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你可能喜欢Graeme Souness wanted to beat me up after collecting me from a police station... but I played my bes
Graeme Souness wanted to beat me up after collecting me from a police station... but I played my best football under the then-Newcastle manager·There was a rocky start to my relationship with manager Graeme Souness·I had to report to a police station after being accused of public urination·Souness tried to grab Craig Bellamy by the throat in a training ground bust-up·But I believe I actually played the best football of my career under SounessBy&Graeme Souness turned around in the front seat of the car and looked at me. ‘If I ever have to come to a police station again because you have stepped out of line,’ he said, ‘I will beat you up.’I kept my mouth shut. He wasn’t messing around. He was serious.My first real dealings with my new Newcastle manager in 2004 were hardly ideal. There had been pictures in a newspaper that appeared to show me doing up my flies in the street after a night out. I was accused of urinating in public and was told I had to report to a police station.Graeme Souness threatened to beat me up after I was made to report to a police station&Souness said he was coming with me. My heart sank. We were ushered into an interview room where two officers were waiting. It wasn’t the best way to make a good impression with the new boss.The senior policeman said I’d be leaving the room in handcuffs and that they were going to throw me in jail for what I’d done. This was for peeing in the street. The claims were absurd. It was just an opportunistic photograph that gave the wrong impression.They said they had CCTV footage. I told him it was complete nonsense and to charge me or stop wasting everybody’s time.Souness just sat there and listened. When we left the police station, we walked back to the car in silence. By the time we got back to the training ground, he was in a filthy mood.The season I had with under Souness at Newcastle was the best football I played in my careerHe was about a month into the job and there were a few other items on his agenda by then.We had played Charlton and he had substituted Craig Bellamy. The TV cameras caught Craig muttering ‘f****** p****’ in his direction as he walked off. Souness didn’t see or hear it, but when he was shown footage, he was livid. There had also been stories about an altercation between Craig and Nicky Butt before the England–Wales game a week or so earlier. Souness wasn’t happy about that, either.He called a meeting. ‘When I was on the outside, looking at this football club,’ Souness said, ‘I saw a very talented team, but people who are out of control and think they are above the law. Let’s take a typical week since I have been Newcastle manager.’He looked at me. ‘I have just been to the police station with this little p****,’ he said. ‘It’s probably normal for him to be back and forth to the police station all the time, but it’s not normal for me.’Then he moved on to Craig and Butty. He had heard about their altercation and that Butty had threatened to beat the s*** out of Craig. ‘I wish he had beaten the s*** out of you,’ Souness said.Souness attempted to grab Bellamy by the throat and told him: 'Let's sort this out like men'Craig had been warned by Dean Saunders, Souey’s assistant, not to answer back, but it wasn’t in Craig’s make-up to keep quiet. He started protesting that there hadn’t been any argument. ‘See, this is the problem,’ Souness said. I could see he was about to go. He mentioned a few of the trophies he had won and some of the clubs he had played for.‘And then someone like you calls me a f****** p****,’ he said to Craig. ‘I’ll f****** knock you out.’He tried to grab Craig by the throat. ‘In the gym now,’ he said. ‘Let’s sort this out like men.’Souness would make me physically afraid of him and it ensured that I never slacked offAlan Shearer had to pull Souness off him. That was the first time in my life I’ve seen Bellers completely speechless. They never made it to the gym, but it knocked the stuffing out of Craig. Souness had put down a marker.Souness was actually really good for me. The season I had with him was the best football I played. I think it was because I feared the man. I was physically afraid of him. I didn’t want to cross him because I believed there would be physical consequences if I did. I’d seen the proof. You couldn’t slack off.I owed him a lot. I liked his style. Sometimes he’d have his top off in the gym and he’d be doing the chest press and it was like ‘boom’. I was thinking: ‘My God, this guy’.&
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Posted Mar 1,
The Weekly Edition for March 1, 2018 is available.
Inside this week's Weekly Edition
: Public- Avoidin Old archite BCC and P H Cloud-hosting costs.
: Fed FSF 2016 Open Educational R Q ...
[Briefs] Posted Feb 28,
UTC (Wed) by corbet
The Free Software Foundation has announced
the availability of its 2016 annual report.
