fmc btle蓝牙小米6连不上蓝牙耳机小米手机

& 荣威RX5语音命令集合!及问题集合贴!???求申精! (发表于 )
荣威RX5语音命令集合!及问题集合贴!???求申精! 语音命令集合!导航:1、导航到某某地(直接使用推荐路线,不能选择路径。)2、回家(直接导航回家,慎用!个人一用就死机,不知道为什么!)3、公司(直接去公司)4、吃饭(搜索附近餐馆,没有详情介绍)5、餐馆(搜索附近餐馆,没有详情介绍)6、加油/加油站(搜索附近加油站,没有详情介绍)7、停车/停车场(搜索附近停车场,没有详情介绍)天窗1、打开天窗(你懂得)2、通风(你懂得)3、关闭天窗(联动关闭遮阳帘,且遮阳帘独立打开需手动!)空调/座椅加热1、打开空调(自动模式)2、吹身(仪表台四个风口)3、吹脚(顾名思义)4、空调温度XX度(直接调到制定温度)5、我很热(太热了、热了)/我很冷(太冷了、冷了)(空调温度一度一度调,个人感觉比较鸡肋。)5、关闭空调(你懂得)6、打开座椅加热(主驾)7、打开副驾座椅加热(副驾)8、关闭座椅加热(关闭)音乐/电台1、FM频率(直接跳到该平率指定频道)2、播放歌名/歌手名(直接播发指定歌曲或专辑)3、播放蓝牙音乐(播放连接手机的音乐,但不能直接启动手机软件,第一次需要手动开启手机端)4、播放U盘音乐(待测试)--------分--------割-----------线---------吐??槽--------分--------割-----------线---------导航问题:1、不知道为何:只要语音输入“回家”“导航回家”“家”等命令,导航就悲剧死机。手动输入其他地址也不导航,语音输入同样,必须重启。以打400投诉,现在还没个结果。(谁还和我一样苦啊!)2、关于更新:研究了下好像更新只是针对你当前所在城市,比如我是贵阳的,提车当天就更新了,但是如果说我要去重庆,就不能提前更新该地区的地图数据。这个设定真的莫名啊?????还终身免费,我勒个去。3、在没有输入目的地导航前,导航只能提示前方路况,并不能提示超速摄像/违章摄像等情况。也没有单独开启(手机端就行)很不人性化。4、收藏地点不能从新命名,也不能同步手机端(这个问题就是日了狗了,你说以后地点收藏多了,鬼知道那是那?)5、大家吐槽最多的:地图默认朝北(仪表盘上的屏幕默认车头方向,)蓝牙问题:1、iovXXXXXX(蓝牙手机电话、音乐)2、FMC?BTLE(蓝牙钥匙,苹果ios可用!安卓滚出!这个也是日了狗的问题,但是打电话问,说是安...BtleJuice:蓝牙智能MITM框架
* 铸剑网络安全实验室CSNS-Lab
你可能喜欢android - BTLE (Bluetooth Low energy) development kit - must have proximity profile - Stack Overflow
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Can anyone point me towards a tried and tested development kit (board) for Bluetooth Low Energy?
I am especially interested in the proximity profile, and compatibility with smartphone (especially iPhones and Android devices - but also any other that would have BTLE).
Also, can you tell me which smartphones would support the proximity profile?
I note that tod list devices that have BT4.0 functionality. Of course that does not guarantee that APIs will be exposed in the SDK. If you stick with an already implemented profile then you may be ok but as I said, you certainly will not find that in the Android API16. SO, custom implementations.
One of the nice things with BT LE is that profiles are relatively "light" and hence, you can pretty easily make your own...but if the phone side API does not give access to the lower level (only talking GAP and GATT here) then not much use..
If you are looking for API support for BT LE features then there is very little at the moment. For example, Android at API16 does not support. It is all rather disappointing so far. In many instances the HW supports it but the middleware / upper layers do not. There is SOME support on iOS (with Iphone4s) and with certain Moto phones (need the SDK add on) but it is limited.
iOS is probably your best bet (who'd have thought that).
Personally I am looking to use the GAP and GATT interface on Android (ICS/JB), which is mandatory for a BT4.0 listed device (such as the BT ICs in high end smartphones) but GAP does not seem to be exposed.
Oh, and if you need a dev kit (for SW dev then this link might help > )
The Bluegiga DKBLE112 Development Board (out of the box) can communicate with the iPhone 4S on IOS 6. The IOS code tutorials by
will discover the DKBLE112, the built-in thermometer service, and the associated characteristics. The code displays the BLE information on the iPhone and in the Xcode Console if the iPhone is tethered through USB. The DKBLE112 is expensive (nearly $400) but it does include many capabilities that I have not yet explored.
The guys who produce the
seem to have done pretty well with a BLE device that functions as a proximity sensor.
They've managed to get their device working on the following phones:
iPhone 4s, Droid Razr and Razr Maxx, Samsung Galaxy S3, HTC One S, X, V, LG Optimus LTE2, Droid 4, Droid Incredible 4G LTE, HTC EVO 4g LTE, HTC Desire C, Sony Xperia GX, Sony Xperia SX, ASUS PadFone
So it is possible.
My recommendation for a dev kit is the
from Texas Instruments.
Your options for programming are either the $4,000 IAR compiler, the proprietary Bluegiga API "BGScript" (if you don't have access to IAR), or use an external microcontroller with the compiler of your choice.
I am using a TI ez430-rf256x development kit with "IAR Embedded Workbench for MSP430 v5.51.5". When TI 1st released the ez430, they were using a crappy stack that was buggy and just wasn't capable. They have now switched to a Bluetopia based stack and it is great! It comes with a LOT of samples, supports ALL profiles (including all the new low energy profiles), and is easy to use. I believe the Bluetopia stack also supports
I have it talking to my Galaxy Nexus over classic bluetooth, but unfortunately, as of Android 4.2.2, there is still no support for Bluetooth low energy (which the ez430 does support.) It appears that Google may address this issue in Android 4.2.3. In my opinion, there is no reason to use something like Bluegiga, as you will pay more in licensing costs to them, than you will spend on a compiler like IAR. This is a link to an explanation of the new stack that TI is using:
I realize this is an old question and in disclosure I am a developer on this project: .
Anaren has produced a Bluetooth Smart Multi-Sensor Development Board with the A27037 module based on the Broadcom BCM27037 that is compatible with the Wiced SDK.
It also features an online development environment that is a GUI/IDE that allows you to both program the module and create associated iOS and android applications to communicate with it.
The development kit is available from various distributors and the development tool is free to use.
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vt. 将某物打成包或包装成捆 | n. 大包,...
n. 胆汁;愤怒
低功耗蓝牙技术是基本   最基本的一个技术原理依然是低能耗蓝牙(BTLE),这个并不陌生的技术。这也是目前大多数可穿戴设备与手机和计算机设备沟通的主要方式。
成的藍牙低功耗( BTLE)協議棧以及對通用 SIG低功耗配置文件的板載支持既加速了產品的上
- 来自原声例句


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