
关于使用使用Java发送SOAP消息的问题,急求大家帮忙解决,谢谢各位了。 - ITeye问答
import javax.xml.soap.MessageF
import javax.xml.soap.MimeH
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPB
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPC
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionF
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPC
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPE
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPE
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPM
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPP
import javax.xml.transform.S
import javax.xml.transform.T
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerF
public class SOAPTipWeather {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// First create the connection
SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
SOAPConnection connection = soapConnFactory.createConnection();
//Next, create the actual message
// &&&&&&&& MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance();
MessageFactory messageFactory = MessageFactory.newInstance(SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL);
SOAPMessage message = messageFactory.createMessage();
&&&&&&&& MimeHeaders hd = message.getMimeHeaders();
&&&&&&&& hd.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
&&&&&&&& hd.addHeader("SOAPAction", "");
&&&&&&&& SOAPPart soapPart = message.getSOAPPart();
&&&&&&&& //Create objects for the message parts&&&&&&&&&&&
&&&&&&&& SOAPEnvelope envelope = soapPart.getEnvelope();
&&&&&&&& SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
&&&&&&&& //Populate the body
&&&&&&&& //Create the main element and namespace
&&&&&&&& SOAPElement bodyElement = body.addChildElement(envelope.createName("getWeatherbyCityName", "ns1", ""));
&&&&&&&& //Add content
&&&&&&&& String city = "北京";
&&&&&&&& bodyElement.addChildElement("theCityName").addTextNode(city);
&&&&&&&& //Save the message
&&&&&&&& message.saveChanges();
&&&&&&&& //Check the input
&&&&&&&& System.out.println("\\nREQUEST:\\n");
&&&&&&&& message.writeTo(System.out);
&&&&&&&& System.out.println();
&&&&&&&& //Send the message and get a reply&&
&&&&&&&& //Set the destination
&&&&&&&& String destination = "";
// &&&&&&&& URLEndpoint myEndpoint = new URLEndpoint("");
&&&&&&&& //Send the message
&&&&&&&& SOAPMessage reply =, destination);
&&&&&&&& //Check the output
&&&&&&&& System.out.println("\\nRESPONSE:\\n");
&&&&&&&& //Create the transformer
&&&&&&&& TransformerFactory transformerFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
&&&&&&&& Transformer transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
&&&&&&&& //Extract the content of the reply
&&&&&&&& Source sourceContent = reply.getSOAPPart().getContent();
&&&&&&&& //Set the output for the transformation
&&&&&&&& StreamResult result = new StreamResult(System.out);
&&&&&&&& transformer.transform(sourceContent, result);
&&&&&&&& System.out.println();
&&&&&&&& String response = reply.getSOAPBody().getTextContent();
&&&&&&&& System.err.println(response);
&&&&&&&& // Close the connection
} catch (Exception e) {
14:47:29 com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl identifyContentType
严重: SAAJ0537: Invalid Content-Type. Could be an error message instead of a SOAP message
com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at saaj.SOAPTipWeather.main(
Caused by: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at Method)
... 1 more
Caused by: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection$
... 3 more com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at Method)
at saaj.SOAPTipWeather.main(
Caused by: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection$
... 3 more com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at Method)
at saaj.SOAPTipWeather.main(
Caused by: com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-Type:text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageImpl.identifyContentType(
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.MessageFactoryImpl.createMessage(
at com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection$
... 3 more no protocol: WebServices/getWeatherbyCityName.asmx?wsdl
&?xml version=&1.0& ?&
&S:Envelope xmlns:S=&
&ns2:sayHi xmlns:ns2=&
&soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=&
&ns2:sayHiResponse xmlns:ns2=&
&return&孙悟空,您好现在的时间是:Mon Aug 01 18:33:53 CST 2016&/return&
&?xml version=&1.0& ?&
&S:Envelope xmlns:S=&
&ns2:getAllCats xmlns:ns2=&
&soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=&
&ns2:getAllCatsResponse xmlns:ns2=&
&&& Header是可选的,由开发人员控制添加。
&&& Body元素总是默认的,Body元素里可能有两种情况:
&&& --当WebService交互正确时,Body元素里的内容由WSDL控制。
