
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A2)a ... alarum 惊慌 alary 翼状的 alas 唉 ...
医学制药词汇A(1) ... alienia 无脾 aliform 翼状的 aliment 食物 ...
英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(P4)|各类常用英语词汇(4) ... pterosaur 翼龙 pterygoid 翼状的 PTolemaic system 托勒密之天动学说 ...
wing shaped
医学专业英语翻译 地质专业英语词汇V-Z - 翻译... ... wing 翼 wing shaped 翼状的 winning assembly 采掘设备 ...
Wing bunker
Shaped like a wing; alar.
Once they are underwater, they close and fold the winglike fins so that they can swim.
The Nomad got its mojo back in 1959 when it joined the Impala line and got a sleek redesign (below). Those batwing fins still look hot.
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音标:[ 'mʌsl ]&&发音:&&过去式: muscled&&&过去分词: muscled&&&名词复数: muscles&&&现在分词: muscling&&&
中文翻译n.【解剖学】肌(肉);体力,膂力,力气。 an involuntary muscle 不随意肌。 a voluntary muscle 随意肌。 a man of muscle 大力士。 not move a muscle 毫不动容,神色不变。vi.〔美俚〕发挥膂力;用力挤着前进 (through)。 muscle in 硬挤进;干涉,侵入;强夺。adj.-less 无肌肉的;没力气的。n.= mussel.&&&&准备动武, 准备蛮干... &&&&&&使用肌肉的力量... &&&&&&调整蓟茎肌... &&&&&&腹肌... &&&&&&外展肌... &&&&&&外展肌; 展肌... &&&&&&副肌... &&&&&&辅助肌... &&&&&&闭肌; 内收肌; 收肌... &&&&&&调节肌; 调整肌... &&&&&&主动肌; 主缩肌... &&&&&&织肌; 主动肌... &&&&&&翼肌; 翼状肌... &&&&&&白化肌... &&&&&&翼状肌... &&&&&&栖肌... &&&&&&肛肌... &&&&&&肘肌... &&&&&&耳角肌... &&&&&&拮抗肌... &&&&&&拮抗肌,对抗肌... &&&&&&对抗肌, 拮抗肌; 颉抗肌... &&&&&&前外侧肌... &&&&&&颧肌... &&&&&&肌性杂音... &&&&&&肌肉系统... &&
例句与用法This disease causes muscle pain and rashes .此病可引起肌肉疼和皮疹。The anconeus is a small triangular muscle .肘后肌是一小的三角形肌肉。A muscle biopsy is positive for fungus .肌肉活组织检查发现有真菌侵犯。The back muscles of the thoracic region are thinner .胸段的背肌较薄弱。Sternal muscles include two muscle groups .腹板肌包括两个肌群。Meprobamate may be used as a muscle relaxant .眠尔通还可作为肌肉松驰剂。The dancing lessons muscled her legs .舞蹈课使她腿部肌肉发达。Subsequent muscle damage is usually evident .随之而来的肌肉损伤常很显著。Septa are constructed from muscle fibres .隔膜由肌纤维组成。He tensed his muscles for the leap .他绷紧了肌肉准备跳跃。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释possessing muscular strength同义词:, , , , , authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way); "the senators used their muscle to get the party leader to resign"animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells同义词:, one of the contractile organs of the body同义词:, a bully employed as "the drug lord had his muscleman to protect him"同义词:, make one'' "He muscled his way into the office"
百科解释Muscle is a kind of soft tissue of animals. Muscle cells contain protein filaments that slide past one another, producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell.详细百科解释
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惊慌 基本解释惊慌[jīng huāng]词典:警报;闹铃;惊恐;动员令。词典:惊慌;“alarm”的过去式和过去分词;张皇;惶惶。词典:恐惧的;惊恐的;担心的。词典:受恐慌的,惊慌失措的;恐慌万状;惊骇;怔忪。词典:惊慌,警报。惊慌 汉英大词典惊慌[jīng huāng] panic-stricken:  例:造成惊慌        惊慌出逃        游泳的人看见鲨鱼靠近时一片惊慌。    Panic swept through the swimmers as they saw the shark approaching.    惊慌的人群向四面八方逃去。    The panic-stricken fled in all directions.手机查看惊慌的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 惊慌 即可惊慌 网络解释1. 惊慌1. panic n:palace n.府,邸 | panic n.惊慌 | paradise n.天堂2. alarm n:gendarme n. 宪兵 | alarm n.惊慌 | first-class a.头等的3. alarum:alarmist 大惊小怪者 | alarum 惊慌 | alary 翼状的惊慌 双语例句1. 1. 你大可不必对此如惊弓之鸟、如丧考妣般的惊慌失措,而应该感到荣幸才是。。。。&&&&You need not have, such as frightened, Rusangkaobi like panic, but should be honored is...2. 2. 那个外国人趁机惊慌的走了。&&&&The foreigner never took the picture.3. 但这个可以认为已知的惊慌失控的一种征兆。&&&&But this can all be sized of what is known as panic disorder.4. 4. 不要惊慌,我们还没有取消这些重要的职能。&&&&Don't panic, we haven't done away with these critical functions.5. