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& 爱丽丝梦游仙境读后感15篇_20字
There are so many quotes that I really like in this book.And my favourite is definitely&It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.&I like it so much because it makes me feel like we all need to have a positive attitude towards life.We might all have thing not going in our way,but there is no point focusing at those dark side in life which can not be changed.We should all focusing on what's good in our life,because it's only the future that we could make a difference.So don't let go of this very moment,live hard and make it a better one.
你可能喜欢爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文版读后感 100-120字
爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文版读后感 100-120字 各位学长们,我只需要100-120.别超了200啊
  爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice In Wonderland  Review on Alice In Wonderland  So here we are again,back down the rabbit hole with the ever-resourceful Alice courtesy of another movie studio.Ever wonder why they bother?Perhaps it's the fact that up until the last 50 years there was a dearth of decent young female protagonists in literature,but one thing's for sure,there's no sign of filmmakers getting tired of reinterpreting her picaresque adventures in Wonderland.  This time up,Tim Burton is at the tiller,so you might expect a gothic twist in the tale.What you are unlikely to predict is the sheer mediocrit there is more that is wandering than wonderful here.In an attempt to give Alice a touch of the Noughties - and presumably to attract that all-important teenage demographic - she is now 19 years old.Plagued her whole life by nightmares of falling,which no doubt account for the fact that actress Mia Wasikowska looks like a sallow,underfed version of Gwyneth Paltrow,she is about to be railroaded into marriage.Dashing off from the imminent proposal,she trips on a tree that appears to be a refugee from Sleepy Hollow and tumbles down the rabbit hole.After the traditional shenanigans with glass-topped table,key,'drink me' juice and 'eat me' cake she manages to unlock and pass through a small door,but those who have brought her here fear they have "the wrong Alice".  They must have the right one,you see,because it has been declared that she will become the White Queen's champion,slay the fearsome Jabberwock and thereby vanquish the evil Red Queen.Somehow the Mad Hatter (Johnny Depp) becomes muddled up in all this,along with Tweedledum and Tweedledee (Matt Lucas doing the vocal honours),The Cheshire Cat (Stephen Fry,who else?),the White Rabbit (who is so twitchy and red-eyed he looks like he's an hour late for his fix) and the Dormouse (Barbara Windsor on feisty form).  This sort of quest story - both external and internal - should be as easy as falling off a log for Disney,but Alice's travels are so randomly strung together that all tension is lost.It's as though the script meeting was held at the Mad Hatter's tea party,with all the ideas put in teacups and thrown against the wall - all of them seem to have stuck but in no particular order.The actors don't help either.Anne Hathaway is attempting to be the second coming of Glinda The Good Witch,Crispin Glover plays the creepy character he always plays,only this time hampered by dicey CGI,and Johnny Depp uses the role of the Mad Hatter to practice both his posh English and Glaswegian accents,switching between the two for no discernible reason and with no obvious effect on the laughter quotient.  Burton has always been known for arresting visuals,but audiences have been spoiled of late,with films like Avatar,A Christmas Carol and Up proving just how immersive 3D can be.Here it is little more than a gimmick.Occasionally a cup is thrown at us but there is nothing to draw us in,to make us feel like a part of the dreamscape.Wonderland?I'm afraid this Alice has gone for a Burton.祝你作业全班最棒!我顶你呦!
补充回答1:This is a story book,inside story of tall tales,bi
This is a but hundreds of pages of the book,showing just a little girl a long afternoon to meet a variety of impossibl
It is also a book even seem very ordinary book in the children's book,all roles in the story are talking,all have their own ideas--and hardly any different than any fairy tale story.
From beginning to end,the entire story is strange like that.
Alice has been inexplicably larger smaller,that was almost
She saw a lot of animals and a lot of people,trying to talk to them,but they are completely normal,an
She has been kept on asking questions,but – regardless of who gave her a sensible answer,but Alice was still believe!
All this makes me so to laugh or cry.
When Alice while sleepwalking
与《爱丽丝梦游仙境 英文版读后感 100-120字》相关的作业问题
I found the new Alice to be a refreshing view of the original story,which we all know and are over-bored with.It was funny to see how they imagined Wonderland t
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This is a story book, the inside of the story is preposterous, This is a but with more than pages of books, the show is just a little girl in
看一下是不是这个.这是迪士尼1951年版本的动画,我们这一周学校的活动刚好做的是这个.网页链接在这里Chorus:Alice in Wonderland,how do you get to Wonderland?Over the hill or underland,or just behind the tree?Whe
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  长久以来,一颗流浪的心忽然间找到了一个可以安歇的去处.坐在窗前,我在试问我自己:你有多久没有好好看看这蓝蓝的天,闻一闻这芬芳的花香,听一听那鸟儿的鸣唱?有多久没有回家看看,听听家人的倾诉?有多久没和他们一起吃饭了,听听那年老的欢笑?有多久没与他们谈心,听听他门的烦恼、他们的心声呢?是不是因为一路风风雨雨, 而忘了天
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