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[ rewire ]的第三人称单数;[ rewiring ]的第三人称单数without skill or aptitude for a particula maladroit:
He is inept at mechanical tasks. She is inept at dealing with people.
general haplessly incompetent.
out of place.
absurd or foolish:
an inept remark.
; < Latin ineptus, equivalent to in- 3 + -eptus, combining form of aptus
ineptly, adverb
ineptness, noun
, inept, .
1. unskillful, bungling. 4. stupid, pointless, inane.
1. suited. UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2018.
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Historical Examples
Nothing of all this I knew, so ineptly had I managed my chances to obtain it.
William McFee
In consequence of the peculiar legend, the stamp has been dubbed, not ineptly, the "has been" stamp.
Clifton Armstrong Howes
Hoddan was again in sanctuary inside the Embassy they'd guarded so ineptly through the dark.
Murray Leinster
Metaphysics was not ineptly called so, since it had in time come after the cruder physical hypotheses.
Henry Osborn Taylor
That lover of hers, whom we are presently to see, has compared her ineptly with Joan of Arc, that other maid of France.
Rafael Sabatini
British Dictionary definitions for
awkward, clumsy, or incompetent
not suitable, appropriate, out of place
ineptitude, nounineptly, adverbineptness, noun
C17: from Latin ineptus, from in-1 + aptus fitting, suitable
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
c.1600, from Old French inepte (14c.) or directly from Latin ineptus "unsuitable, improper, absurd, awkward, silly, tactless," from in- "not, opposite of" (see
(1)) + aptus "apt" (see ). Related: Ineptly; ineptness.
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
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