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD5. 他向着大方凳,坐在小凳上;便很惊慌地站了起来,失了色瑟缩着。&&&&He was sitting on a small stool, with another one, big and square, in front. He stood up hastily, shivering all over, his face turning pale.6. 在那易于惊慌的厨师听来,他说话声音洪亮,口气友好而果断,并带有开导和宽慰的味儿。&&&&His resonant voice is friendly, constructive and reassuring to... the flappable chef.7. 7. 使紧张;使恐惧;使惊慌&&&&M frighten or alarm8. 惊慌中,他试图站起来,便抓住船的一边,而下一刻——扑通一声。&&&&Frightened, he tried to get up, got hold of the side of the boat, and the next moment-splash!9. 惊慌什么意思9. 请不要惊慌,系好安全带。&&&&Please fasten your seat belt and stay calm.10. 今天还留下当年的一些8 tt 痕迹,例如一些8 tt 烧焦了的古树干,便标志着那些惊慌战栗的难民在树林里露宿的地点。&&&&There are at this day certain traces recognizable, such as old boles of burned trees, which mark the site of these poor bivouacs trembling in the depths of the thickets.11. 正当我惊慌失措的时候。。。&&&&&&I was so frightened and flustered...12. 我认为我们选择了惊慌失措。&&&&&&And I think we chose panic, he said.13. 他惊慌失措地跑了。&&&&&&He lost his head and ran away.14. 14. 惊慌失措,这就是我的反应。&&&&&&I would say panic is my reaction.15. 15. 如果我们惊慌失措的话,我们就帮不上忙了。&&&&&&If we panic, we able to help.16. 16. 例句即使到了最危急的时候;他也~没有显露出任何惊慌之色。&&&&&&T keep one' be calm and composed17. 17. 到现在为止都很沉着,但现在他表现出了惊慌的迹象;冷静的自制;在危机中保持镇定。&&&&&&Hitherto imperturbable, he now s an imperturbable self- unflappable in a crisis.18. 到现在为止都很沉着,但现在他表现出了惊慌的迹象;冷静的自制;在危机中保持镇定。&&&&&&Hitherto imperturbable, he now s an imperturbable self- unflappable19. 他们杀死了15个枪手而墨西哥游客就惊慌的躲在附近的房间里。&&&&&&They killed 15 of the gunmen as Mexican tourists cowered in their rooms nearby.20. 这么好几次,他开始看惯了苇叶的微动,听惯了鸟鸣,决定不再惊慌。&&&&&&This happened several times before he became accustomed to the movement of the reeds and the bird sounds, and decided not to let them startle him so much.惊慌是什么意思,惊慌在线翻译,惊慌什么意思,惊慌的意思,惊慌的翻译,惊慌的解释,惊慌的发音,惊慌的同义词,惊慌的反义词,惊慌的例句,惊慌的相关词组,惊慌意思是什么,惊慌怎么翻译,单词惊慌是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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sartorius muscle中文是什么意思
中文翻译缝匠肌&&&&n. 【解剖学】(大腿上的)缝匠肌。 ... &&&&&&n. = mussel. ... &&&&&&缝匠肌腱下囊... &&&&&&工业缝纫机台板... &&&&&&缝匠肌... &&&&&&缝匠肌... &&&&&&萨托里乌斯有限公司... &&&&&&电笔记录沉积秤... &&&&&&缝匠肌腱下囊... &&&&&&缝匠肌腱下囊... &&&&&&准备动武, 准备蛮干... &&&&&&n. 【解剖学】肌(肉);体力,膂力,力气。 an involuntary muscle 不随意肌。 a voluntary muscle 随意肌。 a m ...... &&&&&&使用肌肉的力量... &&&&&&调整蓟茎肌... &&&&&&腹肌... &&&&&&外展肌... &&&&&&外展肌; 展肌... &&&&&&副肌... &&&&&&辅助肌... &&&&&&闭肌; 内收肌; 收肌... &&&&&&调节肌; 调整肌... &&&&&&主动肌; 主缩肌... &&&&&&织肌; 主动肌... &&&&&&翼肌; 翼状肌... &&&&&&白化肌... &&
例句与用法Effect observation of treating femur neck fracture of youth aged persons by grafting sartorius muscle iliac bone flap空心螺钉加缝匠肌髂骨瓣植骨术治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折的疗效观察Transplantation of the sartorius muscle iliac flap in treating the bone defect and nonunion of middle and superior segment of femur缝匠肌髂骨瓣移植治疗股骨中上段骨缺损性骨不连Methods : the sartorius muscle was processed by conventional chemical fixation and cryofixation followed by freezing substitution方法:蟾蜍缝匠肌经常规化学固定以及超低温快速冷冻固定、冷冻置换后,透射电镜进行超微结构观察。 Treatment of young adult subcapital femoral neck fracture with vascular bundle transplantation and sartorius muscle pedicled iliac graft assisted with internal fixation血管束植入加缝匠肌骨瓣内固定治疗青壮年股骨颈头下型骨折&&
英文解释a muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the leg into the sitting position the longest muscle in the human body同义词:, ,
sartorius muscle的中文翻译,sartorius muscle是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译sartorius muscle,sartorius muscle的中文意思,,,,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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