媒体对李毅吧出征寸草不生 Facebook 的评论是怎样的

外国人如何评价此次李毅吧出征 Facebook_百度知道
外国人如何评价此次李毅吧出征 Facebook
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。2,611被浏览201,463分享邀请回答blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime//chinese-netizens-flood-tsai-ing-wens-facebook-page-with-anti-taiwan-independence-posts/Chinese Netizens Flood Tsai Ing-Wen’s Facebook Page with Anti-Taiwan Independence Posts中国网民以反台独留言淹没蔡英文FB主页Taiwan’s Tsai Ing-wen rallies her supporters in Taipei on Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016. 蔡英文1月14号在台北出席她的支持者举行的聚会Taiwanese President-elect Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook page was bombarded with tens of thousands of pro-China comments late Wednesday, in what appears to be an unprecedented effort by mainland Internet users to bypass Chinese Internet controls and launch a coordinated messaging campaign on the hot-button issue of cross-strait ties.上周三,台湾总统当选人蔡英文的FB页面被成千上万的支持中国言论淹没,这是一场由中国大陆网民合作发起的空前规模的信息战,目前这一绕过互联网封锁的行动已经成为海峡两岸最热门的新闻事件。Members of Baidu Tieba, a message board run by Chinese Internet giant Baidu, collectively scaled China’s Great Firewall beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday and flooded Ms. Tsai’s official Facebook page with anti-Taiwan independence messages.周三晚七点,百度贴吧的网民穿越GFW,以大量反台独留言淹没了蔡英文的FB页面The campaign — which also targeted the pages of more than 10 organizations including Taiwan and Hong Kong media outlets Sanlih E-Television and Apple Daily as well as the British Broadcasting Corporation – appears to represent a new strategy by mainland Internet users to organize their message and swarm online media blocked in China.这场战斗的目标也包括十余家台湾和香港的新闻机构,例如三立电视台,苹果日报和BBC。看起来这次行动中,中国大陆网民采取了一种新的策略来组织他们的留言并用其淹没那些被屏蔽的社交网站。“This is a self-organized cultural communication from members of Liyi Ba,” the organizers of the campaign wrote in a statement on their official Weibo microblog, using the name of the Baidu Tieba message board they belong to. “We aimed to close the cognitive gap between netizens from both sides.”“这是李毅吧的一种自发的交流文化”,本次行动的组织者在其官方微博里如是写道,“我们的目标是消除两岸网民的认知鸿沟。”The effort comes less than a week after Ms. Tsai swept to victory in Taiwan’s presidential election on Saturday, in a win that brings to power her Democratic People’s Party (DPP), which espouses Taiwan’s formal independence from China. Beijing claims the self-governed island as its territory.本次行动在蔡英文周六赢得大选之后不到一星期即爆发了。蔡的当选标志着她的民进党获得台湾执政权,这对于台湾实现正式独立是一种支持。北京一直宣称这个自治岛是自己的领土。Liyi Ba, also known as Di Ba, is an online community with more than 20 million members, according to Baidu – a figure that rivals Taiwan’s 23 million population.李毅吧,也被叫做帝吧(译者吐槽:为什么不翻译成emperor?),是一个拥有超过两千万会员的在线网络社区,这个人数足以比肩台湾人口(2300万)。By midnight Wednesday, five hours after the online posters began their coordinated effort, the latest posting on Ms. Tsai’s official Facebook page had received more than 35,000 comments, most of which were messages indicating that Taiwan is a part of China.周三午夜,行动开始五小时后,蔡英文的官方FB主页已经收到了超过35000条留言,大部分留言都是宣扬台湾是中国的一部分。A screenshot of pro-China comments on Tsai Ing-wen’s Facebook page on Jan. 21, 2016.1月21号蔡英文FB主页的支持中国的留言截图The number of participants is unknown. But according to statistics shown on Tencent QQ, a popular online instant messaging service which also served as an organizing base for the participants, at least 4,000 Internet users were involved. More than 60% them are members of China’s post-1990 generation, according to a China Real Time analysis of the statistics.这场行动的参与人数目前尚不清楚,但根据腾讯发布的数据,至少四千名网友有加入。根据中国实时报(译者注:华尔街日报的英文博客版)对该数据的分析,超过六成参与者是九零后一代。