"The Annual Report
reviews the Foundation's activities, accomplishments, and financial picture
from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016. It is the result of a full
external financial audit, along with a focused study of program
It may lack punctuality, but it makes up for it in
[Development] Posted Feb 28,
UTC (Wed) by jake
Should we host in the cloud or on our own servers? This question was
at the center of Dmytro Dyachuk's talk, given
during KubeCon +
CloudNativeCon last November. While many services
simply launch in the cloud without the organizations behind them
considering other options, large
content-hosting services have actually
moved back to their own data centers: Dropbox
migrated in 2016
and . Because such transitions can be expensive
and risky, understanding the economics of hosting is a critical part
of launching a new service. Actual hosting costs are often
misunderstood, or secret, so it is sometimes difficult to get the
numbers right. In this article, we'll use Dyachuk's talk to try to
answer the "million dollar question": "buy or rent?"
[Security] Posted Feb 28,
UTC (Wed) by ris
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (mbedtls), CentOS (gcab and java-1.7.0-openjdk), Debian (drupal7, lucene-solr, wavpack, and xmltooling), Fedora (dnsmasq, gcab, gimp, golang, knot-resolver, ldns, libsamplerate, mingw-OpenEXR, mingw-poppler, python-crypto, qt5-qtwebengine, sblim-sfcb, systemd, unbound, and wavpack), Mageia (ioquake3, TiMidity++, tomcat, tomcat-native, and wireshark), openSUSE (systemd and zziplib), Red Hat (erlang and openstack-nova and python-novaclient), and SUSE (kernel).
[Development] Posted Feb 28,
UTC (Wed) by corbet
Keeping up with the free-software development community requires following
a lot of mailing lists.
For many years, the Gmane email archive has helped your editor to
do that without going any crazier than he already is, but Gmane is becoming
an increasingly unreliable resource.
A recent incident increased the
priority of a longstanding goal to find (or create) an alternative to
That, in turn, led to the discovery of public-inbox.
[Kernel] Posted Feb 28,
UTC (Wed) by ris
Stable kernels , 4.14.23, 4.9.85, 4.4.119, and 3.18.97 have been released.
They all contain
important fixes and users should upgrade.
[Front] Posted Feb 27,
UTC (Tue) by jake
License violations are generally not done by malice, but simply by
But correcting those mistakes can be messy, so it would be better
for large (and small) organizations not to make them in the first place. To
try to head off license problems, Andreas Schreiber and his
colleagues at Germany's aeronautics and space research center, DLR, have
put together educational materials and worked on training.
Schreiber spoke
about this
work at FOSDEM 2018.
Subscribers can read on for a report on the talk by guest author Tom Yates.
[Security] Posted Feb 27,
UTC (Tue) by ris
Security updates have been issued by Fedora (exim, irssi, php-phpmyadmin-motranslator, php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser, phpMyAdmin, and seamonkey), Mageia (cups, flatpak, golang, jhead, and qpdf), Oracle (gcab, java-1.7.0-openjdk, and kernel), Red Hat (gcab, java-1.7.0-openjdk, and java-1.8.0-ibm), Scientific Linux (gcab and java-1.7.0-openjdk), and Ubuntu (sensible-utils).
[Development] Posted Feb 27,
UTC (Tue) by jake
What if real-life chores could gain you fake internet points like in an
online role-playing game? That's the premise of Habitica, a productivity application
disguised as a game. It's a self-improvement application where players can
list their daily tasks or to- every time one is
checked-off, the game rewards the player with points or game items.
[Security] Posted Feb 26,
UTC (Mon) by ris
Security updates have been issued by Arch Linux (lib32-wavpack, phpmyadmin, unixodbc, and wavpack), Debian (drupal7, golang, imagemagick, libdatetime-timezone-perl, libvpx, and tzdata), Fedora (exim, irssi, kernel, milkytracker, qt5-qtwebengine, seamonkey, and suricata), Mageia (advancecomp, apache-commons-email, freetype2, ghostscript, glpi, jackson-databind, kernel, mariadb, and postgresql), openSUSE (dhcp, GraphicsMagick, lame, php5, phpMyAdmin, timidity, and wireshark), and Oracle (kernel).
