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MAC OS 本质上还是 Unix 系统, Unix 系统大多默认情况下非root用户是无法使用小于1024的常用端口的.这时候如果你开发中需要在普通用户下用到80端口, 比如 tomcat, 比如 vitualbox 下构建了一个 http 服务, 若你想直接通过 浏览器的 localhost 访问的话(比用加上莫名其妙的&:端口&的话)你就需要做一些系统端口转发的工作. MAC OS 10.10 上 pfctl 就可以做这一件事情, 详情请参见 man pfctl 或者 man p
auto 在C++11之前,auto关键字用来指定存储期.在新标准中,它的功能变为类型推断.auto现在成了一个类型的占位符,通知编译器去根据初始化代码推断所声明变量的真实类型.各种作用域内声明变量都可以用到它.例如,名空间中,程序块中,或是for循环的初始化语句中. auto i = 42; // i is an int auto l = 42LL; // l is an long long auto p = new foo(); // p is a foo* 使用auto通常意味着更短的代码
在C++11新标准中,语言本身和标准库都增加了很多新内容,本文只涉及了一些皮毛.不过我相信这些新特性当中有一些,应该成为所有C++开发者的常规装备.你也许看到过许多类似介绍各种C++11特性的文章.下面是我总结的,C++开发者都需要学习和使用的C++11新特性. auto 在C++11之前,auto关键字用来指定存储期.在新标准中,它的功能变为类型推断.auto现在成了一个类型的占位符,通知编译器去根据初始化代码推断所声明变量的真实类型.各种作用域内声明变量都可以用到它.例如,名空间中,程序块中
1. Using the built-effects Unlike the Flex inside the animation in the Flash inside a random, Flex applications tend to instead of animation, so there is no timeline concept. The use of animation in Flex, you can use Flex own Effect, or their own cus
代码理解增强功能 语义的着色 语义着色帮助快速扫描代码和推断出更多的语义含义,通过增强的视觉反馈,在编辑器中.现在除了关键字. 字符串和评论,其他标记类型. 枚举和宏像被彩色 :参数是斜体等等.下面的屏幕快照显示了一个示例.请注意如何宏. 类型. 函数参数等冒出来,并使理解代码更容易. 虽然只有几个标识不同彩色,默认情况下,如下面的屏幕快照所示向用户公开大约 20 个不同的语义标记. 可以自定义 IDE,以不同的方式使用这些标记的选择性着色.例如,可以选择不同着色本地和全局变量就能方便源了解援助
说明:本站制作的旧版中文安装指南是根据外国网友的文档制作的,当时还没有官方安装文档.后来官方发布了正式的安装文档,因此本站根据官方指南重新制作了中文安装文档. 当前版本:0.2.0,最近更新于 . 0 相关说明 Discourse 意为&谈话&,是由 Stack Overflow 的联合创始人 Jeff Atwood 推出的下一代开源论坛程序,关于它的介绍可以看看 codeweblog.com 和 36Kr 的报道.目前,网络上还没有一份详细.全面的中文 Discour
This article briefly introduce to you the principles and Flex full screen several methods of local full-screen Flex, Flex full screen and full screen flash is similar, as controlled by. We focus on this and discuss the principles and Flex full screen
Flex Getting Started Guide-PHP Developer Of: Mihai Corlan-Adobe Platform Evangelist What is Flex? The simplest answer is: Flex to create Flash applications only another way. Flash applications are compiled in the SWF file and the Flash Player to play
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Case-jsp + DAO management procedures to achieve a shout ---------------- Note. Java ------------------------ Java code 1.package org.sky.darkness.note. 2. 3.public class Note { 4. P 5. Private S 6. Private S
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This article is taken from: http://www.blogjava.net/jacky9881/archive//172076.html This Web application is very simple implementation of a user registration page, when users register at register.jsp enter information page, point to preserve
Chapter Name The main knowledge points 1 Web Application and J2EE Overview Web Application, HTTP, application servers, multi-storey structure, enterprise applications, J2EE architecture, blueprints, components, roles, standards of service, MVC model
Disclaimer: This article reproduced, provenance unknown, only individual learning 1, static Please read the following this procedure: 1. 2. Public class Hello ( 3. Public static void main (String [] args) (/ / (1) 4. System. Out.println ( &Hello, wor
1.1 from scratch, we believe that Perl is an easy to learn and use language, and we hope to prove that we are right. Simple one aspect of Perl is that you do not need to say before you say something that a lot of other things. In many other programmi