The effort was particularly noteworthy for its level of organization. Internet users leading the campaign divided participants into work groups and assigned them different tasks, such as collecting photos, making graphics (or “stickers”) and clicking “like” on others’ postings.这次行动尤为引入注目的是他的组织程度,行动领导将参与者分为不同的工作组并分发给他们不同的工作,比如图片搜集,PS和点赞。Organizers also urged participants to be “civilized” and “reasonable” in their postings. Some users appeared to oblige, posting photos of China’s gorgeous tourism spots and delicious food along with captions such as “Made in China.”组织者同样敦促参与者留言时要表现的“文明”和“理智”。有些人很友好地在留言区贴上了中国风景名胜和美食的照片,并且打上 “Made in China.”的标记。Others, however, crossed over into more combative territory. They posted messages such as “Fight with Taiwan Independence dogs,” “Your mainland father will fix you,” and “What a stupid (expletive) you are.”然而,其他人却活跃在论战区域,他们留下诸如“打倒台独狗” “你大陆爸爸会修理你的”(没找到原话是啥……谁知道恳请帮忙指出),以及”你个sb“之类的评论。One 21-year old organizer who declined to give her name said that participants were instructed to refrain from “liking” more-radical comments and those using offensive language. “We hope to leave them with a peaceful, friendly and generous ‘great-nation’ image,” she told China Real Time.一位不愿透露姓名的21岁组织者说,参与者被要求克制使用激进言论进行评论。“我们希望能给他们一个和平,友好和宽宏大量的’大国’形象”。她对中国实时报说。Meanwhile, other Internet users have debated whether the participants are just members of a young “cyber mob” driven by nationalism. One hour after the attack, the hashtag “Di Ba goes to battle on Facebook” was the top-ranked hashtag on Weibo, with nearly 800,000 followers.与此同时,其他网民也在争论这些参与者是否只是被民族主义煽动起来的“网络暴民”。行动一小时之后,“D8出征facebook”的标签便成为了微博上的热门标签,拥有接近800000个关注者。Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hong Lei referred questions about the campaign to the government’s Taiwan Affairs Office. A spokesman for the office declined to comment.中国外交部发言人洪磊拒绝回答有关本次行动的问题,请记者去问国务院台湾事务办公室,该办公室的一名发言人拒绝评论。Jing Yue, a philosophy Ph.D. student at the University of St. Andrews who often discusses China’s political ecology, declared in a message on his Weibo account that the incident shows that “the mission of the Great Firewall is gone,” as the censorship apparatus was originally intended to prevent Chinese people from viewing “anti-China” messages such as those related to Taiwan independence.井越,一名经常讨论中国时政经济问题的圣安德鲁斯大学博士生,在一条微博中这么说:包括GFW的审查系统一贯是用来阻止中国网民了解到那些“反华”信息的,比如台独,而本次事件表明“GFW的使命已经终结了”。He added that those taking part in the campaign had climbed the firewall “just to mock free people with their stickers and slogans from Cultural Revolution era.”他补充说,那些翻墙参与本次行动的网民“用文革时期的宣传图和口号做成的表情包嘲笑自由世界的人”。Shi Anbin, a communications professor from Tsinghua University, said the campaign is reflective of “an ideological war between the two sides.”清华大学传播学教授史安斌说,本次事件反映出“双方意识形态的对立”。“Nationalism is a dominating ideological trend driving the Chinese millennial generation,” while young people in Taiwan are more post-materialistic, he said.“民族主义已成为中国年轻人的主流意识形态,而台湾的年轻人正变得越发的后物质主义。”他说。译者注1:后物质主义(英文:Post-materialism)是指一个后现代的新理论:指一个由个体及社会所带动的一个持续的转变,使他们从基本的物质需要中释放出来的持续革命。根据英高赫对亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的需求层次理论的诠释,经常经历经济上缺乏(scarcity)的人,会把经济需要,经济增长和安全需要例如强大的国家保卫系统、法律与规矩等,放到一个比较高的位置。另一方面,在物质生活上过得丰足的人,会认为个人进步,自由、政府所给予的公民权等比较重要,从而放到一个较高位置。(我百度百科来的,不对别打我……求更专业的解释)译者注2:millennial generation,千禧一代,有的解释说是指千禧年2000年成年的人也即1981年生人,有的说是指年出生的人,有的说是年的都算……我反正晕了,就翻译成年轻人算了_(:з」∠)_Wang Zhikai, 22, one of the organizers who wrote the official statement, hinted that the message board users are preparing for an even larger-scale mission in the future. “We are now optimizing our team in order to achieve a bigger goal,” he said.