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Print version ISSN
Clinics vol.66 no.12 S?o Paulo
Continuously variable rating: a new, simple and logical procedure to evaluate original scientific publications
Mauricio Rocha e Silva
OBJECTIVE: Impact Factors (IF) are widely used surrogates to evaluate single articles, in spite of known shortcomings
imposed by cite distribution skewness. We quantify this asymmetry and propose a simple computer-based
procedure for evaluating individual articles.
METHOD: (a) Analysis of symmetry. Journals clustered around nine Impact Factor points were selected from the
medical &&Subject Categories&& in Journal Citation Reports 2010. Citable items published in 2008 were retrieved and
ranked by granted citations over the Jan/2008 - Jun/2011 period. Frequency distribution of cites, normalized
cumulative cites and absolute cites/decile were determined for each journal cluster. (b) Positive Predictive Value.
Three arbitrarily established evaluation classes were generated: LOW (1.3<IF,2.6); MID: (2.6<IF,3.9); HIGH:
(IF>3.9). Positive Predictive Value for journal clusters within each class range was estimated. (c) Continuously
Variable Rating. An alternative evaluation procedure is proposed to allow the rating of individually published
articles in comparison to all articles published in the same journal within the same year of publication. The general
guiding lines for the construction of a totally dedicated software program are delineated.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Skewness followed the Pareto Distribution for (1&K&2). Observed Positive Predictive
Values ranged from 24 - 43% for over 98% of the selected journals in the ISI database. Continuously Variable Rating
is shown to be a simple computer based procedure capable of accurately providing a valid rating for each article within the journal and time frame in which it was published.
Keywords: S Scientific Article E Impact F Citations.
It is universally acknowledged in the realm of Scientometrics that Impact Factors (IF) reflect, albeit
imperfectly, the importance of scientific journals, but come
nowhere near evaluating the individual research
d therein. The discrepancy stems from a well
fact: distribution of citations amongst authors is
skewed for the vast majority of periodicals. 1At first sight, it
might be tempting to suppose that peer review would be an
antidote against asymmetry. A reasonable corollary would
then follow: the higher and mightier the journal, the more
stringently selected the published science, the less skewed
the citation distribution might be. In other words, peer review and a high level of rejection might defeat the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule which states that for most human driven events, 80% of actions come from 20%
of agents.2 If peer review and stringent selection were an
effective antidote one might expect that articles published in
the most prestigious journals would attain a more symme
trical distribution of citations.
To test these ideas, I collected data from 60 journals listed
in the ISI Journal Citations Report 2010.3All journals were
retrieved from Subject Categories with a direct interest to
e, at nine different Impact Factor points. Medicine
was chosen because of the direct interest to a medical journal,
but also to ensure a homogeneous collection of journals from
the point of view of inherent citation strength. The result of
this analysis prompted me to define and launch a new concept of article evaluation which can be made effective through relatively simple arithmetic computer programs.
Three separate procedures were performed.
(a) Analysis of symmetry. Jo
urnals classified under
medically related &&Subject Categories&& clustered around nine different Impact Factor points were selected from the 2010 Journal Citation Reports.
illustrates the general content of these groupings. The following exclusion criteria
opted: (i) Review J (ii) Journals with very
numbers of citable items, to reduce the chance of a
deviant, extremely well cited individual article deforming th (iii) Journals with very large numbers of citable
to reduce potential mistakes associated with hand
All citable items (original research and review
articles) published during the year 2008 were retrieved from
Tables provided under the Cited Reference Search
heading of ISI-THOMSON Web of Sciences site posted during
the first week of July, 2011.4An excel table was compiled for
each journal to include all the posted data. A &&clean&& excel
spread sheet was derived therefrom as follows: (a) obviously
ble duplicate citation entries were merged together, (b)
doubtful entries (no Article ID, no &&View Record&&),
editorial material and other non-citable items were excluded,
misquotes were discarded. This &&clean&& database for each
journal contained all granted citations obtained by each article
within the window stretching from Jan/2008 to Jun/2011. An estimate of citations/year was obtained based on the following assumptions:
1. On harvest week, the &&oldest&& papers were 42 months old (01/01/2008 &#150; dd/mm/yyyy -to 01/07/2011); the &&newest&& 30 months old (31/12/08 to 01/07/2011); assuming a steady flow of articles through the year, the
average article &&age&& of each article is 36 months.
