
第三方登录:《灌篮高手》里论篮球技术,谁能排进前五名《灌篮高手》里论篮球技术,谁能排进前五名猪哥漫画百家号《灌篮高手》里除了板凳球员,虽然每一个上场的实力都不低,但本着文无第一,武无第二的原则,咱们今天就掰扯一下,动漫里篮球技术最好的几个人,数字只是代表球员的球衣号码,不代表实力排序。7、宫城良太(田)良田以神奈川第一控球后卫为奋斗目标,不管是在对阵翔阳还是海南亦或是对阵陵南的时候,良田都能够凭借着自己出色的控篮技术,控制比赛节奏,反击,帮助湘北篮球队一次次化险为夷。凭借着自己出色的洞悉能力,经常可以偷截对方的控球以后转守为攻,并且凭借着自己出色的弹跳能力封盖藤真、越野等人。14、三井寿三井做为湘北的主要得分球员主要依赖于自己的外围三分球,帮助湘北在无法打进内线的时候,组织进攻和得分,作为曾经的MVP,虽然有着两年的空白期,但是三井的三分球还是在多场比赛中成为湘北扭转局势和取胜的关键。4、深津一成作为山王铁三角的一员,深津的精于算计是出了名的可怕,其在比赛时超乎常人的冷静,可以使自己无论在什么情况下都可以稳定发挥,在与湘北的比赛里,深津的防守近乎让良田绝望。如果不是樱木这个不确定因素,最后的赢家有可能真的是山王。4、牧绅一能成为常胜海南的队长,牧绅一绝对不是一个简单的人物,更何况在他的任期内,他把海南领导成了全国八强的队伍,在神奈川每一个篮球队员都想超越牧绅一,尤其是藤真和良田,但是却始终没有人可以超越,天生的领导欲和对胜利的饥渴,高度冷静的头脑,坚强的意志,极善于观察分析,从不轻敌,丝毫不受外界影响,而且思想豁达,这些都成为牧称霸神奈川的最基本条件。4、藤真健司与海南的牧绅一并称为神奈川双雄.藤真在翔阳这支强队历史上是唯一一年级便成为主力的,并且当时就成为了王牌。作为教练的他,冷静自持,运筹帷幄。而到了场上又热情似火,敢打敢拼。他有着卓越的领导才能,曾带领翔阳连续两年打进全国大赛。是翔阳的绝对的灵魂人物。日本高校第一中锋,超强的防守技术和篮板能力,连赤木刚宪和樱木花道都无法与他抗衡,在与湘北的比赛中一度将神奈川的第一中锋“大猩猩”赤木逼到绝境,盖掉湘北无数次投因为他兼有前锋线和后防线的经验和技术,所以可说是个超级中锋。11、流川枫本该穿10号球衣的流川枫,因为樱木而不得不穿上了11号球衣,虽然很多人觉得不可思议,但是流传本人并不在乎,只要能打篮球,几号球衣无所谓。作为超级新人的流川枫可以在几人封盖的情况下上篮得分,还能够在上篮却无法投篮的情况下传给其他队友,其能力不可小觑。具体情况,可以参看动漫。7、仙道彰陵南高中篮球队的主力兼王牌球员,司职小前锋,同时可出任控球后卫。仙道运动能力优秀,在得分的同时也能够组织串联全队,是全方位的一名球员,被流川枫视为头号对手,在全国大赛预选赛对战湘北时,下半场流川枫全力发起攻击准备和仙道一决高下。9、泽北荣治被誉为“全国第一高中生”的泽北,凭借着自己出色的身体素质和优秀的个人能力,极为擅长1对1单打,极其出的得分能力,使其在高一时带领山王获得总冠军,在高二的全国大赛中遇到了湘北,虽然凭借着自己的能力给湘北制造了不小的麻烦,但最后还是没有挽回败局,以一分之差败给了湘北。更多精彩内容,请关注猪哥公号:猪哥漫画本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。猪哥漫画百家号最近更新:简介:一个动漫爱好者的非专业人士评论作者最新文章相关文章(ERROR:15) & 访客不能直接访问当前位置:
作者:Danils来源:虎扑As Kobe Bryant continues to add to his already-brilliant legacy, the debate between him and Michael Jordan rages on.随着科比继续在他的职业生涯里书写传奇,关于乔丹与科比的争论愈发升温。The majority of the NBA fans believe that the comparisons are foolish and that Jordan is still much better than Kobe.大多数NBA球迷相信这种比较是愚蠢的,乔丹比科比好了太多。However, I am going to show why Kobe is closer to Jordan than is perceived.然而,我却要向大家展示为什么科比会比大家认为的更接近乔丹。The following are major reasons against Kobe when people compare him to Jordan and why they are incorrect.下面是人们在拿科比与乔丹比较时所主要举出的KB不如MJ的原因,但事实上所谓的“论据”都是错误的。1. Jordan Simply Has Much Better Stats Than Kobe in Every Area1. 乔丹的各方面数据都要超越科比Jordan's career stats are that he averaged 30.1 points, 6.2 rebounds, 5.3 assists, 2.3 steals, and 0.8 blocks per game, while shooting 49.7 percent from the field, 32.7 percent from the three-point line, and 83.5 percent from the free throw line.乔丹的职业生涯数据是,平均每场30.1分,6.2个篮板,5.3次助攻,2.3次抢断和0.8次盖帽。平均命中率是49.7%,三分球命中率32.7%,罚球83.5%。On the other hand, Kobe has averaged 25.2 points, 5.3 rebounds, 4.6 assists, 1.5 steals, and 0.6 blocks per game, while shooting 45.5 percent from the field, 34 percent from the three-point line, and 84 percent from the free throw line.