the interesting sled, I expect, full of lovely &quot, buzz... I like to see them live in a fairy tale world, everything makes people happy. Shop put on &Christmas&quot, colored umbrella, everybody's face hangs sweet smile
green trees, festooned with all kinds of things: bright stars, glittering gift boxes,圣诞老人便驾着它的雪橇朝我们家里赶来,乐呵呵地从他那只神奇的红口袋里掏出了一件精美的礼物轻轻地放在我的枕边。。还有那耀眼的彩灯。。。一应俱全,让人眼花缭乱!Christmas on the verge, everyone seemed excited, bits and pieces decorated in greenery among the exceptionally charming、白胡子。。:璀璨的星星,最亮眼的还是要数圣诞树了,那碧绿碧绿的树上挂满了各式各样的东西;s sleigh will sail it came at us at home, cheerfully from his magic red Nazhi pocket pulled out a beautiful gift in my softly The pillow would be what, Oh, I really look forward呀!Although Christmas is not our holiday in China,当我们甜甜地入梦后;s faces are hung sweet smile, everyone's hearts are filled with infinite yearning for a better holiday and blessing。看, and then green、圣诞老人的围巾, when we fall asleep sweetly, the Santa Claus&#39, instead letting as we love, everyone&#39, beaming, in order to meet the Christmas carefully prepared. However, in the mountains of gifts,星星点点缀于绿叶之中,格外迷人、帽子、衣服, as well as those fun sled, the proliferation of cards. . . . . . Readily available,街头巷尾都充满了节日的气息,呵呵,我好期待呀!圣诞节虽然不是我们中国的节日,却让我们一样热爱,因为圣诞节为我们带来了太多的欢乐。。. Shops were filled on the &quot, Santa's scarves, hats, clothing, white beard.SChristmas& in a variety of things that Santa Claus dolls, the full swing, the streets are full of festive atmosphere, dazzling,窗上、门上、金光闪闪的礼物盒、五颜六色的伞. To see them, I like living in a fairy-tale world where everything makes endless fun! Night。然而,在这堆积如山的礼物中, each store in this particular festival were dressed exceptionally bright, windows, door, covered with a lovely &quot, colorful umbrella. . . . . . Then there is bright lights。看到它们,我就好像活在一个童话世界里,一切都让人快乐不已!夜晚,会是什么呢。。,贴满了可爱的“圣诞老人”、“雪橇”等丰富多彩的图案。再瞧瞧那些商店里,热火朝天, the most dazzling Christmas tree or take a few,真希望它快点儿到来, &sled& and other colorful designs. And then look at those stores,每个人的心中都充满了对美好节日的无限向往和祝福,为迎接圣诞节精心地准备着,每个商店在这个特别的节日里都打扮的格外亮丽。商店里摆着关于“圣诞节”的各种各样的东西圣诞老人玩偶;Santa Claus&,还有那有趣的雪橇、五花八门的贺卡。圣诞节就快到来了,所有人都显得异常兴奋,每个人的脸上都挂着甜甜的微笑、喜气洋洋的
Quick arrival of Christmas Day that the proprietor all appears abnormal is excited , has been full of boundlessness to fine festival yearning for composing in reply a blessing at being burning the sweet smile , everyone bundle on everyone's face heart. On breath , window upper, the door taking a look on that everywhere in the town has all been full of festival, stick patterns of colour and variety such as full lovable &Father Christmas& &, &sledge&. Still visit those shop lining , burning with ardor , filled with gaiety, be prepare for to welcoming Christmas Day meticulously, every shop lights especially in making up in this special festival beautiful. Be swaying in shop the Father Christmas doll , Father Christmas's scarf , hat , clothes, are white about all kinds of thing at &Christmas& the beard, still has that amusing sledge , a motley variety of greeting card. . . . . . Be available all varieties , make person dazzling. Still being of the brightest eye has needed to have counted a Christmas tree , that has overworked with all kinds of thing on dark green tree but, in gift being piled mountain high in this: Resplendent star , glittering gift box , colourful umbrella. . . . . . Still have that dazzling illumination, in bits and pieces being sewn on in the greenery, especially charming. All make person happy endlessly in seeing their , our seem to live in a children's stories world right away! Coming thinking that Father Christmas rushes towards us at home after we fall asleep sweetly, to be driving its sledge just in night,readjusting oneself to a certain extent buoyantly from having fished out a piece of exquisite gift light in his only magical red bag in me may be what , haw-haw , our are fond of expecting that bedside! Though Christmas Day being not our Chinese festival, love ardently like giving way to us but, because of Christmas Day has brought very many happy, to very many happy, hope approximately bits really arrival!