王志凯(音),一名22岁的年轻人,同时是起草FB行动官方声明的组织者之一,暗示说他们在未来不排除组织一波更大规模的行动的可能。“我们现在在训练优化我们的队伍,为了实现一个更大的目标。”他说。Taiwan’s new ruling party, meanwhile, appeared to take the incident in stride. Asked for comment, the DPP’s Department of International Affairs quoted the party’s spokesman, Yang Jialiang, as saying: “Welcome to the free and democratic T that is all.”台湾的新执政党看起来似乎对于这次事件泰然自若。当被问到有何评论时,民进党国际事务部门引用其党内发言人楊家俍的一句话:“欢迎来到自由民主的台湾,仅此而已。”--------------------------我是分割线-------------纽约邮报的来啦~PS:这篇是美联社首发的,NYP应该是转载。Chinese youths spam Taiwan leader’s Facebook page with pro-China comments中国的年轻人用支持中国评论淹没台湾领导人的FB页面译者注:spam是滥发网络垃圾邮件,垃圾评论的意思,约等于“灌水”但不太一样,意会就好……Taiwan's President-elect Tsai Ing-wen is from a party considered less friendly toward Beijing and the notion of eventual reunification.台湾总统当选人蔡英文来自一个被认为对北京不甚友好也无意于两岸统一的政党BEIJING — The Facebook page of Taiwan’s president-elect was flooded Thursday with tens of thousands of pro-China comments following a campaign by young mainlanders to jump the country’s “Great Firewall” into normally forbidden overseas social media to express displeasure over the recent election.北京——台湾总统当选人的FB页面在周四被成千上万的支持中国留言淹没。这是一场中国大陆年轻人发起的翻过GFW进入被禁海外社交网站的行动,目的是去表达他们对最近的台湾大选的结果的不满。President-elect Tsai Ing-wen is from a party that is seen as less friendly toward Beijing and the notion of eventual reunification than the previous one, angering many residents in China, which considers Taiwan part of its territory.台湾总统当选人蔡英文来自一个对北京并不怎么友好的政党,其对两岸统一的意向也很低。这些特点激怒了很多认为台湾是中国领土的中国人。A youth-dominated online forum on the mainland with millions of members launched the crusade late Wednesday to flood Tsai’s Facebook page as well as news sites, including Taiwan’s
and Hong Kong-based Apple Daily, with comments and conversation. Thousands of mainland web users appear to have answered the call.一个年轻人占主导的并且拥有数百万会员的大陆网络社区上周三发起了这场淹没蔡英文和新闻网站评论区的“圣战”(译者注:crusade,十字军东征)。包括台湾的三立新闻台和香港的苹果日报。上千大陆网民响应了这次行动。One of Tsai’s Facebook posts drew 42,000 comments, with most warning that China “firmly opposes any independence.” Some taunted the island to declare formal independence so Beijing has an “excuse to annihilate the bandits.”蔡英文FB页面的一个帖子吸引了42000条评论,大部分的内容是警告中国“坚决反对任何形式的独立”。一些评论嘲讽说希望这个岛宣布正式独立这样北京就“有借口歼灭这群土匪”。Though some Chinese have long chafed at Internet restrictions aimed at insulating residents from forbidden, harmony-eroding ideas from outside, this is the first major public groundswell to scale the wall in the opposite direction, for Chinese Internet users who want to flaunt their unswerving nationalism abroad.尽管很多中国人对于政府封锁境外网站的政策一直以来都抱有不满,这次历史上首次大规模公共翻墙行动的的目标却截然相反,中国网民翻墙之后只是想炫耀他们坚定的民族主义立场。Tsai Ing-wen’s party is against reunifying with China.蔡英文的政党反对两岸统一Though Chinese authorities tolerate eruptions of nationalist sentiment, they also do not like to see them spiral out of control. Beijing is wary of efforts to break out of the confines of the Chinese cyberspace and has hinted that the use of virtual private networks, or VPNs, to access banned websites could be considered illegal.尽管中国当局默许民族主义情绪的爆发,他们也不喜欢看到其超出自己可控范围。北京谨慎地对待翻墙行为,并暗示使用VPN访问被封禁的网站严格意义上是非法的。Beijing-based journalist Zhang Heng said the outpouring among young Chinese was the result of youthful exuberance and being “brainwashed for more than a dozen years by thought and politics courses” in school.驻北京记者张衡(音)说,年轻人的这一宣泄行为是其精力过剩和被“学校用政治课和政治思想洗脑十余年”的结果。The crusade’s silver lining was that many young people are learning how to access the global Internet, he said.本次“圣战”的唯一好处是,很多年轻人学会了怎么翻墙。他说。