&&& --当WebService交互出错时,Body元素里的内容为Fault子元素。
阅读:64652Passage 8 Have you ever trained your brain? Now there are some new sug?gestions,such as eating dark chocolate and having cold meat for breakfast. You should also avoid watching soap operas,spending ti 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
Passage 8(2014江苏南通如皋,B)&&&&&Have you ever trained your brain? Now there are some new sug?gestions,such as eating dark chocolate and having cold meat for breakfast. You should also avoid (避免) watching soap operas,spending time with people who complain or follow fat-free diets ,ac- cording to a new book on getting “brain-fit” .&&&&Many of the suggestions in Teach Yourself to Train Your Brain are surprising.The book cays to read out loud while holding a baby.Writers Terry Horne and Simon Wootton say their advice is from the latest research by experts around the world.&&&&“For years we have thought our brain capability (能力) is de?cided by our genes (基因 ) . But it's now dear that it depends on our lifestyle.What we eat and drink,how we learn at school and what type of feelings we have are all important,” said Home.&&&&The book talks about the most up-to-date thinking in science about how diet,the environment,stress and other sides of modern life affect our brain capacity. It also offers advice and exercises. As the book comes out,more and more people are spending money on books,DVDames,which can improve their brain's capability.&&&&Horne believes that people need to make changes to their lifes?tyles to increase their brain capacity.Happiness,confidence and an optimistic (乐观的) nature help the brain,”he added.&&&&&So mix with people who make you laugh,or share the same in- terests as you.And avoid people who complain ,” said Home.“People who are negative will make you sad,which means you won't achieve things."1. According to the book,which of the following isn’t good for training your brain?& A. Doing some brain games.& B. Eating dark chocolate.& C. Having cold meat for breakfast.& D. Watching soap operas.2. What's Home's attitude toward the brain capability?& A. It depends on what our genes are like.& B. lf’s decided by our lifestyle.& C. It has nothing to do with schools.& D. It should follow the type of our feelings.3. What,s the book Teach Yourself to Train Your Brain mainly about?& A. How peopled brain capability works.& B. Exercises to improve brain capability.& C. Some scientific and healthy diets.& D. How to improve people's brain capability.4. From the underlined sentence,we can learn that& .& A. more and more people are interested in reading&& B. books can help people improve their brain capability & C. people are paying more attention to training their brain& D. there are many ways to train people's brain
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. CPassage 8[语篇解读]你知道如何让自己更聪明吗? 一本新书《教你训练大 脑》问世了!它将告诉你大脑的活动能力不仅由先天的基因决定,还取决于一个人的生活方式、周围环境及心理状态。1. D细节理解题。根据第一•段第三句You should also avoid (避免) watching soap operas,spending time with people who complain or follow fat-free diets,according to a new book on getting “brain-fit”.可知,.看月巴 皂剧不利于训练大脑。故选D项。2. B细节理解题。根据第三段第二句But it's now clear that it depends on our lifestyle.可知,Home纠正了我们对大脑能力的认识,它不是由 基因决定的而是由我们的生活方式决定的。故选B项。3. D主旨大意题。根据第四段内容我们可推测《教你训练大脑》主要 是帮助人们改善大脑能力的。故选D项。4. C推理判断题。画线部分的大体意思是:随着这本书的上市,越来 越多的人愿意在书籍、DVD和电脑游戏上花更多的钱,以改善他们 的大脑能力,也就是说人们开始关注他们的大脑训练了。故选 C项。
题目来源: &
Cloze 1(2015 南京)& & &Have you ever taken a tour of a zoo? If so,it’s likely that the person who led you through the zoo helped you to learn a lot about the 1& & &Amelia Rinas is a high school student who&lives in Ohio. One day Amelia 2 the Cleveland Metropark Zoo. The moment she saw the gorillas A there,she felt 3 about them. She wondered if they were getting the right foods. && & &Amelia read all she could about gorillas and learned what they like to 4 . Then she started a“ gorilla garden”. She grows the&fruits and vegetables that gorillas love to eat.Some of those foods are tomatoes,carrots,and strawberries. Amelia works with other volunteers in her community who use their 5 time to help Amelia and the gorillas. When they take the food to the zoo,the gorillas are thrilled.They look so excited!& & &Who is responsible for Amelia's interest in animals? Amelia is a member of Roots & Shoots. Its members are young people who 6 animals and the environment. They helped Amelia understand that animals need our care,too.The slogan on the Roots & Shoots Website is“Inspire,take action,make a difference”.These words tell 7 the group is all about. The group urges &(力劝) kids and grownups,including parents and teachers,to do what they can to make a 8 where they live.