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急求关于企业绩效管理的外文文献1篇 ……
提供一些关于企业绩效管理的外文文献,供写作参考。 [1] Nilsson Fredrik,Kald ...急求国外的绩效管理的研究现状,哪位大师给指导一下,不尽感激,谢谢! ……
我国政府绩效审计模式的可行性理论框架 审计作为一种监督管理活动,从根本上讲是为维护财产所有人或出资人...有没有把总工资分成三部分分别进行绩效考核的案例,有的话,如何实现?急求…… ……
有没有把总工资分成三部分分别进行绩效考核的案例,有的话,如何实现?急求……不是很明白你的意思,可以这...请帮忙推荐关于绩效管理和薪酬设计的书籍,急求! ……
1)最新企业整合绩效管理与薪酬福利体系设计及典型案例评析 2)绩效管理(第二版)复旦大学出版社 3)...急求:《绩效管理》论文的“摘要”和“结论” ……
摘要和结论一般用不了多少字。 你自己就可以写好的。 搞要就是论文的主要内容 结论就是你论文的结论。 ...急求一篇关于中国近期国企跨国并购后的绩效的文章,只给一些例子也可以,最好是有分析的例子。谢谢 ……
健康...急求一篇关于中国近期国企跨国并购后的绩效的...急求,请问有哪位仁兄读过“绩效管理在政府行政效能中的作用”的相关书籍不??绩效是在政府中的啊、、 ……
貌似以前大学课程里有提到过绩效管理,但是是讲企业的。政府的,估计公务员教材里面有。急求国外的绩效管理的研究现状,哪位大师给指导一下,不尽感激,谢谢! ……
我不知道也。哈哈…… 小白急求《凭绩效说话:目标、绩效与薪酬管理实务》的读后感! ……
《凭绩效说话》读后感 凭绩效说话》 执行力是一个系统问题。它包含对方法、战略、计划和目标的严密讨 论...10分急求解答,一家4000人左右企业做全员绩效管理咨询,大概得多长周期,得做多少费用预算,谢谢 ……
根据你公司的组织结构,部门的分布,及要你们学会绩效考核的方式,我觉得这才是管理咨询的核心,如有意向,...急求 社会学概论案例分析答案。。。_百度知道
急求 社会学概论案例分析答案。。。
社会现象解析:“中国春运” 社会现象解析:利用社会学相关原理,分析“中国春运”的社会成因。
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论阻碍我国器官移植发展的立法及伦理学问题(Legal and Ethical Issues Hindering Development of Organ Transplantation in China) 华中科技大学 同济医学院 同济医院/器官移植研究所 武汉430030 (Institute of Organ Transplantation/Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, HUST, Wuhan 430030) [Abstract] China is one of big countries that have a large group of organ-transplanted patients and a length waiting-list for transplant organs. However, here we have got none of the principal human organ/tissue transplantation legislations, i.e. the Brain Death Law, the Human Organ Transplantation Regulation, the Human Organ Donor Act and the Guideline of Living Organ Donation. The statistics of the transplantations performed each year and the total population undergoing post-transplantation medical
the data are provided by medical professionals in their academic reports and scientific papers as well as by media and website. Moreover, the internationally operated pharmaceutical companies, such as Novartis, Roche and Fujisawa that produce and sell their immunosuppressive products (CsA, MMF and FK506) in China, can easily figure out the transplanted population through their market records. The question is where do the organs come from if the living-related-organ donation consists of only as low as 0.1-1.0% of total transplantations. So far, the special and alterative organ source in Chinese has been the major target condemned by internal and external sharp criticism. Although the source saved hundreds and thousands of lives in the past, it left serious ethical and social problems behind the operation. It damages actually the healthy development of transplant technology and the medical service all over the country. It is time now to get things back in the right direction. Legislation, publicity, formalization, and internationlization are the new goals we have to achiev they are far more important than the techincal development itself at this historical turning point. “对脑死亡最大的担忧和误解莫过于将‘脑死亡’与‘植物人’混为一谈。在此必须予以慎重纠正。” --- 陈 忠 华,日,在中央电视台12演播室答观察员问 一、