另一边,科比职业生涯平均25.2分,5.3个篮板,4.6次助攻,1.5次抢断和0.6次盖帽。平均命中率45.5%,三分球34%,罚球84%.At first look, it seems that Jordan dominates Kobe, but Kobe's career averages are severely hurt by his first few seasons when he did not play much, due to him coming out of high school.粗粗看上去,貌似乔丹明显击败了科比。但事实上,科比的职业生涯平均数据被他最初没怎么打球的几个赛季拉了后腿,毕竟科比从高中直接踏进了NBA。Now when you look at Kobe's career stats without his first three seasons (Jordan played three years of college), his numbers are 28.2 points, 5.9 rebounds, 5.2 assists, 1.7 steals, and 0.6 blocks per game, while shooting 45.8 percent from the field, 34.1 percent from the three-point line, and 84.4 percent from the free throw line.如果排除前三个赛季(乔丹大学打了三年),科比的职业生涯平均数据就变成了场均28.2分,5.9个篮板,5.2次助攻,1.7次抢断,0.6次盖帽,而投篮命中率则上升到45.8%,三分34.1%,罚球84.4%。Kobe is just on par with Jordan on all stats except for points, steals, and field goal percentage.这样一来,除了得分,抢断和投篮命中率,科比的数据就足以和乔丹并驾齐驱。Now, the reason why Kobe averages two less points than Jordan is because Jordan averaged 1.5 more field goal attempts per game than Kobe without his first three seasons.而且,去除前三个赛季后,科比平均每场比乔丹少出手1.5次,这也就是科比会比乔丹平均少拿两分的原因。Jordan was simply slightly better than Kobe at steals, which really is not that important.至于抢断, 乔丹比科比的确略好,可抢断数据也实在不是那么重要。2. Jordan Shot a Much Higher Percentage from the Field Than Kobe2. .乔丹比科比命中率高多了This is one of the worst arguments in favor of Jordan compared to Kobe because Kobe shot many more three-point shots than Jordan did, thus resulting in a lower field goal percentage.这事实上是人们试图说明乔丹比科比更好时举出来的最坏论据。科比比乔丹多出手很多三分球,自然综合投篮命中率会被拉低了。Instead of looking at field goal percentage to compare the two, I like to look at a stat that is never used, but is the best indicator in field goal—three-point and free throw efficiency and that is points per field goal attempt.我则更喜欢用三分球和罚球效率,也就是每次出手的平均得分来取代投篮命中率,比较KB和MJ。这项数据很少被人们提及,但事实上却是命中率方面最好的指标。Jordan averaged 1.316 points per field goal attempt in his career, while Kobe has averaged 1.312 points per field goal attempt—a difference so small in should not ever be argued against Kobe.乔丹职业生涯平均每次出手得到1.316分,科比平均1.312分——这项指数上两人的差距已经微小到足可以被忽略不计。On average, when Jordan shot 20 times, he scored 26.3 points, while Kobe averages 26.2 points per every 20-shot attempts. I think this pretty much eliminates the field goal percentage argument in favor of Jordan, as they are basically even.乔丹每出手20次,平均能够拿到26.3分,科比则是26.2分。我认为这项数据两人的平衡足以消除乔丹在投篮命中率上相较科比的优势 。3. Jordan Is a Better Teammate/Person Than Kobe Is3.比起科比,乔丹是更好的团队球员Jordan was a terrible teammate compared to Kobe, as he punched teammates Steve Kerr and Will Perdue during practice and ran coach Doug Collins because he wanted a more team-oriented system.