2. A six months latency between publication and first cites
was assumed, as suggested by Eugene Garfield is his classical 2004 lecture.1Thus the collection had an average citation window of 30 months.
3. The total number of cites/article was therefore divided by 2.5; this was assumed as a cites/year reading for the life of these articles.
Each excel table was reordered by decreasing number of cites/year. Frequency distribution of cites per article, normalized cumulative cites and absolute cites/decile of distribution were determined for all articles within each Journal cluster.
(b) Determination of Positive Predictive Value. The use of the Impact Factor of a journal as a surrogate for evaluating the citability of articles published therein was evaluated by applying the concept of Positive Predictive Value to the procedure. The Positive Predictive Value of a diagnostic procedure, also known as its Precision Rate2is given by the following relation
To determine PPV, three arbitrarily established journal classes were generated: a LOW class (IFLOW) comprising journals with an Impact Factor such that 1.3<IFLOW&2.6; a MID class (IFMID) containing journals satisfying the relation 2.6<IFMID&3.9; a HIGH class with IFHIGH>3.9. Positive Predictive Value was determined for journal clusters within each classification class range as follows: an article published in a journal within a given classification class was deemed a True Positive if it was granted N cites/year, N being comprised within
it was deemed a False Positive if this condition was not met. To exemplify, an article published in a HIGH class journal is a true positive if it
is granted 3.9 or more cited per year, whereas an article
d in a mid class journal is a true positi
ve if it is granted 2.6 or more AND less that 3.9 cites/year.
illustrates the class boundaries and the positions of Journal Clusters with respect to class boundaries.
(c) Continuously Variable Rating (CVR). A new system
is proposed that allows the rating of individually published
articles in comparison to all articles published by the same
within the sam
e year. Data for calculating this para
meter are readily available in the Half-life tables of ISI
ON Journal Citations Report. 3Half-life Tables cover a ten year span.
exhibits the data required for the calculation of CVR of an article published in journal &&J&&:
If an article &&A&& was published in Year &&n&& its CVR for Year Zero is given by the relation:
is the Impact Factor of Journal &&J&& in the Year Z
GCAn is the number of cites granted in year zero to article &&A&& (published in Year n).
&#931;AAn and &#931;GCn are defined in .
Two features of CVR should be noted:
1. Year Zero is mobile, so that CVRA0 can be recalculat
2. Year &&n&& can be any year from zero backwards to &&-9&&, so that articles published within a ten-year interval, including those published in Year Zero can be evaluated.
The general guiding lines for the construction of a totally dedicated software program may be deducted from the supplied algorithm.
(a) Analysis of Symmetry.
compares the calculated
cites/year parameter as described above for the three major
journal clusters to their respective mean 2010 Impact Factors:
no significant differences occur for any of the three levels.
This result validates the use of this procedure to evaluate
citations t
o articles over these first three years of their
d life: consequently all data transformed in this
manner shall be referred to as cites/year.
plots frequency distribution of cites/year for
three journal clusters (impact factors 1.8, 3.1 and 4.3). As
expected, distribution shifts gradually leftward as Impact
Factor increases but no symmetry is apparent for any of the
shows normalized cumulative citations for
each decile, from one (highest) to ten for each of the three
major clusters: the 20% most cited papers collect 50% of
cites. In contrast, the bottom 50% are left with no more than
20% of cites. The lower 20% of papers add only 3% to the
total. The same applies to smaller samples of higher impact and even to extremely high Impact Factor Journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine, with an Impact Factor of 53.49 in 2010. If anything, the distribution for the
New England Journal of Medicine is slightly more skewed
than the average.
represents theoretical Pareto
ve distributions for three different values of K. 5 Cumulative citations lie between K1 and K2 values.
displays distributions of individual articles within the journals in the three major clusters. As expected, citations/year is a strict function of Impact Factor.
