Robert Forst的Nothing gold can stay美景易逝赏析是什么类型的诗歌

Nothing Gold Can Stay
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Nothing Gold Can Stay
&&by Robert Frost
/ / /Introduction
Nothing Gold Can Stay IntroductionIn A Nutshell
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" is hard to describe in a nutshell, because, well, it's somewhat of a nutshell in itself. It demonstrates one of the main reasons why its writer, , was able to create so many enduring poems: he had a knack for summing up the whole world in a few elegant little lines. Frost, one of America's (if not the world's) most beloved poets, wrote some very successful long poems, like
But he's most famous for the poems
and  which are only a few lines longer than "Nothing Gold Can Stay." And it's his shortest works, poems like "Nothing Gold Can Stay," and —eight and nine lines long, respectively—that prove that big things can indeed come in small packages. Short enough that it's easy to memorize, and hard to forget to begin with, "Nothing Gold Can Stay" covers everything from a tiny leaf, to the cycle of the sun, to the , in only eight lines. In other words, this poem is expansive, so be careful not to make early conclusions from the title. Instead of being all about the benjamins, this poem is more about gold as a symbol of youth and beauty. And like the gold of , the gold in these verses—the joy of youth and beauty—can never last. Bummer, right?
Why Should I Care?
If you've ever seen the golden buds of a willow tree in early spring, or woken up before dawn to watch the hues of a sunrise, or even fallen in and out of love, you know that nothing gold can stay.Puppies become dogs, kids become adults, and the rosy glow of newness is beautiful, but, unfortunately, fleeting. This is something we've all encountered in life, whether it's as insignificant as your just-bought car no longer smelling so new, or as important as the waning of your adolescence. This poem takes these moments of our lives and puts them into a short, fleeting poem that's pure gold through and through. Throw in a little bit about the rising sun and the , and you've got a poem that addresses the transience of beauty in not only a spring day, but in the whole world.
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& 2018 Shmoop University. All rights reserved. We speak tech
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扰乱——搅扰,使混乱或不安. 哀鸣——悲哀地叫. 狩猎——打猎. 哀号——悲哀地哭嚎. 喧嚣——1、声音杂乱;不清静2、叫嚣,喧嚷 喑哑——嗓子干涩发布处声音或发音低而不清楚. 沉寂——1、十分寂静2、消息全无 静谧——安静 篡夺——用不正当的手段夺取(地位或权力) 劫掠——用武力夺取(财务或人) 酷爱——非常爱好 弱
关于诗歌:Robert Frost - Nothing Gold Can Stay罗伯特·弗罗斯特 - 美景易逝编辑本段诗歌简介《美景易逝(Nothing Gold Can Stay)》罗伯特·弗罗斯特的代表作之一.此诗于1923年写就,即于当年十月在《耶鲁杂志(The Yale Review)》上刊印出版,随后就被收
是的,用v 表示,如 :与 yv
中国人的名字,翻译成 用字母的语言(英文德文西班牙语法文等)都是中文拼音唯一差别就是 姓 放在名字后面.( 所以中国人出国的护照上面就是拼音)但是你可以自己选一个自己喜欢的 英文名字,平时朋友间,同学同事之间用.重要的,正规的情况下,只能用自己中文名字的拼音哦.
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Robert Frost罗伯特·弗罗斯特PPT_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。 Brief Introduction...1—3节为第一层,诗人描述了选择人迹罕至的路并不是草率决定的,而 是经历了...
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美国文学American Literature_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。美国文学 英语专业八级...Robert Frost(罗伯特. 弗罗斯特) ?one of the undisputed masters of modern ...From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nothing Gold Can Stay
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf'
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
"Nothing Gold Can Stay" is a poem by , written in 1923, and published in
in October of that year. It was later published in the collection
(1923; copyright renewed 1951) that earned Frost the
. New Hampshire also included Frost's poems "" and "".
Alfred R. Ferguson wrote of the poem, "Perhaps no single poem more fully embodies the ambiguous balance between paradisiac good and the paradoxically more fruitful human good than 'Nothing Gold Can Stay,' a poem in which the metaphors of
cohere with the idea of ."
John A. Rea wrote about the poem's " symmetry", citing as examples the second line's "hardest – hue – hold" and the seventh's "dawn – down – day"; he also points out how the "stressed vowel
also contribute strongly to the structure of the poem" since the back round
bind the lines of the poem's first
together while the front rising diphthongs do the same for the last four lines.
In 1984, William H. Pritchard called the poem's "perfectly limpid, toneless assertion" an example of Frost demonstrating how "his excellence extended also to the shortest of figures", and fitting Frost's "later definition of poetry as a momentary stay against confusion."
In 1993, George F. Bagby wrote the poem "projects a fairly comprehensive vision of experience" in a typical but "extraordinarily compressed" example of
that "moves from a detail of vegetable growth to the history of human failure and suffering."
The poem is featured in both the 1967 novel
and the , recited aloud by the character Ponyboy to his friend Johnny. In a subsequent scene Johnny quotes a stanza from the poem back to Ponyboy through a letter right after he dies.
Nothing Gold Can Stay is the name of the debut
by American
band , released on October 19, 1999.
Becca, the daughter of main character , recites the poem in the opening scene of "Girls, Interrupted", the seventh episode in the first season of the tv series . The episode first aired on September 24, 2007.
The poem is referenced in
2014 album : "But just as the moon it shall stray/So dawn goes down today/No gold can stay/No gold can stay."
. Stanford's Copyright Renewal Database. . Registration Date: 15Nov23, Renewal Date: 20Sep51, Registration Number: A759931, Renewal Id: R83504
. Online Journal and Multimedia Companion to Anthology of Modern American Poetry. . 2000.
Stephen M. Deusner (). . Pitchfork.


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