和科比相比,乔丹是个糟糕透顶的团队球员。乔丹曾经在训练时揍过队友史蒂夫科尔和Will Perdue,他还逼向球队教练道格科林斯,只因为他想要一个更加具有团队导向的系统。The most obvious way to show how bad of a teammate Jordan was is to look at how he treated Kwame Brown when Jordan was on the Wizards.能更明显展现乔丹到底在团队协作方面表现的有多糟糕的一点是当年他在奇才时如何对待夸梅布朗。At the time, Jordan was still a good player, but past his prime and in a situation where he could lead a young and rebuilding Wizards team with a talented, first overall pick in Brown.当时,乔丹虽然已经过了他的巅峰,但他仍旧是一名出色的球员。他足以在手握天赋状元夸梅布朗的情况下带领一帮年轻球员重建奇才。However, instead of supporting and trying to lift up Brown's spirits after some struggles that were bound to occur as he was coming out of high school, Jordan called Brown &a flaming faggot& and he used several other derogatory words towards Brown repeatedly, which obviously destroyed Brown's confidence, as he most likely idolized Jordan.但是,当布朗因为直接从高中升入NBA无法适应,遇到困难的时候,乔丹没有试图鼓励、支持他。相反的,乔丹还讽刺布朗是一个“十足的同性恋”,还不断用了其他侮辱性的言辞。乔丹这样的举动显然击毁了布朗 的信心,尤其当他视乔丹为心中偶像的时候。This shows that even after his prime, Jordan only cared about himself, and his attitude towards Kwame is a major reason why Kwame became a bust, as he has never been confident in his game, which resulted in him not being able to handle all of Jordan's insults and the pressure of a franchise on his shoulders.这件事显示,即使已经过了巅峰时期,乔丹依旧只关心他自己。他对待夸梅布朗的态度让夸梅成了最水的状元。以后的夸梅从未自信的对待比赛,当然也就无法承担乔丹放在他肩上的期待和巨大压力。On top of that, Jordan even flew in his old high school teammate—who his high school coach chose over Jordan for the varsity basketball team—to his Hall of Fame speech just to make fun of him, and he even insulted Dean Smith for leaving him off the Sports Illustrated cover because he was a freshman.更夸张的还有,乔丹甚至和教练为他量身搭配的高中队友都相处不好。乔丹邀请他在乔丹进入名人堂的仪式上讲话,而这个家伙却去那说了一堆取笑乔丹的言辞。当年,因为乔丹还是个菜鸟,主编Dean Smith没让他登上《体育画报》封面。乔丹也为此事对Dean Smith斤斤计较。Jordan's speech was bitter, petty, and pathetic. Jordan also had several affairs while married and numerous gambling problems.乔丹的演说常常纷纷不平,小气,甚至可悲。乔丹也在婚姻和赌博方面不停地有糗事冒出。Kobe has been a bit of an ass himself, but, besides him cheating on his wife and then having his image destroyed because of false rape charges, he has been pretty clean himself.科比也好不到哪去。但除了对妻子不忠,因为被控性侵犯让自己形象大为受损之外,还比较干净。Sure, he helped run off coach Phil Jackson, but Jackson was also willing to return to coach him just one year later.当然,他当年“帮忙”赶走了菲尔杰克逊。可一年之后,菲尔还是愿意回来教他。Kobe also received most of the blame for Shaq leaving the Lakers and ending the dynasty, but, as time goes on, it seems like Shaq had as much blame as anyone.曾经,科比也一直被控是鲨鱼离开,湖人王朝终结的最大凶手。但是,随着时间流逝,事情的发展告诉我们似乎鲨鱼自己也必须承担不少责任。