
a. curia的
extracurricular是什么意思 extracurricular在线翻译 extracurricular什么意思 extracurricular的意思 extracurricular的翻译 extracurricular的解释
extracurricular英 [?ekstr?k?'r?kj?l?] 美 [?ekstr?k?'r?kj?l?] extracurricular 基本解释形容词课外; 学校课程以外的extracurricular什么意思手机查看extracurricular的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 extracurricular 即可extracurricular 网络解释1. 1. 课外活动:对于伟大的钢琴家,那或许是可以的,但对你而言,那却是不正确的学习态度. 最后,他下的评语是:你弹得很好,但是不够用功!我又问他高中参加了什么课外活动,因为像是长春藤联盟(Ivy League)这类名校,如果没有好的课外活动(Extracurricular2. 2. 课外的:extracurial 法庭外解决 | extracurricular 课外的 | extracurricular activities 课外活动3. 课外课程:curriculum 全部课程(集合) | extracurricular 课外课程 | minor 辅修4. 课外:extractors 采掘性企业 | extracurricular 课外 | extracurricular 课外的extracurricular 双语例句1. Many also participated in extracurricular show many institutions theatrical performances, and has been well received by teachers and institutions.&&&&在校外也参加过很多文艺汇演还有很多事业单位的文艺演出,并得到了老师和事业单位的好评。2. Aside from coaching basketball, Lu Libi is also responsible for the team's extracurricular lessons on Tzu Chi's work and philosophy, which are aimed at imparting the value of humanity.&&&&这些课程是以慈济的四大志业为主,每个月有不同主题,从慈善,医疗,教育到人文,这个月的课程主题是环保,我必须要自己找教材来上。3. What concerns me is your extracurricular life.&&&&让我担心的是你的课余生活4. I'm sure some of you are wondering - what kinds of extracurricular activities did I do in high school to gain admission to Harvard?&&&&我敢肯定,你们中的一些人一定在想我们在高中的时候都做了哪些课外活动才获得了哈佛大学的录取呢?5. I'm sure some of you are wondering - what kinds of extracurricular activities did we do in high school to gain admission to Harvard?&&&&我敢肯定,你们中的一些人一定在想我们在高中的时候都做了哪些课外活动才获得了哈佛大学的录取呢?6. 6. The result shows that the present situation of college students taking part in extracurricular act ivies is less optimistic.&&&&结果表明:大学生参加课外体育活动的现状不容乐观,无论是周锻炼次数以及活动时间均达不到要求。7. Do you think that your extracurricular activities while in college were worth the time you devoted to tern?&&&&你觉得在大学期间花在课外活动上的时间值得吗?8. Various branches knowledge all wants, best iscan find some is extracurricular but has the help very much to me!&&&&各科的知识都要,最好就是能找到一些课外但对我很有帮助的!9. 9. As for extracurricular activities, individuals need an outlet for expressing their spiritual side and remove&&&&关於课外活动,每个人都需要纾发情绪的出口,消除日常工作的烦累。10. 10. In order to achieve all-around development, I am constantly engaged in a host of extracurricular activities.&&&&为了使自己得到全面发展,我坚持不懈地参加了各种课外活动。11. 11. In order to achieve all-round development, I am constantly engaged in a host of extracurricular activities.&&&&&&为了使自己得到全面发展,我坚持不懈地参加各种课外活动。12. Miles: I'm not on the honor roll, I can't throw a football... Nim is my extracurricular, okay?&&&&&&迈尔斯:我干不了这个,我不会扔球……让尼姆当我的外援,行吗?13. Skate association is a platform for the skaters to learn skating technology organization, enriched my extracurricular activities, expand the scope of my friends, let I met many friends on the net, enrich my university life, make my university life rich and colorful, make my college life is a combination of knowledge and entertainment, make me the challenge, over self consciousness, this is a better place, the temper themselves gave me the maximum potential opportunity, let I can go to pursue goals in life.&&&&&&轮滑协会是一个为广大轮滑爱好者提供平台来学习轮滑技术的组织,丰富了我的课外活动,扩大了我的交友范围,让我认识了许多志趣相投的朋友,充实了我的大学生活,使我大学生活丰富多彩,使我的大学生活是娱乐与知识的结合体,使我勇于挑战自我,战胜自我意识,这是更好的锤炼自己的场所,给了我最大限度的发挥潜能的机会,让我能去追求人生目标。14. The courses, extracurricular to continue to expand and enrich my field of vision to realize&&&&&&的同时,不断地向课外扩展,丰富我的视野,为实现我的梦想的奠定坚实的基础。15. 15. And if you're thinking about an extracurricular dalliance, take a step back.&&&&&&如果你在考虑工作之余的调情,打住。16. 