(b) Positive Predictive Value (PPV). The use of the Impact Factor of journals as a surrogate
measure of the
impact Factor was tested for the three arbitrarily selected
classification groups.
PPV for the HIGH Impact Factor Class (). For articles
d in journals with IF>3.9, a cutoff value of 3.9 cites/
was used to define PPV: true positives for the HIGH
p are all articles with (cites/year>3.9). Conversely, articles
with (cites/year&3.9) are False Positives. When data from the
Major Cluster IF
4.3 are analyzed, True Positives represent
43% of the sample of 3,170 articles, 57% being False Positives.
All False Positives are articles upgraded into this class. Thus for
cluster, PPV = 0.43; As might be logically expected,
nals in cluster 3.9, have a lower PPV (0.28), while the three
clusters (IF 6.0, 8.0 and 10.0) exhibit progressively
g PPVs, which tend to 1.00 in the latter group.
for the MID Impact Factor Class (). The
ies of this class are IF 2.6 (lower) and 3.9 (higher).
sequently articles published in Journals within this class
exhibiting the adequate number of granted cites/year are
True Positives, whereas all others are False Positives. At the
-point of this class, (Major Cluster IF = 3.1) PPV equals 0.24.
se Positives are (a) upgraded with cites/yr &2.6,
ting 49% of the collection, (b) downgraded with
>3.9, 27% of the articles. Sitting between LOW and
H, this group has very different properties from the
H group, as shown in : moving from the lower
to the higher boundary has very little effect on the PPV: at
the lower boundary, upgraded False Positives are maximal, while downgra at the upper border, the opposite happens.
or the LOW Impact Class (). Any journal
within the boundaries Impact Factor 1.3 to 2.6 is a LOW
journal. Articles published therein are True Positives with
cites/year between 1.3 and 2.6, but False Positives other
t the mid-point of this class (Cluster IF = 1.84)
0.28. False Positives come in three categories: (a)
39% of overrated articles, with less than 1.3 cites/ (b)
18% underrated articles which truly belong in the MID
(c): 15% underrated articles which truly belong in the HIGH
class. As occurs with the MID class, and for the same reasons, PPV here is low and fairly constant throughout the class.
Continuously Variable Rating is best explained through an example. Data from the half-life tables published by Journal
of Citations Report 2010 were used.3For any
nal, this table contains the total number of citations
in the current year (2010 in the illustration) to
published in that
same year and in the nine
eding years.
reproduced and modified from
MSON JCR refers to Journal &&ISSN XXXX-X322&&
Factor2010 = 3.20). To the published data I have
added one line for the number of citable items in every year, also obtained fro
m the same source, and one for the
correspo nding average cites/article for each year.
Three imaginary papers &&published&& in this journal, as
were granted 3 citations each in 2010. The
three papers can be matched to the corresponding average
(respectively 3.88, 3.11, and 1.64 citations
in 2010) and their performance calculated as Observed/
Expected ratios. Multiplied by the Journal&s Impact Factor
these ratios produce a corrected rating for each paper. This would be, per definition, the Continuously Variable Rating for each of these three articles in 2010.
This digression relates to the manner in which scientific production is rated by many educational or grant distributing agencies which use the Impact Factor as a surrogate measure for the citation potential of articles published therein. This policy contradicts common sense and ignores the very wellknown Garfield recommendation on the subject:
&&The use of journal impact factors instead of actual article citation counts to evaluate individuals is a highly controversial issue. Granting and other policy agencies often wish to bypass the work involved in obtaining actual citation counts for individual articles and authors. & Thus, the impact factor is used to estimate the expected influence of individual papers, which is rather dubious considering the known skewness observed for most journals.&&1
Maybe it would not be inappropriate to add here that after examining circa 60 journals (approximately 8,000 articles) with Impact Factors ranging from 1.3 to 55.0 I still have not encountered a single journal which does not very approximately follow a 50/20 distribution: 50% of citations come from the top 20% articles, 20% come from the 50% less
cited items. This is obviously reminiscent of the Pareto rule
(also known as the 80/20 rule &#150; 80% of actions come from
20% of agents). Figure 3B represents the expanded Pareto
ion, which is a power law probability distribution,
comprising a family of curves which are a function of K. Journal citations conform to the Pareto cumulative distribution function for k ~2.