中国式移植器官来源中的伦理学问题 我国器官移植事业起步于上个世纪60年代,并于1974年首次成功进行了肾脏移植,此后移植的范围逐步扩展到肝脏、心脏、胰腺、骨髓以及多器官移植等多个领域。目前,全国已实施大约5万多例肾移植,900多例肝移植,近100例心脏移植。现每年约有5500人通过器官移植获得新生。尽管器官移植挽救了众多患者的生命,但是我国政府以及器官移植从业医师仍然不断受到外界舆论的批评[1,2]。这些批评主要集中在中国式的移植器官的来源方面。由于目前我国既没有《脑死亡法》作为保障获取“心跳尸体” (heart beating cadaver) 器官的前提,又没有《器官捐献法》、《器官移植法》保障这一工作的规范化作业和进一步推广,而且亲属活体供器官仅占目前器官移植总数的0.1%~1.0%,因此器官的来源问题已成为无法继续回避的敏感话题。 (一)器官移植数字的透明度与器官获取方式的灰暗度形成鲜明对比 我国每年所施行的器官移植例数及统计数据的逐渐公开化主要体现在3个方面:(1)通过专业人员的学术性报告不断出现在国内、外各种专业期刊和登记组织中;(2)媒体报道、网络信息随时可以查到;(3)移植后必须使用的几种抗排斥药如CsA(诺华)、 FK506 (藤泽)及MMF (罗氏) 主要由外国公司产生、销售。中国实际移植人群可以通过其年销量和累计销量推算出来,并精确到千位数(移植后病人出境和大量***免疫抑制剂进入中国除外)。这些间接资料直接掌握在外国公司手中,出于商业利益和友好合作的意愿,相信这些公司不会将其用来攻击中国,但至少说明中国每年做多少移植在数量上几乎是完全透明的。 在中国,移植技术超前、医疗服务超前,而相应立法极端滞后的现状,迫使我国器官移植这一高科技医疗领域长期处于“灰箱作业”和压抑状态,难以向社会完全公开。 其作业条件也就无从改善。对于这一上个世纪遗留下来的特殊医疗、社会、历史问题,我们必须坦诚地面对现实,尽快提出合理的解决方案。否则,(1)不但无法面对国内外舆论的批评 [3];(2)也将严重阻碍我国器官移植医疗服务的进一步发展和对外交流;(3)同时也得不到世界卫生组织和国际器官移植学会对该项工作的认可;(4)甚至使得许多需要进行器官移植的患者得不到及时的救治;(5)可能被某些人利用作为谋取商业利益的手段。 欧美的临床移植起步与正规供者来源合法化两方面工作几乎是同时进行,几十年来在移植技术不断改进的同时,供者来源也不断扩大,形成了一个良性循环的局面。中国的临床移植虽然与国外几乎同时开展,但供者的来源则截然不同。我国在器官移植起步阶段,就没有一次到位地解决好器官来源这一根本性问题。主要思路没有集中在脑死亡供者及人体器官移植的相应立法上。面对当时思想上的禁锢,以及患者对器官移植的急切需求,医务工作者不得不尽量寻求一种暂时的替代途径。必须指出,在相当长的一段时间里,这种器官供应模式延长了许多患者的生命,但在另一方面则严重违背现代伦理学原则。存在并不意味着合理。目前,这种模式已经暴露出越来越多的弊端(从略,删除5小项)。 正是因为存在这么多的不合理性,制定和颁布《脑死亡法》、《器官移植法》、《器官捐赠法》和《亲属活体器官移植伦理学指南》(简称“三法一指南”),彻底改变器官捐赠模式才更显得势在必行。 (二)改变器官捐赠模式势在必行 1.患者的需要:目前我国约有100万尿毒症患者,并以每年12万人的速度递增。这么多患者中每年约有50万人需要进行肾移植术,而每年全国可供移植的肾源仅有5000个。其他没能进行移植的患者只有苦苦的等待,并要承担每月高达元的治疗费用。就算可以进行移植,但以目前的供者情况来看,一方面是用于移植的器官的质量(如缺血时间的长短、摘除时的损伤严重程度等)无法保证;另一方面是供者自身的身体状况无法保障(如有无肝炎、结核、AIDS等)。如果能够通过颁布“三法”,推进器官捐赠的普及化,那么从长远的角度来看,供者数量和质量上的问题将会得到有效的解决,患者将会得到更多的益处。 2.社会的需要:目前有些病人,实际上已经符合脑死亡的诊断标准,但由于没有《脑死亡法》,医务人员不得不进行毫无意义的“抢救”措施和其它一切安慰性、仪式性医疗活动;而家属同样也得付出大量的时间和精力来“守护死者”,并要支付昂贵的医疗费用。这种愚昧的医疗行为,正在给国民经济及医药资源造成巨大的浪费,这对其他可以救治的患者来说也是不公平的,所以应该立即停止,立法势在必行。 3.器官移植技术发展的需要:我国的器官移植技术发展到今天已经取得了巨大的成就,在多个领域中处于国际先进水平。我相信我国绝大多数器官移植工作者都希望自己的辛勤努力能够得到国际社会的认可。但结果常常令人失望。日国际器官移植学会发出通知,邀请东半球国家、地区会员参与2008年第22届国际器官移植大会的主办权竞标。大会规模为:5000人、80个国家和地区代表参加、注入资金高达450万美金(约3600万人民币)。此次大会对申办地和申请组织的硬件承受力、资源现状、学术水平和组织能力要求极高。为进一步加速我国器官移植发展,推动我国器官移植立法进程, 2001年8月我们向中华医学会器官移植分会提出竞标计划,其中以“申办中国·北京2008年国际器官移植学‘奥运会’”为目标,全面推动脑死亡立法和器官移植立法,实现我国器官移植“正规化、合法化、公开化、国际化”的方针得到中华人民共和国卫生部、中华医学会、中华医学会器官移植分会、海外华人器官移植学会、北京市人民政府、华中科技大学同济医学院同济医院等各级领导和国内外一大批知名专家、学者的高度重视和广泛支持。并且多次直接与国际移植学会核心人物就中国竞标的关键性、敏感性问题进行磋商,并得到广泛的理解。虽然此次申办最终并未取得成功,但标志我国移植学界在“正规化、合法化、公开化、国际化”方面已经迈出了历史性的一步[5]。回顾这次申办,我们不难发现,实际上所有的反对意见都集中在合法化方面——无《脑死亡法》、无《器官移植法》、无《器官捐献法》和 无《亲属活体器官移植伦理学指南》(简称“四无”状态)。这也让我们清楚的认识到,现在中国器官移植的瓶颈已不是简单的技术问题,而是无法可循、无法可依。因此全面的推动器官移植立法,是现在及今后一段时间内的工作重点,也是历史赋与我们的神圣使命。这也是笔者写这篇论文的目的。 4.除以上三点外,还需特别指出的是,我国器官移植从业人员以及我国政府,正面临着来自方方面面的压力。有个别人将有关的器官获取信息带到国外,加以报道,有些是出于善意的批评,而更多的是出于个人或政治目的对中国进行恶意攻击。另外,由于国内进行器官移植的费用远低于欧美发达国家,有些境外病人慕名来到我国就医和接受移植手术,然后再回国继续治疗。这种做法引发了更多的非议。 第一位向公众谈论此事的美国医生(Dr. Thomas Diflo, Director of Renal Transplantation New York University Medical Center)曾向医院伦理委员会提交一份报告:“说实话,这些在中国接受移植,然后回美国进行治疗的病人,我感觉不自在,所以报告医院道德委员会。对于他们器官的来源我很愤怒,在治疗过程中我无法面对这一事实。” 而伦理委员会的答复是:“无论你对这些移植病人感觉如何,也不应该、也不能放弃对这些病人的治疗。”由此引发2001年美国国会听证会,旨在抨击中国的***问题。 除此以外,我们也面临来自国际舆论、世界卫生组织、国际移植学会、伦理学会同行、美国医师甚至国内伦理学界的种种批评。(从略,删除8条) 二、