He has now left all four teams he played for on bad terms and wanted too much money for Jerry Buss to be willing to pay—which was the real reason why Shaq was traded, not because Kobe demanded him to, as he himself was debating whether to sign with the Lakers when the Shaq trade went through.到现在为止,鲨鱼已经不怎么光彩的换了四支球队。当年他要的钱又远远超出了当年巴斯愿意付给他的数额,这才是鲨鱼被交易的真正原因,绝不是因为科比的要求,因为当时在鲨鱼交易的同时,科比自己也还不知道会不会留守湖人呢。4. Jordan Made His Teammates Better Than Kobe Does4.相较科比,乔丹能让队友变得更好Jordan's teammates have been extremely undervalued, as is his impact on the Bulls.因为乔丹对于公牛的影响力太过巨大,他队友们的价值被明显低估了。First, let's look at how other teams fared when their best players missed an entire season.首先,我们先来看看其他球队在损失自己头号球星整个赛季后的表现。When Bill Russell retired in 1969, the Celtics went from 48-34 (championship) to a 34-48 record and missing the playoffs.1969年,比尔拉塞尔退役的时候,凯尔特人从上年48胜34负(赢得冠军)跌到34胜48负,连季后赛的门槛都没踏进。Now, when Wilt retired in 1973, the Lakers went from 60-22 to 47-35 and a first-round exit.接着,1973年,威尔特张伯伦退役,湖人从上年的60胜22负跌到47胜35负,季后赛首轮出局。Then, when Larry Bird missed 76 games in the
season, the Celtics went from 57-25 to 42-40 and getting swept in the first round of the playoffs.继续,赛季拉里伯德缺席76场,凯尔特人从上年57胜25负跌至42胜40负,季后赛首轮被横扫。When Oscar retired from the Bucks in 1974, the team went from 59 wins (Finals appearance) to 38 wins and missing the playoffs.1974,奥斯卡退役,雄鹿上年59胜(杀入总决赛)跌到38胜,没能进入季后赛。Finally, when Magic retired from the Lakers, the team went from 58 to 43 wins and losing in the first round of the playoffs.最后,魔术师从湖人退役的时候,湖人由58胜变成43胜,季后赛首轮出局。As I have shown above, every time a legend left or missed an entire season, the team averaged 15.5 wins less than the season before.根据以上我列举的全部事实,每一次一位传奇离开或是报销赛季,所在球队平均比上年要少赢15.5场。Now, you would expect the same thing to occur with Jordan suddenly retiring before the
season and the Bulls replacing him with Pete Myers, a player from the CBA.现在,猜猜赛季乔丹突然退役,公牛不得不用一名CBA(Continent Basketball Association,比NBDL还差一个级别)球员Pete Myers替代乔丹后的下场如何吧。However, the team went from 57 wins the year before to 55 without Jordan and 51-21 in the games Pippen played in, which is a 70.83 winning percentage, while the season before with Jordan, the team had a 69.5 winning percentage, lower with Jordan than without him.然而事实是,球队那个赛季拿下了55场胜利,仅仅比去年的57胜少拿2场,只要皮蓬出战,公牛的战绩是51胜21负,胜率70.83%。上赛季有乔丹的时候,球队胜率却只有69.5%。没乔丹比有乔丹好。In , the Bulls made the second round of the playoffs and lost to the Knicks in seven games only because of the worst call in NBA history, which cost the Bulls game five of the series.赛季,公牛过了季后赛第二轮,在分区半决赛的时候,只因为史上最差的一记哨响直接吹掉了公牛系列赛Game5的胜利,然后7场惜败尼克斯。Had the Bulls won that series, which they would have had it not been for that call, then the Bulls would've face the Pacers in the ECF and likely would've defeated them, as they beat them 4-1 in the season's series and matched up well with them.