See the garden from the blog article, describes a large software company interview often out of two SQL questions (see appendix). I think the benefits are many, before, I always think, SQL2008 seems to offer this support, but lower versions, includin
Keywords: PLA fiber, optimization, orthogonal design to enhance the nature of additives PLA fiber dyeing process optimization studies (2) 2 PLA fiber dyeing process optimization 2.1 Orthogonal experiment with CI Disperse Red 74 pairs of polylactic ac
Originally posted address: http://blog.csdn.net/xingjunli/archive//5186058.aspx In RIA application development process, performance has also been a key yes we a Build swf file size, memory, cpu resource consumption, eve
Source: http://blog.csdn.net/xiaxiaorui2003/archive//4083194.aspx Requires write an example to call SERVLET, and can run, Is a simple index.jsp page, a GetAndPostExample servlet background, and WEB.XML profile index.jsp page view plaincopy
1. Why use ActiveX? Function of the page itself is limited, in order to achieve some of the page itself does not support features such as: Web page p2p video player, you must rely on ActiveX this ancient technology. 2.c # ActiveX you can develop? Str
After the two (&Web security issues of hierarchy& and &Understanding the essence of Web application security issues&) on the Web security and Web application security conceptual knowledge of the macroscopic description, I believe we ha
3. Import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletR 4. Import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletR 5. 6. Import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletRequestA 7. Import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.ServletResponseA 8. 9. Import cn.com.aja
extjs Study Notes (6) grid in the preservation of data, add and delete a series of them, we learned how to edit the contents of the grid, but we do not edit the results of preservation, which in practical application is not meaningless. In some cases
Deb package to install the downloaded files such as downloaded / software directory: sudo dpkg -i /software/oracle xe-universal_10.2.0.1-1.0_i386.deb The following error may occur: ( Reading database ... a total system is currently installed. 128061
Contents: 1) What is socket? 2) Internet socket of the two types of 3) Network Theory 4) structure 5) The machine conversion 6) IP address and how to deal with them 7) socket () function 8) bind () function 9) connect () function 10) listen () functi
PDU format Published by Posts Brief SMS was developed by the Etsi a specification (GSM 03.40 and GSM 03.38). It can send up to 160 characters when using 7-bits encoding time. 8-bit coding (up to 140 characters) usually can not directly through the mo
The basis of DB2 database The basis of a DB2 database 1 DB2 Concepts 8 1.1 8 1.1.1 DB2 product level 8 1.1.2 can connect to DB2 database product 8 1.1.3 DB2 9 to support the communication protocol 1.1.4 DB2 9 client product 1.1.5 DB2 9 to provide wha
Socket Programming Introduction to depress you? From the man pages is difficult to get useful information? The times you want to compile Internet related program, but for you to call connect () before bind () the structure and know what to do? More .