脑死亡立法及伦理学问题 自从1968年美国哈佛大学死亡定义审查特别委员会提出脑死亡的特征的诊断指标以来,目前世界上至少已有30多个不同版本的脑死亡诊断标准。但在国外实施脑死亡法37年之后,我国仍未形成此项立法。在不承认脑死亡的情况下,我国公开或半公开的移植统计数据已成为难以解释的事实。为此我国政府已屡遭外界抨击,而又难以申辩,有苦难言。 二十多年来,我国不少专家学者多次呼吁关于脑死亡立法,但终因力不从心未能实现。主要原因为:(1)没有组织;(2)没有系统;(3)没有负责人或牵头人;(4)没有工作计划;(5)没有资金投入;(5)缺乏相关立法机构和人员的支持。因此,零星的专家呼吁只能是石沉大海。 实际上,2000年以来,我国参照国际标准的、由脑死亡病人家属签字同意捐献的器官移植目前已有4例。客观地说,这样做(1)并未违法,因为我国还没颁布死亡法,而心脏死亡标准只是一个社会及医疗俗成;(2)但这样做并不符合规范,因为是独立的医院与患者家属的行为;(3)没有征得死者生前同意,有可能违背生命自主权原则。 既然要制定《脑死亡法》,那么我们到底需要做些什么呢?首先就要弄清楚什么是脑死亡,如何诊断脑死亡。作为中国现代执业医师对脑死亡应有明确的科学概念,即便不能放弃医疗,也不至于不知道病人在什么时候已经死亡。 死亡是个体生命的终点 (the end of life),死亡同时也是一个线性过程 (linear processes )[4]。前者是社会学问题,后者是生物医学问题。死亡的这种“点-线二重性”决定了点在线上定位的飘移性。在人体死亡确认问题上,其定位的飘移受到科学、文化、传统、宗教、法规的影响。死亡在细胞种类、解剖部位及发生时间上的“非同步性”,使得脑死亡后的人体其它器官组织捐献成为一种值得开发的宝贵医疗资源。在英国,一个人捐献的器官和组织不但能够帮助30-40个需要进行不同类型移植的病人,同时还可从放弃徒劳的抢救中节省大量开支。 人类脑死亡是指以脑干或脑干以上中枢神经系统永久性地丧失功能为参照系的人类死亡判断。脑干功能完全丧失以自主呼吸完全停止、全身脑干反射完全消失为特征,须由一组严格设置的医学试验、检查所构成的诊断标准加以确定。非严格定义下的“植物人”容易与“脑死亡”相混淆,应尽量避免。人们通常所说的 “植物人”,其中很大一部分可能已经脑死亡。脑死亡不是或不再是“植物人”。必须强调:(1)植物状态 ? 脑死亡;(2)持续性植物状态 ? /? 脑死亡;(3)永久性植物状态 ?/= 脑死亡;(4)植物状态无论如何都是放弃治疗和捐献器官的绝对伦理学禁区![4] 笔者认为现阶段,应至少提倡和逐步实施心死亡/脑死亡双轨制作为过渡。两种方案由患者于生前自由选择。在医疗卫生管理层面上应明确规定:“脑死亡诊断成立后停止或撤除一切治疗措施并不违反现代医疗常规[4]。” 至于是否捐献器官用于移植则是《器官捐赠法》和《器官移植法》所要规范的问题。目前,《脑死亡法》、《器官捐赠法》及《器官移植法》草案已提出,正在进行第三轮修改。由卫生部组织的中国脑死亡标准也在编制之中。(第三稿,见附录一)。 如果仅仅是医务人员理解脑死亡,那还不够,还需要广大的老百姓也接受这一新概念。中国人对于自己的身体是看得很重的,“体肤毛发,受之父母,不可损伤”,即使是死后,家属出于对死者的“尊重”,也都希望可以保留全尸。这种传统的观念在大众脑海中根深蒂固,很难移风易俗。但是很难并不意味着不可能。就像历史上一改土葬习俗为实施火葬法一样,虽然历时很长一段时间,而且其中还有反复,但最终还是被广大民众所接受。我们的香港、台湾同胞在这一方面已经走到了我们的前面。 另外,梵帝冈现任教皇保罗二世在国际器官移植会议期间也曾圣临会场发表演说,支持和呼吁器官捐赠。他指出器官捐赠是人类和平和爱心的最高体现。希望通过对生命的敬重而发扬器官捐赠的文化。教皇亲临科学大会并如此细致而准确地阐述教会观念,这在历史上还是第一次。对此只有一种解释:这就是器官移植所涉及到的是关于人的身和灵的问题。(1)每次移植几乎都与两条人命有关,或两个悲剧有关;(2)不论是亲属或非亲属捐赠,还是愿在死后捐赠器官或组织都是人类爱心的最高体现。1954年当J. Murrey实施人类第一例双胞胎之间的肾移植时,就提出了一个重大的伦理学问题:即首次在医学史上使一个健康人经受一个相当大的手术,而该手术的目的不是为了他本人的健康,而是为了拯救他人的生命。从这个意义上讲,器官捐赠的确是一种建立在现代人文和科技之上的壮举。因而我们有理由相信,脑死亡最终也会被大众接受。这就需要媒体给予正确的引导,提倡科学反对愚昧,促进大众早日接受脑死亡概念。 在依靠媒体进行科普宣传的同时,政府也应该加大对此项立法的支持力度。颁布“三法一指南”对患者、社会等各个方面所产生的正面影响在理论上已得到证实;同时,通过对比颁布《献血法》前后血液供应量及血液质量的变化,不难看出这两项指标均有明显改善,推而广之,我们有理由相信,颁布“三法一指南”对于规范器官供应途径是具有现实意义的。 必需指出一点,脑死亡立法及实施脑死亡诊断标准虽由器官移植界提出和倡导,但实际受益的将是死者本人(遗体尊严性)、亲属和全社会,其意义远远大于器官移植发展的需要。在脑死亡立法的其它更为重要的社会意义尚未充分讨论和认识之前,建议将脑死亡立法的呼吁与器官移植的发展需要暂时分开来讨论,以免产生动机上的误解和伦理学上的批评。 脑死亡立法的推动过程应采取先自下而上,后自上而下的方针。前者是指从医学实践着手,其中包括医学教育、临床实践和科普宣传,大众参与;后者是指国家机构管理阶层的认可、支持和参与,两者缺一不可。脑死亡法属于科技含量较高,***及伦理学问题相互渗透的法律。欲立其法必需具备坚实的医学基础、社会基础和法制环境。否则,即使有了脑死亡法,仍会造成执法上的混乱。脑死亡法滞后于器官移植,已经造成不可挽回的损失,国家理当优先解决。 三、