16. Training programs in the areas of counselling, discipline, extracurricular&&&&&&校 政人员,训辅师及其他师予与政管,辅导及教学有关之课程。17. And you hav e already done remarkable things to fulfill them: your dedication to service d emonstrated in your extracurricular engagements, your concern about the future of the planet expressed in your vigorous championing of sustainability, your reinvigoration of American politics through engagement in this year`s preside ntial contests.&&&&&&而你们为了实现这些期望也已经做得很好:在对课外活动的从事中,你们展示出对于服务性工作的奉献精神;从对可持续发展的热情拥护,你们表达出对这个星球的关怀;通过对今年总统竞选的参与,你们做出了希望使美国政治重新恢复活力的实际行动。18. 18. Whether it is summer-planning, or coursework planning, or picking a major, or managing your time, you should take control of your life. In the past, I have helped you quite a bit, whether it is in college application, designing your extracurricular activities, or picking the initial coursework. I will always be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the driver`s seat – this is your life, and you need to be in control. I will always remember the exhilarating feeling in my life – that I got to decide to skip kindergarten, that I got to decide to change to computer science major, that I got to decide to leave academia for Apple, that I got to decide to go to China, that I got to decide to go to Google, and most recently, that I got to decide to start my own business. Being able to decide means you get to live the life that you want to. Life is too short to live the life others do or others want you. Being in control feels great. Try it, and you`ll love it!&&&&&&无论是暑假规划,作业规划,抑或是选专业,办理时间,你都应该卖力你的人的生活已往无论是声请黉舍、预设课外勾当或选择最初的课程,我都从旁帮忙了你不少往后,我仍然会一直站你身边,可是此刻是你本身把舵的时辰了我每每记起我生掷中那一些使人奋发的时刻--在小儿童园决议跳班,决议转到计较机科学专业,决议脱离学术界选择Apple,决议回神州,决议选择Google,以致比来选择开办我的新公司有能力举行选择象征着你会过上本身想要的糊口生命过短暂了,你不克不及过旁人想要你过的糊口掌控本身的生命是很棒的感觉,尝尝吧,你会爱上它的!19. Student government is another extracurricular activity designed to develop competitive, political, and social skills in students.&&&&&&学生会是学生中另一个用来培养学生竞争能力、政治能力和社交能力的课外活动。20. Aerobics teachers lack of theoretical knowledge of the profession and specialized knowledge in aerobics. We will improve and adjust the structure of aerobics in the future. Aerobics teachers body patterning are accord with their profession. Lot of aerobics teachers select the public aerobics as the class teaching. The level of judge and aerobics are low. Capacity of scientific research of teachers of 14 colleges of Shandong province is higher. The salary of teachers who engaged in aerobics is lower than other teachers. Several teachers are dissatisfy the teaching circumstances at present, such as lacking of courseware and facilities. And the majority of teachers who engaged in aerobics have less opportunity to taking part in advanced studies. In the results of our investigation, 84.32% percent teachers never guide aerobics team. A few aerobics teachers undertake extracurricular aerobics teaching and public aerobics teaching in colleges. 83.49% percent teachers want to accept continuation education but have little opportunity. aerobics teachers'professional mentality is healthy, active and overall stability of teachers'professional mentality. But some also tend to work for some practical considerations.&&&&&&山东省普通高校健美操师资队伍整体上是合格的,工作表现得到领导认可;从论文发表的数量讲,山东省普通高校健美操老师处于较高水平,但论文的质量还有待提高,教师写论文的动因大多是为了眼前的利益、或迫于形式要求而不是为了从教学和学科建设的发展出发做科研。5调查中发现山东省普通高校健美操教师中有84.32%的人还从未带过训练队;山东省普通高校的健美操教师很少承担课外健美操教育教学,很少参与高校内公共健美操活动;山东省普通高校健美操教师的工作待遇低于其他学科;高达83.49%的普通高校健美操教师愿意接受继续教育,但继续教育的机会较少;山东省普通高校健美操教师在施教过程中,场地器材等设施大部分能保证教学的正常需要,但教学条件还需要进一步改善和提高。