“I think that’s a good skill to have,” Zhang said. “At least some of the young people will see a more colorful world on the other side of the wall. When they are exposed to more information, they won’t be easily manipulated by a single political thought.”“我认为这是一个应该学习的好技能,”他说,“至少一些年轻人会看到墙外一个更加丰富多彩的世界。当他们接触到更多的信息时,他们就不会那么容易地被一个单一政治观点所操纵。”The campaign was organized by an online forum named after former Chinese soccer player Li Yi that has bred some of the most popular expressions in China’s web culture. Forum members planned further forays over the Great Firewall into Taiwan’s cyberspace later this week.本次行动由一个挂着前中国足球队员李毅名字的网络社区组织。这个社区在过去孕育了诸多中国互联网流行文化。社区会员本周计划翻墙进行更深入的对台湾互联网的攻击。A popular online forum in China is named after soccer player Li Yi.一个以足球运动员李毅命名的知名网络社区Supporters in China have cheered the online aggression as a spontaneous manifestation of the will of China’s young generation, while critics there have derided the crusaders as “little pinkos” who blindly follow the propaganda of the “red” Communist Party.在中国,支持者们庆祝这一行动,认为这是新一代中国年轻人表达诉求的一次自发的示威运动,然而批评者将行动参与者嘲讽为“小粉红”,意为盲目追随“红色”共产党宣传的人。译者注:这个解释好像不对,小粉红的详细解释知乎有,各位可以自己搜。On Tsai’s Facebook page, the Taiwanese president-elect did not directly address the storm of comments but posted a picture with the line: “The greatness of this country lies in that everyone has the right to be oneself.”在蔡英文的FB页面,这位台湾总统当选人并不直接回应这一留言风暴,而是贴了一张图,上面写着:“这个国家伟大的地方就在于,每一个人都有做自己的权利。”On the Facebook page for the news site SETN.com, the web administrator for its entertainment page engaged with the “crusaders.” When some of them inquired if they were on the right page, the web administrator helpfully provided the link to the site’s political news page.在三立新闻的FB页面,娱乐主页君和”圣战者“们互动了起来。当部分参与者询问他们是否来对了地方,主页君很友好地给他们提供了政治新闻页面的传送门。When a crusader posted a long list of the yummy Chinese delicacies as an enticement for fellow youth in Taiwan to look toward the joining with the mainland, the administrator replied: “You are quite a cook.”当一个参与者贴出了一个中国美食的列表来引诱台湾回归时(这句怎么有点怪……),主页君回复:你真是个好厨子。In an interview with PingWest, a website devoted to tech news in China, a person who described himself as a backroom staffer for the crusade detailed how the action was organized. He said he was responsible for translating replies in foreign languages. PingWest said it withheld the man’s name because he feared his own Facebook page would be attacked if he were identified.在接受中国科技新闻网站PingWest的采访时,一名自称是幕后参与者的网民详细介绍了这次行动是如何组织的。他说他负责翻译外文回复,PingWest说他们隐去了被采访者的名字,因为他害怕暴露真名会导致自己的FB页面被攻击。译者注:采访原文在此:The man said others were tasked with “liking” the comments by team members, or engaging outsiders in conversation.此人还介绍说其他人被分配到给队友点赞或者招新的任务。“We pretended to be picking fights, but then we found what we brought to the battle was bread and not bricks,” the unnamed participant told PingWest. “In the end we were talking about food, and scenic sites.“大家不过是假装来打架,却发现大家带的都是面包而不是砖头而已(直接复制采访中文原文),”这位匿名参与者告诉PingWest,“到最后我们在谈论美食和风景。”“The purpose of the Facebook battle is not to convince one side but let the two sides know we are all living beings instead of enemies with labels.”“FB大战的目的不在于说服任何一方,而是让双方都知道,对方不是只能看标签的敌人,而是活生生的人。”----------------------我还是分割线------------------最后是BBC的。【本文存在超链接和黑体字,本着准确传达原则一并加上】Pro-China posts spam Taiwan President-elect Tsai's Facebook支持中国留言淹没台湾总统当选人蔡英文的FBThe Facebook page of Taiwan's new president-elect Tsai Ing-wen has been flooded with hostile posts, seemingly from mainland China.台湾新总统当选人蔡英文的FB页面被大量不友善评论淹没,看起来这些评论是来自中国大陆的。Tens of thousands of posts demanded that the island be reunified with the mainland, under Beijing's control.