如果那个糟糕的判罚没有发生,那么公牛就会赢下整个系列赛,接着在下一轮里遇到步行者。基于公牛常规赛对步行者4:1的战绩,和正好克死对方的打法,公牛很有可能击败他们。That means that the Bulls would've at least made the Finals without Jordan if not for that call and at least gone to six games against the Rockets.这就意味着,如果没有那声哨响,公牛会在没有乔丹的情况下至少跻身总决赛,至少能跟火箭拼个6场。Another fact about Jordan and his teammates is that his best teammates Scottie Pippen, Horace Grant and B.J. Armstrong from his first three-peat all played better without him than with him.另外关于乔丹和队友的一个事实是,皮蓬,格兰特和阿姆斯特朗都在没有乔丹的时候表现得比有乔丹,三连冠的时期更好。Without Jordan, Pippen averaged 22 points, 8.7 rebounds, 5.6 assists, 2.9 steals, and 0.8 blocks per game, while shooting 49.1 percent from the field and being selected to the All-NBA First Team and All-Defensive First Team, while finishing third in the MVP voting.没有乔丹,皮蓬场均22分,8.7个篮板,5.6次助攻,2.9次抢断,0.8次盖帽,平均投篮命中率49.1%,被选入NBA最佳阵容和防守第一队,MVP投票排名第三。He also became only the second player ever to lead his team in points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks per game.他也成为了唯一一个得分、篮板、助攻、抢断、盖帽都居全队之首的球员。Next, both Grant and Armstrong made their only All-Star appearances that year without Jordan, as Grant averaged 15.1 points, 11 rebounds, 3.4 assists, 1.1 steals, and 1.2 blocks, while shooting 52.4 percent from the field and Armstrong averaging 14.8 points, 4 assists, 2.1 rebounds, one steal, and only 1.6 turnovers, while shooting 47.6 percent from the field, 44.4 percent from the three-point line, and 85.5 percent from the free throw line.格兰特和阿姆斯特朗都在没有乔丹的那年完成了生涯唯一一次全明星之旅。格兰特场均15.1分,11板,3.4次助攻,1.1次抢断,1.2次盖帽,平均投篮命中率52.4%;阿姆斯特朗场均14.8分,4助,2.1板,1抢断,只有1.6次失误,投篮命中率47.6%,三分命中率44.4%,罚篮命中率85.5%。Overall, when you combine the nine players who played on both the 92-93 and 93-94 Bulls, you will see that the players shot 48.6 percent from the field without Jordan, compared to 48.2 percent with Jordan, while teammates of Magic and Bird had their field goal percentage decrease without their leader.总的来说,但我们比较92-93,93-94公牛相同的9名球员时,你会发现他们在没有乔丹的时候平均命中率48.6%,有乔丹的时候48.2%。而魔术师和大鸟伯德的队友却在失去他们的时候命中率大幅下滑。This is shown by both Pippen and Grant, who even though they had more responsibility, shot nearly two percent better from the field than the year before with Jordan.皮蓬和格兰特都在乔丹离开后被迫承担更多责任,但却在命中率方面提升了2个百分点。Finally, when Jordan did come back the next season after missing most of the regular season, the Bulls were defeated in six games to the Magic, one less game than the year before.而当乔丹下个赛季几乎缺阵整个常规赛后又在季后赛左右回归时,公牛被魔术6场击败,比去年还少打了一场。That year they had Jordan, but no Grant, who was actually on the Magic team that defeated the Bulls.那年,公牛有了乔丹,却没有了格兰特。格兰特转去了魔术,正是他们把公牛踢出了季后赛。