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篆书  zhuànshū
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篆书是什么意思 篆书在线翻译 篆书什么意思 篆书的意思 篆书的翻译 篆书的解释 篆书的发音 篆书的同义词 篆书的反义词 篆书的例句
篆书 基本解释篆书[zhuàn shū]词典:篆体;篆;篆书。篆书 汉英大词典篆书[zhuàn shū]seal character (a style of Chinese calligraphy, often used on seals)篆书 网络解释1. 篆书的近义词1. SealCharacter:橙色Orange | 篆书SealCharacter | 膨润硫Sulphur2. seal script:seal character 篆字 | seal script 篆书 | RUNNING script 行书3. chuan-shu:Chuan-chentao全真道 | chuan-shu篆书 | Chuang壮族4. Siegelschrift:Bronzeinschriften金文 | Siegelschrift篆书 | Kanzleischrift隶书篆书 双语例句1. 第二节先梳理出唐代之前小篆的发展脉络,再指出唐代各个时期不同风格篆书的历史嬗递。&&&&The evolution of Tang Seal script can be divided into four stages of development, namely: Stage I – Adaptation: from Wude to Zhenguan period.2. 本文的主体分为五个部分:第一部分,根据书法风格之异同,通过对所搜集的资料进行排比分类,将唐代篆书的发展分为四个时期,分别为:第一阶段在武德、贞观年间是唐代篆书的沿袭期;第二阶段大致从永徽年间到开元之前的探索期;第三阶段大致在开元至贞元之间的高峰期;第四阶段,从贞元直至唐灭的陵夷时期。&&&&In this thesis, a vast amount of textual and material records are collected on the Tang Seal script, namely, stelae inscriptions, ink imprints, seal on the inscription frons and seal scription on the cover of the inscription on the tomb This study amasses over five hundred pieces of work of seal on the inscription frons and seal scription on the cover of the inscription on the tomb, spanning all sub-periods and geographic regions of the Tang period.3. 汉代简牍是我们迄今看到的最早而可靠的古人墨迹实物,其书体上承篆书遗意,隶、真、行、草诸体及各种茟法孕育咸备,率开侯来诸体之先河,在中国书法史上占有重要地位;其书风率真古朴、奇趣横生,是古代无名氏艺术家对中国文字与书法的发展所作的卓越贡献之一;对当代有志于创新的书法家来说也必有丰富的启迪作用。&&&&Han Jian Du is the earliest we have ever seen and reliable ancient ink kind, his book bearing the body of seal characters left Italy, scribe, truth, lines, grass and all kinds of various body Hwa Chi France bred salt preparation, the rate of open-Hou to various body The first of its kind in the history of Chinese calligraphy occupies a his book Wind The straightforward simplicity of Trolltech will occur, the ancient Anonymous artists of Chinese characters and calligraphy made outstanding contributions to th of contemporary calligraphers is interested in innovation is also there must be a wealth of inspiration.4. 4. 篆书又分为大篆和小篆,是汉字书体发的重要阶段。&&&&Seal is divided into Dazhuan and Xiaozhuan, is a Chinese book-an important stage.5. 他们引入篆书写法和图画画法,把符画得根本不像文字了,让人不明其意,便不能自己仿画,道士还说,画符时要默念咒语、默想神灵,然后才能画符有效,否则`画符不知窍,反惹鬼神笑,画符若知窍,惊的鬼神叫`。&&&&They plan to introducezhuan shu writing and painting law, the paintings were simply not at the text, the meaning of unknown people, they can not fake paintings, priests said, Fu painting to meditation mantra, meditation deities, and then can be effective at painting, or'I do not know painting at opening, anti-Jalan spirits laugh, FU Ruo -known painting manner is called fear of the spirits'.6. 款识一般镌刻在印章的周侧或顶端,字体不限于篆书。&&&&The inscriptions can be in any form or style, and they can be long or short.7. 篆书的近义词7. 中国的文字从出现至今,已经历了早期的图画文字、甲骨文字、古文、篆书、隶书、楷书、行书、草书,以及印刷术发明后为适应印刷要求而逐渐派生出来的各种印刷字体等漫长的发展历程。&&&&China emerged from the letter, I have experienced the early picture writing, inscriptions, symbols, Seal, official script, regular script, running hand, cursive, After the invention of printing in order to meet the printing requirements derived from the gradual various printing styles such as long development course.8. 