Generally used justifications for the &&surrogate&& policy are: (a) the acceptance of a paper for publication by a high impact journal is an implied indicator of prestige and (b) recently published articles may not have had enough time to be cited, so that journal impact factor is the only valid evaluation tool.
There can be no question that acceptance of a paper by a prestigious journal (and prestigious journals do have high impact factors &#150; the two tend to go together) must be taken into consideration in any evaluation process worth its salt. However, it is definitely not synonymous with citations as demonstrated, by applying the concept of positive predictive value to the analysis. It is appropriate to remember that PPV is also known as the precision rate of a test. It is a critical measure of the performance of a diagnostic method, as it measures the probability of a &&positive result&& be the reflex of the underlying condition being tested.2
The second caveat alleged by supporters of the &&surrogate&&
policy is that recently published papers cannot be properly
evaluated. No evidence has ever been produced to support this concept, which has been qualitatively and quantitatively refuted elsewhere.1I shall return to the point further along.
PPV cannot be calculated for a single journal if defined as the proportion of articles with cites &IF. The result would be absurd because IF is an average and thus represents the central tendency of cites/document/year. Even for a symmetrical distribution, this incongruous PPV might never exceed 0.5. The asymmetrical condition of this particular distribution guarantees that less that 30% of articles in any journal are cited in excess of its IF. This in itself exposes the flawed characteristics of &&surrogate&& evaluation.
In this study, I calculated PPV within the framework of classification classes. The best PPV is found for a top class (such as the HIGH class in this article), with no upper boundary. Journals above the class cutoff limit will necessarily exhibit progressively higher PPVs. Journals close to the cutoff point for this class will have low PPVs. All False Positives will actually be upgraded articles which do not make the expected cites/year. Thus, if an agency defines only one cutoff point it will create a system whereby publishing in a journal as close as possible to the cutoff is the most advantageous way of making the most of the system. Publishing in such a journal will be presumably easier than publishing further up the scale and maximizes the authors& chances of an upgrade. Publishing in journals with a much higher impact than the cutoff point virtually ensures that the publication will not be a False Positive. However, in the immortal words of the bard, &&there needs no ghost, my Lord, come from his grave to tell us that&&.
But the really critical problems occur when we look at agencies which define two or more classification classes. All but the highest class will necessarily have lower and upper boundaries, such as the MID and LOW classes of this simulation. PPVs are very low here. False positives mainly comprise upgraded articles, as a consequence of skewness. However, a substantial number of articles published in these journals are downgraded. Thus the surrogate procedure is great for lowly cited, but terrible for highly cited articles. If this sounds bad, it is definitely not all of the bad news. Because of the known tendency of citation granters to favor citing top, rather than not-quite-so-top journals, downgraded articles are suffering a double penalty for their infelicitous choice of a journal.
One might well inquire why such a system was ever put into practice. The answer probably lies in the utter convenience of a procedure that allows the rating of a very large number of articles through a computer-generated software command.
The essential concept behind CVR can be simply stated: how well does a paper published in any given journal perform in comparison to all other papers published in the same journal, within the same time frame?
Such an analysis can be attempted through several of the available metrics, such as Eigen Factor, Scimago Journal Ranking, or through simple citation readings. For the sake of simplicity I have decided to use citations. The described result,
to the best of my knowledge, has never been spelt out in this
detail, so I termed it CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE RATING. When this procedure is adopted, as in the example of
and , a number of facts become immediately obvious:
1. Granted Citations in themselves are not a good guide. In
the imaginary series of , the three articles get identical numbers of citations, but the corrected ratings show how differently they performed.
relating to real papers can be collected from applications submitted
all the examiner program requires is journal identification, and the year of publication.
3. Cites accorded to the paper in the year of evaluation can be retrieved from the appropriate source.
4. The method is simple enough to be handled by a relatively unsophisticated arithmetical program and yields CVRs for each paper submitted to evaluation. The entire system operates within the domain of rational numbers.