& & &When interviewed about her project,Amelia said, “ I joined Roots & Shoots 9 I wanted to make a difference in the world.”& & &There are many 10 to make a difference in the world. Amelia Rinas’s gorilla garden has helped make gorillas happier and healthi?er.1. A. gardens&&&B. foods&&&C. plants&&&D. animals2. A. opened&&&B. bought&&&C. visited&&&D. started3. A. bored&&&B. tired&&&C. worried&&&D. relaxed4. A. eat&&&B. bite&&&C. fight&&&D. kick5. A. paid&&&B. last&&&C. extra&&&D. lost6. A. care about&&&B. look for&&&C. run after & D. laugh at7. A. when&&&B. what&&&C. how&&&D. where8. A. living&&&B. mistake&&&C. note&&&D. difference9. A. because&&&B. but&&&C. though&&&D. unless10. A. ways&&&B. mysteries&&&C. courses & D. inventions
Cloze 9(2013江苏连云港) & & & & &Beauty will buy no beef.& & & &Everyone admires beauty. Everyone has 1 standard about beauty.& & & &Nowadays some people may think that they can own beauty if they have a
good looking. They are 2 with their appearance. So they 3 much money taking a kind
of operation to make&themselves 4 &. Can beauty really be man-made? If so,
everybody can get beauty. 5& aresult,there is 6 &beauty at all.& & & & The appearance 7 by our parents
and is unique in the world.Everyone should value it. I would rather rank nature
as the standan] of beauty.just accept yourself,accept everything 8 God gives
to you,and create the beautiful life belonging 9 you.& & & & Many heroes 10 beautiful appearance.
However,their&beautiful images often come to our minds. Their
beauty 11 & what they have devoted to the society.& & & &Don't try to
judge12 aperson
is beautiful or not without a complete understanding of him. A beautiful person
is not the one 13 agood
looking,but with a 14 heart.& & & &Good looking is pleasant while
spiritual beauty is more important. As an old saying goes, “ Virtue is fairer
thiin beauty.& If you have a kind heart,you own real 15 . 1.A. her own&&&B. own&&&C. his own&&&D. his own's 2.A. not angiy&&&B. satisfied&&&C. happy&&&D. not satisfied 3.A. pay&&&B. spend&&&C. take&&&D. cost 4.A. ugly&&&B. rich&&&C. good-looking&&&D. famous 5.A. At&&&B. And&&&C. As&&&D. With 6.A. some&&&B. a&&&C. a lot of&&&D. no 7.A. is giving&&&B. is
given&&&C. given&&&D. is made 8.A. that&&&B. when&&&C. whal&&&D. who 9.A. with&&&B. for&&&C. of&&&D. to10.A. mustn l&&&B. haven't&&&C. aren't have&&&D. don't have11.A .comes from&&&B. comes
of&C. comes up&&&D. comes
over12.A. weather&&&B. whether&&&C. that&&&D. which13.A. has&&&B. have&&&C. with&&&D. and14.A. broken&&&B. broad
and kind&C. cruel&&&D. unfriendly15.A. beautiful&&&B. beauty&&&C. money&&&D. health
Passage 7 (2015 浙江绍兴,1) )&& & & &Have you ever tried to understand something new on your own hut found it in books or on the Internet a bit too difficult? Don^ be worried—you can get help at Khan Academy (可汗学院) .&&&&&Khan Academy is an online learning website created in 2007 by Salman Khan,an American teacher. In order to provide “a free world- class education to anyone anywhere”,Khan offers more than 4 ,200 free micro lectures (讲座) at classes cover fields like mathematics,biology,chemistry and finance.They usually last for just 10 to 15 minutes. Unlike tradi?tional classes,Khan mainly provides courses for students below college level.The classes can also help those who are planning to take the SAT,an exam often required for students who wish to enter a col?lege or university in theUS.& & &So how can you start your learning journey at Khan Academy?&&&&First of all,enter the learning page with a personal e-mail account (账户) .It's your personal homepage at Khan Academy,which is coolly designed to help you learn math.You can take a pre-test first to see your level. The academy then suggests exercises at the right level for you.It also allows you to watch videos and improve yourself until you reach level 5—the highest level.&&&&If you are interested in other subjects,click“ LEARN ” to see all topics on offer. Try “Art History”,for example. This will take you to all the things in that area like text articles,videos and questions. You can also put key words into the search box to see related topics.&&&&Don’t worry if you find it difficult to follow the courses in Eng?lish.The courses have been translated into other languages,such as Chinese. Hundreds of Khan's courses in Chinese can be found on Netease,which offers translations of courses from Harvard,Yale,Ox?ford,Cambridge and other top universities.1. Khan Academy is a learning website that& .& A. was started by an American teacher&& B. has a history of over 10 years&& C. doesn’t provide free lectures&& D. is fit only for college students&2. The fifth paragraph is mainly about how to& .& A. pass a math test&& B. learn math at Khan Academy&& C. design your website& D .write an e-mail to Khan&3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?& A. The classes at Khan Academy usually last 40 minutes.& B. Nothing but videos can be found at Khan Academy.& C. You can get courses from top universities on Netease.& D. Khan Academy only offers courses in English.4. Which is the best title for this passage?&&&A. Online Learning&&&B. Salman Khan&&&C. College Education&&&D. Language Courses