活体亲属器官捐献伦理学问题。 (一)活体器官捐赠的原则及要求 1.对医生而言,必须遵守医学伦理学提出的“无害、有利、公正、尊重、互助”原则。我们所做的一切,都要以病人的利益为根本出发点,本着对病人负责的态度,认真仔细的进行各项工作。不能为了片面的追求技术上的创新,医院的名誉,个人升职或申报基金,而在条件并不太成熟的情况下仓促进行活体供器官移植。因为这样做有可能会对供受双方造成很大的伤害,以至违背医学论理学所提出的各项原则。 2.对于患者而言,首先是保证其能够履行生命自主的权力。每个人都有选择自己生存方式的权力,而且这一权力并不因为你是否健康而发生改变。无论医生和患者家属是出于何种考虑,都不应该替患者本人做出选择(处于昏迷的患者或无判断力的患者应另当别论)。而现在在很多情况下,患者自身并不能选择自己的生活,有时甚至连获悉自身病情状况的权力也被剥夺了。这一点在癌症患者身上体现得尤为突出。之所以出现这种忽视患者生命自主权的情况,主要是因为医生和家属都存在着一种认识上的偏差,总是无意识的用自己的想法来替代患者的想法,将患者看得很脆弱,认为他们在面对绝症时会崩溃。但事实上我们可以看到,这种对患者病情善意的欺骗,并没有达到医生和家属所预期的效果。有的患者会因为没有认识到自己病情的严重性而掉以轻心,不能很好的配合治疗,使病情进一步恶化;有的则是对自己的病情异常敏感,喜欢胡乱猜疑,从而不能保持一种积极健康的心态配合治疗。而且有时医生和家属认为对患者有利的治疗方案并不是真正的能够让患者满意,也就是说医生和家属为他们选择的生存方式,并不是他们想要的。所以我们强调要尊重患者的生命自主权。对需要进行器官移植的病人同样也要遵循这一原则。因为无论是器官移植的前期准备,还是术后的抗排斥治疗都需要患者的充分理解和配合,而且对进行器官移植治疗后病情的转归及可能出现的并发症都需要患者有足够的思想准备,所以必须让患者自己来选择。 3.在活体器官捐献方面,情况就更为复杂。活体器官移植有着其特定的定义:指在不影响供者生命安全和不造成其健康损害的前提下,由健康的成人个体自愿提供生理及技术上可以切取的部分器官移植给他人,而决不是以牺牲一个健康的生命来换取另一个生命的健康。[6]所以,如何来选择和对待活体器官供者,这是整个活体供器官移植中的一个关键问题。首先,还是要尊重供者的生命自主权。他们有权知道,而且也必须知道自己捐出器官后,对他们现在和以后的生活会有何影响。这样他们才不至于做出使自己后悔的决定。实际上,绝大多数人都认为捐赠者应该完全知情,并支持他们自己做出是否捐赠器官的决定[7、8]。其次就是必须遵循绝对自愿的原则,这一点很重要。供者是否愿意捐赠出自己的器官,这完全是个个人问题,应由他(她)本人做出决定。任何个人或组织都不能对其施加压力,更不能诱导其做出不符和自己意愿的决定。比如说,有的家庭有兄弟两个,其中一个患有尿毒症需要进行肾移植治疗,这个时候可以考虑用其兄弟作为供者。但是家长和医生不能对健康者施加任何的压力,更不能因为健康者在智力或其他方面存在某种缺陷而强迫其捐出自己的器官来救治自己的兄弟,这是极不人道的。 4.在准备亲属活体供器官的过程中进行一系列的单独谈话,签署一定的协议是必要的,但是并不能说,因为供者签署了某些协议,就不允许其反悔,就必须捐出自己的器官。只要手术没有开始,供者随时都有权力拒绝捐赠。但是,我们希望尽量不出现这种最后时刻拒绝捐赠的情况。因为有些器官捐赠者之所以反悔,仅仅只是出于对医院环境、医务人员以及手术本身有种恐惧感,而并不是真的不想用自己的器官来救助另一个生命。所以对于这样的捐赠者,医务人员就更应该与其充分的交流,努力培养彼此之间的信任,在术前向其明确讲明整个手术的过程、术后并发症以及近期和远期的影响,尽量使他(她)适应医院内的环境和气氛,必要时可让其熟悉一下手术室的环境,或对其进行适当的心理辅导。总而言之,对于活体供器官移植中的供受双方来说,都要遵循上面所提到的“生命自主”和“绝对自愿”两项基本原则,以确保供受双方的利益。 5.关于捐赠者所面对的社会和家庭的压力:对于大多数捐赠者而言,器官捐赠是一次有益的经历,在家庭中他们并也没有感到有很大的压力,而且很多人表示如果再让他们选择的话,他们仍然会捐出自己的器官[9]。但是仍有少数捐赠者要面对来自家庭的压力。这就需要器官移植中心与捐献者的家属多进行沟通,争取消除彼此间的不理解,从而使捐赠者有更好的生活质量。 6.对捐赠者的年龄限制:由于技术的发展以及器官需要日益增加,所以对于捐赠者年龄的上限,不断放宽。在美国,大约25%的移植中心对老年捐赠者的年龄没有特别的限制,但是绝大多数的移植中心却都要求捐赠者必须大于18岁[10]。所以,我国也可参照美国的标准,对捐赠者的年龄下限做出规定。 7.开展活体供器官移植的单位首先必须具备一定的技术实力和实践经验(我们觉得至少应累计完成尸体肾移植500~1000例,方可试行活体供器官移植),在硬件和软件两方面都要过硬,有能力对移植后供受双方所出现的各种危急情况进行合理的处理。其次就是医务人员一定要本着对病人负责的态度来进行各项工作,务必认识到病人的利益高于一切。我们开展活体供器官移植,并不是为了片面追求技术上的创新和例数上的积累,而是为了使病人可以获得更高的生活质量,更长的生存时间。 8.除了对医疗单位有一定的要求外,开展活体供器官移植,还需要有专门的机构予以统一的管理。这主要是为了保持活体捐赠器官这一崇高行为的纯洁性,我们不希望看到有人用器官捐赠之名,行器官交易之实。就目前的情况来看,由于活体捐赠的例数较少,而且主要集中在亲属活体捐赠,所以可以暂时由医院在公安部门的协助下来负责审查捐赠者身份的真实性,并对捐赠者进行一系列严格的检查(包括生理状况和心理状况),以确保供受双方的利益。随着活体器官捐赠的正规化,就应该成立专门的职能部门来负责对器官捐赠者的管理。 国际移植学会曾在1985年颁布了非亲属活体捐赠者捐献肾脏的指南(Guidelines of the Council of the Transplantation Society for the Donation of Kidneys by Unrelated Living Donors),可供我们参考。其内容如下:(1)只有在找不到合适的尸体捐赠者或亲属捐赠者时,才可接受非亲属捐赠者(即:非直系亲属捐赠者)的器官捐赠;(2)受体及器官移植医师应必须确认捐赠者系出于利他的动机,而不是为了个人或其他利益,并且要对受体有益;(3)不能为了个人的利益,而恳求非亲属捐赠者捐出自己的肾脏;(4)捐赠者必须已达法定年龄;(5)活体非亲属捐赠应与亲属捐赠一样,符合伦理、医学与精神病学方面的捐肾标准;(6)受体及其家属,或其他支持捐赠的机构,都不可付钱给捐赠者;不过对捐赠者在手术与住院期间因无法工作所造成的经济捐失及其他相关开支应予以补偿;(7)必须由在尸体肾移植及亲属活体肾移植方面均有足够经验的医疗机构,来对供者和受体进行诊断和手术;而且对捐赠者进行鼓励的人员,也应该来自这一医疗机构,但不是移植小组中的成员。