extracurricular 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 extracurricular1. 课外的&&&&Extracurricular activities are activities for students that are not part of their course.extracurricular的意思&&&&e.g. Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school.&&&&&&&&&&&每个孩子都参加了学校的课外活动。&&&&e.g. ...extracurricular sport.&&&&&&&&&&&课外体育活动2. 工作之余的&&&&Extracurricular activities are activities that someone does that are not part of their normal work.&&&&e.g. The money he made from these extracurricular activities enabled him to pursue other ventures.&&&&&&&&&&&他从这些额外工作中赚取的钱使他可以从事其他事业。extracurricular 单语例句1. Chinese parents are genetically programmed to plan everything for their children, from extracurricular activities while in kindergarten to childbearing after you tie the knot.2. While tourists enjoy profound culture of Bozhou, local children also spend colorful summer holidays by entering extracurricular dancing classes and other activities.3. All 67 headmasters present at the forum pledged to make environmental awareness a constant feature of their schools'curricular and extracurricular activities.4. The pressure of middle school entrance exam is the major reason for incessant extracurricular classes.5. It is easy to know how much extracurricular activity is too much.6. Qian said the textbook is likely to be used in extracurricular classes or hobby groups, which are less frequently held than daily courses.7. The ministry also asked schools to ensure adequate numbers of chaperones for students who participate in summer camps and other extracurricular activities.8. Extracurricular books are banned in schools and students are encouraged to read only textbooks, and books that can help them study textbooks better.9. Liu said he hopes the center's extracurricular activities enable the children to live as happily as those whose parents are around.10. More than 10 primary schools in Shanghai's Pudong New Area are running extracurricular courses teaching children how to manage money this semester.extracurricular 英英释义adj1. characterized by adultery&&&&e.g. an adulterous relationship&&&&&&&&&&&extramarital affairs&&&&&&&&&&&the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband&&&&Synonym: 2. outside the regular duties of your job or profession3. outside the regular academic curriculum&&&&e.g. sports and drama are popular extracurricular activitiesextracurricular是什么意思,extracurricular在线翻译,extracurricular什么意思,extracurricular的意思,extracurricular的翻译,extracurricular的解释,extracurricular的发音,extracurricular的同义词,extracurricular的反义词,extracurricular的例句,extracurricular的相关词组,extracurricular意思是什么,extracurricular怎么翻译,单词extracurricular是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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curia的发音: 英音 [ 'kjuri? ] ; 美音 [ 'kjuri? ] curia英语翻译成中文:名词 地区元老院,元老院,法庭 www咨询Zcom#¥
&curia:One of the ten primitive subdivisions of a tribe in early Rome, consisting of ten gentes.&库里亚:一个古罗马部族的十个分区之一,由十个氏族组成.
(Roman Catholic Church) the central administration governing the Roman Catholic Church
in curia【法】 公开开庭, 在公开审讯中
cardinal in curian. 住在教廷内之枢机主教
curia magna【法】 大庭
curia regis【法】 国王的法庭, 君主法庭
curia romana【法】 罗马教庭
Roman Curian. 天主教教廷
ex curia【法】 法庭外的, 双方一致的
sedente curia【法】 开庭期
rectus in curia【法】 恢复权利, 恢复法律权利
tota curia【法】 全法院
Curian. -iae 皇家法庭
curian. 地区元老院,元老院,法庭
curiala. curia的
地区分布local distribution
无油气地区barren field
苏维翁白,欧克地区Flower Label Georges du Boeuf Sauvignon Blanc
海湾地区gulf areas
地区标志geographical indicator
环太平洋地区Pacific Rim
降落伞候选人,外来候选人(应召而来参加本人非所在地区竞选的政党候选人)parachute candidate
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