This is overlooked because people just say that he was rusty, even though Jordan scored a record 63 points in the playoffs when he only played 18 games in the regular season that season and had scored 55 points against the Knicks earlier in the year.这件事大家并没有怎么计较,因为人们会说,乔丹他好久没打球了,生疏了。可那个赛季乔丹只打了18场常规赛,他创下了63分的季后赛得分纪录,还在早先对阵尼克斯的时候斩下55分。他有生疏的样子么?Kobe, on the other hand, helped make Smush Parker into a respectable starting point guard as he averaged 11.5 points, 3.7 assists, 3.3 rebounds, and 1.7 steals, while shooting a solid 44.7 percent from the field and 36.6 percent from the three-point line.另一边,科比。他帮助斯马什帕克成长成一名合格的先发扣球后卫,拿到11.5分,3.7助,3.3板,1.7抢断,投篮命中44.7%,三分命中36.6%的数据。The year after he left the Lakers, he was waived by the Miami Heat, who had the worst record in the league at the time.而当死神离开湖人后不久,他被当时联盟战绩最差的热火裁掉。Kobe also helped speed up Andrew Bynum's development by feeding him the ball to help increase his confidence, as Bynum became a beast down low until knee injuries cut off his last two seasons.科比也帮助加速了安猪的成长。安猪连续两个赛季因伤报废,可科比还是一直给他喂球,增加安猪的信心。Also, Luke Walton, Chris Mihm, and Trevor Ariza all significantly improved when they played with Kobe.还有卢克沃顿,克里斯米姆和阿里扎,都在和科比一起打球的时候取得了明显的进步。Kobe was also able to lead a team with Odom, Walton, Brown, and Parker in the starting lineup to 45 wins in arguably the most difficult conference ever, while Jordan has never had a winning season in five years without Pippen.科比也成功的带领一支由奥多姆,小沃顿,帕克组成先发的球队,在很可能是史上最艰难的赛区拿到45胜,而乔丹在没有皮蓬的5年里,从未拿到一个胜率过半的赛季。5. Jordan Played in a Better Era Than Kobe Does5.乔丹打球时代的竞争比科比时代更激烈Another major reason why people say Jordan is better than Kobe is that he played in a better and more competitive era than Kobe currently plays in.另外一个人们说乔丹比科比更好的原因是乔丹在一个相较现在的科比竞争更加激烈的年代打球。I think that is false as I believe that the '90s are one of the weakest eras in the league's history.我认为这是绝对错误的,因为我相信90年代是整个联盟历史最弱的时期。The league was watered down by expansion, as teams in Miami, Minnesota, Charlotte, and Orlando were all created in .迈阿密,明尼苏达,夏洛特和奥兰多都在赛季加入。因为扩张,联盟的整体水平被拉下降。Jordan also did not have to face any great teams. The best teams in the '90s were the the Rockets, Jazz, Super Sonics, Knicks, and Suns.乔丹也不用面对任何伟大的球队。90年代最好的球队是火箭、爵士、超音速、尼克斯和太阳。The Rockets had one great player in Hakeem and no sidekick even close to Pippen's caliber, except for the