[9] (二)观念上的误解 以上准则对活体供器官中的各个环节都提出了一些建设性的意见,但是如果想要活体供器官能够被更多人接受,除了寻求法律支持外,还需要完成一项很重要的工作——清除观念上存在的误区。以活体肾脏捐赠为例。由于一方面受传统中医观念的影响,另一方面又对中医中的有些概念模棱两可,所以很多人把中医中的‘肾’与西医中的‘肾脏’混为一谈,认为捐出一个肾脏后会影响自己的健康,会引起性功能障碍。在中医看来:肾的主要功能是藏精,主生长、发育与生殖,主水,主纳气;肾主骨生髓,其华在发,开窍于耳和二阴,在志为恐,在液为唾;肾与膀胱相表里;肾为“先天之本”。其中肾所藏精气的主要功能是主持人体的生长、发育和生殖;肾主水,指肾具有主持全身水盐代谢,调节体内水盐代谢平衡的作用;肾主纳气,指肾具有摄纳肺吸入之气而调节呼吸的功能。而西医说的肾脏只是一个以调节水盐代谢、排泄代谢产物为主,兼顾部分内分泌功能的器官。所以我们很容易就可以看出,中医中的‘肾’与西医中的肾脏不是一个概念,前者并不是一个具体的器官,而是一个系统,西医中的肾脏只是这个系统中的一个环节。而且,正常人体有两个肾脏,每个肾脏中肾单位的数量都在100万以上,正常情况下有很多肾单位处于休息状态,并非百分之百全日发挥作用,也就是说肾脏的代偿功能很强,即使只有一个肾脏,也可以很好发挥作用,从而保证机体的正常运作。所以对于肾脏功能正常的成年人来说,捐出一个肾脏对他(她)的健康状况不会有明显的影响。至于有些捐赠者担心会出现性功能障碍,这是有可能的,但不是由于捐出一个肾脏后引起的器质性变化,而是由于心理因素造成的,是可逆的。至于活体捐赠肝脏的风险,在目前技术条件下相对而言要大一些,因为供者所遭受的创伤很大,所以术后的并发症也就更多。现在活体肝移植的死亡率&1‰,不大容易被接受,而活体肾移植的死亡率&1‰,所以说活体捐赠肾脏相对而言是安全的。[11] 2000年美国进行了11448例肾移植[12],其中尸体肾移植5985例[12],活体肾移植5463例[12],后者比我国全年的肾移植例数还多。除了美国外,其他一些国家也在逐步加大活体肾移植在肾移植中所占的比例(如挪威38%,瑞典34%,1998) [13]。所以我们有必要通过完善立法、加大宣传来加快推进活体器官捐赠的进程,力争早日改变我国器官移植供者的来源的非正常途径,实现“正规化、合法化、公开化、国际化”的发展目标。 附录一: 中国脑死亡诊断标准(成人) 第三稿 卫生部脑死亡法起草小组 脑死亡是包括脑干在内的全脑机能丧失的不可逆转的状态。 一、
先决条件 (一)
昏迷原因明确 (二)
排除各种原因的可逆性昏迷 二、
临床诊断 (一)
深昏迷 (二)
脑干反射全部消失 (三)
无自主呼吸(靠呼吸机维持,呼吸暂停试验阳性) 以上三项必须全部具备 三、
确认试验 (一)
脑电图平直 (二)
经颅多普勒超声呈脑死亡图型 (三)
体感诱发电位P14以上波形消失 以上三项中必须有一项阳性。 四、
脑死亡观察时间 首次确诊后,观察12小时无变化,方可确认为脑死亡 附录二: 中华器官移植学会器官捐赠自愿者模拟登记处 器官捐赠自愿者登记表 l
姓 名 年 龄 性 别 : 男□ 女□ l
地 址 邮 编 l
电 话 住宅电话 电子邮箱 移动电话 传 真(FAX) 单位电话 l
健康状况: 健康□ 良好□ 一般□ 较差□ l
血 型: A□ B□ O□ AB□ 不详□ l
委托律师资料(可选填) 姓 名: 事务所名称: 联系地址: 联系电话: l
直系亲属及联系方式 姓 名
地 址 及 邮 编
选 择: 您是否同意接受脑死亡诊断标准 A.
同意 □ 若同意:1.是否愿意在脑死亡诊断确立后停止仪式性抢救 是□
是否愿意捐赠器官 是□
否□ B.不同意 □ l
否□ 器官捐赠模拟登记处网址
参考文献: 1. Briggs JD.The use of organs from excuted prisoners in China. Nephrology Dialysis. Transplantation -40. 2. 邱仁宗. 利用死刑犯处决后的器官供移植在伦理学上能否得到辩护. 医学与哲学 -25. 3. Cameron JS, Hoffenberg R. The ethics of organ transplantation reconsidered paid organ donation and the use of executed prisoners as donors. Kidney International -732. 4. 陈忠华. 论脑死亡立法的生物医学基础、社会学意义及推动程序. 医学与哲学 -30. 5. 唐卫彬.我国首次参与角逐国际器官移植大会议主办权. 新华社.新华网 11.9.2001 6. 管文贤、李开宗. 开展活体器官移植的伦理学思考. 医学与哲学 -11. 7. Spital A, Spital M. Living kidney donation attitudes outside the transplant center. Arch Inter Med 7-1081. 8. Sptial A, Spital M. Donor’s choice or Hobson’s choice. Arch Intern Med 7-1301. 9. Jones J, Payne WD, Matas AJ. The living donor risk, benefits, and related concerns. Transplantation Reviews -128. 10. Bia MJ, Ramos EL, Danovitch GM. Evaluatic of living renal donor: The current practice of US transplant centers. Transplantation -327. 11. Spital A, Spital M, Spital R. The Living donor alive and well. Arch Intern Med 93-1996. 12. 2001 Annual Report Table 1.1 U.S. Organ Donors by Organ and Donor Type,(August 1,2001).Retrieved September 23, 2002 from the WorldWideWeb :
13. Internation figures on organ donation and transplantation activities1998. Select committee of experts on the organizational aspects of cooperation in organ and tissue transplantation . Organs and Tissues 1-146.