Passage 3 (2015江苏扬州广陵区,C)&&&&&When my brother Joe was 6 months old,my mother brought him home from the hospital and told me to watch him while she fixed sup?per. We started playing a game I calleddogs" , rolling on the floor like pups (小狗) .Then I looked up and saw. my mother watching us.She was crying.&&&&He’ s &blind,she said.“The doctor told me today."&&&&I looked at Joe. He was laughing. “He canJt be blind, ” I said. “He smiles at my face."&&&&He smiles at your voice,she said. “ He’ll never see your face.”&&&&That was that.Joe was blind.Mama went back to cooking. I&went back to playing the game.From the age of 8 ,Joe boarded at a school for the blind’learning to read Braille (盲文). When he was 16 ,the school said heM learned enough and sent him home with a Braille typewriter.At 21,Joe moved out to live on his own,he said,“like a man”,in an apartmenl 48 kilometers away. He learned to cook,clean,and do almost anything else he needed.&&&&Then he met the love of his life. She was blind,too. When Joe called to tell me,he said/'Even a blind man can fall in love at first sight."&&&&They shared 10 good years before he lost her to cancer. Painfully soon after,he also lost our mother,who was his supporter,and our stepfather,who was Joe's best friend.&&&&What is left when you lose the loves of your life? My brother held close to himself three gifts : Faith,hope and love. His faith grew stronger. He always had hope. And his love for his family has never gotten weaker,despite (尽管)death。Loved ones leave,but love remains。&&&&His legs are growing weaker.My sister and &I often wonder what will happen if Joe canl live on his own. It's not up to us. You don ’t find strength to do something until it’s time to do it Joe has found it&whenever he has needed it.I believe he will again.When the writers mother brought Joe back from the hospital,the writer& A. was sad because Joe couldn't see things clearly & & & B. introduced Joe to the family dog at once&& C. worried that Mother might love Joe more&& D. had great fun playing a game with Joe&2. Which of the following order of events is CORRECT according to the article?& a. Joe started learning Braille for the blind.& b. Joe moved out and managed to live on his own.& c. Joe was sent back home with his Braille typewriter,d & d. Joe had a hard time when he lost three beloved. e.Joe & e. fell in love with a blind girl the first time they met.&&&A. abedc&&&B. ached&&&C. acebd&&&D. aecbd&3. What does the writer mainly tell us through the article?& A. People have to spend more time with their loved ones.& B. The disabled need others’ respect and support to live on.& C. Love,hope and faith can keep one going in face of difficulties.& D. People should learn to get over the loss of their loved ones.4. What does&it &refer to in the sentence“ Joe has found it whenever he has needed it.” ?& A. The belief in finding love again.& B. The strength to deal with difficulties.& C. The love for his family.& D. The hope to have stronger legs.
Passage 3 (2015江苏苏州工业园区,A)&& &&&Have you ever woken up feeling that something was wrong?&&&&It was a day like that for me.&&&&I sat up in bed.&&&&A little while later I&opened the curtains.&&&&It was terrible weather——the rain was pouring down.&&&&Then I looked down into the yard.&&&&Yes!There it was—the motorcycle.&&&&It was just as broken as last night.&&&&And my leg was starting to hurt.1. Something had happened to the person in the story the night before. What was it?& A. The bad weather had broken the motorcycle.& B. The bad weather had stopped the person from going outside.& C. The person had bought a new motorcycle.& D. The person had been in a motorcycle accident.2.“It was a day like that for me." What kind of day did this turn out to be?& A. A good day.& B. A bad day.& C. An exciting day.& D. A boring day.3. Why does the writer begin the story with a question?& A. Because the writer wants to know the answer.& B. To make the readers interested in the story.& C. Because the question is hard to answer.& D. To remind the readers that this kind of experience is &rare.