season when Jordan could not lead the Bulls to the Finals.火箭拥有一名伟大的球员奥拉朱旺,可是二当家的水准距离皮蓬相差太多。当然,赛季乔丹没能带领公牛杀入总决赛的那年除外。The Suns had Barkley, but Kevin Johnson was not as good as Pippen, and Majerle was not as good as Grant.太阳拥有巴克利,但凯文约翰逊还没有皮蓬那么出色,而Majerle也没有格兰特那么强。Then, the Sonics had two really good players in Payton and Kemp, but no legend, and no great third option.超音速有两个相当出色的球员,佩顿和坎普,但是他们两个都称不上是传奇巨星,而且超音速也没有进攻时的第三选择。The Knicks had Ewing and no great second option, as Starks was more of a third option.尼克斯有尤因,但没有第二点,斯塔克斯最多能算个第三点。Finally, the Jazz had a great 1-2 in Malone and Stockton, but the Bulls had better third and fourth options as they had Rodman and Kukoc, compared to Hornacek and Russell.而爵士,有伟大的马龙-斯托克顿组合。但公牛有更好的第三人罗德曼,第四人库科奇都比爵士的霍纳塞克和拉塞尔出色。Kobe has played against a great San Antonio Spurs team throughout his career who are led by Tim Duncan, one of the 10 greatest players ever, who has had two all-star caliber players with him.科比在他的职业生涯里一直跟一支伟大球队圣安东尼奥马刺对阵。他们拥有蒂姆邓肯,有史以来伟大球员的前十名,而邓肯身后还有两个全明星球员。Then, the Phoenix Suns have had one of the most talented offensive teams led by two-time MVP award winner Steve Nash.接着,菲尼克斯太阳是被两届MVP史蒂夫纳什领导的史上最富天赋的进攻球队。Also, the Detroit Pistons had four or five players worthy of an All-Star selection and were one of the best defensive teams ever along with the Celtics, who had three Hall of Famers.还有底特律活塞,拥有四个到五个全明星级别的球员,史上最棒的防守球队之一;以及拥有三位名人堂成员的凯尔特人。6. Jordan Is a Better Defender Than Kobe Is6.比起科比,乔丹是一名更好的防守者A major reason why people say Jordan is that he was a better defender than Kobe is mostly because he won a Defensive Player of the Year Award, while Kobe hasn't.人们说乔丹是比科比更好的防守球员最主要的原因是,乔丹拿过年度最佳防守球员,而科比没有。However, while Jordan was great defensively, he is not better than Kobe.然而虽然乔丹防守已经足够出色,但他还是比不上科比。Both Kobe and Jordan were great one-on-one defenders and good team defenders who were able to defend players of multiple positions.科比和乔丹都是伟大的一对一防守者,也是能补防多个位置的优秀协防者。Jordan was a better shot blocker and thief than Kobe is, but Kobe has never played with a great perimeter defender like Jordan played with Pippen.乔丹是一个更好的盖帽手,但科比从未像乔丹一样,身边站着一位伟大外线防守球员皮蓬。Pippen was always the player on the Bulls who defended the opponent's best offensive player, and he was so versatile that he could guard points guards through power forwards.对阵其他球队时,皮蓬永远是那个出去防守对方老大的人,而他又相当全面,能够从控球后卫防到大前锋。Kobe has not had that luxury until this season, when the Lakers got Artest and, even though Artest is excellent, he is not as good and versatile as Pippen was, as he does not have the quickness to guard point or even some shooting guards.直到这个赛季湖人得到阿泰斯特之前,科比也一直享有此项殊荣。而且尽管阿泰非常出色,但他还是没有皮蓬那么好,他没有足够的速度防守控球后卫,和有些得分后卫。(那这些人就只能科比来了)Also, there was a severe lack of very good offensive shooting guards when Jordan played.而且,乔丹打球的年代,没有太多有出色进攻技巧的得分后卫。The only really good offensive two guards in the late '80s and '90s were Clyde Drexler, Mitch Richmond, and Reggie Miller, while Kobe has had to deal with Dwyane Wade, Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady, Ray Allen, Manu Ginobili, Paul Pierce, Joe Johnson, and Miller throughout his career.80年代末和90年代,仅有的优秀得分后卫是德雷克斯勒,米奇里蒙德和雷吉米勒。