Title:The Transplantation Society’s Policy on Interactions With China.Author:Annika Tibell.Source:Transplantation 2–294BACKGROUND: The Transplantation Society has for many years taken a stand against the use of organs from executed prisoners in the People’s Republic of China. Recently, increasing contact between Chinese transplant programs and the international transplant community has created a need for more specific guidelines. This article presents The Transplantation Society’s policy on interactions with China and also summarizes some recent positive developments.标题:国际器官移植学会关于中国器官移植的政策Author:Annika Tibell.Source:Transplantation 2–294背景:多年以来国际器官移植学会一直反对中国将死刑犯作为器官供体来源之一。最近,中国与国际器官移植协会加强联系,双方达成了一些共识。本文主要介绍国际器官移植学会与中国间的合作,同时简要介绍近期取得的一些可喜进步。The use of transplantation as treatment for patients with terminal organ failure is gradually increasing. However, patient access to organ and tissue transplantations varies widely around the globe (1).器官移植用于终末期器官功能障碍患者的治疗,现呈增加趋势。但是人们获取移植器官和组织的途径,全球存在很大差别[1]。Transplantation was first established as a part of routine health care in North America, Australia, and many parts of Europe. These countries are now struggling with increasing waiting lists due to a large gap between the number of available organs and the demand. 在北美、澳大利亚以及欧洲的部分国家,器官移植首先成为常规治疗的一部分。这些国家也因此面临移植器官供求两极分化的巨大压力。The main reason for the increase in recent years is a growing number of procedures carried out in developing regions. Complete international statistics of transplantation procedures are lacking and the World Health Organization (WHO) is presently collecting data worldwide. However, it has become obvious that the People’s Republic of China (referred to as China in the following text) now has one of the largest transplant programs in the world, with about 11,000 organ transplantations performed in 2005.近年来移植器官需求增加的主要原因是发展中国家的器官移植手术呈增加趋势。世界卫生组织(WHO)正在收集这方面的数据,但尚未有最终结果。然而,中国正在成为全球最大的器官移植国家之一,其在2005年共实施器官移植手术11,000例。Since the late 1980s, there have been multiple indications that executed prisoners are the main (and, more or less, only) source of organs and tissues in the Chinese transplant programs. This has now also been officially acknowledged by a representative of the Chinese government. The Transplantation Society (TTS), as well as other professional societies and human rights organizations, previously condemned this practice in the 1990s; the membership statement of TTS has long stipulated that no member should be involved in obtaining or transplanting organs procured from executed prisoners.自20世纪80年代后期以来,多项证据表明中国采用死刑犯作为移植器官和组织的主要来源。这在最近也得到中国政府官员的公开承认。与其它专业协会和***组织一样,器官移植协会(TTS)在20世纪90年代曾对此进行谴责。TTS声明中也一直明确规定,TTS成员国禁止从死刑犯获取移植器官。There are many reasons for this position. TTS considers it a basic requirement that the act of donation is voluntary. Moreover, the decision to donate must be based on relevant and sufficient information and made without external pressure or coercion. Even if a death-sentenced prisoner and his family were given such information, the situation makes it impossible to ascertain whether the decision was independent and free.TTS出台该规定有很多原因。他们认为自愿捐赠器官应作为一个最基本的要求。此外,做出器官捐献决定时捐献者必须充分了解相关的信息,同时没有受到外部压力或政治的影响。即使死刑犯及其家属知晓相关信息,但仍不能确定其作者的决定是否未受外界干预。Furthermore, in accord with the position of many medical societies, including the American Medical Association, a physician—as member of a profession dedicated to preserving life—should not participate in a legally authorized execution (2).此外,许多医学团体包括美国医学会也有相关的规定,作为以救治病患生命为己任的医务人员不允许参加死刑的执行工作[2]。Another problem is the commercialization of transplantation procedures that has occurred at least in some parts of the Chinese health care system. The first reports on transplantations in foreigners who paid to obtain kidney transplants retrieved from executed prisoners were published more than 15 years ago (3, 4). 另一个问题是出现在中国卫生保健体系中器官移植的商业化。甚至在15年前就首次报道了外国人在中国成功进行肾移植手术,而其所购买的肾源就来自于死刑犯[3,4]。During recent years, several hospitals have placed advertisements on the World Wide Web to attract transplant recipients from abroad. The information has emphasized the short waiting times and, in some cases, has guaranteed a second transplant within a few weeks in case the first graft fails. No statistics are available on the number of foreign citizens undergoing transplantations in China, but it seems obvious that the increased transplantation activities have not been solely directed towards the own population. 近年来,有几家医院通过互联网进行广告来吸引世界各国需要器官移植的患者。这些信息中强调器官等待时间短;部分甚至保证在首次器官移植失败后几周内即可进行二次移植手术。到底有多少外国人在中国实施了器官移植手术尚无统计学数据,但似乎很明显的看到,虽然器官移植手术逐渐增加,但本国人民并未因此受益。The financial gain for the parties involved raises concern that money may become an incentive to increase the number of organs available for transplantation, and that this might affect the use of death sentences or the number of crimes for which such sentences can be applied.经济因素可能成为促进获取更多移植器官的动力,因此而可能影响死刑的判定。The Need for Guidelines制定指南的必要性The ethical issues were highlighted during the World Transplant Congress in Boston, July 2006. During this meeting, a new Ethics Committee of TTS was appointed. The chairman of the previous committee, Dr. Francis L. Delmonico, remains as a committee member and was also appointed Director of Medical Affairs. 2006年7月在波士顿举行的世界移植大会特别强调注重伦理学问题。会议期间成立了TTS新的伦理委员会。前委员会主席Dr. Francis L. Delmonico仍作为委员会成员,并被任命为医疗事件部门主任。One of the first tasks for the committee was to revise the Membership Statement of TTS to further underline the importance that all donations and transplantations should be performed within a legal and ethical framework that protects living donors and ensures that organs from deceased donors are recovered only when consent for donation has been obtained (5). 该委员会的首要任务是对TTS各成员国的器官移植情况进行监督,进一步强调器官捐赠和移植应该合法,并在伦理学框架的基础上进行。因为这样可保护活体捐献者的利益,同时确保尸体捐献者的知情同意[5]。As previously, the statement condemns the buying and selling of organs. Every new member must agree not to be involved in the transplantation of organs from executed prisoners or other donors where there is a risk that an autonomous consent for donation is lacking. The positions of TTS are further described in the Society’s new Policy and Ethics Statement (6).和以前一样,该声明谴责器官买卖行为。每一名加入TTS的新成员必须同意不从死刑犯或者未主观同意的捐献者身上获取移植器官。TTS在其协会新政策和伦理学声明中进一步强调了这种主张。The political developments in China, with more openness towards the international community, have increased the number of requests and invitations to collaborate with Chinese transplant programs in various ways. The Transplantation Society Council found that specific guidelines are needed for interactions with China. 随着与国际社会更多的交流合作,中国的政策愈加开放,其通过各种途径寻求与国际社会进行器官移植计划的合作。器官移植学会委员会在与中国的合作中发现,需要建立特定的指南来指导这种合作。The Ethics Committee chose to develop a statement formulated as responses to the most common questions. After approval of the TTS Council, the document was distributed to its membership. The complete document is shown in Figure 1.伦理委员会针对最常见的疑问发表声明。在TTS委员会的授权下,该声明被分发到各成员国,完整内容见图1。The main aims were to support the positive developments in China, but at the same time stress that their present policies were considered unacceptable, and to maintain international pressure towards a change. For these reasons, doctors and health care personnel involved in obtaining or transplanting organs and tissues from executed prisoners cannot become members of TTS. 主要目的是支持中国器官移植的发展,但同时强调其现有政策不能接受,以保持一定的国际压力促使中国做出改变。