成千上万的留言要求这个岛回归大陆,回到北京政府控制下。Meanwhile, China conducted military drills on its coast opposite Taiwan.与此同时,中国在台湾对岸举行军事演习。Ms Tsai and her Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won a landslide victory in presidential and parliamentary elections on Saturday.蔡女士和她的民进党在周六赢得了总统大选和立法院选举。The DPP is broadly supportive of independence from China.民进党一直公开支持台湾独立。Beijing considers Taiwan a breakaway province that must one day be brought back under mainland control.北京认为台湾是一个分离省,有朝一日必须重新被纳入大陆政府控制之下。It is concerned that Taiwan may declare formal independence although Ms Tsai has not declared herself in favour of such a move.有观点担心台湾有可能宣布正式独立,然而蔡女士并没有表明她有采取这方面行动的兴趣。'Love the motherland’爱国Ms Tsai brushed off the
on Thursday, saying: "The greatness of this country lies in how every single person can exercise their rights.”蔡女士并没有直接回应FB大战,周四她说:“这个国家伟大的地方就在于,每一个人都有做自己的权利。”Her party, too, said they "respected" those who exercised freedom of speech.她的党也表态他们”尊重”每个人行使自己言论自由的权利。Most of the posters wrote in the simplified Chinese characters used on the mainland, as opposed to the traditional characters used in Taiwan.大部分评论者用大陆使用的简体中文,用来和台湾使用的繁体中文针锋相对。Many repeatedly spammed Ms Tsai's Facebook page with a series of Chinese Communist Party slogans known as the "eight honours and eight shames", which among other things encourages "love for the motherland”.蔡女士FB页面里,很多评论使用中国共产党的著名口号“八荣八耻”来刷屏,或者是“爱国”相关评论。Access to Facebook and most major Western social media sites are officially blocked in mainland China - although technologically savvy users often circumvent the restrictions.The irony was not lost on Taiwanese Facebook posters, who sarcastically congratulated the mainland critics on bypassing the firewall.在大陆,FB和大多数西方社交网站通常是被官方屏蔽的—然而经验丰富的网民经常以技术手段绕过屏蔽。这样的讽刺在台湾FB博主们之间流传,他们讽刺地祝贺大陆网民翻墙成功。Observers say the comments appear to be part of a campaign organised from China although it is not clear by whom.观察者们表示,这些评论看起来是由中国组织的一场行动的一部分,尽管组织者是谁还不清楚。Chinese officials have been known to pay online commentators【黑体字是超链接,贴不上去,发在这里:】to post opinions supportive of government policies. Some experts【这是篇论文: 】have estimated that China employs about 250,000 "paid commenters”.中国政府在过去因为雇佣网络水军发表支持政府政策言论而闻名。一些专家估计被雇佣的水军人数可能有250000人。‘Live-fire'实弹射击China said it had carried out live-fire landing drills at its base in Xiamen, near the Taiwan-controlled island of Kinmen, "in recent days”.中国表示近期将在厦门实施实弹射击登陆军事演习,地点接近台湾控制的金门岛。The drills involved the use of long-range rockets and amphibious tanks, Chinese state TV said, without giving more details.CCTV表示,演习包括使用长程火箭弹和两栖坦克车,但没有透露更多细节。Steve Lin, an official from Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, which manages the island's affairs with China, described the drills as "very bad news”.台湾处理两岸事务的陆委会官员Steve Lin将这一演习描述为“一个非常糟糕的消息”。"We'll raise our military deployment, and at the same time we'll deal with it via reasonable dialogue with the Chinese side," he said in quotes carried by Reuters news agency.“我们会继续增加我们的军事部署,但与此同时我们也会尽力通过理性对话和大陆方面解决这一问题。”路透社引述他的话说。Ms Tsai says she wants peaceful relations with China. The island has ruled itself since Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists fled there in 1949 after being defeated by Communist forces in the civil war.蔡女士说她希望和大陆保持和平关系。这个岛自从蒋介石的国民党1949年国共内战失败退守台湾之后就处于自治状态。----------------------------------------------------------全部翻译完成…………_(:з」∠)_估计评论区得吵架,所以发现错的各位私信我好了。美国一点半了……我先睡了,诸位先看着,有错我起来改。谢谢各位。PS:补充一篇相似文章,来自美国《外交政策》网站:不要再称台湾为“叛离省”了3.6K857 条评论分享收藏感谢收起866107 条评论分享收藏感谢收起


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