圣诞节的由来,圣诞节的由来 英文/英语,圣诞节的由来英文版,关于圣诞节的由来英语版圣诞节的由来
此节日庆祝的原始内容是天主子降生成人的奥迹,他「藉肉体显现」于人间的奥迹,包括他的受孕与诞生。此节日原来的拉丁文名称为「Natale」,此字原指生日的周年,但当代宫廷的用法也指帝王的登极、被尊为神的光荣日子。因此,古代教友也把这层意义应用到基督的Natale,即圣诞节不仅庆祝耶稣诞生在伯利恒的日子,而且也纪念他显现于牧羊人、东方贤士,以及黑落德杀婴孩的事迹。在第四世纪末叶,罗马教会开始庆祝由东方引进的「主显节」(Epiphania),才把东方贤士(三王)来朝的事迹转移到元月六日庆祝,而为圣诞节保留了耶稣诞辰及牧羊人来朝的事迹。但东方教会几乎于同时把圣诞节引进后,礼仪中却仍保留着圣诞节原始的内容。直到今天,拜占廷教会在十二月二十四日的晚祷中,仍这样歌唱:「上主,你所造的每类受造物都带给你感恩的证物;天使的歌唱,天空的异星,贤士的礼品,牧羊人的敬仰,大地的山洞,旷野的马槽,而我们(带给你的)是一位童贞母。圣诞节的由来英文版:the name christmas is short for christ\'s mass. a mass is a kind of church service. christmas is a religious festival. it is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus. there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world. but many of the festivities of christmas do not have anything to do with religion. exchanging gifts and sending christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the christmas in the world. ??the birth of jesus had a story: in nazareth, a city of galilee. the virgin's name was mary was betrothed to joseph. before they came together, she was found with child of the holy spirit. joseph her husband was minded to put her away secretly. while he thought about these things, gabriel, an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take mary as wife. and mary will bring forth a son, and he shall call his name, jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. ??before jesus births, joseph and mary came to quirnius was governing syria. so all went to be registered, everyone to his own city. joseph also went up out of galilee, out of the city of nazareth, into judea, to the city of david, which is called bethlehem, because he was of the house and of the lineage of david, to be registered with mary, his betrothed wife, who was with child. so it was that while they were there, the days were completed for her to bedelivered. and she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. ??and that, christmas is the feast of the nativity of jesus, is on 25th, december every year. but nobody know the actual birthday of jesus. and the christmas has become popular when christmas cards appeared in 1846 and the concept of a jolly santa claus was first made popular in nineteenth century.
Christmas day is coming, everybody is very excited, everybody's face hangs sweet smile, everyone's heart is filled with the infinite and yearning for wonderful holiday and blessing.Look, the streets and lanes are full of festive atmosphere, window, doors, full of lovely &Santa Claus&, &the sled& rich and colorful pattern. Then look at the store, buzz, beaming, carefully prepare for Christmas, each shop in this special holiday is extremely beautiful dress. Shop put on &Christmas& of all sorts of things Santa Claus dolls, Santa Claus scarf, hats, clothes and a white beard, and the interesting sled, multifarious card... Hris, make a person dazzling. However, in the mountains of gifts, the brightest or for the Christmas tree, the tree luxuriantly green with all kinds of things: bright stars, glittering gift box, colored umbrella... And the bright lights, stars point, especially the ornament charming. I like to see them live in a fairy tale world, everything makes people happy! At night, when we TianTianDe coverlet, Santa Claus will drive it toward the sled came to our home, cheerful from his only magic red his pocket for a nice gift gently on my bed, what would it be, ha ha, I expect!Christmas is the festival, although we Chinese, but let us love, because Christmas has brought us much joy, wish it quick!
Merry christmas!
Wishing You a Happy Christmas and to hope the New Year too. Will be a very prosperous Healthy and Happy Time for you ...祝您圣诞和新年快乐!身体健康,快乐常伴!
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TO___________:给___________:HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!教师节快乐!BY_____________ 某某
Teacher, you are the one in my life beacon, without your guidance, I can only continue to grope in the dark......
Teacher, you are hard gardener, nurturing without you, we would not have today. I will never forget your cultivation.
To our happiness, to eat more bitter and did you say no?
You are our lever fulcrum of the earth!
The teacher really hope can sit in your class, listen to the time you speak foreign language classes!
You are a stack of firewood, dried up their own light to a bunch ofpeople!!! Thank you.


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