因此,从死刑犯身上获取器官和组织的任何医务人员均不能加入TTS。Likewise, scientific presentations from such transplant centers involving patient data or samples from recipients of organs from executed prisoners cannot be accepted for presentation at TTS meetings and TTS members should not collaborate in such studies. 同样,TTS大会不接受通过死刑犯的器官移植者进行研究而完成的科研论文,同时TTS成员不能介入此类研究。However, to promote dialogue and insight into international practice, doctors and health care personnel from China may be accepted as registrants at TTS meetings. TTS members can also accept invitations to lecture in China and provide expertise if the activity favors the development of Chinese transplantation programs towards TTS standards of practice. 然而,为了促进与国际社会的对话和了解,中国的医务人员可以在TTS大会进行登记。如能促使中国的器官移植向TTS标准靠近,TTS成员也可接受邀请在中国进行演讲并提供技术指导。Clinical and preclinical trainees from China should be accepted only if they are educated in appropriate alternatives to the use of executed prisoners and agree to comply withTTSstandards of practice throughout their careers.中国的医生只有在接受关于死刑犯器官捐献方面的教育,并同意在其职业生涯中采取TTS标准从业后,方可得到TTS的认可。After lengthy discussions, it was finally decided to recommend that international registers accept data about patients transplanted with organs or tissues from executed prisoners. The reasons for this decision were the need for transparency and the collection of correct demographic data. 经过长时间的讨论后,国际组织最终承认了从死刑犯身上获取移植器官或组织进行器官移植所获得的数据和资料。促成该决定的主要原因是准确统计数据的需要。However, the fact that the organs and tissues were obtained from an executed prisoner should always be clearly stated and such data should not be used for scientific registry studies. This document undoubtedly fails to deal with all possible situations. 然而,来自死刑犯器官或组织所获得的数据应该注明,同时这些数据不能用于科学研究。毫无疑问,这种规定并未能解决所有问题。However, if one is uncertain about collaboration with representatives of a Chinese transplantation program, one should always be guided by the principle that TTS supports collaboration that contributes to a development towards internationally accepted standards of care.然而,如果不能确定和中国进行器官移植的具体情况,那么就应该按照TTS的规定进行,因为TTS关于此方面的相关规定主要促使合作向国际接受的医疗标准靠拢。In July 2006, a report on the alleged harvesting of organs from practitioners of *** Gong in China attracted major international attention (7). The authors were two Canadians:2006年7月,一份报道声称中国的移植器官来自于***修炼者,这引起了国际社会的广泛关注[7],该报道的作者是两名加拿大人:David Matas, an immigration, refugee, and international and David Kilgour, former member of Parliament and a former Secretary of State for the Asia Pacific region. The investigation was done from outside China and was based on interviews and the assessment of available written information. It is alleged that organs have been obtained from many unwilling *** Gong practitioners and that the individuals were not executed, but instead killed during the course of the surgical recovery.David Matas,移民、流亡者及国际***律师;David Kilgour,亚洲地区前议会成员和前秘书长。调查主要在海外进行,主要依据对可获得的信息进行评估。其声称器官来自于一些***成员的非自愿行为,且捐献者并未执行死刑,而是在手术的恢复期间被杀害。The Chinese authorities deny that any such activities have occurred. TTS considers this report alarming but has no possibility to further investigate the accusations. Instead, TTS has made a formal request to the WHO that the United Nations Commission for Human Rights investigates these charges. 中国政府对此进行否认。TTS认为该报道令人担忧,但表示无法进行深入的调查。最后TTS向WHO书面申请,请求联合国***委员会对此进行调查。During 2006, TTS established an official collaboration with WHO. One important task is to cooperate with government agencies and create national legal frameworks that comply with TTS standards of practice and guiding principles of the WHO. In China, TTS together with WHO works directly with the Vice Minister of Health. According to the Vice Minister, the Chinese government now intends to create a legal framework for national oversight, ban the purchase and sale of human organs, and prevent organ trafficking and transplant tourism. 2006年间,TTS与WHO成立了一个官方合作组织。其主要任务是与政府机构进行合作,构建国际法律框架。这些法律框架必须符合TTS的工作标准和WHO的指导原则。在中国,TTS与WHO的卫生副部长一起工作。通过各方努力,中国政府逐渐建立了符合国际标准的法律体系,禁止买卖人体器官,同时阻止器官运输及以器官移植为目的的旅游活动。Credentials for Chinese transplant officials will be established, only selected centers will be allowed to perform transplantations, and transplantations on foreign citizens will be subjected to special regulations. The Chinese government also states that deceased organ donation based on brain death criteria will be established with the intention of achieving a national self-sufficiency that includes deceased and living donors.中国已建立器官移植准入制度,只有经过批准的机构方可进行器官移植,同时外国人在中国接受器官移植受到严格的限制。中国政府同时强调,将建立符合脑死亡标准的尸体器官捐赠者制度,同现有的活体器官移植共同解决中国的移植器官供应。TTS endorses this development and looks forward to the implementation of these new policies in China. The establishment of deceased organ donation from donors with total brain infarction and a careful expansion of live donor programs hopefully will create a basis for reevaluation of the practice of using executed prisoners.TTS认可这些发展并期待该新政策在中国的实施。脑死亡尸体捐赠器官制度的建立及值得期待的谨慎活体器官移植将有望改变中国采取死刑犯器官移植的现状。
Title:The Transplantation Society’s Policy on InteractionsWith China.Author:Annika Tibell.Source:Transplantation 2–294BACKGROUND: The Transplantation Society has for many years taken a stand against the use of organs from executed prisoners in thePeople’s Republic of China. Recently, increasing contact between Chinese transplant programs and the internationaltransplant community has created a need for more specific guidelines. This article presents The TransplantationSociety’s policy on interactions with China and also summarizes some recent positive developments. The use of transplantation as treatment for patients withterminal organ failure is gradually increasing. However,patient access to organ and tissue transplantations varieswidely around the globe (1). Transplantation was first establishedas a part of routine health care in North America,Australia, and many parts of Europe. These countries are nowstruggling with increasing waiting lists due to a large gap betweenthe number of available organs and the demand. Themain reason for the increase in recent years is a growing numberof procedures carried out in developing regions. Completeinternational statistics of transplantation procedures arelacking and the World Health Organization (WHO) is presentlycollecting data worldwide. However, it has become obviousthat the People’s Republic of China (referred to asChina in the following text) now has one of the largest transplantprograms in the world, with about 11,000 organ transplantationsperformed in 2005.Since the late 1980s, there have been multiple indicationsthat executed prisoners are the main (and, more or less, only)source of organs and tissues in the Chinese transplant programs.This has now also been officially acknowledged by a representativeof the Chinese government. The Transplantation Society(TTS), as well as other professional societies and human rightsorganizations, previously condemned this practice in the 1990s;the membership statement of TTS has long stipulated that nomember should be involved in obtaining or transplanting organsprocured from executed prisoners.There are many reasons for this position. TTS considersit a basic requirement that the act of donation is voluntary.Moreover, the decision to donate must be based on relevantand sufficient information and made without external pressureor coercion. Even if a