[Kernel] Posted Feb 26,
UTC (Mon) by corbet
The kernel development process tends to be focused on addition: each new
release supports more drivers, more features, and often new processor
As a result, almost every kernel release has been larger than its
But occasionally even the kernel needs to slim down a bit.
Upcoming kernel releases are likely to see the removal of support for a
number of unloved architectures and, in an unrelated move, the removal of
support for some older compilers.
[Kernel] Posted Feb 26,
UTC (Mon) by corbet
kernel prepatch is out for
Linus says: "rc3 is larger than rc2 was, but as mentioned
last week, that's expected - rc2 really was tiny. People have started
finding things to fix, but there's nothing that really stands out as
particularly scary here."
[Kernel] Posted Feb 22,
UTC (Thu) by corbet
The BPF virtual machine is working its way into an increasing number of
kernel subsystems.
introduced the BPF Compiler Collection (BCC), which
provides a set of tools for working with BPF.
But there is more to BCC
than a set of
it also provides a development
environment for those wanting to create their own BPF-based utilities.
Read on for an exploration of that environment and how it can be used to
create programs and attach them to tracepoints.
[Kernel] Posted Feb 25,
UTC (Sun) by corbet
Another set of relatively large stable kernel updates has been released:
It would appear that the post-Meltdown backlog of important fixes is still
being worked through.
Posted Feb 22,
The Weekly Edition for February 22, 2018 is available.
Inside this week's Weekly Edition
: XFS; Li BPF Dy B Project A Sancus.
: LinuxB Moving to Python 3; SuiteCRM 7.10; Q ...
[Briefs] Posted Feb 23,
UTC (Fri) by jake
at the availability of open educational resources (OERs), where to find them, and what the advantages of OERs are. Math and computer science professor David Usinski is a strong advocate for OERs and was interviewed for the article. "The ability to customize the curriculum is one of David's favorite benefits of OER. 'The intangible aspect is that OER has allowed me to reinvent my curriculum and take ownership of the content. With a textbook, I am locked into the chapter-by-chapter approach by one or two authors,' he says. Because of OER 'I am no longer hindered or confined by published materials and now have the flexibility to create the curriculum that truly addresses the course outcomes.' By freely sharing the content he creates, other instructors can also benefit."
[Kernel] Posted Feb 21,
UTC (Wed) by jake
The XFS filesystem has been in the kernel for fifteen years and was used in
production on
systems for five years before that.
But it might just
be time to teach that "old dog" of a filesystem some new tricks, Dave
Chinner said, at the beginning of his 2018 presentation.
There are a number of features that XFS lacks when compared to more modern
filesystems, such as snap but he has been thinking—and
writing code—on a path to get them into XFS.
[Security] Posted Feb 23,
UTC (Fri) by jake
On his blog, Patrick Uiterwijk
about Fedora packaging and how the distribution works to ensure its users get valid updates. Packages are signed, but repository metadata is not (yet), but there are other mechanisms in place to keep users from getting outdated updates (or to not get important security updates). "However, when a significant security issue is announced and we have repositories that include fixes for this issue, we have an 'Emergency' button. When we press that button, we tell our servers to immediately regard every older repomd.xml checksum as outdated.
This means that when we press this button, every mirror that does not have the very latest repository data will be regarded as outdated, so that our users get the security patches as soon as possible. This does mean that for a period of time only the master mirrors are trusted until other mirrors sync their data, but we prefer this solution over delaying getting important fixes out to our users and making them vulnerable to attackers in the meantime."
[Distributions] Posted Feb 21,
UTC (Wed) by jake
Terms like &cloud-native" and &web scale& are often used
and understood as pointless buzzwords. Under the layers of marketing, though,
cloud systems do work best with a new and different way of thinking about system
administration. Much of the tool set used for cloud operations is free
software, and Linux is the platform of choice for almost all cloud
applications. While just about any distribution can be made to work, there are
several projects working to create a ground-up system specifically for cloud
hosts. One of the best known of these is Project Atomic from Red Hat and the
Fedora Project.
[Kernel] Posted Feb 23,
UTC (Fri) by jake
The , 4.9.83, 4.14.21, and 4.15.5 stable kernels have been released.
They contain a large number of updates users should
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