5. CVR is dynamic, because it
can be recalculated on a yearly basis, subject to the practical limitation mentioned below. An appropriate database can store such information and create a history for each published article.
6. CVR takes into account the IF of the journal where the article is published. Articles with identical observed/ expected ratios published in journals with different IF will reflect such differences in their CVRs.
but certainly not least, VERY RECENTLY PUBLISHED PAPERS can be accurately evaluated. I believe this will lay to rest the unsubstantiated claims of naysayers.
A final step might be for the agency to match corrected ratings to its standards.
What if Imaginary #1 paper had been published in a journal with an impact factor say 6.4 (twice higher). Further, what if it had harvested the same 3 cites it got where it was published. What would its CVR be? Obviously there is no mathematically exact answer to this question. But because IFs are related to cites, it would not be far-fetched to suppose that the corresponding &&expected cites&& should also grow by a factor of approximately &&2&&. Consequently CVRnew of Imaginary #1 paper would be
In other words, duplication would cancel off in the &&IF&& and in the &&expected&& terms. Consequently, in this scenario, CVR would be relatively independent of Impact Factor. If this were to be the case (and only a thorough simulation might determine this), CVRs would be way ahead of the &&surrogate&& procedure in assessing published science.
It may certainly be argued that by being published in a higher IF journal Imaginary #1 would harvest more cites and that consequently its CVR would effectively grow. But here we go into a truly wild speculative world. Because no paper, whether real or imaginary can be ethically published in two different journals, all we can do is live with analogies. The laws of nature mercifully dictate that one cannot run a control experiment on one&s own life.
A practical limitation is that half-life data change on a yearly basis, even though the basic pattern remains fairly constant for any journal over the years. A second limitation applies to journals in the Scimago-Scopus collection but not present in the ISI-JCR. Citation rates in the two collections are virtually identical, but data required for the calculation of CVR are not directly available in the SCIMAGO-SCOPUS site.6
In contrast with these limitations, the gains to be reaped in terms of coherence and simplification are enormous. CVR does away with the need of ranking journals, a cumbersome and
awkward process. To illustrate this point suffice it to say that
the Brazilian Federal Agency in charge of rating
Brazilian Graduate Courses lists and ranks over 3,000 journals
for Medicine.7Conversely, because different Areas of Evaluation have different inherent citation properties, any journal may be (and often is) rated differently in different Areas.
For CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE RATING to be adopted a fair amount of groundwork must be performed, either directly by rating agencies, or by commission to the rating institutions. The final result however will be a fair, rational and transparent rating system where the plague of excessive false negatives may be truly minimized.
In summary a new evaluation system is proposed for published original research, CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE RATING, which takes into account the citation potential of individual articles within the context of the periodical in which it is published and performance vis-a'-vis the ensemble of articles published in the same journal. The system can be operated through totally dedicated relatively simple software.
1. Garfield E. The Agony and the Ecstasy&#151;The History and Meaning of the Journal Impact Factor. International Congress on Peer Review And Biomedical Publication Chicago, September 16, 2005. Retrieved from .
2. Positive predictive value. Retrieved September 10th, 2011 from .
3. ISI Thomson Web of Knowledge. Retrieved from Journal of Citations Report, in .
4. ISI Thomson Web of Knowledge. Retrieved from Web of Science, Science Citation Search in .
5. Kleiber C, Kotz S. (2003). Statistical Size Distributions in Economics and Actuarial Sciences. Wiley. ISBN 0-471-15064-9.
6. SCImago. (2007). SJR &#151; SCImago Journal & Country Rank. Retrieved from .
7. Capes-Qualis, retrieved from
Received for publication on September 1, 2011; First review completed on October 10, 2011; Accepted for publication on October 10, 2011
No potential conflict of interest was reported.
Tel.: 55 11
CLINICS 66(12):.
Rocha e Silva M (2011). Continuously Variable Rating: a new simple and logical procedure to evaluate original scientific publications.
All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a


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