8. 本文认为,在社会文化功能上,唐代狂草书以审美为主,唐代楷书以实用为主,唐代篆书、八分书以传播、表征古代经典文化为主。&&&&As stated in this thesis, the main function of cursive script is for aesthetic judgment, the main cultural function of formal script lies in practical use, and the main function of seal script and official script is for communication and token of the ancient classic culture.9. 9. 有李邕的行书,李阳冰的篆书,韩择木、蔡有邻的八分书等&&&&They include Li Yong who was good at xing calligraphy, Li Yangbing, a master of zhuan calligraphy, and Han Zemu and Cai Youlin who were lovers of bafen calligraphy.10. 篆书,刻印章的石头,是风格化和几何,往往难以辨认。&&&&Seal script, carved into the stone seal, is stylized and geometric and often difficult to decipher.11. 11. 篆书是中国最古老的字体,从商代的甲骨文到秦朝的小篆,通行的期间长达一千余年,由於年代、地域的不同,有许多相异的字体。&&&&&&From the oracle bone script of the Shang dynasty to the small seal script of the Ch'in dynasty, it has a history of more than a thousand years.12. 12. 篆书:这是完成于秦朝(公元前221-207)的第一种标准文字。&&&&&&Zhuanshu or Seal Script: This is the first standardised script that was finalised during the Qin (221 to 207 BC).13. 通过对唐代篆书发展过程的梳理、分析,对当代的书法活动也有一定的启示意义。&&&&&&Second section focuses on the application of characters and the stylistic differences among various calligraphic forms.14. 14. 这题词部分摩诘先生通常用的字体:从棣书发展出来的具有摩诘先生个性的行棣,带有篆书的痕迹。&&&&&&Mr. Mojie Wang use he font of usually: Develop come out and be provided with Mr.15. 睡简》书写于战国末年到秦代初年,所使用的字体在篆书和隶书之间,呈现出古文字起了变化而今文字尚未定型的鲜明特徵。&&&&&&SHU1 was written in the period from the end of the Warring State to the initial stage of Qin dynasty.16. 邢光海,中国工艺美术学会会员,对中国汉代以来的鸟篆书、龙书、麟书、垂云书等书体有独到的研究。&&&&&&XING Guanghai, member of China Arts and Crafts Association, is adept at various traditional Chinese calligraphy research and showed his calligraphy and paintings in many occasions and countries.17. 但具有重大历史价值的部分已经散佚,序言用篆书书写也略显炫奇。&&&&&&Regrettably, the part with great historical value is missing. In addition, the preface was written with seal characters, which is a little odd.18. 秦隶在结体上有自己特殊的时代特征,既有后世隶书的特征,又包含了篆书的特点。&&&&&&The character used by Qin kingdom was sorted out and simplified and used in the united country, and the other kingdoms` characters were banished.19. 19. 罗老的篆书作品亦是不凡,继承古篆神韵,又独辟蹊径,融入时代风貌,开创了一片篆刻新场地。&&&&&&Luo is good at seal cutting. He inherited the ancient seal spirit, and created a way of his own. By integrating the time styles into seal cutting, Luo started a new space.20. 20. 本文搜集了大量的唐代篆书资料,包括碑刻、墨迹以及碑额、志盖四种类型,尤其是所搜集的500余件碑额、志盖篆书作品,数量极多,风格多样,涵盖了唐代各个时期和各个地域,能够较全面地反映篆书在唐代的基本情况。&&&&&&Not only did the Regular and Grass scripts reach their highest form of development in the history of Chinese calligraphy, but also the Seal script, on the wane following the collapse of the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties, regain their popularity throughout the Tang Dynasty, and subsequently become one of the integral forms of the Tang calligraphic style.篆书是什么意思,篆书在线翻译,篆书什么意思,篆书的意思,篆书的翻译,篆书的解释,篆书的发音,篆书的同义词,篆书的反义词,篆书的例句,篆书的相关词组,篆书意思是什么,篆书怎么翻译,单词篆书是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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