Nginx configuration during our time there will be a lot of places do not understand, in fact, sometimes for as long as you can find a way of thinking more than you want to solve the problem. Here we introduce to you the detailed information about Ngi
Code of non-original, fix the bug, or need to think about sound: / ** * Construct a request by way of splicing the content, to achieve transfer and file transfer parameters * @ Param actionUrl * @ Param params * @ Param files * @ Return * @ Throws IO
1. //show webapp: 2. 3. Uri uri = Uri.parse(&http://www.google.com&); 4. Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,uri); 5. startActivity(it); 6. 7. //show maps: 8. Uri uri = Uri.parse(&geo:38..036476&); 9. Intent it = new In
1. BRAnyChatSDKDemoDlg.cpp: implementation file 2. / / 3. 4. # Include &stdafx.h& 5. # Include &WINSOCK2.H& 6. # Include &BRAnyChatSDKDemo.h& 7. # Include &BRAnyChatSDKDemoDlg.h& 8. 9. 10. # Ifdef _DEBUG 11. # Define ne
Transfer from http://www.cnblogs.com/zephyr/archive//1210477.html Recently the client software development process, the use of Eclipse RCP to a number of technical, kind of the feeling of late meet. Despite its development in the daily also
In the last chapter of the web form custom integrated management platform for collaborative office mentioned in the custom web form collaborative product development tools have become after the following core components of the workflow. In the collab
In Ubuntu Server 8.10-based on Hadoop-0.19.0 build a distributed operating environment (VMware workstation version) Has long been very fond of distributed technology, has been to try to build a distributed programming environment, have recently seen
Framework has never been used to develop the site until all of his or her own handwriting, found that the efficiency is very slow. UBUNTU10.10 finally successfully configured ZendFramework. The first step to open the apache's rewrite module, because
nginx configuration file have more effect on the optimization of the following: 1 worker_processes 8; nginx processes, it is recommended to specify the number of cpu, usually a multiple of it. 1 worker_cpu_affinity 00
BW: SAP STMS configuration 1, SM59, remove all connections including STMS 2, STMS, Overview-System, remove all configuration 3, landing to the Client 000 UserName SAP * PassWord Pass 4, STMS, the new transmission control domain, the new Visual System
Cache Server Configuration Manual 1, Operation System Requirement: RedHat Linux AS 4 update 4 2, Package Installation: 1) Editors 2) Server Configuration Tools 3) Development Tools 4) Administration Tools 3, Language: English (US) 4, Application Soft
V $ SESSION This view lists session information for each current session. Column Datatype Description SADDR RAW(4 | 8) Session address SID NUMBER Session identifier SERIAL# NUMBER Session serial number. Used to uniquely identify a session's objects.
There are many web applications are based on LAMP architecture (M is MySQL), database read access in order to ease the pressure, usually using the caching mechanism, which is a database query fails after a certain period of repeated use of the result
Flex与.NET互操作 使用FileReference+HttpHandler实现文件上传/下载 在Flex的应用开发中,同ASP.NET,JSP,PHP等应用一样,都会有上传/下载文件的应用需求,Flex的SDK也为我们提供了专门的类 FileRefUdderence实现文件上传/下载.Flex只是作为一个客户端,要实现上传或下载必须得为其提供一个服务端来接受上传或下载的请求,本文以ASP.NET中的HttpHandler作为文件上传的服务端来完成上传功能. OK,我们从Flex客户端开始,
写一个layout本来是一个很简单的事情,可这次的一个layout问题确让我为难了许久才做出来,下面来大概讲解一下问题的出现与解决过程. 注:本文代码皆基于jquery实现. 按照普通的方法写一个layout,一般是用一个table来实现,用中间的td拖动来控制左右两个td的大小,这个问题简单,很快就搞定.代码如下: 1 &!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC &-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN& &http://www.
也许你已经发现第一篇文章非常的有用,这篇文章是继对初级Linux用户非常有用的20个命令的一个延伸.第一篇文章的目的是为新手准备的而这篇文章则是为了Linux的中高级用户.在这里你将学会如何进行自定义搜索,知道正在进行的进程和停掉进程,如何使用Linux的强势功能和如何在系统内编译C,C++和JAVA程序. 21. 命令: Find 搜索指定目录下的文件,从开始于父目录,然后搜索子目录. 01 root@tecmint:~# find -name *.sh 02 03 ./Desktop/loa
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MTK芯片是全球排名前十名的专业IC设计公司--台湾联发科技公司生产. 它的主要特点:一是低成本,对于竟争激烈的手机市场是最好的选择:二是芯片具有音乐和视频功能,满足了MP3和MP4的需求:三是芯片集成度高,功能较多技术性能好,迎合了市场的需要. MTK平台发展及各芯片功能介绍: 1. MT6205.MT6217.MT6218.MT6219.MT6226.MT6227.MT6228均为基带芯片,所以芯片均采用ARM7的核: 2. MT6305.MT6305B为电源管理芯片: 3. MT6129为
WebScoket 规范 4.1 握手协议 websocket 是 独立的基于TCP的协议, 其跟http协议的关系仅仅是 WebSocket 的握手被http 服务器当做 Upgrade request http包处理. websocket 有自己的握手处理. TCP连接建立后,client 发送websocket 握手请求. 请求包需求如下: 必须是有效的http request 格式 HTTP request method 必须是GET,协议应不小于1.1 如: Get /chat HTT
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