death-sentenced prisoner and hisfamily were given such information, the situation makes itimpossible to ascertain whether the decision was independentand free. Furthermore, in accord with the position of manymedical societies, including the American Medical Association,a physician—as member of a profession dedicated topreserving life—should not participate in a legally authorizedexecution (2).Another problem is the commercialization of transplantationprocedures that has occurred at least in some partsof the Chinese health care system. The first reports on transplantationsin foreigners who paid to obtain kidney transplantsretrieved from executed prisoners were publishedmore than 15 years ago (3, 4). During recent years, severalhospitals have placed advertisements on the World WideWeb to attract transplant recipients from abroad. The informationhas emphasized the short waiting times and, in somecases, has guaranteed a second transplant within a few weeksin case the first graft fails. No statistics are available on thenumber of foreign citizens undergoing transplantations inChina, but it seems obvious that the increased transplantationactivities have not been solely directed towards the ownpopulation. The financial gain for the parties involved raisesconcern that money may become an incentive to increase thenumber of organs available for transplantation, and that thismight affect the use of death sentences or the number ofcrimes for which such sentences can be applied. The Need for GuidelinesThe ethical issues were highlighted during the WorldTransplant Congress in Boston, July 2006. During this meeting,a new Ethics Committee of TTS was appointed. Thechairman of the previous committee, Dr. Francis L. Delmonico,remains as a committee member and was also appointed Director of Medical Affairs. One of the first tasks forthe committee was to revise the Membership Statement ofTTS to further underline the importance that all donationsand transplantations should be performed within a legal andethical framework that protects living donors and ensuresthat organs from deceased donors are recovered only whenconsent for donation has been obtained (5). As previously,the statement condemns the buying and selling of organs.Every new member must agree not to be involved in the transplantationof organs from executed prisoners or other donorswhere there is a risk that an autonomous consent for donationis lacking. The positions of TTS are further described inthe Society’s new Policy and Ethics Statement .The political developments in China, with more opennesstowards the international community, have increasedthe number of requests and invitations to collaborate withChinese transplant programs in various ways. The TransplantationSociety Council found that specific guidelines areneeded for interactions with China. The Ethics Committeechose to develop a statement formulated as responses to themost common questions. After approval of the TTS Council,the document was distributed to its membership. The completedocument is shown in Figure 1.The main aims were to support the positive developmentsin China, but at the same time stress that their present policieswere considered unacceptable, and to maintain internationalpressure towards a change. For these reasons, doctors and healthcare personnel involved in obtaining or transplanting organsand tissues from executed prisoners cannot becomemembers ofTTS. Likewise, scientific presentations from such transplant centersinvolving patient data or samples from recipients of organsfrom executed prisoners cannot be accepted for presentation atTTS meetings and TTS members should not collaborate in suchstudies. However, to promote dialogue and insight into internationalpractice, doctors and health care personnel from Chinamay be accepted as registrants at TTS meetings. TTS memberscan also accept invitations to lecture in China and provide expertiseif the activity favors the development of Chinese transplantationprograms towards TTS standards of practice. Clinicaland preclinical trainees from China should be accepted only ifthey are educated in appropriate alternatives to the use of executedprisoners and agree to comply withTTSstandards of practicethroughout their careers.After lengthy discussions, it was finally decided to recommendthat international registers accept data about patientstransplanted with organs or tissues from executed prisoners. Thereasons for this decision were the need for transparency and thecollection of correct demographic data. However, the fact thatthe organs and tissues were obtained from an executed prisonershould always be clearly stated and such data should not be usedfor scientific registry studies. This document undoubtedly failsto deal with all possible situations. However, if one is uncertainabout collaboration with representatives of a Chinese transplantationprogram, one should always be guided by the principlethat TTS supports collaboration that contributes to a developmenttowards internationally accepted standards of care.In July 2006, a report on the alleged harvesting of organs from practitioners of *** Gong in China attracted major internationalattention (7). The authors were two Canadians:David Matas, an immigration, refugee, and internationalhuman and David Kilgour, former member of Parliamentand a former Secretary of State for the Asia Pacific region. Theinvestigation was done from outside China and was based oninterviews and the assessment of available written information.It is alleged that organs have been obtained frommanyunwilling*** Gong practitioners and that the individuals were not executed,but instead killed during the course of the surgical recovery.The Chinese authorities deny that any such activities haveoccurred. TTS considers this report alarming but has no possibilityto further investigate the accusations. Instead, TTS hasmade a formal request to the WHO that the United NationsCommission for Human Rights investigates these charges.During 2006, TTS established an official collaborationwith WHO. One important task is to cooperate with governmentagencies and create national legal frameworks that complywith TTS standards of practice and guiding principles ofthe WHO. In China, TTS together with WHO works directlywith the Vice Minister of Health. According to the Vice Minister,the Chinese government now intends to create a legalframework for national oversight, ban the purchase and saleof human organs, and prevent organ trafficking and transplanttourism. Credentials for Chinese transplant officialswill be established, only selected centers will be allowed toperform transplantations, and transplantations on foreigncitizens will be subjected to special regulations. The Chinesegovernment also states that deceased organ donation basedon brain death criteria will be established with the intentionof achieving a national self-sufficiency that includes deceasedand living donors.TTS endorses this development and looks forward tothe implementation of these new policies in China. The establishmentof deceased organ donation from donors withtotal brain infarction and a careful expansion of live donorprograms hopefully will create a basis for reevaluation of thepractice of using executed prisoners.


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