Passage 10(2013江苏苏州常熟,C)&&&&&Do you have a mobile phone? Do you send text messages to your friends and family?&&&&Text messaging or “texting” is becoming very pop- ular.But,scientists have discovered that texting can give us problems with our hands.Be careful!Too much texting can cause swelling (肿胀) in our thumbs and wrists. Our thumbs are not made for pushing small buttons,over and over. Scientists call this problem RSI.&&&&We spoke to a doctor called Harriet Wilson,who treats many pa?tients with RSI. She said we needed to see how much time we were spending in typing text messages. If we are spending more than 10— 15 minutes at once,we could have problems in the future.&&&&We also talked with Dr Harjeet Deepa who treats RSI patients. He told us that the youngest patient he had treated was a five-year- old girl.She wasnH doing well at school,so her parents took her for was found that she had such bad RSI in her hands,she couldn’t hold a pencil.&&&&As mobile phones develop,they are getting smaller with buttons closer together. Texting with a smaller phone is worse than using a larger phone with bigger buttons. Using a computer keyboard and pla?ying video games can also cause the same problem.So,more and more people couldn’t find themselves with RSI.&&&&Many university students and teenagers have RSI,as they do not know the risks (冒险) of spending so much time using computers,video games and mobile phones.If we don't do something about this,too many young people could grow up in terrible pain.1. What causes the problem RSI?& A. People make too many phone calls.& B. Texting is becoming very popular.& C. People type too many text messages.& D. Our thumbs were made for pushing buttons.2. The little girl who Dr Harjeet Deepa treated couldn’t hold a pencil because & .& A .she didn't go to school&& B. she was only five years old&& C. she had no thumbs at all&& D. she suffered a lot from RSI You can probably read this passage in a .&&&A. comic strip&&&B. story book&&&C. science book&&&D. detective story4. From the passage we know & .& A. it is better to use a larger phone with bigger buttons&& B. it is worse to spend less time typing the text messages&& C. using the computer keyboard will never cause the problem RSI&& D. university students who have RSI know it's dangerous to do too much texting
Passage 7 ( 2014 上海,D)&&&&根据短文内容回答问题。&&&&Chris is not a traditional explorer —he usually works in an office for a large organization. Yet his job can sometimes be just as exciting and dangerous as being an explorer.&&&&Chris works for MSF,an organization also known as Doctors Without fiorcfers (无国界医生) .MSF sends trained doctors all over the world to help people after a war or a disaster. Chris is a doctor from France who has travelled to many places to organize programmes that help people.&&&&At the moment,there are over 27 ,000 trained medical staff taking part in MSF projects and tasks. Fhe organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. All kinds of doctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be prepared to go almost anywhere in the world and,of course,they should expect difficult conditions. Doctors with experience in (热市’白勺) diseases are especially useful because most of MSF^ work is in Africa. When MSF accepts a doctor for a task,he has to go for at least six months. When doctors have completed a few tasks,they might be sent on an emergency task following a disaster,such as an earthquake.&&&&But why would a doctor leave a comfortable life and a good salary to join MSF? According to Chris,the experience you gain is a great help in your career.Besides,just like the explorers of the past,you need to keep an open mind and learn to mix well with the people you meet.Most importantly,at the end of each task,you have made a real difference to people's lives. Does Chris work for a large organization?& &&2. When does MSF send trained doctors all over the world to help people?&&&3. How many medical staff are taking pari in MSF projects and tasks?&&&4. What kind of doctors are greatly needed in Africa?&&&5. According to Chris,why is his work important to other people?&&&6. Why is an MSF doctor's job exciting and dangerous?&&&
c) 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,使 对话内容完整正确&&&&A:Guess what? Fm going to Chiang Mai next week.B : Wow,sounds like fun But I believe that April is the 11 &month of the year ihere.A Yes that’s true.But there's a water festival there from April 13th to 15th.B : 1 wonder if it's 12 &the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.A: Yes,l think so.This is the time of the Thai New Year.People go on the streets to throw water at 13 &B : Cool!But 14 & do they do that?A : Because the new year is a time for cleaning and 15 &had things.Then youll have good luck in the new year.


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