
上传用户:tfztllpzdf文档下载 :『』&&『』『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)跟着经济全球化的成长,分歧文明之间的交换也日趋增强。分歧文明配景的人们在来往的进程中不免会碰到各类各样的成绩、误会和抵触。这就请求我们对分歧的说话和文明之间的异同停止研讨,发明成绩并找到处理成绩的办法。年夜量的研讨注解,说话和说话的应用深深根植于特定的社会文明当中,分开了说话发生和应用的社会文明语境和外交语境,就弗成能对说话做出深入而周全的说明。忌讳语是人类社会广泛存在的文明景象。英文名为taboo,汉语译为“塔布”。Taboo一词源于南宁靖洋汤加岛人的土语。原意含有“奥秘”和“弗成侵占”的意思。与“塔布”绝对应的汉语词是“忌讳”。忌讳语并不是汤加岛所独有,它广泛存在于世界上各个文明傍边,触及的规模都异常普遍。小到一个家庭,年夜到全部社会,上自士族显贵,下及庶平易近庶民,简直无处不在,无时不有。在我国的《礼记·曲礼》中有“出境而问禁,入国而问俗,入门而问讳”之说。在平常生涯和任务中应用了忌讳语常常会显得冒昧在理,轻易形成极欠好的效果,所以岂论中国或东方都很看重忌讳语的应用。现今社会,跨文明外交日趋频仍,因为分歧文明对在必定语境下甚么是忌讳语其实不完整分歧。假如对其缺少懂得或应用欠妥,就会发生误会、抵触,乃至弗成知的严重效果。关于忌讳语,人们会常常采用“躲避”立场,以避免搪突别人。但忌讳语作为人类说话的一部门,在生涯中弗成防止。本文从跨文明的角度,引见了中英文忌讳语各自的四个重要方面及相干身分,并在此基本上对两者的雷同点及分歧点做出比较,以使读者对中英文忌讳语有更深入体系的懂得。最初提出应有的正直立场及有效的战略,以使读者在跨文明外交中可以或许亲信知彼,求同存异,有用沟通。Abstract:With the development of economic globalization, the exchange among different civilizations has become more and more strengthened. People of different civilizations in the process of going to and from the process will inevitably encounter all kinds of achievements, misunderstanding and conflict. This requests us to the difference between the speech and the similarities and differences between civilization and research, invention and find the way to deal with the results. A large amount of research notes, talking and talking the application of deeply rooted in specific social civilization, separate the generation and applications of social cultural context and diplomatic context to speak, Eph into can to speak to make in-depth and comprehensive description. Taboo is a widespread social phenomenon in human society. English called taboo, translated as &tabou&. Taboo from the Nanning Pacific island of Tonga people. Original intent contain &mystery& and &put into occupation& mean. Absolute and taboo of Chinese words is &taboo&. Unique to the taboo language and not Tonga island. It is widely existed in all over the world civilization Bangbian, reach scale are extremely common. Small to a family, to the eve of the society as a whole, since the high-ranking nobles, and Shu plain near the palace, almost everywhere, no does not have. In China, the &book of Rites& Qu Li in the &exit and ask the ban into the country and asked the customs, entry and ask taboo&. In the ordinary life and tasks in the use of taboo language often seem to take the liberty of reason, easy to form a very good effect, so it is very important to China or the east of the application of taboo language. In today's society, cross cultural diplomacy are becoming more and more frequent, because of cultural differences on in a certain context what is taboo language in fact not complete differences. If the lack of knowledge or application will be defective, misunderstanding, conflict, and even not serious effect to know. About the taboo language, people often use &escape& position, to avoid offending others. But taboo language as a part of human beings, in his career to prevent. This paper from the perspective of cross-cultural, introduced the English taboo language their four important aspects and coherent identity, and on this basis of the two identical point and the point of disagreement to make the comparison, to make the reader know more in-depth system of taboo in English language. Originally proposed should be upright stance and effective strategy, in order to make the readers may know cronies, seek common ground while reserving differences, useful communication in cross cultural diplomacy.目录:ABSTRACT2-3摘要4-7Chapter I Introduction7-10&&&&1.1 General Description of the Study7-8&&&&1.2 Need for the Study8-10Chapter II Literature Review10-18&&&&2.1 Major Studies in This Field10-12&&&&&&&&2.1.1 Major Studies Abroad10-12&&&&&&&&2.1.2 Major Studies in China12&&&&2.2 Theoretical Foundation12-18&&&&&&&&2.2.1 Face Theory12-13&&&&&&&&2.2.2 Cooperative Principle13-15&&&&&&&&2.2.3 Politeness Principle15-16&&&&&&&&2.2.4 Indirect Speech Act Theory16-18Chapter III Relevant Terms18-31&&&&3.1 Culture18-21&&&&&&&&3.1.1 What is Culture18-19&&&&&&&&3.1.2 Features of Culture19-21&&&&3.2 Communication21-22&&&&&&&&3.2.1 What is Communication21&&&&&&&&3.2.2 Features of Communication21-22&&&&3.3 Intercultural Communication22-24&&&&&&&&3.3.1 What is Intercultural Communication22-23&&&&&&&&3.3.2 Features of Intercultural Communication23-24&&&&3.4 Linguistic Taboo24-27&&&&&&&&3.4.1 What is Linguistic Taboo24-26&&&&&&&&3.4.2 Features of Linguistic Taboo26-27&&&&3.5 Functions of Linguistic Taboo27-28&&&&3.6 The Relationship between Linguistic Taboo, Language, Culture and Intercultural Communication28-31Chapter IV Comparison of Chinese and English Taboos31-62&&&&4.1 Chinese Taboos and the Related Factors31-45&&&&&&&&4.1.1 Taboos on Names and the Factors31-36&&&&&&&&4.1.2 Taboos on Death and Illness and the Factors36-38&&&&&&&&4.1.3 Taboos on Vulgarities and the Factors38-42&&&&&&&&4.1.4 Taboos on Ominous Matters and Deficiencies and the Factors42-45&&&&4.2 English taboos and the Related Factors45-59&&&&&&&&4.2.1 Taboos on Names of Gods and the Factors46-49&&&&&&&&4.2.2 Taboos on Death and Illness and the Factors49-52&&&&&&&&4.2.3 Taboos on Vulgarities and the Factors52-55&&&&&&&&4.2.4 Taboos on Discrimination and the Factors55-59&&&&4.3 Similarities and Differences between Taboos in Chinese and English59-62&&&&&&&&4.3.1 Similarities59&&&&&&&&4.3.2 Differences59-62Chapter V Suggestions for Improvement62-68&&&&5.1 Attitudes62-65&&&&5.2 Useful Strategies65-67&&&&5.3 Summary67-68Chapter VI Conclusion68-75&&&&6.1 Conclusion of this study68-69&&&&6.2 Implications69-73&&&&&&&&6.2.1 Implications for Language Learning and Teaching69-71&&&&&&&&6.2.2 Implications for Intercultural Communication71-73&&&&6.3 Limitations73-75REFERENCES75-78ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS78-79分享到:相关文献|豆丁微信公众号
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