而科比的整个职业生涯,却得对付德文韦德,文斯卡特,麦迪,雷阿伦,吉诺比利,保罗皮尔斯,乔约翰逊还有雷吉米勒。Finally, Kobe has already made the All Defensive First Team seven times and the second team twice, while Jordan was selected to the All Defensive First Team nine times.终于,在乔丹入选最佳防守阵容9次的情况下,科比入选最佳防守一队7次,最佳防守二队2次。7. Jordan Is Much More Clutch Than Kobe Is7.乔丹的关键时刻能力比科比出色Another major argument in favor of Jordan is that he is more clutch than Kobe.另外一个说乔丹更牛掰的原因是说乔丹关键时刻能力比科比牛掰。Kobe has already tied Jordan in terms of making game winning shots after his shot against the Bucks raised his total to 27—the same as Jordan.一刀毙命雄鹿之后,科比生涯绝杀次数已经达到27次,和乔丹持平。In his career, Jordan averaged 33.4 points, 6.4 rebounds, and 5.7 assists, while shooting 48.7 percent from the field.整个职业生涯,乔丹季后赛场均33.4分,6.4板,5.7助,命中率48.7%Kobe has averaged 25 points, 5.1 rebounds, and 4.7 assists on 44.7 percent shooting, but that is also because of his first three seasons when his minutes were limited.科比季后赛平均25分,5.1板,4.7助,命中率44.7%,前三个赛季没怎么打,数据受限。However, when you remove those three seasons, Kobe's career playoff stats are 27.6 points, 5.5 rebounds, and 5.2 assists on 45 percent shooting from the field.如果去掉这三个赛季,科比职业生涯季后赛数据是场均27.6分,5.5板,5.2助,命中率45%Jordan averages six more points because he averages 25.1 shot attempts, compared to 22 for Kobe (without first three seasons).乔丹平均多拿六分,是因为他平均每场出手25.1次,比科比的22次(去掉前三个赛季数据)多三次。Kobe is also hurt in rebounding because of Shaq taking up so much space in the middle.篮板方面,科比的数据也受了影响,因为鲨鱼在内线占据了太大空间。Finally, Jordan was an excellent postseason performer, but Kobe has been, as well, and they are both amazing during game-winning situations, as they each have 27 game-winning shots.最终结论,乔丹是一名顶尖季后赛选手,但是科比到目前为止也和他差不多好。他们两个都在命悬一线的关键时刻表现神奇,都手握27次成功的一击毙命记录。Overall, Kobe's resume is not as good as Jordan's, but he still has a lot of time to add on and eventually pass Jordan with a couple of more championships.总的来说,科比的简历没有乔丹那么好,但他还有许多时间继续丰富他的职业生涯,并最终再拿几个冠军超越乔丹。Kobe's career stats are better than it looks, while Jordan's teammates are extremely underrated.科比的职业生涯比数据上显示的要好,而乔丹的队友被大大的低估了。Personally, I believe that when Kobe retires, he will be considered the greatest player ever, as he will win two or three more rings.就我个人来说,我相信,当科比退役的时候,他会再多拿2到3枚戒指,他会被认为是这个世界上曾有过的最伟大球员。I look forward to your comments and opinions.我期待你们的评论和意见。喜欢请分享到朋友圈吧:)篮球老黑(微信号:laohei18):微信端最好的NBA、篮球、训练及实战交流平台,每日精推1-2篇文章,欢迎平台用户投稿,互相分享与学习。发送以下关键词可以获取对应的精彩内容:热血青春/库里/安东尼/快船/篮彩/总冠军/教练/内线/实战/街球/灌篮高手/半场战术/科比/帕克/希伯特/态度/扣篮/技术/训练/阿尔德里奇/艺术/弹跳/单打/提高/假摔更多精彩内容可以通过【查看历史消息】获取。
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